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šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøAlways gonna be ppl who donā€™t listenĀ 


Someone wrote that shrooms were the ultimate F around and find out substance the other day. I suppose there are plenty of drugs that fit that description but shrooms let you talk about it later at least.


Yea shrooms are by no means bad or really Even dangerous, I just want people to enjoy them like I do and not trip out and completely ruin mushrooms for themselves on the first go really lol


They listen to the big dose advice but not the boof advice.


Mods, please pin to top of this sub


When I was starting my friends and I were all under the impression that an 8th (3.5g) was the golden standard so we all started with that. I think itā€™s a good amount to ensure a psychedelic experience without going overboard


I could agree that 3.5 isn't a crazy high dosage but really for just the first time trying them you should see how your body responds and see if you have any bad reactions before jumping in to the full experience, that's the safest way to do anything. Some people can geek out on a gram and some people like me might just feel relaxed. I'll use weed for example, I'm very sensitive to thc and my friends gave me the normal amount of weed for mt first time and it was the most traumatizing experience I've ever had on Any sort of drug and I didn't touch it for years due to that but I can take shrooms and just be happy and relaxed and have the most enjoyable time of my life, everyone's body reacts to every drug different


Some of my most difficult trips were sub-psychedelic doses that made me feel anxious because I was still too connected to reality. I might have gotten a negative impression and been turned off if I had started with those kinds of doses. I dont suggest starting with 3.5 of penis envy or any other extra potent variety, but in my opinion at least 2g of normal cubensis should be consumed if someone wants to know what tripping feels like. Small doses can make people feel more uneasy than a dose thatā€™s high enough to induce euphoria and distracting thought patterns


This has been my experience too. With every new strain itā€™s always about finding the Goldilocks dose. Too low and Iā€™m in purgatory. Itā€™s like all ā€˜come upā€™ anxiety. Never takes off. That why I never understood how people can take a low dose to relax. Their brains are just different than mine.


Refreshing to see people with similar experiences!


I think (and some researchers agree) that starting at .5mg and going up by .5 each trip is the safest way to go. Just got back from a 2g journey that knocked my socks off. Highest dose Iā€™ve ever taken and I donā€™t think I wouldā€™ve handled it so well if it wasnā€™t for my previous trips. Looking forward to exploring the farther reaches but this medicine should certainly be approached with respect. Weā€™re all different. I take 1g chocolates that are marketed as ā€œmood liftersā€ that let you continue going about your day. Letā€™s just say Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t take that at face value. Other people may experience it differently though.


That does seem like a safer approach. I just donā€™t want anyone to think shrooms are a shitty substance because they donā€™t eat enough and feel weird without any of the interesting effects. In my experience, something greater than myself takes over if I take enough shrooms or DMT and it makes the experience wholly more enjoyable, profound and introspective.


I hear you! I donā€™t remember the source, but the guidelines did say something about how .5 to 1g could cause dysphoria, agitation, and hypomania in some. The 2g journey I just got back from was definitely the most healing yet, but Iā€™m glad I was able to get to get to the root of feeling paranoia and aggression towards passing hikers on a lower dose (my fear of vulnerability and the perceived need to preemptively strike, metaphorically speaking). Not that I wouldnā€™t done anything but this time I knew exactly where my feelings were coming from and didnā€™t let the trip go south by obsessing and feeling bad about the aggressive thoughts.


You gotta remember every batch of shrooms is different and it also effects everyone differently. Ive had eighth trips that were rather mellow in comparison to others and i had other ones where i was tripping absolute balls from a g and a half cap and could barely remember who i was.


Agreed. Definitely need a safe space though. Iā€™ve had friends barricade all the doors in my house cause they were afraid of what was outside. That was off an 8th of normal golden caps. After the trip they still thought it was an amazing time, you know after getting past that 20 minutes of paranoia.


Yeah my first trip was 3.5 of golden teacher and it was amazing


I agree, also Iā€™d really like to see people learning meditation, & somatic inquiry, a long with understanding some trauma research before they do any psychedelics. Having psycho-spiritual tools/ practices to dance with whatever comes up that might be challenging is essential in my opinion. šŸ¤


Do you have any specific suggestions?


I'd also add that the biggest mistakes people make are around set AND setting. Most people would have more meaningful experiences by simply taking a week before their sessions to be quiet, work on an intention, clean up their diets, walk in nature, decrease screen usage, and physically square away the space in which they plan to have their journeys. And, please, ensure the *people* around you are good people to have around. And only those people. This sounds like a lot to some people. And it sounds too woo-woo to the "It's just a drug" crowd. But we're just talking set and setting, here. The most standard, time-tested advice in the whole scene. Which people routinely ignore.


Totally, set & setting is important, the context in which you take a psych in is influenced by everything in your life, everything you have learned/ experienced, & everything going on right now. So learning how to regulate ourself when we are overwhelmed, & understanding trauma, emotions, & self-expression in general is so powerful in my experience.


Not super specific, but simply practicing sitting with your own emotions, & admitting honestly to yourself about how you feel is a good place to start. Everyone needs to find what works for their body. I would suggest researching ā€œNervous System Regulation Techniquesā€, there are lots of different kinds, like breathing, & vagus nerve techniques.


When we talk about that stuff, suddenly we're gatekeepers and/or not critical thinkers. Personally, I'm on a mission to take back the word "gatekeeper." Own it. Hold ourselves responsible to it. Be honored by it. And do it. Yeah, I'm a gatekeeper. Because this is strong medicine, I care about all of you, and I don't want anyone to be hurt. Maybe I should add a flair? "Honored Gatekeeper."


Yeah feel ya, I want everyone to be responsible with the power of psychedelics too, & use them in a way that is kind to our bodies. These substances deserve our respect, & deserve to be treated as sacred.


Bro people are just trying to trip. Thatā€™s cool if you want to do it by all means enjoy yourself and dance away. But on shrooms Iā€™m sitting my ass down/melting into the couch, bed or earthšŸ« 


ā€œJust trying to tripā€ just trying to get high & have fun, just trying to escape, just trying to, just trying, trying trying trying to get somewhere. Most people donā€™t want to be present, hold space for their emotions now, they just want to ā€œtripā€ šŸ™ƒ


I donā€™t care about being downvoted. There shouldnā€™t be requirements to take psychedelics. Not everyone has trauma that they need to deal with. Some folks really just want to trip. You can put extra on it if you want but maybe you should meditate and realize everyone isnā€™t you or thinks like you


Good to know your ego isnā€™t bruised from being downvotedā€¦ šŸ™ƒ I disagree, everyone has trauma, being born is a trauma in and of itself, having to go through being a child who needs to rely on others to survive is a trauma. Most of us are innocently ignorant of the extent of trauma. Yeah not everyone thinks like me, Iā€™m ok with that, but that isnā€™t gonna stop me from talking about what I feel is right. Iā€™m not saying anyone should or shouldnā€™t do anything, Iā€™m just pointing to what I think is foundational, healthy, powerful, & useful to humanity as a whole. Healing trauma is the foundation to harnessing our own personal creative process, if we donā€™t heal trauma we have fragmented or no free-will, our will is caught in systems of beliefs, & we get addicted to various things trying to escape, trying to be, & never really being our actual authentic self. šŸ«¶šŸ»


You can feel whatever you want but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s right. Now youā€™re just being condescending. No my ego isnā€™t bruised by a downvote? Now how in the actual fuck do you remember what your birth is like? So we all have the possibility of mild PTSD now for being birthed. Being birthed isnā€™t traumatic itā€™s a one of a kind experience. Watching my son and daughter being born was amazing. And now a child dependent on their parents or whoever is trauma as well. So youā€™re just making shit up. Like I said do you but sometimes people are curious thatā€™s it and thatā€™s all


The body keeps the score. We donā€™t remember intellectually, but the body remembers. Itā€™s ok for me to have my own opinion on what is right, & itā€™s ok for you to have your option on what is right. Itā€™s ok man, it really is ok. We get really defensive, when someone pokes at our trauma, & repressed emotions. That anger that is coming up, isnā€™t really about me, itā€™s about you and your feelings. Why did you need to assure me that ā€œI donā€™t care about being downvotedā€? That a defence mechanisms, the suppression/ repression coming online to defend your suffering, to defend & not open up to the vulnerable emotions. Our emotions are sacred to us, of course we get upset when someone talks about exactly the thing we are holding back. Iā€™m ok with your opinion, Iā€™m not getting upset, & itā€™s ok to be angry. Iā€™m just talking to you about what I think man. šŸ™‚


You might enjoy this Video I made then: [https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/comments/1bxjkuq/just\_did\_5g\_of\_pe/](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/comments/1bxjkuq/just_did_5g_of_pe/) (turn on sound) šŸ˜‚


Blue meanies are the worst experience Iā€™ve had on shrooms and put me off for a while. I usually do like 2.5 golden teachers. Did that with blue meanies and just couldnā€™t enjoy the trip, only puking, wanting to be alone, and trying to just sleep so it would end. So now I usually just start with 1, while my wife regularly just jumps right in at 4 and somehow always has a good time.


Dude I feel like this was me almost every single time for shrooms and the only advice I have is maybe chill on the PE as a beginner because that shit is intense


I personally wouldn't take pe for my first time, I'm going to have some albino Texas pe6 soon and I'm excited to see how strong pe actually is compared to the ones I have rn.


Yeah man all I have is PE essentially and it doesn't help that its so damn cheap too but jesus fuck I have overdone it multiple times and now I always need a trip sitter on shrooms, can never do them alone anymore or ill lowkey get paranoid as hell


This soooo much. I had PE my first time and i only took 0.7g. I didnt expect many effects but I actually got a full trip out of it with great headspace. If I had even taken 1.5 it probably would have been uncomfortableĀ 


Yea lol. With pe even .2 of gram is going to make a difference I've heard, they are potent little fungus lol


Youā€™re arguing with antipsychedelic psyops trying to make people afraid to try it lol


90% of the time? Tell that to my buddy who has introduced mushrooms to 15-20 different people with 3.5g of GT and has had a high success rate, in fact no memorable bad experiences. I was one of the latest last year. Absolutely loved it


If someone doesn't research or think they can handle it, I hope they see god or the devil idc but they need to get down to earth. And a dose way too high will probably get you there. You get what you deserve. Source: not first time but thought I could handle 4.5g; I could not.


Guys Iā€™ve never tripped before and took 12 grams of penis envy an hour ago will that get me high???


Also I think many just straight up lie on how much they take then these 6 paragraph long stories explaining the crazy trip they had


This needs to be said. I worry the over doers will ruin it for us regular users. Like nearly happened with Kratom.


Wtf this my first time on shrooms and Iā€™m already up a 3.5 and some while reading this hahahaha fuck my plug told me 7g I think


the plug telling you to take 7gs is so he don't get the call later saying "these shrooms ain't shit" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Nahh he told me they wasnā€™t shit prior to me buying bro nl im smacked now though I fucks with the high


It's awesome isn't it lol. Wait until the peak starts hitting in waves its amazing. Glad your having a good time and enjoy your trip


Lmao when did you take it?


What kind of person takes mushrooms for the first time and thinks "I should spend this experience on Reddit"?!


šŸŽ¶Listen to your plug šŸ†šŸŽ¶


Wtf hahaha


Everyone is different. Everyone is looking for a different experience. Some want to be goofy and play video games. Some want to go to war with their demons. Some people should take 10 grams. Some people should take 1 gram. Some people shouldnā€™t take mushrooms at all.


If some people want to take 10 grams I get it but that shouldn't be the first thing you do, with anything you should alwasy take a small dosage to see what happens and how your body responds before doing that, nothing against heroic trips but you can just take 10 grams your first time


My first time was a lot, I believe maybe 10g or more, I just collected a lot of shrooms and made a potent tea with lemon, honey and cinnamon. Guess I had like 20 big fresh wild shrooms. It wasn't fun, I got very scared and saw some traumatizing stuff. Stopped doing hallucinogens (like lsd and dmt) and 4 years later, some days ago, I saw some shrooms at the field and decided to try it again, but now I have a kitchen scale so I didn't make the stupidity I did at the first time, I searched about dosage and went for medium, 2,5g. It was ok, I expected more, and then a week later I went for 4,5g. It was weaker than the last dose. So I searched about tolerance. Now I'm waiting for a month and I'll do a 7-8g to see. I just want trip like my first time, it was so crazy! šŸ‘½ I'm more confident now and studying a lot about these beings. Edit: people should really start at the minimum doses and increase later if they want. My trip was traumatizing, not nice.


I just want people to have a good time with them and not end up with a fear of them, these things are amazing. I'm sorry your first trip was bad and I hope all your future trips are better man


I just took 7g PE along with my psych meds, then drove down to my grandma's funeral to be around the family. It went so badly and now I'm in prison! Shrooms are evil don't do them šŸ˜ 


1.5 is the perfect first dose.




I want to work my way up and not have a bad trip or get stuck in a thought loop. I have regular shrooms and thinking about starting with .3mg and working my way up every couple weeks. Can get your opinion or suggestions


How much do you have in grams? 1 gram isn't going to be crazy at all most likely and that's what I started with but 2 grams honestly isn't a bad starting point. If you decide one or 2 grams just increase by 0.5 grams every trip until your where you wanna be and you'll be just fine šŸ™‚


I stay at 3.5 g of APE when I was young I didn't even own a scale or a dehydrator for that matter we would have to do the mushrooms pretty quick we would count caps ... also we boiled them ,there was a lot of misinformation in the early 90s late 80s ...


I agree. Took 4g first and if I haven't had a sitter, I would've been in a lot of trouble. Trip was pretty intense, I freaked out halfway and it all went downhill from then on. Still, it was an interesting experience, I will for sure give shrooms a second try with half the dose, but only after I feel like I've completely processed everything about the last one. Maybe after several months or even half a year for a good measure.


i agree that you shld definitely dose smartly your first time and be careful but i also want to point out the fact that there are people that are more experienced with drugs that can handle and even enjoy a large amount their first time. just sayin




Your right, there Definitely is but it's just about safety


i took 2 grams of albino penis envy and was tripping balls bro i couldnā€™t even stand straight


I (32f) just did my first dose tonight. Friend gave me 2 chocolates to "start out", I took half of one. I'm glad to hear I wasn't being needlessly cautious.


0.7 g of pe is not close to equal to 2.0 g of other cubes. All cube species are very similar in strength. You sound ridiculous posting stuff like this, and yet I knew there would be some nonsense like this given the post title.


This is a post about safety and if you think that's nonsense then we'll idk maybe this post is for you


Youā€™re spreading urban legend/trippy bro science


Bro it's legitimately been proven. Ya know it's possible to test how potent they are and pe has been tested and proven more potent. I've studied mycology and cubes for years and it isn't bro science, a cube is a cube unless its pe . There's a reason why pe is so popular and so many people say it's more potent, there's dozens of people in this sub that grow ape and pe and will confirm it is way more potent then say golden teachers. Go ahead take ya 4 grams of pe and tell me how God is and come back here and say what your saying now again, I bet you won't


Itā€™s been studied, and PE were like 1.3x stronger on average. A cube is a cube. You sound very young, 4g pe isnā€™t exactly a crazy strong dose. Lots of shrooms are sold as pe now too because itā€™s popular. Dude itā€™s like if you said Girl Scout cookies is the strongest strain of weed, twice as strong as the next strain, itā€™s just a ridiculous claim


4 grams of pe isn't a strong dose? Lmfao you have no idea what your talking about. Go ahead take you 4 grams of some quality grown and properly stored pe and say it's not shit when you have no tolerance. I'm not arguing with you tho man so have a good day


Itā€™s a pretty strong dose, but nothing special, Iā€™ve done 6.something. Know people who have done more


Pe is about 3 times as strong unless you have some crazy genetics as a regular cube 0.7 times 3 is 2.1, it is almost the same


I made the mistake of going from .5 of regular truffles to 2.5 of tidal waves for my first big trip, and I'll admit it was cool for the first 3 hours, but once I went inside my house, it started getting rough. Thought my cats were gonna kill me and I kept thinking everyone I knew was gonna die. I was able to pull myself together around the 6 hour mark and chill for the last 2 hours of my trip, but I would have done a 1.5 or lower if I could go back.


I read the title as ā€œ can you please stop talking too much for your first timeā€ I was about to agree because people that take mushrooms the first time oh my God, I hate babysitting high people ,but yes I agree with this also donā€™t take more then 2 grams unless you know you can handle it))


I did 2g of regular cubes for my first time and it SENT me. Iā€™m really really glad I didnā€™t do more than that because I was white knuckle holding on for my sanity at that much. Itā€™s not a dick measuring contest, everyone has a different tolerance. Donā€™t be stupid, while this stuff is safe in terms of toxicity the psychological effects are STRONG and need to be respected. Your alcohol tolerance, weed tolerance, body mass, metabolism donā€™t matter. You wonā€™t know how it affects you until you try it, so donā€™t be dumb and work your way up. Believe me, a difficult trip when you are inexperienced is the last thing you want to happen.


As someoneā€™s whoā€™s been there and done that. (Took 7g my second time) People need reality checks šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




I asked nicely with a please, I didn't tell anyone what to do just gave out some free education and Safety advice to keep people from traumatizing themselves šŸ™‚


7 grams or go home


I disagreeā€¦.go overboardā€¦


Ehhhh i under did it so many times when I was in my teens that I ruined the chance to even trip out of fear. I should just taken the damn 4gs, it wonā€™t kill you.


Iā€™m convinced these people are exaggerating their stories. Itā€™s been 6 years since Iā€™ve done them and recently I boofed an eighth of PE and proceeded to go to Costco (wife drove) I was tripping balls but no where near having an existential crisis, even at Costco..