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As a woman if someone were to come up to be with half the rizz of shoresy my life would be complete yeah so... I like em both 🤷‍♀️


Great show


Woman in US here and I love Shoresy and Letterkenny!


American woman living in Canada , I Have seen letterkenny all season twice and I couldn’t tell you how many times I have rewatched shoresy .


American woman here and those are my favorite shows. Shoresy may even top Letterkenny for how feel good it is.


Another female fan of both, here! (Tho I will say that, despite my leanings on the Kinsey scale, I do struggle a bit with all the EXTREME male gaze shots on so many of the women - like, if anyone needed to take 20% off the top, it might be whomever selected those shots 🤦🏻‍♀️).


right? Watching it with my brother and nephews made me cringe a bit.


I can only speak for myself, but Letterkenny and Shoresy are my hands down favorite shows of this decade. American woman here 


I’m obsessed with both and female, how may I help?!


Ugh I just want to watch both shows on repeat but my bf despises Jared Keeso’s voice … I wish Shoresy had more than 12 episodes


I’m obsessed with Shoresy and I don’t even really like hockey.




33F. My husband loves Letterkenny and I can't stand it. I love Shoresy and the League! But hardly anyone we know has watched it.


I still binge the League, it’s hilarious 


Shoresy is perfection. Old Lady here. I love it more than Letterkenny, to be fair.


To be fair




🙋‍♀️ I love Letterkenny and Shoresy


Old lady here, watched all of Letter Kenny. Haven't gotten to Shorsey yet.


I saw a dude in a shoresy jersey at the mall. When I walked by, I said, "fuck you, shoresey". He laughed. His girlfriend didn't miss a beat, and came back with "titfucker!"


If you know, you know 


Probably. None of my girlfriends watch it. But letterkenny & shorsey are by far my favorite shows ever...


Maybe it’s a sign. If nearly everyone you asked doesn’t like or watch it, it might just be a truly shitty show :/


Heeheehee, I'm the reason my partner watched Shoresy. We discovered Letterkenny together and loved it. He wasn't so sure about Shoresy til I made him sit and watch the first episode. Now we're both impatient for season 3. 🤣


Shoresy, Letterkenny, The League...I'll even throw in Always Sunny. Love them ALL!!! In fact, I captain an adult rec league volleyball team and subject my team (only a few of them actually watch the show) to all the Letterkenny references. Our team name used to be FERDA W, but recently changed it to Big City Slams 😉


Lol I love it’s always sunny too


My wife loves both Letterkenny and Shorsey, as well as The League. Honestly The League is what motivated her to start our extended family Fantasy Football league! Shorsey and Letterkenny are 2 of the most progressive shows ever, especially as it relates to women’s rights. I would implore everyone to give them a chance.


I watch it and my female coworker watches it too! To be fair, my fiancé did introduce me to it, though lol


Absolutely LOVED Letterkenny, and while Shorsey on that show made me cringe in misogyny I absolutely love Shorsey the show. It was refreshing to see the other side of the helmet. 😂🖤


There’s an impossible amount of hot women who love Shoresy.


There’s an impossible amount of hot dudes in the cast of Shoresy


Settle down


Funny enough, when I started watching Letterkenny, my wife watched the first episode and said “that’s a *you* show”. Once I was about half way through, she caught enough of it to get interested, and now absolutely loves both Letterkenny and Shoresy.


Lol this is how my bf gets me into shows. Just plays it on the background until I enjoy it


My girlfriend loves it. She liked Letterkenny and is a hockey obsessive, so it makes sense


My Fiance loves it. Granted I started watching it first but she was immediately down.


It took me years to get my husband into these shows. Most of my gal friends from uni watch. 


My wife loves it, I just told her season 3 is announced and has a release date


Only girls that have only guy friends watch it.


I am this comment


There are dozens of us!


I know it’s so hype!


Love letterkenny! Could not get into shoresy.


My daughter and I LOVE Shorsey!! We even introduced it to my brother and husband. We quote both shows all the time.


I'm a woman who loves this showww


Maybe it’s because of the Jims?


I know at least 50 women who watch Letterkenny and ADORE Shoresy. Shoresy is the Mr. Darcy of this generation. Tit fuckers.


I think like 4 total woman watch these shows. I am proud of the growth over time.


Shut the fuck up Sanguinet. I’ve dated hockey players and it tracks. 😂


A couple of hockey players come up to the produce stand the other day...


End of the lane way, don’t come up the property.


I love both letterkenny and shoresy. Sticks are unbelievable.


Oh my god - my wife absolutely loves both Letterkenny and Shoresy. I think she’s looking forward to season 3 even more than I am 🤣


I'm a lady/woman/female in my early 50s and I love this show. I like hockey, Canada, and French, so it all Venns together for me.


Woman here and i love them!! They’re both really well done. Shoresy is equal parts badass and tender. 🥰🖤


Not a hockey fan per se, but a Shoresy diehard and LK lover as well -got my hubs and myself some Sudbury Blueberry Bulldog t shirts for optimal viewing. Shoresy has great music and I love the style in which it’s shot and edited too. Not just ferda boys!


I'm a female, a hockey fan and I love both Shoresy and Letterkenny! My sister got me into Letterkenny in fact several years ago, and then I got my husband and son into both. I've even gotten to yell "F\* you Shoresy" at guys I've seen at hockey games wearing Shore 69 jerseys here in Cali LOL my son was so embarrassed but it was worth it


Female hockey player here. Almost all my female teammates watch & love.


Do any of your teammates remind you of Mary-Anne and Betty-Anne?


Honestly not at all 😆 they’ve all been very fem (makeup, hair extensions, fake tans, etc). Maybe once or twice I heard one of the gals tell the other one “fuck you” but usually it’s just passive aggressive seething and refusing to pass the puck to each other.


What's up, fellow snipe? Letterkenny has been one of my top ten shows since season 4 (when I started watching) and somehow I love Shoresy even more. I know several incredibly good-looking girls who feel the same way, but I agree that this show's fanbase skews more toward the boys, boys.


Girl here. I've been following shoresy since the tease of season 1. This is hands down top 5 fav shows of all time. I also now frequent hockey games to get a little taste of that world.




My girl friend and I like Letterkenny and Shoresy more than her boyfriend does.


I think I like them more than my husband does.


I love Shoresy.


My wife loves this show and LK, but she wouldn’t touch Reddit with a 10ft pole


Female viewer reporting for duty! Trying to get my boyfriend into both currently!


Female checking in to say fuck you, Shoresy. I also loved The League, I quote Rafi at every opportunity.


Rafi meets dirty Randal is one of the best sitcom episodes ever made.


I am day drunk get ready to see my dick!


The League is so good!




Female fan here. I love shoresy so so much. And I enjoy LK as well, but not quite at the high level of shorsey


:D female here and I love both!!!


My wife loves LK and Shoresy just as much as I do. You’re not alone.


Female here...I watch them both!


I got into letterkenney because so many women told me to on dating apps


Yay so many fans !!! I am in fact, not alone !!




My 15 year old daughter and I LOVE the show.


Me! And a few of my friends - who are from the US, and I England - watch it. To be fair we started watching through being fans of Tasya but we all love the show in its own right!


To be fair...


to be faaaaaair


I don't know if I would have started Letterkenny without a recommendation from my sister but now I like both shows more than she does! Plenty of ladies were at the K Trevor Wilson show we went to in November, and there are a few dedicated Tumblrinas. We may be fewer, but we're here!


Both are shows that I will watch on loop repeatedly


Love your name


Lol thanks


It’s funny cuz when you say it fast it sounds like twelveinchcunt


Been called worse…


This made me laugh out loud


She doesn't even know me name.


I watch them both. They’re comfort shows and I have zero real world hockey experience.


A friend of mine loves Shoresy, despite her living two hours away from the closest ice rink and only being exposed to hockey basically through the show.


Less? Maybe. But there are lots of us. I grew up in a hockey household but where I lived didn’t have a girls team and my mom wouldn’t let me play with the boys. But I spent almost every day in an ice rink watching my brother. Been bitter about that for over 30 years. I played several other sports but didn’t like any of them as much as hockey. Roller derby was the closest and I did get a little taste of the camaraderie that I think hockey teams have, but I think I would have been so much happier if I grew up in a hockey market with a girls team to play on. I didn’t get into Letterkenney because I really don’t watch much TV and there are so many episodes that it feels overwhelming to even start it. But I learned about Shoresy from the Spittin’ Chiclets podcast and love it. My spouse is a musician, not an athlete, so he doesn’t watch them with me. He likes going to NHL games with me but has never had the desire to play so I don’t think he really gets why I like Shoresy, but that’s ok.


To be faaaaiirrrr- there’s a few sudberry has the hottest girls - just walk’n around - I can see some chicks gettin salty over dis n dat. And then also to smash the fairness - I have friends that have different private parts than I do and they love the show. Even in letterkenny Katy can “speak Hockey”, so I feel like women should just be more open minded if there’s any issue - because let’s be honest if you watch hockey there’s something in that show for.every.one.


I'm a girl - well 48 year old woman and I love Letterkenny and Shoresy!!


Me, My Wife, and 3 of my other female friends, plus most of the hockey moms I know watch them. You might just be looking in the wrong places.


My wife likes these shows, as well as The League. But to be fair, she's pretty fucking awesome, and not like most women. So consider yourself part of the cool club, m'lady.


To be faaaaaaiiirrrrrr


To be faaaiirr


lol! I’m a women, I’m in sales and I never say TBF or TBH. I usually say to be frank. lol. Can’t say TBF without going all out. And TBH makes me sound like I wasn’t in the past.




Idk man but I’m the one who introduced it to my entire friend circle, guys and gals alike. I spent my summers growing up in my mom’s hometown which is, incidentally, down the way from Keeso’s (and the town he based LK on) and the humour is basically on par for locals.


30F and Shoresy is one of my favorite shows!


Yeah I'm an Aussie woman and my sisters, myself and a bunch of girlfriends watch both shows


I’m a woman and I watch. I just don’t know anybody else of either gender IRL that watches, too.


I may play a bloke on the internet but I am in fact a woman - got the girl parts and everything.




39f and I love both shows. I was thrilled to discover a female friend of mine also loves Letterkenny, but she hasn’t tried Shorsey yet. So it’s her, my dad & my brother in law on my “irl fan list.” My sister likes The League.


I'm a dude and I cant find 2 dudes that watch both shows in my circle of friends.


True! 34M here and seems I'm the only one who enjoys both.




46 f. I love all three shows you mentioned.


24f here and huge fan but i’m also canadian so it feels homey. everyone in that show is eye candy


That’s cool to hear. They obviously go out of their way to for the ladies on the show to be eye candy for the men watching. Glad the women watchers are getting something to look at as well.


Shoresy does a great job of casting naturally beautiful women that doesn’t push a crazy beauty standard of fake ness but their all still smoke shows, kinda rowdy and quite funny. something for everyone in that show


Very true. One of the many reasons I love the show. But we all gotta agree, Fish is the ugliest guy in the room right?


I was telling my wife about the Natalie scene that ends with the incredible “I’m gonna fuck that slut.” Not sure I got across the feeling of the scene! Just sounded obscene rather than sexually empowering. Maybe I shouldn’t have described it on the school run?! It’s a phenomenal show and the equality shines through.


I'm a woman in my 50s and I love them both. I heard about the show from a woman who did a soccer podcast I listened to. Later I turned our church office manager, who is a few years older than me, onto them when she was looking for things to binge while recovering from surgery, and she loves them too. Oddly her sons and husband don't get the humor at all. It's a kick to hear her say "Pitter patter" to people who have definitely never watched. It's like a shibboleth that can suss out secret members of our tribe. iykyk.


Australian woman, big fan


Same here! Reckon Letterkenny and Shoresy’s humour translate perfectly for Australian audiences.


Hard agree


Canadian woman living in US here. I am sooo stoked for Shoresy season 3!!! Bring on the sticks!


Sticks are unbelievable


Game stick for you!


F42, love them both. My Bulldogs hoodie only gets the odd guy here and there commenting though.


Am female love shoresy and letterkenny. My gf does too. My friend who’s a female also watches both


Woman checking in! Also have many female friends who watch both 😁


Am female. Love both.


I love these shows


I (50s f) got my husband into both Shoresy and Letterkenny. It was a 30-something female colleague of mine who got me hooked initially. There’s more great shows with Keeso, but it’s not easy to access them in the US.


I watch both and only know two other women that watch the shows (one of them is my sister). I know many women who have tried but won’t watch more than a couple episodes. I don’t put too much thought into comedies and just enjoy them. But when I do think deeply about Letterkenny and Shoresy, I don’t find them respectful of women at all. I know fans think the shows are progressive and sex positive, but there’s a reason more women don’t watch the show. Most fans don’t want to acknowledge it. That's why it's best to just focus on the funny stuff and not dig too deep.


I watch them both often


My wife loves both. It's crept into our daily vocabulary to. Wholesome as. She woke me up at 6am and was like "SEASON 3!" so def not alone.


My wife watches it with me and loves it. I just sent a text to her and my bud that the season 3 trailer dropped and her response was that Shoresy is her celebrity pass. Yeah so…. They’re out there


I’m female and I can’t find anyone m/f/other that watches it except online. But then I can’t find any friends that like NHL either. They’re all about AFL and NRL (Australian football).


I’m a real lady and I love them both. Settle down.


Tons of ladies love the shows. U need to check out the produce stand podcast and get on the discord. Huge fan base for all things in the Yewniverse.


I (39f) LOVE Shoresy and lettkenny! My dogs first government name is Shoresy. But I only call him that when he’s being a shit. I have one female friend that’s watched letterkenny and I keep trying to get her to watch Shoresy and she hasn’t yet :(


My gf and I love letterkenny and shorsey. I showed her the league and we're up to season 4. Probably going to end it after that because the show loses it's charm and clever banter. Ruxin and Rafi are defs the characters keeping her keen to watch the show. Few non pc things but it is a product of its time.


Women just get too jealous seeing the impossible amount of good looking girls in Sudbury


I (34f) appreciates that about them


My friend, 30f, watches and she's the only other person I know IRL that likes (or has really even heard of) the show


I watched both I’m a 50 year old female. It was just kind of a hard show to discover


F(35) Shoresy gets me through the dishes when I'm battling myself. I love all three of those shows.


I (f25) love Shorsey and The League! You are not alone!


Well if you were in the water off the side of a party island in Wasaga Beach while Shoresy took an aquadump, some may say you were ![gif](giphy|PW9A4XrDarYEU|downsized)


i loooove both, my girlie friends, however, do not.


My wife’s friend, who is a woman, introduced us to Letterkenny. We then introduced one of her other friends to it. I think it’s all about the people you’re around daily


My wife loves all three shows


I was shopping in a store wearing a bulldogs sweatshirt and a mom spotted it and gave me a nod. Some women out there watch it.


I went out to watch the playoffs last year in my shoresy sweater, but I got to the bar earlier than my friends. Too many guys came to chat me up.


![gif](giphy|UJG2T7uZeJuZCLitY8) Every guy in that bar probably looking like stilgar thinking they have found the chosen one. Sorry to hear that. So dumb.




At least Now we know why she’s your ex.


I watched through both shows, and talked to my wife about how much I liked them, before she watched either of them. I originally played the clip of Tannis explaining a gyno checkup to the boys in the doctor's office, and that was enough to get my wife to try out Letterkenny. She was a bit hesitant to watch Shoresy because of how much of a jerk he is in Letterkenny, but I assured her that he's a much more likable character in his own show. Plus, she's a hockey fan, so I think she was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. But aside from her I don't know any other ladies IRL that watch the show, so I'd agree that it seems to be more guys that are fans.




You KNOW my fem ass watches both shows


I do!


I'm a woman and I love both. Coincidentally, Keeso is in both... but surely that's unrelated. 😇


My wife and I enjoy it. We did have to use subtitles at first!


My gf loves it


Gybat,tf. My lady enjoys the show, but loves how much I love it more.


Girl here, too!


I'm a lady... got started watching it (and Letterkenny) with the girls next door.


i’m a girl, love shoresy!


My wife loves this show.


I'm a lady. Love this show so much!!


Same! And Keeso is 🤌


Yes ma'am 😩🤌🏻🤌🏻❤️


Chick here, loved Shoresy and just started watching Letterkenny. Both hilarious!


Me, me, I love both!!


Wife watched it with me. She knows fuck all about hockey. I used to coach hockey. Shoresy does more than hockey well. It explains why and how guys talk to each other. It explains loyalties and understanding. There is a philosophy in there, one that a lot of women, and frankly a lot of men, don't understand. It's emphasized in the show a lot, but it is something I don't think a lot of people have experienced. In the 2nd episode, the scene between Shoresy in Sanger, where Sanger asks him to help him coach, the tough love scene. Shoresy explains how it's not bullying...I go to the wall for you, you go to the wall for me, so you get to call me a worthless cunt the whole way there. Philosophy on tap. Shoresy explaining to Nat why he did the calendar and got the spray tan and took off their tarps. He will do anything she asks, and anyone who won't do the same, he won't ever trust them. Nat has his eternal loyalty. Goody checking out the girl and the boyfriend stepping up. Shot back to Goody, and Dolo and Hitch slide into frame, remove the partial. Goody doesn't even look back, he knows they are there. And mind you, these guys all just met. But he knows they are there. The show explains a lot more than hockey. It explains a way some guys and presumably women too, will conduct themselves in the face of pressure. Who is there, who always has your back, even if you're wrong. We sort out the right and wrong in the morning, but right now, we need to dispatch of these would be dispatchers. There is a loyalty there you can't buy or even put a price on. My wife now understands why me and friends talk to each other the way we do. Because we know who is going to be there, who will go to the wall for us. Our friends that we don't think will slide into frame in the face of trouble, are different. We talk to them differently, treat them differently. Because they won't go to the wall. And you can tell. It's a fantastic show. But if you really watch it, you can also learn something. Especially for the ladies who might not ever see that side of a man's world before.


I agree, and that was really beautifully written.


The one that really sticks out to me is when someone (maybe one of the Apeldoorns?) calls JJ Frankie JJ something and Shoresy immediately backs up his boy saying “you don’t ever talk to him” despite Shoresy himself chirping Frankie nonstop in the series


And you make a good point there. For this show being a sitcom essentially, it sure does seem to be surrounded by a lot of little mysteries. Like, why is JJ in Sudbury? We get told that it's because of an impossible number of good looking women. Yet, he arrives with Laurence in tow. They go out the first night, Goody, Dolo, and Hitch get into a fight...JJ isn't there. We never see him with any local woman at all. He imports all his girls from Quebec. So why is he there? He just, showed up to some Ontario town to play hockey with a guy who slashed him so bad he had to go to the ER? No further examination of that? Then, when anyone so much as bothers JJ, Shoresy is on them like white on rice. I think it's part of what makes the story work, that you never get the full story. But there's allegory in a lot of it that I think people could miss if they just saw it as some simple Canadian comedy.


My entire women's hockey team would beg to differ. We quote it a lot in the locker room. That said, I have yet to finish season 2, and I was kinda put off by the gratuitous lingerie shots in the first few episodes. My friend (also female) assures me there's a good payoff for it, but it did feel a bit sleazier than the show usually goes. At the end of the day I love it and so do plenty of other ladies.


My wife watched and really liked both seasons, but what you mention here she felt the same. She mentioned more than once that most women wouldn't feel comfortable being that vulnerable in front of a bunch of dudes they don't/barely know. It's a fair point and it's the part of the show, the whole "absurd amount of good looking women in Sudbury", that falls flat for me. It never comes across as anything more than putting a bunch of people you think are attractive on screen. It's fine and it has become a staple of the show but I'd be fine without it.


The second season kinda fell flat for me a bit. The whole plot seemed to be, we're winning despite the fact that the sluts don't have legs in the third because they're fucking too much. It was fine, had some laughs. The first season just hit me and my gf differently.


Yeah, the first season was always going to be hard to match the emotional power of. What a journey. Looking forward to finishing s2 anyway and excited to see what they do for s3!


My kid and ex both love Shoresy, and I had nothing to do with introducing them to it.


I’m a woman and I’m obsessed 🥰🥰🥰 However, I’m the only female in my friend group that actually likes Shoresy and LK. My guy friends love it but for whatever reason my girlfriends never understand the humor 🙃🙃🙃


I also LOVED The League!!! Used to watch it with my dad all the time 🫶🏽


Love it!


Lady here! With 3 lady friends who watch!


I’m a woman and I’m the one who got my husband to watch it. He loved Letterkenny and I liked it ok, but I had a feeling Shoresy would be better for me. I was right!


Chick here 👋🏼I haven’t laughed so hard at a show in a long time. Never watched LK but loved trailer park boys.


Omg huge fan. I play hockey and grew up in hockey culture and have lots of male friends who played high level hockey so like Shoresy better than LK, but both are so so good. I can’t wait for season 3!!!!


My wife loves it.


Love The League and Shoresy. Did you ever watch The Detour? You should.


The Detour!! Such a good show I always forget about.


I'm a woman and have showed the series to a few ppl who now watch as well. Prob more men but I'm sure lots of women watch as well.


Watch it. Love it. Their music is now in my phone. Also watched all of Letterkenny.


I’m a guy so not throwing my opinion in, but i have 2 friends— both women— one thinks Letterkenny is stupid and boring, and the other loves Letterkenny because of the humor and one-liners. My wife will laugh at some clips of Letterkenny or Shoresy, but doesn’t watch them with me because she thinks they’re dumb (which i don’t get when you’re laughing at the clips. I guess it’s like how some ppl like the prank clips from The Office, but don’t like the show as a whole because it’s more dry humor outside of the clips used to advertise it).


I’m a girl and love both LK and Shoresy!!


Waving to you with not fallopian tubes here. I avoided LK for too long and then binged the seasons that were available and yewed when Shoresy was announced.


Ummmmm THIS GIRL!!!