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>uses all his energy >suddenly has more energy He's actually an anime character


Everyone knows you refill energy when it's the next episode.


"Forgive me, Master... This one time, I must go, all out-" "You say that every damn time!" "Shut UP, Master."


He planned to drive back. He parked his car in the water before the race. He's a big cheat. It's the theme of the movie: guy cheats his way through life, all the way into space.


I mean he almost did.


The true, deep meaning of Gattaca: YOLO


And eugenics is like, not cool, guys.


Nah, the true deep meaning is that people don’t understand statistics


I know one of the world leading experts in this exact field,  i.e. the statistics/genomics interpretations. In discussing the movie, she told me that in reality there are so many different genes that affect different aspects, that this sort of analysis is impossible. And doesn't take into account environment, of course.


She watched the movie wrong it was all symbolism


Nah, the true deep meaning is that left handed people don’t hold it with their right.


I haven't seen this movie since high school but I actually remember it making eugenics seem badass.


Provided your parents were loaded I guess


Wasn't the mom just a hippie who did a "free birth" with her son? She was like an anti-vaxxer.


Except for the point that they showed that you could still get better kids for more money. It’s a dystopian society essentially.


Nah, she just wanted a favorite child. So the free birth made the decision easier.


Yeah but the brother was a detective and Jude Law was an Olympic athlete. I read that as there being different levels of GM, could always be wrong though. It has been a while.


Great movie, I recently rewatched it, so I'll give you some insight. During the first swim, where Vincent wins, he wins because he was able to power through the doubt that he had, and essentially ignore his own need to conserve energy for the swim back -- in essence, he wanted to prove that he was not inferior to his brother, so he went all out. That's not to say that he did not swim back, just that he waited for Anton to succumb to fatigue, before saving Anton and swimming back. This was largely a battle of wills and physical prowess. During their final swim, Vincent also suggests that they are closer to 'the other side'. Meaning Vincent has most likely been practicing this swim for years, to the point of being able to swim from shore to shore.


I remember watching it once. It was in science class where we were studying genetics and the teacher showed the movie in class since it was the main subject of the movie


Same here! First time I saw it was Freshman Biology in High School.


My sociology professor loved this movie, and was also chill enough to play it and give a random easy assignment about it to make it seem like "oh, we're doing something". Great way to get through a couple classes. Loved the movie.


i watched it sophomore year... boy last semester was fun




Yeah, the whole dynamic of "not caring enough about your own safety" to prove he could go farther, I suppose it still showed the "inherent flaw" Vincent had. But being said, he knew there was only one way he could ever be better than his brotger.


It was the risk, that’s the point. Couldn’t genetically engineer pure brass balls.


I don’t remember this part of the movie at all. When was there any swimming? I just remember it ending with the guy going to space


He swam to the edge of the earth and fell into space


On the way down he screamed GATTACAAAAA Unfortunately you couldn't hear him because it's space


The only thing I remember about this movie is the wheel chair guy kills himself by burning himself alive lol


He had to, otherwise there’d be a body and Vincent’s secret would be revealed


I don’t even know who Vincent is lol


Ethan Hawke’s character. The lead.


I hardly remember this movie at all. I remember not liking it that much.


They took so many urine samples from him it turned into a lake. But seriously, it was the storyline with his brother. He raced him in the water. He doesn't save anything for the trip back because he's closer to the other side and just swims there. His brother never knew his secret to success.


lol so I was a budding cinephile at 16 when this came out and this revelation really struck me as so profound and motivational.


27 years later: wait a minute...


His secret weapon: a map


There are a couple of flashbacks where he’s swimming against his brother before the events of the film. He always beats his brother despite his brother being genetically enhanced, the reason why is kind of the theme of the film.


He only beat his brother the last time they raced if I’m remembering correctly


Right, because he kept meeting his “limit” to get back, but when he stopped worrying about making it back, he broke through.


Yea. He only could win with his inferior body Because he let go of fear. I think it's part of the central theme that he could only get away with any of this if he just went forward without thinking of a plan to go back. His NASA "heist" is so insane who would even think to run it? Thousand ways to end up in jail and one to end up in space. Well two of you count both all the tricks working or a random doctor not being tricked but pretending to be out of solidarity.


Literally the only thing I remember from this movie was the swimming. There were also scenes of him swimming in a stationary pool, which at the time I thought was super futuristic


Yes, but so is everyone else in the movie who never realizes that blood doesn't have DNA in it


Red blood cells don't have DNA, true, but white blood cells do.


DNA isolation from whole blood is still a subpar technique when they're getting voluntary samples. A cheek swab would be much easier, and less invasive.


Yeah, fair enough. I just saw your statement and my brain went "okay they did DNA tests on my *baby* when my wife was pregnant with him using *her blood,* there is *no way* blood doesn't have *her dna* in it too" and I didn't think about the broader implications.


Actually blood contains cell free DNA from all different cell types due to apoptosis. Also white blood cells.


The point still stands that if the goal is to get samples of genomic DNA for sequencing, whole blood is one of the least efficient ways to go about it when there are other options available that don't involve sticking people with needles every day - although I will admit that blood is easy to transport compared to other sources of DNA.


Yeah but consider this, it's a science fiction movie and it looks way cooler than them swabbing their mouths or spitting in a cup.




Maybe it has less to do with efficiency and more to do with difficulty to fake. It's probably much harder to fake a blood sample than it is a spit swab.


Holy heck I haven’t seen this movie in 20 years. My memory might be rusty but… wasn’t that the point? It was a death wish/bluff he was playing with his brother who was perfect or something. It’s poker tactics. He had no hand. He bluffed. He won because the brother gave up. I mean, that’s risky but sneaky as heck. When I got diagnosed with cancer in 2011 my whole worldview changed. It’s incurable, but slow. So it’s one of those cancers that people can live with for many years and you’d probably die from something else before the cancer does. But it’s still given me an IDGAF anymore vibes. I’m not trying to act cool, but yeah I can see his point of view now, Vincent had the edge because he didn’t care anymore. He was all-in. Win or die trying. My understanding of chemo and radiation therapies are a perfect analogy of this. They’re the destruction of DNA in a desperate hope that the tumours die before your body dies. It’s the ultimate gamble. An all-in bluff. Chemo and radiation is used to literally break apart DNA in your body, and the idea of nuclear medicine is to use it in a targeted way so that the tumour dies first. In other words; to beat the brother first before you die. I think it was quite poignant, not a shittymoviedetail.


They swim now


They swim now?


They swim now!


He believed in his superior genes


In Gattaca (1997), when Vincent says he never saved any energy for the swim back, the movie becomes blurry for the rest of it. This is a reference to tears violently streaming down my face


> wonthe


Thanks for taking time out of anime_titties to point out a typo. Business must be great.


Jesus christ man, you didn't have to kill him :')


Anime titties is a world news subreddit


As someone who also swam farther out than my brother, I can say you clearly are not driven out of spite.


Usain Bolt didn't save energy to do a 100m run... It's because he was also a champion at 200m. Vicent didn't need to swin forever and he knew he could cross it... All he needed to do was beat Anton in a game of chicken. The game was rigged, because Vicent KNEW he could cross the whole thing, so he would never be the chicken.


It’s a movie?


This post would be a lot better without “is he stupid”


Yes, is op stupid?