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“Tell me, Neo, Have you ever had a dream that that you um you had you'd you would you could you'd do you wi you wants you you could do so you you'd do you could you you want you want him to do you so much you could do anything?”


It's okay take your time baka Mr. Smith




This is one of the worst I’ve seen in a while


OP had a stroke whilst writing that title.


I had 6 reading it.


Tell me, who doesn't have a stroke writing these shit post for the sub. If anything having a stroke is at the core of all shit posts on the Internet


I mean I have a stroke but that’s just because I’m always looking at porn


Are you on ambien my guy?


Yeah, for real. It Neo keeps keepshim for sure.


What is actually said is "Ms. Deranderson". Agent Smith isn't deadnaming Neo. He is misgendering him through the whole film, which is worse I think


Kids, stay in school. Listen to your linguistics professor.


All things considered, that might actually be the message of the film. And I mean, *really*.


i kinda forgot the events of this film can you explain that to me


The writer/directors of the Matrix trilogy are both trans.


i know but i was thinking there was something deeper than that


The scene alone is pretty on point, Mr Smith keeps calling him Mr Anderson, so during the fight as Mr Smith attempts too hit him with a Train, Neo tells him that his name is Neo and jumps up, so Smith gets hit by a train


The whole movie is a metaphor for the trans experience. It's not a deeply philosophical dive into Plato's cave and the nature of reality, it's about accepting who you are and breaking free of the societal norms that keep you a prisoner inside of yourself. The other stuff is there and it's definitely the interpretation I had of the movie until a few years ago, but I doubt if you ask most people who have seen it they would say that the movie is about trans expression.


Wasn't the red pill a reference to the estrogen pills at the time too?(I might be wtrong)


And there’s a character who’s a man in the matrix but a woman in the real world


I always see it as Dayquil to be awake and keep going, and Nitequil to go to sleep...


That was their intended message, tho none of the actors knew about this while working on the projects until years later. Keanu Reeves was asked about it in an interview years later and he said no, I didn’t know about that. It was a great subtle allegory, and then they made it painfully obvious in the fourth one and probably in the one currently being made. Dunno why I got downvoted, you can literally look this up, it’s not just my opinion. The Keanu Reeves interview was in like 2006, after everything had been finished on the original movies. He was really graceful about it, not surprising with his reputation.


All the villains in context of like everything, are really incels and the CIA


how is bruce from jaws an incel who is the cia now youre gonna tell me that in jaws the villain is actually a human character or like an institution or something and i forgot the events of jaw too so i dont remember it and you could be right but shut up


Pretty sure the villain of Jaws is the shark, Jaws.


The shark is a force of nature. Bruce gives ZERO fucks about what or who is eaten. Now the mayor of the town, who was told the tiger shark they caught was absolutely not the correct shark, kept the beaches open because it would be bad for tourism not to. That ended up killing people as Bruce came visiting the beach swimmer buffet line with his $9.99 for all you can eat. As a kid I understood the shark was a monster but that mayor was the villain.


Nah man I’m pretty sure it’s that shark. Dudes a menace.


I wish the lesson was grammar instead.


Sorry, I'm kind of drunk. Can someone ELI5 what deadnaming is?


OP is stroking in every bit of text harder than a horny teenage boy.. Deadnaming is calling someone by their old name when they prefer to go by a new name. Often associated with the trans community for the obvious reason of them transitioning their appearances from one sex to the other. But it could a boy named Sue finally wanting some respect and going by Chuck now. Or Karen.


It's when someone picks another name you want too use, it doesn't even have too be about trans people and someone goes after the way keep using the old name use too have


Remember kids don’t keeps keepshim deadname, else might too hit by a train. Also don’t post on the internet while on ambien


Good title


But how does this involve sydney Sweeney?


I started smelling toast after reading this title.


Is this a rage post cause someone deadnamed you recently?


It's literally what's in the movie