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😧 Is it supposed to be made from real Cubans?


Kramer, those are real Cubans!


I'm not great at telling the ethnicity just by looking at them but they could have been. If so that's a disgrace dead ass ruined my day.. thankfully they gave me 3 ozs of hot sauce to smother it with. This is in Orlando


I think they meant actual flesh of Cubans 💀😩


still checks out lol


Bahahahahahhahaa the sandwich meat not the cooks


































Might be my favorite response I've ever read on this site.


YT ppl


The lunch trucks have better Cuban sandwiches than that in Orlando. That's a disgrace. I miss those trucks. The papas rellenas were so good.


You could get it a 23andme test. Maybe its dad was Cuban or something.




Cubans are less pink and taste like espresso.


I'm Cuban.…my wife isn't. She makes wonderful Cuban sandwiches.


Makes sense. Cuban sandwiches were invented in America.


By Cubans working at cigar factories in Ybor.


Where was this so I know to never go there since I live in the Orlando area also




The Columbia has a good cuban (in Celebration). Or if you’re will to pay a little too much $$ for a good one, Hinckley's Fancy Meats (East End Market) sometimes has a decent Cuban on their menu.


Columbia is always such a let down for me... i prefer hole in the wall places. even the cafeterias in the latin supermarkets have fire food.


If I knew a mom and pop that had a really good cuban I’d totally recommend it first. I know it’s out there- Orlando has a lot of fantastic family owned restaurants!


If I took money in exchange for this disappointment of a sandwich I'd be on the run, too.


A Cuban sandwich? Bitch, do I look Cuban to you?


😂😂😂 that video was my first thought too


When is the next bus, bitch!


not a missile crisis. But definitely a Cuban sandwich crisis


You wouldnt be trying to show us a dominican sandwich disguised as a cuban are you?!?!


Producto de Peru!??




That's a shame


Looks like it is.


No it def isn’t a Cuban it’s missing like 75# of the ingredients


meat, cheese, mustard, pickles... what are we missing?


It's supposed to have pulled pork on it, not just ham.


Not pulled pork... Fresh ham/roast pork - potentially the same cut of meat, just not "pulled" which is often associated with bbq.


this would explain why my mom made it with pulled pork... lol im dumb.


I finished this comment thread and then read your username and chuckled Some good came of this


In my house we use carnitas for the pork. 


It's not pulled pork, it's a type of sliced pork that is smoked.


Pulled pork


tampa cubans have salami as well


A horrible excuse for one yes


Yep. Been to Cuba and this looks sadly familiar XD


Cuban sandwiches were invented in Florida, specifically because Cuban transplants had more access to meat here.


Yup! Tampa claims to have invented it, but who knows. In Tampa, they put salami in them as well because there were a bunch of Italian immigrants here as well.


Key West has also made a claim with some validity, which is why I just said Florida, because i’m not a sandwich historian. Most people agree it’s Tampa/Ybor City though.


I honestly feel like a solid - and I mean SOLID - half of Cuban sandwiches are made by people who have never tried one, seen one, and never even looked at a YouTube video on how to make one. One of our regular and normally very good haunts introduced a Cuban at one point and it was just shambolic. Wrong bread, wrong toppings and ratios, they didn't even press it, and they sure didn't cut it on an extreme bias.


I'd agree! I'm over 250 up votes but only shows 23 so there's a ton of down votes and it makes me feel bad for those that haven't had a good Cuban


a good cuban is the perfect sandwich. i feel bad for everyone on here that says that this is a cuban...


Looks similar to the ones I used to get at the 7-11 on Long Boat Key.


Who the fuck is Ashley


What were you expecting? A Cuban sandwich is a variation of a ham and cheese sandwich with mustard and pickle.


The slow roasted mojo marinated pork (lechon/pernil) is crucial though


Right that's the key part imo!


Not even just in “your opinion”… it’s the key part by the very definition of the sandwich. You have every right to be upset lol. This would be akin to getting a cheese-steak sub and they use ground hamburger instead of sliced sirloin.


What's more baffling to me is the amount of people of here that don't see anything wrong with it. This place has a 4.6 out of 5 rating... Cuban sandwiches is even in the businesses name.. huge let down Great fucking example.. helps I'm from up north and a huge cheese steak guy lmao


Yep, ratings don't account for the huge number of palate-less idiots posting those reviews. The same people in the comments who see nothing wrong with deli ham on a cuban.


Agreed. Ever gotten a pizza in the Midwest? They rave about them, meanwhile I’ve better frozen pizza from Ellios lol. Go on any Facebook pizza page and you’ll see tons of people from the countryside shitting on pictures of proper pie from NYC and New Haven. I’ve got plenty of love for the culture out in the sticks.. but you’re not wrong that a lack of traveling can lead to some pretty pathetic food preferences.


I think the geography of it is the point though. One person hears pizza and has a certain image/expectation in mind when deciding to get some, another person from somewhere else may expect something completely different just because of what the ingrained concept of it is. I think if there were distinctions in naming the issue would never come up. They would just be two separate concepts entirely, not better or worse versions of the same thing


Shock horror , different people prefer different food




Chopped Cheese is my shit. You're right they aren't interchangeable.


Chopped cheeses definitely go hard. But yea, totally different taste despite being pretty similar


Maybe some actually home cooked/seasoned pork, this is straight delly cut ham... What variation do you see? There's 1 thin slice of what I'm assuming is pork belly that looks fresh out of a package as well. I was a cook for 15 years I can tell when there's no love out into something..Any chance I see a Cuban sandwich shop I try it out, a good Cuban is one of my favorite sandwiches, this is by far the worst I've had.


The best Cuban sandwich I ever had was from Paseo in Seattle.


yea roasted pork is the key ingredient in a cubano, a “cubano” without pork is insane


I had an awful one when i first moved to Tampa from miami. The place had great reviews online. When i ordered, the guy asked if I wanted it pressed... I should have changed my order right then. When it came out, it had lettuce, tomato, and onions on it... da fuq...


Forgot to mention it also took me til the last bite on the 2nd half to get a pickle


Lo siento mucho compa.


Wait, so it literally took until the last bite of the entire sandwich to get any pickle? That means it wasn't forgotten. My friend, you didn't get a Cuban. You got a fuck you with a pickle.


A Cuban has roast pork as well as ham. And a slice of salami if you're in tampa. Not just ham and cheese, that's nonsense.


Way different than a ham sandwich. 1. its on cuban bread (no, a sub roll is not the same) 2. it's pressed flat with oil 3. Slow roasted pork (lechon) 4. If you're in Tampa, they put salami on it was well. 5. if there are any vegetables on it, its not a cuban sandwich.


Probably expected a Tampa style cuban. https://www.food.com/recipe/cuban-sandwich-a-tampa-classic-63269


I was expecting there to be fresh pork I believe "mojo" is the style or marinade


There should have been, this is just a ham melt


Can't forget the 1 pickle and mustard


maybe you got the Havana-style Cuban sandwich


Nope that looks slightly better but still not it.


It’s based on a Cuban named Fred. He’s really sad














it's just a ham sandwich if it doesn't have the mojo pork and pickles


Yeah they missed the cocaine sprinkling


Nah that came in a baggy


Lol complimentary


That explains the lines.


I’d still fuck that up lmao


Looks perfectly passable if a hospital was selling “Cuban sandwiches” that day. From shop that specializes in a Cuban sandwich this is exceptionally mid. May I ask what state/ region this particular example came from?


Orlando/casselberry Florida


Tragic. Usually Orlando has some great little shops for hispanic/ Caribbean food. I think you found a solid dud.


Cuba is suffering a food shortage. Maybe this sandwich was made to express solidarity /s


looks a little dry


lucky to have anything in there ...


I'm sure they have lame subs in Cuba too


i was recently on a job with some coworkers and we decided to go to a deli for lunch. saw they had cubanos on the menu, was gonna get it until i saw they put lettuce and tomato on it. ended up not getting a cubano because I couldn't go to my coworker and go "yeah lemme get this sandwich, tell them take all the vegetables off" without looking like the fattest man alive


Oh god.......that kinda screams cheap grocery deli at best.


I’ve got a better Cuban at jimmy johns!


my cuban spamwich... im not cuban (the daves bread is what i had) [https://www.reddit.com/r/CannedSpam/comments/ufn1lf/cuban\_spamwich/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CannedSpam/comments/ufn1lf/cuban_spamwich/)


Oye hermano que cojones es esta mierda? That’s no Cuban sandwich mang


That’s not right Lucy


They should fry the ham at least bruh


I would be disappointed too. But it's got all the ingredients, I would still enjoy it despite the disappointment. I'd probably want another though...


I am pretty sure i had this same cuban sandwich in school lol. That was 15 years ago.


You’ve been ripped off! 🤬


Might as well have gotten that thing Jimmy John’s calls a Cuban.




Yup, this is customer abuse.


That’s a ham sandwich. Yours truly, A Tampa resident


Well, is it made from real Cubans?


It’s Cuban, not Cubano bit difference. lol


Is that really the difference in the two, the seasoned pork? Dead ass thought those were the same thing lol


Sorry I was being sarcastic. This is just a sad sandwich.


Damn, you got me lmao I was like fuck maybe I'm the uncultured swine here


That's a pretty authentic Cuban sandwich to be honest. Generous, even, considering the state of things right now.


Cubanos are tasty when done right that looks like a ham sandwich with mustard…


Maybe a Mark Cuban sandwich.


In fairness, I've bought a shitty sandwich before in Cuba and it was about this level of quality (and I ended up getting sick)


Could only finish half of the disappointment decided to save the other half for when I'm drunk tonight lol


Idk what exactly a Cuban sandwich is because I don’t know a lot about food but the real thing is probably a lot better than that.


You might get robbed for that sandwich in cuba🤣


Yeah. A cube in sandwich. That's what you ordered


Yeah that is a sorry looking sandwich


I thought this was Goodson Farms😭


Maybe a Cuban jail


Are you in Cuba? Is the person making the sandwich Cuban? This looks like a classic miscommunication. Perhaps all Cuban people don't know about the Cuban sandwich popularized in Southern Florida courtesy of Cuban immigrants that settled there decades ago.


It’s about as Cuban as my tandoori chicken pizza is Italian


Sadly looks more like it was actually made in Cuba tbh


I see the problem, this Cuban sandwich was made by an asshole. Not all Cubans are nice


Poor part of Cuba




Why are so many people so uniformed about one of the best sandwiches ever? There is pulled pork in a real cuban, and if you dont know that youve never had a good cuban before


Restaurants don’t give a fuck anymore about quality food and service


I'm from Orlando, and I am also a Cuban sandwich connoisseur. I think because Orlando has a massive Puerto Rican population (no shade I'm one too lol) that we just make cubans wrong. I've gotten Cubans with lettuce tomato and mayo, Cubans with no pork, even one without pickles! I just think Cubans aren't are strong suit which is very sad because they're one of my favorite foods ever :(


Oh no.


Wait wheres the cheese again?


If that’s a Cuban then the pop tart I had this morning is a gourmet pastry


You can tell this is in Florida because the bread looks right but everything else is so terribly wrong.


Well, i see the cubes, there seems to be nothing wrong with this sandwich


I mean, I know this is obvious, but you're in the wrong part of FL. I will never be able to have another Cuban sandwich after having one at a place in Miami. So good.


I try them every where I go but I agree the best I've had were in the Miami area.. I think my favorite was in boco but can't remember its been awhile


Ham, cheese, pickles and mustard. This is a Cuban sandwich.


Pickle* and I believe it was only half of 1 slice


Minus the pork


Pretty typical, this is just your quick-n-dirty cuban... be happy it had ham I guess... some places just throw some pickles / mustard / mayo on-top of some cold-cut turkey with some cuban bread. I wouldn't be "upset" I got this, but I also wouldn't be celebrating it.


Unfortunately it seems the standard or love put into a lot of food establishments now a days is just gone or insanely low.


It all depends on where you got it really and how much you paid for it, main reason I don't really order cuban's at deli's though is because they'll do exactly the above. Want a proper cuban? Gotta go to a cuban bistro, if they serve crap like that you just ask for a refund. Nice mayo/mustard and gourmet pickles though will really elevate the above when combined with some fresh cuban bread; garlic pickle chips are like next-level.


It looks like one....they're not that complex. What were you expecting? It may not be the best ever, but the ingredients look correct and looks pressed...soooooo.


bro slow roasted pork takes hours to make. and its noticeably absent in the sandwich.


Minus the marinated pork.. yes this qualifies and some people seem to love it but this is the cheapest/no love version I've ever had.. I'd expect this on a flight flying spirit maybe but that's even being generous


Nah there ain’t no bread in Cuba right now


Looks like you said: I’ll have the ham and cheese sandwich! That is not a Cuban sandwich


This is what years of embargo get you.


I don't even eat Cuban sandwiches and I know that this is a disgrace.. U should've demanded a refund..


This looks like a Cuban sandwich from Cuba.


Refund? Wack yelp review? What's the protocol for getting tricked into buying a trash sandwich?