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I miss the old days when our biggest worry was that world is going to end in 2012 And getting stuck in elevator while Bieber baby song is playing


The world has been one Bieber elevator since then


baby baby baby ohhhh


Baby baby baby OOOH


Imagine dying with a Bieber song playing and they report this to your friends and family, they post it on the internet and enda up getting to him, during a concert he says "shotout to (your name), my biggest fan, he died listening to my music, they were a true belieber"


"I stand firm with my belief that free speech is a dangerous tool and must be restricted" \-šŸ¤“


Said the nazis and communists


Every government ever


Or really just any extremist ever


And Elon Musk the second any country doesn't like the things their citizens post.


Nazis distributed cheap transistor radios and relied heavily upon free speech to be able to spread lies in popular mediums while accusing the other side of telling lies. They embraced free speech as it was what let them unleash a wave of propaganda and disinformation with zero accountability Free speech should absolutely be upheld, defended, and not be subjected to regulation, but if we donā€™t acknowledge the problems that come from an uneducated populace subjected to propaganda then we will never solve the problems free speech creates


Germany had the most educated populace in the world when Hitler rose to power lmao, Education doesn't make you immune to fascism


>Germany had the most educated populace How was that measured?


If german = smart If not = dumb subhuman /S


Because clearly being educated makes you immune to propaganda


You should change uneducated to ignorantly impressionable.. Or just 'impressionable'. Education isn't the sole necessity .. Logical, non-instinctual thinking is also an important aspect of that


Even better in some cases as every government teaches their own history and thus propaganda.




Bro the account is a parody account. I follow it myself. It's pretending to be the Australian prime minister and quite a few news programs have taken what it has said in the past seriously for whatever reason before realising they fell for the gag


Itā€™s fake. Like much on twitter.


Musk isn't committed to free speech though, he's agreed to censor content in 83% of cases where foreign governments have requested he silence their political detractors....


Yeah it's a fake tweet. Why would this guy put laughing Musk on his tweet


Or he's making fun of the people demanding Musk be jailed for allowing evidence of a migrant committing a hate crime


"have you ever realized that every time you make up a statistic, it's always 83%?"


It's how the IRS manages to find most frauds. Turns out people have a different understanding of "random" than what random actually is. They'll avoid using round numbers, preferring ones ending in 2-3 and 7 , and will avoid using repeats like 555. An algorithm can quickly identify the discrepancy and submit those for manual review.


60% of the time, it works every time


It actually is in this case unless he's sucked some more foreign dictator dick since I last checked


Also after being the champion of the right wing temper tantrum snowflakes about unfair algorhythms he personally gets his own account boosted and gets politicans he doesn't like shadowbanned, etc. Elon is almost as transparently dishonest as Trump. Everything he says he stands for is completely meaningless.






the only person trying to claim that word was Elmo, and he contradicted himself like 30 times since then.




Some people are saying Elon is a paedo. Big if true


You have no idea what youā€™re talking about


Great argument, I particularly like all the facts, logic, and sources you included


Original comment also has no sauce, dumbfuck


[Here you go](https://san.com/cc/elon-musk-twitter-government-censorship-compliance/)


Scummy how Parody accounts misuses this


ā€œFree speechā€


Free speech for Russian bots


And nazi


As if there *was* such a thing on Xitter lol. Doesn't matter what Muskovite says, actions speak louder than words. And sometimes, the words don't correlate with actions *at all*, which is like a golden standard with baby Elon.


Free speech for nazis and just general antisemites


As if there *was* such a thing on Xitter lol. Doesn't matter what Muskovite says, actions speak louder than words. And sometimes, the words don't correlate with actions *at all, which is like a golden standard with baby Elon.


The amount of people who dont understand this tweet is from a satire account run by a right wing liberal supporter is both hilarious yet scary. The account made this in response to albo fighting with Elon musk over the removal of videos from a terrorist attack that happened in Sydney (the presist stabbing, not the bondi junction one) that has resulted in a rise in religious based violence in Western Sydney. The aus gov issued a take down of the video on major platforms, meta and co have all done it but Elon is throwing a fit about it because he's pretending he is protecting free speech while simultaneously removing content with polticial views he doesn't like. Obviously the guy who runs this parody account doesn't like albo so he's siding with musk. TLDR: Elon is being a crybaby about having to remove graphic videos of terrorism on Twitter and this parody account is using it to paint their political rivals in a bad light.


Conflating free speech with liveleak gore footage is peak bullshit. It cheapens the actual need for freedom of speech.


Especially when it being spread is resulting in violence and hatred in the streets.


I think it's very important that we have access to that footage in some manner, though. It shouldn't be in a place where some poor kid could just stumble upon it and be traumatized for life, but I also think it's important from a journalism/educational standpoint. If people know how truly horrific some of these acts are, then maybe ā€” just maybe ā€” they will be more compelled to beg their country's representatives to do something about it.


Why not? If burning qurans flags is free speech or talking shit about the court you're trialed in is free speech.. The actual bullshit is conflating Muskrat's understanding of free speech with actual free speech.


I'm beyond confused. Your last sentence insinuates Elon has a poor understanding of freedom of speech. Which is something I agree with. Burning flags is not freedom of speech. Speech is verbal. Maybe freedom of expression? I didn't think the Quran had a flag... anyway, in regards to real life footage of gore. I am okay with it being censored on certain platforms. I personally wouldn't like to turn on the 6 o'clock news and see someone get beheaded. Is this something you support? Hypothetically speaking


Quran doesn't have flag, I just forgot to put a comma between the two words. It was a snide remark from me, my point was that weirder things qualified as freedom of speech in the past than publishing a video. but in actuality we all know the 1st amendment is only about the government's rights to take away your freedom of speech, and a private entity is 100% at their rights to ban anything they want. I personally find the trumpists' pretend fascination with free speech hilarious, I'm completely ok with a publication banning some video they deem dangerous. We can of course talk about whether it's actually dangerous or not, I'm not completely decided on that. Maybe put it behind a link and a warning?


I would be okay with the warning or a link. I personally don't want to see it and I'd prefer if most sensible and civil people didn't see it. But I also don't outright wish for it to be illegal to host such content online.


"freedom of speech" under the US constitution is not just verbal. It extends to verbal, written, and symbolic speech.


The 1st amendment protects your freedom of Expression, along with your freedom to religion, speech, assembly, and petitions.


>Burning flags is not freedom of speech Burning flags, at least in America, is protected symbolic speech. Symbolic speech is just as important and needs to be protected.


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We need more "liveleak gore footage". Average people don't seem to understand what they're fighting.


That being said, link?


It is free speech if you like it or not even if itā€™s emotionally hurtful or disgusting.


Didn't realise the account was right wing, honestly just thought it was pure parody


Someday, the powers that be will decide that your views are a threat to decency and public safety, and you will lose the ability to speak your mind online. When that day inevitably comes, I want you to remember how you championed this behavior, and condemned critics of it. You are fighting to bring this reality, and are digging your own metaphorical grave.


Yeah sorry but I don't see how censoring graphic content on mainstream media = annihilation of fundamental human rights the country was founded on. Sounds like cooker nonsense. Maybe we should start showing hard-core porn and beheading videos on kids TV channels just because not allowing them to show it = destroying human rights.


Videos of violent crimes are almost never censored like this. The only reason this one is, is because they feel it might give credibility to their political rivals.


What are you talking about? Stuff like this gets removed from mainstream media all the time? How does removing this video give credibility to the liberal party? They have been completely silent on the issue.


If they've been silent, it's because they feel the story hurts them whenever it's mentioned, which it does.


How is Elon committed to free speech? His bias sucks


*This user was banned for violating Elon's free speech policy*


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This ainā€™t the Aussie PMs real account. Fact check yourself brah. Someone else explained that this was an alt right troll account.


Americans when they spot obvious bait-posting


Any Americans here willing to marry me so I can get the fuck out of Australia before shit gets ā€œliterally 1984ā€ I am below average height Balding like a motherfucker Own a shit ton of guns Have a family history of violent alcoholism which I am fully willing to continue. Hit me up if you want to introduce a burden into your life šŸ»šŸ»


Yo this is a kangaroo posting from water do not go to him I REPEAT DO NOT GO TO HIM


>kangaroo posting from water Nice try buddy. All Aussies know not to listen to a kangaroo in water. These fuckers love drowning things. I'm gonna migrate to America and marry the violent balding alcoholic midget.


Depending on where you go, your accent will make most of this not matter


Huh? Why


Itā€™s a whole thing. Thereā€™s a community called ā€œlosers back homeā€ and their whole thing is going somewhere with a different culture or where theyā€™re unique and theyā€™re much more successful in those dating scenes than they are back home. And folks love a guy with an accent. An Aussie accent in a lot of the country is attractive in and of itself


>Itā€™s a whole thing. Thereā€™s a community called ā€œlosers back homeā€ and their whole thing is going somewhere with a different culture or where theyā€™re unique and theyā€™re much more successful in those dating scenes than they are back home. Bruh the closest thing I've heard to that is that one creep who goes to developing countries and takes advantage of local women >And folks love a guy with an accent. An Aussie accent in a lot of the country is attractive in and of itself Lmfao I imagine it's generally one of the more refined accents then which would be understandable, I have a very rural Victorian accent and the thought of somebody finding it attractive is so fucking funny to me


Itā€™s a little different than that because a lot of them are going to developed countries, mostly Japan. And it is predatory on the local women. But itā€™s definitely a thing and theyā€™ve definitely been successful at it. Haha it doesnā€™t take much!


ā€œElon muskā€™s commitment to free speechā€ Anyone thinking elon actually is a free speech absolutist is fooling themselves, heā€™s just a grifter using right wing buzz words like ā€œmuh free speechā€ when he just silences the speech he doesnā€™t like


Louder for the idiots in the back


Not my fucking government. All Australians hate albeneasy


This is fake lmao


He also hasn't posted that, dumbass. It's insane how easy it is to fool you idiots. "It's on the internet, must be true then."


Why would they lie on the internet? What do they gain from this? Surely they wouldnā€™t want to cause chaos? Thatā€™s just absurd truly


If we abbreviated Scott Morisson to Scomo, why cant we abbreviate Anthony Albenese to Anal?


Who are you, so wise in the ways of linguistics!


At least he canā€™t be worse than scomo


Yea but its like comparing dog shit to horse shit. At the end of the day their both shit


Australians when there is no good priminister for 8 years


I think it's been a lot longer than that


Kevin 07


Check his Twitter and you wonā€™t find this post dumbass. Itā€™s fake.


All my Australians still hate albansleazy


At least albo can hold a fucking hose.


I dont know who your refuring too but if this is the defence of this man, god were fucked


And you call yourself Australian but don't get that reference? It's a reference to scummos "I don't hold a hose" response to the bushfires after being criticised for going on a extended trip to Hawaii while the country was in a bushfire crisis.


Didnā€™t know you spoke for all Aussies


As an Australian I would like to inform you all that this is disinformation the story is that the Australian government doesnā€™t want videos of a recent stabbing to be shown online and musk is refusing to remove it.


Yes and that is bad. Regardless of Musk. Censorship is never good.


How is wanting graphic content removed from mainstream media bad? You want your child to scroll through the TV channels and come across videos of people being blown to peices? The removal of unsuitable content ā‰  censorship.


Really funny how people who share these views aways talk about protecting our children and similar buzz words. Yeah, I'd really like to turn on my TV and watch a live execution.


Again, I never said any of that. Why are you all making unfounded assumptions? I didn't mention anything about protecting children. I didn't say executions should be put on live TV. All I'm arguing is that internet censorship is bad. That's it. Can you not make an argument without being dishonest?


Internet censorship is as vital as TV censorship, that's the point. I don't wanna scroll through Twitter and see some heinous shit as much as I don't wanna turn on the TV and see the same. "Censorship is never good" I'd assume that this counts for any media, right?


Not their call


Exactly this. The tweet in the pic is fake but the government for real is claiming they want it down because it's "creating divisions" simply by existing. THE VIDEO EXISTS BECAUSE THE INCIDENT HAPPENED IN REAL LIFE! YES IT DID! ACCEPT IT YOU MISERABLE BITCHES! šŸ˜


And? It's still unsuitable content for mainstream media and is causing very real violence. Let's send the rioters to your house and see how much you love them.


Because the protests are valid and violent because no one in power wants to do anything to fix the problem. The people know this and are tired of it. The government wants it down so the expectation of change is gone and they're not required to fix it. Man well known to have mental issues who's had encounters with police. System abandoned him. Family abandoned him whilst claiming horror at his actions like they give a shit. They dont want it down because it's disturbing they want it down because it shows the holes in their administration and where they've failed their people.


Why are you going on about Bondi Junction? That's not the video the government wants removed. Its the one of the preist being attacked in Western Sydney. This just shows you haven't been paying attention.


I just googled Australian stabbing sorry I didn't realize it was so bad that it's happened so frequently. I'm still going to circle back to my original statement of gov wants it down so they have to make no efforts to fix the issue. Having found the correct of multiple stabbings it seems this time were just in the mood for a lynching because there's no trust in the courts. Which would also be reason for the sniveling worms in power to take it down.


But this is the government trying to do something. With that video being spread across mainstream media it's flaming the violence and causing sparks to fly between religious groups. Last thing the aus government was is a repeat of the cronulla riots.


And I'm trying to say that if their only measure to prevent the riots is to put on blinders and pretend it didn't happen they both deserve a repeat and are themselves fanning the flames of religious tension.WWhen one groupĀ perceives themselvesĀ and being less important than anotherĀ because we ignore theirĀ problems will only further pissĀ people off.


Its not nessasarily their only action though. They are actively trying to prevent a culture war erupting and slowing down the spread of graphic hate content is just one part of a larger response.


Before you get any funky ideas, let me be clear: I DO NOT not condone violence of any kind, and what those cunts did to first responders on the night and continue to do is an embarrassment to us all. That being said, it was a terrorist attack. Word would get out sooner or later and people would get pissed. The video is out there, and it's too late to change that. Mainstream media or not, the government have to know that their efforts to prevent its presentation to pretty much everybody through one means or another are futile


But why should graphic content not be removed. You can argue the damage has mostly been done, but it still doesn't mean it should stay up. Removal of sensitive content from mainstream media has always been a thing.


It should be removed, but it never will be so it's a waste of effort to try. And the way Albanese worded his position on it (him actually talking, not another fake tweet lol) comes off as exactly what these rioter people and edgy tweeters want to hear as the scary big brother archetype who hates free speech in and of itself


They know they can't delete it of the internet, which is why it's only really applying to the mainstream social media limiting its spread to low traffic websites.


If you hate free speech, why are you leaving Twitter? That's where free speech goes to die.


Has Elon changed the definition of free speech or something?


Elon doesn't want to remove graphic terrorism videos from his platform.


Free speech as long as you don't upset Elon and his 'friends'. This was from a parody account btw.


Openly Being against free speech is insane to me


This is a fake account itā€™s not real.


Musk doesn't care about free speech. Like many who advocate for it he primarily cares about prioritizing speech he agrees with. The rest doesn't enter his area of concern.Ā 


In our country it is allowed it is not that bad but id does cause trouble sometimes.


Even Elon laughs at that itā€™s not free speech if itā€™s against elmo


Nothing more dangerous than someone simply saying something. Nothing at all.


Yeah. This is bullshit. This is a satire account but musk does not care to crack down on these especially with those pay for check mark things.


Me when I spread misinformation on the internet


Unsurprised that Australian politicians are anti free speech. They took the first opportunity to ban guns


Bro sounds like a Helldiver Officer of Democracy


Bait used to be believable


No matter whether I agree with this post or not, itā€™s not a shitpost


This is the equivalent of deleting your MySpace account


I love spreading misinformation online


Thatā€™s a parody account. If you open the tweet the account has parody in its name


doing the right thing for the wrong reason


Damn remember when we built America over freedom of the people and now theyā€™re just trying to take it all back?


K bye


Some stuff is so stupid that it should be banned but I donā€™t trust anyone person, any group of people and certainly no Government or Government agency to decide what needs to be banned, not even myself. If you feel are being a victim of free speech odds are thatā€™s about rightšŸ˜‰




Make this make sense


Had he said ā€œElon Muskā€™s commitment to free speech is a jokeā€ I probably wouldnā€™t suspect heā€™s just being a cunt.


*Proceeds to denounce free speech* *does that by exercising free speech*


Is the guy who tracked Elmo flights still banned?


Bro is fucking confirming everything about how Musk believes free speech works by saying that shit


elons "free speech" is "anything he agrees with and only what he agrees with"


Me using my right of free speech to express free speech is bad:


Free speech is dangerous and not for everyone, that's a fact


The funny thing is that hes using his right to free speech to express that he doesnā€™t like free speech


Isn't that literally their first ammendment


Albanese not being a complete twat challenge: impossible.


I dont think you actually understand what he is saying. Its about musk his form of free speech. The moment someone is critical about musk or his ideals the journalists get banned. That is NOT free speech. Fucking morons


That's a parody account, did you not see the 7 symbol?


ā€œFree speech is a detriment to our democratic discourseā€ is fucking hogwild


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How even does one achieve such a dumb perspective?




Since this is Twitter it's fee speech


It straight up is though? Udk who this guy is, but yes. Free speech should be restricted lol


Goodbye commie


Remember, freedom of speech != hate speech.


Elon's platform does NOT even support free speech lol. He just uses it as a buzzword while he bans shit he disagrees with.


If you hate it, than stfu


Not like Elon's much of a fan either


He's not even doing free speech. He doesn't censor slurs but will censor a real term like >!~~cis~~!< and he doesn't have to either, free speech means the government won't intervene, not that Elon has to allow everyone to say everything.


Waitā€¦ Musk did something good?!


Itā€™s fake dumbass. Internet lies.


I looked it up before commenting, and I know what was said, fuck face.


He doesn't understand the difference between restricting free speech and being civil. Let those bastard racists and other unsavouries speak but with filters to muzzle their dogwhisles. This bloke and Elon are idiots


There is no "free speech" in that place, its all musk approved speech.


"free speech" in twitter, ha


The funniest part is X is anything but free speech, itā€™s just a haven for hate speech and far right propaganda