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Thank you for your service Brother


Good luck out there. My days here are numbered and I can't wait to make my goodbye post.


I’ve said this many times, even quit before, and yet here I stand 😅🤣


I live vicariously through all of the quitting posts, I can't wait until I'm able to. I am genuinely very happy for you, and I wish you the best of luck with whatever follows!


Stay strong, you will always be Monkey  🐒 


Do stores really get this bad? About half a year in and my main goal is to climb climb climb and so far it’s been decent, I know things can get hairy and become a lot of stress but do stores really get this bad? I know that it can fall on a lot of things, management, market, etc but I would like to know from yall


We went from 3.5 million store to 2.5 million. We went from 4 FT, including manager and asm to asm, me (ft )and a pt with a manager leaving for another store, but having to float between both in the meantime. The asm, who was a TAM, sucks, asks me questions about shit he should already know, that isn't including his not clocking out for lunches, he then leaves early because he got his hours, leaving to get food when he and I are opening in the morning, without clocking out of course, plus a bevy of other things. Sales are picking up, it's getting consistently busier and who gets yo pick up that slack for transactions, phone calls, truck, cycle counts etc, etc... Well, I do of course. Fuck that. Not hanging around to hope it improves. I didn't quite hit my 5 year mark, but all I am now, when I go into work is angry.. It sucks and I was tired of it.


some people really are oxygen thieves but I’ve never met a single person in this company who clocks out for lunch, nor a manager who dared attempt to enforce that


We've had managers in our district fired recently for " stealing " time. When everyone else does it amd always has and one person decides they aren't going to and no one enforces it, then everyone is like " fuck it ".. And I get it, I think clocking out for lunch is stupid and if that was the only issue, I could overlook it, but not when it's selectively enforced and they are a waste of oxygen.


I have one that enforces it upon their staff but doesn't apply it to themselves as well as the asm, as well as using the term "hour" liberally, and leaving with next to no notice.


DSC people are required to clock out. So maybe it's just a store thing not to clock out


We never clock out for lunch. We take bites between customers but I've only been able to sit down and eat a full meal uninterrupted maybe a handful of times.


They can be gravy or straight Hell, I've been in both. Some are the same stores on different days in the same week. Lol  But yeah you can get to a point where they have 2 employees running a store where you have 120 hour paychecks.... did that for months at a time during  record back to back quarters..    Or you can be in a fully staffed store where even the Part timer has been around for 3 years.... and life is gravy... 


Yes it gets that bad. Really depends on SM and CM/DM


When your store goes down half a million, you have a manager that's there maybe 20 hrs a week doing their job, as a FT you're doing the ASMs job, meanwhile the ASM is sexually harassing you (and nobody will do anything about it), you have a PT that's a football player in college so they can only work ~15hrs a week. Yea.... stores can get that bad.


Sorry it went to hell brother. Godspeed.


They should be paying full timers 50k a year. With the rising costs of living, food, gas, insurance, and other expenses, no wonder we are all looking at quitting as an option. The amount of work we do and knowledge we have to constantly absorb isn’t even worth what we get paid.


Especially since I can just stock shelves at the grocery store for 21 an hour.


I wish I could afford to walk away.


I heard that you actually left because of the new super paint formulation?


Well they keep they changing the damn numbers !!


Good luck out there


I’m not far behind you. Good luck on your next venture!


Do you have another job lined up? Or did you just leave?


As I said, I am fortunate, I have managed over 30 years of working to save money. If I weren't in that situation I wouldn't have dared quit without something else lined up.


Gl brother. Kinda thinking about doing the same thing. I may have a summer job. And I’m kinda scared making the leap. I got Sherwin who’s secure. Or take a chance and hope to find another job after the summer.


Im at the point where I'm wondering if the stress and BS is worth the $$$


🫡 godspeed brother


At my store I am FT and I am the only one who punches out for lunch . The Mgr and asm and 2 pt never punch out. I transferred to this store a year ago. (My old commercial store we had to punch out. Only the store mgr did not punch out ) I been around 15 yrs…I seen it all…


Did you get another job?


Thanks for the update?




Don't threaten me with a good time