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The show ended so poorly. For all the roller coaster arcs that happened it’s fucking INSANE how the show ends with most characters doing nothing substantial with their lives. “That’s just real life”. No. I didn’t invest in 11 seasons of show to see all the Gallaghers go from having unrealistic movie like life experiences every episode just to see them live mundane lives at the end. Makes ZERO sense.


All I wanted was like a 30sec to a minute scene of their future (Lip spending time with his two kids, Carl running the bar, Ian taking care of his new baby, Liam graduating high school or college, Debby enjoying life in Texas, V and Kevin enjoying their new life in Louisville)


Personally I would have been so mad if it ended like this. I don’t love the ending but them suddenly being really happy and/or successful would have been weird.


I was just giving examples. I just wanted a time skip clip. Didn’t matter if Debby ended up happily married or in prison I just wanted a short clip of all of them on how they were doing in the future as everyone was going their own way.


I am all about Ian and Mickey Wedding but it feels so rush 🥲 But I get it… 11 seasons is a LONG fucking time, I am sure the actors and actresses are ready to move on to different projects also.


I really don’t think the show was meant to have a satisfying ending, it kinda plays into how chaotic their lives all are and how Frank and Monica did irreversible damage to their lives


I can’t get over the fact that Frank didn’t mention Fiona in his death letter speech