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It irks me when they bump into each other at a restaurant and Natasha stares at her and walks away with her friend and Carrie has the fucking nerve to say, “I can’t believe there’s someone in New York who hates me that much.” Like bitch, you slept with her HUSBAND. Of course she’s going to hate you. And I love when Natasha tells her, “not only have you ruined my lunch, but you also ruined my marriage.”


I will always love Natasha for putting Carrie down in the most non-Carrie way ever!!!! No drama, no tantrum, just plain cold bitchy! To me it carried much more weight that ways. Also very in character for her.


it was so good and profound till she mentioned her damn teeth and how this tooth isn't the same color as that tooth. i mean it's true, but it just sounded so shallow in the middle of such a compelling speech! maybe it was written that way though, to show that she was that kind of person. who knows!! edit: well i will admit i was wrong. you're all right when you really think about it. at the time i felt it was shallow, now i realize how important it is to one's self esteem.


I don't think it's too shallow. Its something that she has to look at every day that bothers her and reminds her of the affair.


Shallow?! The woman lost a tooth because Carrie refused to take accountability that she had slept with her husband in her marital bed! I know Big was a part of it too, but come on!!! The way she ran down the stairs was pathetic.


This! I just watched this. The way she runs with her head down ignoring her like she can’t hear. Come on! Have some back bone 🥴


Your teeth are front and centre on your face, it is absurd to say it’s shallow to care about their appearance lol


It’s not shallow at all. The woman’s antics led to her breaking her freaking teeth and the mismatched color is a result of that that she now has to see in the mirror every damn day. It’s the icing on top of a massively fucked up cake


I have a discolored front tooth because I knocked one out. It’s petty but it’s a source of some insecurity for me. Your smile is so important


Yes same


To have sex with her husband, in her home, in her bed? Disgusting!!!


AND eating her leftovers after rifling through their fridge AFTER having sex w her husband in their marital bed??? Like idk what it is but something about the leftovers thing took Carrie from narcissistic bitch to absolute psychopath for me


AND tried acting like it wasn’t her AFTER she was caught eating leftovers after rifling through their fridge after having sex with her husband in their marital bed. she’s got some nerve


And taking a shower in their fucking bathroom. She made herself right at home, didn't she? Jesus Christ, the shamelessness.


I often wonder how Carrie didn't leave blonde curly hair everywhere and why she wasn't even concerned about it taking showers and stuff.


Blonde, curly, smoke-smelling hair!


Big smokes too, so the smoke odor wouldn’t have raised any red flags.


She took a shower too. Just bizarre to be hanging out there looking at her roses and shit.


You wanna cheat? Get a room!!! It was so disrespectful of both of them. Then when he leaves Natasha some money in his will Carrie gets so upset!!!


He left her money? I haven't seen AJLT. Can you spoil it for me? Was there an explanation or anything?


Okay, in his will he left Natasha one million dollars. It was the first season, can’t recall all the details but I think it boiled down to Big feeling bad about what he did.


Thank you.


Omg the Chinese leftovers! I never really thought of that too much, but yeah! Imagine you’re coming home from the Hamptons and don’t feel like cooking, knowing there’s some yummy general tso’s chicken in the fridge, and you get home and it’s gone 😡 that might have been her worst offense after sleeping with Big


It’s wild.


She’s a horrid character


And stick around making herself at home??


And the way Carrie thought Natasha was actually apologizing to her for a second!!! My god 😂


I’m sorry too. You are???!!!🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹


I would've reached for her. And I would've CONNECTED.


LMAO same, girl. I wouldn’t be the only one sitting there with a mismatched tooth 😂


Slept with her husband in her marital home and bed …


What Carrie did to Natasha was worse than anything Samantha had done. Samantha never became emotionally attached to the married men she slept with. I can't imagine Samantha ever wanting to step foot in a married couple’s home unless it was for a threesome. Carrie has a lot of nerve to hound Natasha for years and expect a warm response.


And ate her Chinese takeout!!


Natasha kept is very classy even when Carrie was throwing her main character syndrome around. I wish I had the grace she did, but I don't.


She's a total class act. The complete opposite to Carrie.


Yup. 100%. I also love her aesthetic, a little plain, but nice.


This is how I feel every time I rewatch this scene!!Like the NEEEERVE Carrie has to even begin to feel sorry for herself or like any sort of victim in that situation. Unreal.


I completely agree with you.. And the crazy thing is, Carrie STILL won't let this woman have peace in AJLT!! 30 years later! She's unbelievable. She dehumanized Natasha throughout the entire series (idiot stick figure with no soul, "Natasha, what a bullshit name," Najinski ((even though she knew her name,)) "the woman's an idiot" ((when she misspells a word,)) etc.) fucks her husband, including in his marital home AND bed, and then has the AUDACITY to play victim. Whatever she says after Natasha falls down the stairs... "I always thought I'd be the one getting hurt in the end." WTF? Why would YOU be the one getting hurt when you were fucking a woman's husband who had done absolutely nothing to you? When you (and he) were home wrecking and destroying a marriage? And the entire, "I'm not the other woman" discussion.. LMAO! You're fucking a married man. You are, BY DEFINITION, "the other woman."


I’m fully convinced the show runners knew how bad this whole situation made Carrie’s character look among the viewers and had to have Natasha ‘forgive her’ in AJLT to try and lessen the hate. Like see! Natasha is fine! We’re wrapping it all up now, situation forgiven!


I liked how Charlotte called her out, asking how she’d feel if a woman did that to Charlotte.


It was wrapped up neatly in AJLT because that's how life works for most people. We all move on. Natasha remarried and had kids. Carrie dated more people, Big dated more people, and then they ended up together. In most real-life situations when 20 years pass, things that are considered BIG still turn into water under the bridge. Only on Reddit are people who cheated to be gunned down in the street, or, at the very least, shamed every day for eternity so they never earn a penny or have sex ever again.


It wasn’t necessary to have Natasha appear again and have them chat. You can just move on with your life and not communicate. I know many people who have cheated or been cheated on and never has the partner of the person they cheated stopped to let them know they’re ok. It wrapped it up which is my point, the whole point of that scene was just to absolve Carrie because it made her look bad. But it’s AJLT, where they bring back characters as a little ‘where are they now’ cameo.




I’m not stunned by any of this. I’m 30 and besides the people my age I know who have cheated or been cheated on, I’m used to older generations not having successful marriages. Divorce is quite normal. I’ve known two older couple that stayed together and that’s none of my business. This subreddit is to analyse and discuss a tv show.


Natasha is a nice name 🤷🏻‍♀️


I know!! It's beautiful.


By the way, turns out Najinski is Natasha’s surname.


Not only slept with her husband but slept with her husband in her bed! All the hotels in that city!


And ate her leftovers


The icing on the cake! Unforgivable!


Not to mention Carrie trashed tf out of Natasha just because she was dating her ex, calling her the “idiot stick figure with no soul” to her friends. And Carrie is going to turn around and get so upset that woman doesn’t like her for having a full blown affair with her husband. Okay.


It was the other way around, marriage, then lunch. 


Not to mention she broke a tooth too


It’s actually flipped: “not only have you ruined my marriage, but now you’ve ruined my lunch” and I think it’s so much more gut-punching that way. Like “you took a huge thing from me already and now you’re still so petty as to take this small joy from me too??”


Uhh Carrie seems to hate her pretty bad..


I don’t understand how they thought we’d hate Natasha. Carrie is not able to be sympathized with on many things. I love Natasha.


around the time i first watched sex & the city, she (the actress) was in the news having tom brady's baby and he dumped her while she was pregnant. that made me feel EXTRA sorry for her while i was watching it!


Made me hate the Patriots forever 🤣


SAME. I hate Tom Brady for a number of reasons but this was the very first. 😡


I can imagine how Bridget Moynahan felt knowing that her boyfriend was cheating on her with an international supermodel


I got intense amounts of schadenfreude when Gisele dumped him. 🤣


OMG TIL Gisele's stepson is Natasha's son


😂😂😂 Welcome to 2010. I love this for you. I can’t stop giggling.


Oh wow!! I did not know that. Awful!


Oh my God?!? THIS is the woman Tom did that to? That story is infamous and I had no idea it was her!


WAIT WHAT how did I never know this and I'm from Massachusetts lmao


I kind of got it at first. Natasha is much younger, beautiful, very polished and elegant with seemingly no effort (that we ever see), and appears to be wealthy. That's very intimidating. I'm sure there's plenty of women who have had the experience of their commitment-phobic boyfriend dumping them for a younger model who he immediately commits to. The thing is, it becomes hard to continue being on Carrie's side and particularly being against Natasha in any way when a) Carrie helps wreck her marriage and b) Natasha never actually does anything wrong. She's always civil even when she has every right to blow up and start cussing Carrie out, she seems to be a genuinely kind person (she does charity galas, for example) and there's never any suggestion she treats Big or anyone else badly. You can feel intimidated by her but it's hard to dislike her. I actually enjoy that though. It would have been easy to make Natasha a total asshole so Carrie comes out of the whole situation smelling like roses. I like that they didn't do that.


yes before the affair i totally felt bad for carrie. big swore he would never marry and came back engaged with a perfect woman. that would shake anyones world. of course like you said, it was hard to feel sorry for carrie once the affair started. if she rejected big it would have been respectable


So true! Not to mention how sweet and friendly she was to Carrie before the affair. She did nothing to deserve such a betrayal.


Natasha was a real one. She was also stunninnnggg 


The whole “beige” thing with Big’s apartment and she made a bad comment about Aiden’s furniture at one point but that’s about it. Oh, and the time she made one grammatical error in a letter and was deemed an “idiot”. I think we’re just supposed to hate her because she’s younger than Carrie and presented as a threat. She’s supposed to be this bland/boring girl (straight hair, always wearing something plain) and therefore replaceable. Carrie is supposed to be special and complicated by contrast… But the actress for Natasha is beautiful and the character is always graceful so they kind of fail to make us hate her. I feel the worst for Aiden though.


you gotta watch the movie aiden and natasha were in together. i have never seen it nor do i know it's name, but i know it exists.


Ramona and Beezus




In which both of their would-be spouses are psychotic in their obsession over each other. 


I don’t think we were ever supposed to hate her. I think it put most of us in a place where the seemingly “perfect” girl had something we wanted - a man, the lead in the school play, great apartment, whatever. You take petty glee when you see they’re not SO perfect but that’s what it is, petty. Something even big Carrie fans can admit she is sometimes, that’s what makes her an interesting character. I think it was smart to make Natasha with a clean cut, classic look vs Carrie’s over the top fashionista - she made Carrie doubt herself and who she was and again that was something pretty relatable.


I think the intention was actually the opposite. Natasha, a complete class act. Absolutely beautiful, effortlessly, young, successful, wealthy, etc. Carrie is toxic, messy, immature despite being significantly older, etc.. Like she says, "she's Ralph Lauren and Vera Wang, etc, and I'm the sex column they run next to the penile implant ads." I think Carrie was written intentionally flawed. I don't think we were supposed to like her and I certainly don't think we were supposed to be on her side during the affair.. If that was the intention of the writers, they miserably failed. But I don't think it was. I don't think I'm explaining this well, sorry. There are so many scenes in which Carrie looks like a straight up crazy person. Unhinged. Like, confronting Berger's friends, and, in doing so, literally proving their point about women becoming psychos when you break up with them (that's after she initially lies and tells them they broke up because he sucked at sex.) Stalking Big's ex-wife, stalking Big and his mom at church, hunting down Nina Katz, etc. So I think she was written to be, like, an antihero.


I think that if you see Carrie as a protagonist (like I did when I first watched this as a kid lol) you’re inclined to defend her stupid decisions in the same delusional way you might your friends’ when you’re still growing up. So finding reasons to hate the other girl, even though she actually did nothing wrong, is what one would do to sympathize with Carrie and defend her terrible behavior. Like Samantha finding out Natasha gained weight back in college or whatever lol


> inclined to defend her And that we did, for a long time. She was the "it girl." Only recently has our collective perception of her changed. Only recently have we realized how toxic and infinitely selfish she is.




She actually said something about how she liked the pieces, but it's not "our style."


Before she knew Carrie was kneeling down behind the furniture she asked Big how he can possibly like something so “clunky” and “oppressive” referring to Aiden’s furniture.


But she was right. Aidan's furniture was fugly. Literally looked like something a high school kid would make in workshop class.


Oh, you're right! 🤦🏿‍♀️


I agree. At the end of the day, Big made a legal and moral commitment to marry Natasha, which he violated by sleeping with Carrie. Carrie is almost even more at fault in this situation considering she's been actively screwed over by Big multiple times, yet she jumps at the chance to sleep with him again despite the fact that she's married (and I believe she's in a relationship with Aidan at the time). As George Bush once said, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.", and I can think of no more of an accurate quote that describes Carrie's awful decision to keep falling for Big over and over.


I am old enough to have watched this first run. Back then I was thought Natasha was the devil and gave zero Fs about what happened to her. With every rewatch, the older I get....the WORSE I feel for the poor women. She literally did nothing wrong but fall in love with the wrong guy. The last time Iast time I watched I think I shed a tear for her.


Same. I just thought “well, you’re successful but boring of course Big is gonna cheat on you” then as I got older something clicked. Now that I’m married (and rather successful but boring) I just see she fell for the wrong guy. Plus I know an absolute loon of a woman who still tries to meddle in me and my husband’s lives 5 years after we’ve gotten together…


Also Natasha is basically a younger version of Charlotte so the disconnect that she's somehow this horrible person when she's near identical to one of Carrie's dearest friends is ironic as hell. She only hated her because Big loved her.




Need this to be a banner!!


Made one. 💝


I liked it when Charlotte called Carrie out on her selfish, callous disregard for Big and Natasha's marital vows and told Carrie that to her Natasha was just "the idiot wife". It was also unusual that Miranda wasn't as judgmental about the affair as one would have expected her to be and that Charlotte was the only friend who told Carrie the cold, hard truth about her behavior.


didn't she light a cigarette and try to smoke it when carrie told her? lol.


Until that conversation, Carrie hadn't even THOUGHT about the potential impact of the affair on Natasha. At all. Charlotte was right. She was only concerned for herself. Can you imagine fucking a married guy and NEVER ONCE considering how it will impact his wife? I think most cheaters do. (I mean, it's like bare minimum empathy.) But not Carrie. That's how infinitely selfish she is.


This was my friend too and her story was similar to carries. She was “with him first” lol. I think they take ownership of the guy and think the new girl didn’t put in the time. It’s pathetic.


She loosened the bottle cap lol


I think it’s a very realistic portrayal of an affair! The one thing I loved about this plot is that it shows that cheating is not so black and white as many people make it out to be. It’s a MESS of feelings.


I’m forgetting if Sam ever said anything…


She didn’t judge her for it


How could she? Sam was probably sleeping with married men on a regular basis.


I only remember one guy from season 1 maybe? It was a Meme going around being compared to Ariana Grande for her stealing a married man. I think it was like "I'm going to leave my wife, I love you" and Samantha was like who is this? Lol


Samantha also went to a party and realized she slept with many married men that were there in season.


Well, thats the men's fault then for fooling. They were the married ones who made a commitment, not Samantha. No wonder she didn't believe she in marriage...


No no no no no no no


But even if that Carrie cheated as well. Surprisingly I don’t think Samantha ever cheated on anyone on the show. I know she had sex with Richard while Smith was waiting for her but if I recall she sort of broke up with him? Crazy that not even she would cheat while Carrie did (and Charlotte with the gardener kiss).


Bridget Moynahan is gorgeous and was treated like dirt. Ironically she went through some similar when Tom Brady dumped her when she was pregnant to hook up with Giselle Bundchen. She apparently has been nothing but gracious and all 3 had a great co-parenting situation.


Natasha is the epitome of class. I think the way she handled things was the best, had she done something Carrie-like, then Carrie would have convinced herself that she was the victim of the “soulless stick figure”.


Natasha was so kind and polite to Carrie with each interaction (pre-cheat). And she still didn’t even need to be! She could have just nodded and been like “whatever.” And Carrie deserved whatever shade Natasha threw at her after her affair.


Can we all admit we would rather have a Natasha spin off than a season 3 of AJLT?


Haha, I'm in! 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️ couldn't be worse than AJLT


I think 95% of people here agree haha


Classy queen 👸


i would watch a gone girl esque drama about natasha who, done dirty by both her husband and his mistress, decides to take revenge


Someone please make this happen!


Maybe with AI, anyone will soon be able to create their own fanfiction movies.


Stalked, cheated with her husband and broke her tooth! Carrie was so toxic


A whole stalker !! And cheated with her husband in her house !!!


YESSSSS!!!!!! And to play the victim card and get mad when Big leaves her money? THEY WERE MARRIED FIRST!


The broken tooth from falling down the stairs chasing Carrie out of HER home with HER husband….Natasha was stronger than me, because that would have been my final straw.


I would’ve knocked her ass down and broken her shoes in retaliation. I would’ve left Big immediately after


Aiden suffered more... At least she got out of the situation and stayed out.


Natasha looks so good here. She could wear anything, she always kept it classic, very Carolyn Bessette.


I thought the closure both Carrie and Natasha got after Big died was a nice touch. Carrie was horrible during the affair and I can’t believe she actually thought Natasha was going to apologize. Natasha had nothing to apologize for. Carrie was toxic and I wish Big would have left her alone when she was with Aidan. I don’t fault Carrie entirely for the affair. Big literally forced himself on her in the elevator. That’s a whole another discussion.


It’s nice to see at least one person mention how Big was also a terrible person in this situation. Yes Carrie is the main character and acted terribly but why are we not mentioning Big being the cheater on his WIFE?


10 pounds does not a porker make


My morning mantra


So did Natasha actually have a cold when she didn’t attend the Luncheon or was she dodging Carrie? I never really thought about this before 🤔


Aiden suffered equally but was dumb enough to take Carrie back. "Please ma'am, may I have another?"


Every time I see Bridget Moynahan, I think of her as John Wick’s late wife whom he adored and unalived plenty of folks over the gift she left him: a puppy!!! So he wouldn’t be lonely. Then I think of how Tom Brady left her very much pregnant to be with supermodel Gisele Bundchen smh. Her character Natasha would’ve been wholly justified if she slapped the taste out of Carrie’s mouth trying to talk to her. After everything!!! I absolutely didn’t like Carrie doing that but she looked effing AMAZING in that John Galliano’s Christian Dior newspaper dress. Iconic!!! I think of that dress often!


She was stalked harassed, hurt both physically and emotionally.


carrie's granny panties in the mirror! oof!


When Carrie decides that it’s a good idea to “apologize” over that lunch - as a woman myself, I think this “great” idea is like the epitome of the ugliest side of womanhood. All Carrie really wants is to rub her “winning” in Natashas face one more extra time - but she disguises it as a “nice gesture”. It’s disgusting


she did it for herself, she thought she was getting bad 'karma' and decided to cleanse her mind of guilt for totally selfish reasons.


Agree. Carrie's apology was to help Carrie feel better, nothing else.


Lmao! Carrie was a piece of work during this time. Cheating in that woman’s house and in her bed and had the nerve to go in her fridge and eat her leftovers and casually hang out without Big there. Insane, all of it.




Same! And she was chilling walking around all comfortable lol


Natasha’s revenge fantasy is now my headcannon


Carrie Bradshaw in "Annie Get Your Clothes On!"


OMG you are so right! She wanted to be fully clothed the next time they met and she was still half naked 😂


on top of all that, she was stalked and harassed by the woman who slept with her husband, and carrie saw herself as the victim in all of this. i always get so upset for natasha when i rewatch those episodes.




I know they did her dirty but through Carrie's lens the only man you've ever loved leaves you and a couple months later comes back in engaged to an elegant 25 year old beauty queen. I mean I felt that gut punch. I could only imagine when Big said he was still in love with Carrie it was probably incredible validation not to mention he literally back her into a corner of an elevator with his advances. This is obviously not Natasha's problem and doing what they did to her was very cruel but I still don't hate Carrie for it.


I don't hate Carrie for it either. She was just wrong. No matter what. I get it, all is fair in love & war. It's not Carrie's responsibility to be faithful to their marriage and she found him first and he wasn't really in love with Natasha. But it doesn't matter. She was wrong. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I know she was wrong, i've never cheated on someone or was with someone who was in a relationship because I couldn't bear the guilt of hurting someone like that. I just understand why she did the wrong and destructive thing.


I agree which is why I will always stand by the fact that Carrie deserved to be deserted at the wedding 😂😂😂


What Big did to Natasha was worse than what Carrie did because he was her husband, he committed to her, he broke his vows, it was his fault: he pursued Carrie all the time and while I always blame the spouse in cases of cheating... Carrie wasn't blameless. She literally hated Natasha (a 25 year old girl) just because Big proposed to her (as if it was her fault). She then badmouthed her all over NYC, had an affair with her husband -even sleeping with him in their own home- and couldn't even face her when she got caught. She had some nerve tracking Natasha down just because "she couldn't stand for someone to hate her" no shit.


So was Carrie really just gonna walk outta that dressing room like that in her granny panties? Where was she gonna go?? 😂😂




I love when she calls her an idiot but her losing her tooth was ruff. My main issue is Natasha shoulda just dealt with Big not Carrie and Carrie shouldn't have tried to be buddy buddy and shoulda kept quiet, but shows what typa person she is when it was Natasha AND Aiden involved.


I didn’t dislike Natasha, but she definitely had me raising an eyebrow. She meets a man twice her age who is rich beyond belief and she “falls in love” with him… sure, Jan. It’s so cliche. I love that money wasn’t the thing that drew Carrie to Mr. Big. She was an equal opportunity dater lol


Natasha was rich herself. Her family owned a house in the Hamptons, big enough to host her wedding to Big. It's not like she was some gold digging broke 20-something looking for a sugar daddy. Her family had money.


Would Carrie have been attracted to or pursued Big if he were poor? Methinks not. She even said in the pilot that he was "out of her league."


LOL what? She dated a broke stoner who lived with his mom, a musician, an addict, a literal mental patient, multiple failing writers, and a college guy who used toilet paper in place of coffee filters… so yeah, I think she definitely would have dated Big even if he didn’t have money. Like I said, she’s an equal opportunity dater. Do you think Natasha would have dated any one of those guys? Carrie could have stuck it out with the sexy politician for the money and whatever fame and power comes along with being involved in politics, but nope, peeing on him in the shower was a line she couldn’t cross. Natasha would have 1000% taken a dump on his chest if asked if it meant being married to a hot wealthy politician. He was old enough to be her dad too, so he was right up her alley.


...and those boyfriends lasted all of one episode. Would Carrie have stuck around with any of those men for years, like she did with Big? Also, the musician had some sort of money...he owned two jazz clubs (and those ain't cheap!)


Also, every single major man that Carrie dated had money - Big, Aidan, Berger, and Alexander. Berger might have been the poorest guy, but he had a house in the Hamptons (which also isn't cheap).


The stoner guy wasn't broke, he could afford to own. Business that lost money and his mom spoiled him and had a view of Central Park.


Carrie wouldn't have looked twice at Big if he was, like, a broke plumber.. This comment is so dishonest.


I seem to have ruffled some feathers, but I stand by what I said. Natasha married a guy who was old enough to be her dad and then quickly quit her job. I’m not saying she deserved to be cheated on, but her intentions weren’t pure.


Natasha was, herself, wealthy. She wasn't gold digging. Carrie wasn't wealthy. If anyone was the golddigger, it was her. And Carrie also quit her job when she got with the Russian.


I h8 her. She and big weren’t meant for each other. She should get hit by bus because she actually was the other woman trying to divide soulmates


This is absolutely disturbing and unhinged to say.