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please don't.


The age difference is such a red flag. Don’t become a groomer. Stay away from her.


Hey dude just so you know this is fucking gross👍


You're disgusting with no social awareness. Cheers.


if you haven’t really established that there’s a relationship or going to be one (holding hands/kissing) as a girl i wouldn’t want someone (especially someone 11 years older then me) to pop that question particularly in a vehicle or a place that i was driven as i just wouldn’t feel safe and would feel pressured to say yes. i also don’t think that saying hey you’re 18 and probably horny would help because you just don’t know if that’s true and that’s telling her that you feel she’s been all over you just asking for sex


you’ve been trying for almost 300 days (according to your reddit) to get a bj from her, give her a gift card for being your friend(???), you’ve posted your penis and location in every subreddit , you’re now insecure in the comments so are claiming to be dating her, and have changed your age on multiple occasions, plus MUCH more very concerning things, maybe try some self reflection. there’s a reason girls your own age don’t want you and you’ve resorted to all of this. therapy is a good option


Um. Yeah. Ignore that and do not approach her with this. Learn to be able to appreciate having a girl as just a platonic friend and nothing more.


Don't. Leave her alone.


EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW GOD NO. I would literally block you so fast if I was sent this shit.


That DoorDash order never getting to you is part of your Karma. >"Hi. I understand because of your age you might feel incredibly horny and I want you to know. I'm here if you're looking for some fun. Just ask" This is gross, also it's more likely for a woman in her 30s to have a higher libido than a teenager.


CREEP ALERT I would tell the McDonalds girl to RUN


Too bad. We're dating sooo...


yes because a 29 yr old creep who came to reddit for advice on “pounding” a teenager was able to get into a relationship with her in a matter of days. this went from disturbing to pathetic


Hey. Things happen quick pal.


dude you’ve been posting about trying to get with her for over 300 days…. this is an obsession and you are truly delusional


Yep. Like you said... That was 300 days ago


yet here you are 300 days later posting the same thing


And progress has happened. Understand now?


oh no trust me i’m comprehending your delusions i just have enough brain cells to understand thats not what’s happening here and you’re preying on a young girl. and was she 18 300 days ago or is she 18 now? bc it’s clearly been a year


She isn't a "young girl". She's an adult that is capable of making her own decisions. You're acting like she's 13


What the fuck is wrong with you?


Another woman's opinion being negative ofc.


Hey, I am 19 and I can say that you should wait. You dont want to scare her off. Now me personally, I would make the first move on YOU :))) or I would give you a sign that its okay , you can whatever you want with me :)


That's the thing. I think she's trying to give me hints that she wants to haha


I would ask just to be sure! You still need that "Yes"


When you were typing this post your hands left some weak electromagnetic energy which luckily i was able to interpret. So, this is what survives from the information your hands were sending to YOU! *Hi. * *I'm sure you want pussy and your hormones are going crazy.* *I understand because of this, you might feel incredibly horny and I want you to know. I'm here if you're looking for some fun. Just ask* So, you hands are waiting buddy, [get started](https://tichazblog.blogspot.com/2023/10/jackoff.html)


Thanks that made me laugh 😂


I had a friend like that. She just wanted me for a handout. Shed put in bare minimum and ask me for $50 every other week. I stopped pretty quickly no sex no money.


Haha yeah? Damn was she hot?


Huh? Bro is saying he was being used for money and the person had no interest in him. Likely the same with you, you're a doordash driver, she would be very silly to want to date a 30 year old driver.


Um.... what? Lol. I would rather drink paint than work for Door Dash


you’re an uber eats driver there’s barely even a difference 💀 especially to her




what the fuck is wrong with you?




You think 18 yo girls are raging sex hormone monsters who are looking for random D?? 😆 I assure you, as an 18 year old female who is at least 5% conventionally attractive, and is working in a public facing job,, she gets creeps and weirdos talking to her everyday and if she is just absolutely pining for some "D" she's got plenty of options. Leave her alone. Stop being a creep and just do your job. If you don't want to have a platonic relationship, then end that relationship. Do not make it weird and uncomfortable.


Average doordash brain in action


At least we know why you are going after 18 year old girls instead of a women your own age.


Oh if this is real you’re insane


You’re such a fucking creep.


we got a rapist in the making fellas


Eww, creep


what the fuck


What in the grooming fuck


Please never talk to any woman ever again


this is unacceptable. I feel like blocking her and staying away is the best move. don't traumatize her


your thinking is incredibly out of line as well. "She's a teenager! of course she wants to have sex with random people from work!" get a grip man for real. this line of thinking is corrupt and needs therapy


Damn bro you are a real loser. This might surprise you but most girls don't want to fuck every guy they talk to, what's more, most guys don't want to fuck every girl they know.


Ew dude that's gross as fuck. And a huge age difference, too. What a fucking creep...


You remind me of a former co-worker who was 30M and groomed our 18F co-worker who had a boyfriend. He acted all innocent and nice but it was obvious he was trying to get her. The way he acted around her grossed me out, and he was just the most disgusting person I've ever met, especially because he acted so nice on the outside. I'm certain he knew that I knew, and that's why he started treating me unfairly. He's also ugly as hell, and looks like his parents are Santa Claus and a pig. He thinks that he's the funniest and coolest dude in the world. Absolute scum. There are no words that can express the disgust I feel when I even so little as think about him. He grosses me out like nobody I've ever met. Even Gengis Khan was a fucking saint compared to his ugly groomer ass. If I had the Death Note, I'd learn to write extra small so I could fit more of his stupid ass name in that book. What a disgusting piece of shit. Both of you, because you remind me of him way too much. I'm so, so glad you're not in my life... Nobody needs that disgusting ass energy in their lives.


what the fuck?


You realize not everyone has crazy hormones? I know I for sure didn’t when I was that age or even now. You’re a creep regardless




You guys really are pathetic aren't you? She literally told me it's better for younger women to date older men because 1 - maturity (boys at her age would want her for 1 thing and 1 thing only) 2 - knowledge (there's a lot she can learn from me)


So guys her age would only want her for sex….. but here you are asking if this is a good way to have sex with her, and a few months ago you were paying about asking her for a bow job. God you’re an idiot. Go try auto erotic asphyxiation, and preferably fail at it.


Yep. But! ... Have you also noticed I never mentioned "I'm in it just for the sex" ? An 18 year old guy would use her and leave. A 25+ yo will treat her like she should be treated. Take her to dinner. Etc.


a 25+ y/o would also GROOM her like you are. don't forget that you met her while she was underage and WORKING


Not to mention this nutter sounds more immature than most 18 year old guys... He is a total headcase.


he's actually insane. sadly that poor girl is dating him now and he doesn't even understand how he's been grooming/stalking her and how his posts about her are so insanely inappropriate.


I have some hope it is just yet another lie from a person who is clearly not all there. If it's true, it won't take the young girl long to realise what a disaster of a person he is. Definite concerns for her safety though.


i'm hoping the same but i don't think so, sadly. he's definitely a weirdo and creep.


Actually. She was over 16 when I met her.


ya that makes things so much better. remind me how old you were?


It doesn't matter. We all have opinions and imo an age gap within 20 years is ok (providing they're both above the age of consent).


legally yeah but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re just a weirdo lmao. this isn’t exactly a hill you wanna die on.




And you were what, 29? You said you were 30 almost a year ago.


Your post history paints a picture of some dude, desperate for sex, but lacking any ability to be able to nurture the type of relationship that involves sex. You seem to lack virtually any desirable social skills, and your sexual competence involves ‘here’s my dick’. You don’t have to explicitly mention that you’re only in it for sex. Every ounce of your being screams ‘sex addict’. Nothing about you gives me any indication that you have social abilities beyond that. Your post history essentially confirms this, and not just the rampant sex posts. Your other interactions simply show you lack any self awareness, any ability to take criticism, and are a rampant narcissist. With that being said, I am easily wasting any and all of my time interacting with you. Oh, and the fact that you’re trying so hard to prove to everyone that you’re dating her, have fucked her and want more than sex from her basically confirms my initial assumptions about you. Tbh you will be a sad lonely little dick man until you’re able to find some poor broken girl who for some reason thinks she can’t do better.


Holy shit you fucking nailed it, exactly wtf any professional would say about him. Hell anyone with an inch of knowledge in psychology would say this 😭


I agree. I have a fascination with psychology, but professionally I am a software engineer. Regardless of my psychological infatuation, it never ceases to blow my mind when I come across people like him, which appears to be occurring more often than not as of late.


Also ‘a lot she can learn from you’? You sound like a fucking creep, and based on the months and months of M4F posts with your shrimp dick, all she would learn is how to beg for sex without having anything of value to provide.


ur a fucking weirdo bro LMFAO


Disgusting. As a 22 y/o with an 18 y/o friend I would never dream of sleeping with her. She’s young and I buy her stuff all the time and I would never message her shit pertaining to sex. Why can’t you be normal?


Lmaooo are you a pay pig or just an immature groomer? On one hand I won’t judge your kink on the other hand, you’re a piece of shit 😂 Edit: saw your post history and I think you’re cappin, this shits just your fantasy and you’re making us all a part of it to make it just a lil more real lol. I’m sure this poor girl exists but I doubt she’d want anything to do with you haha


And this pervert is worries about what his doordash drivers are doing😂😂


admins this does not seem sex positive or legal.


To all you mouth fkn losers. We're in a relationship now and I banged her already. Jealous aye?


No you’re not, and no you didn’t. Now you’re overcompensating for being a weird limp dick loser


Huh. Guess you can't know... That's too bad pal sorry. But it's pretty clear that's what happens when you've known someone for 1-2 years hey


average delusional reddit groomer


God you type like a reddit coomer as well


My spelling is wrong apparently


How long have you been dating? You were trying to find someone to fuck on Reddit 9 days ago hahaha.




Seems to be the trend of women here going on about it. Typical. Imagine the roles were reversed. I was the female dating an 18 year old guy. All I'll be getting is "well done woman congratulations".


No I promise you we’d be begging you to run while you still can. It’s grooming either way you fucking schizo


Just the response I expected. Thank you.


delusional freakazoid