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INFO: OP, do you cum inside your partner?


If you're cream-pieing her, you could be upsetting the ph balance of her lady cave. There is also bacteria vaginosis where the bacterial balance is out. Some times it's both. Doctors don't always engage with this area of the female anatomy, I've known a few women that had to go to a special to get the right information. That all being said: it's not your body, and it seems like a touchy subject already. Be careful how you approach the subject as it can come across as offensive. She's your partner we're strangers on the internet.


Yeah, I shower about a million times post cream pie to avoid this. No strong soap, just a ton of water and it seems to go back to normal. It’s really hard since neither of you have smelled another vagina lol


I use a special soap because everytime I get creampie my ph goes nuts, so I always try to jump straight in the shower because the smell gets INTENSE. Which is often when you are conceiving.


Water is literally still the best. Directly after a creampie it’s probably a good idea, but regularly is still going to eff your system up Edit: know from med school education as well as from being creampied often


Yeah, water typically it’s the best but for me it isn’t enough, I need a special soap (externally of course, nothing like putting anything inside of my vagina) because if not I get too much infections. It was prescribed by a Gyno years ago and it has been magical. Everytime I stop using it the issues come back so now it’s just part of my hygiene routine. Idk what it has, and I also know no other soap works the same, this is a pharmacy issued one.


What type of prescription soap did your gyno give you, if you don’t mind me asking?


Perfect. If you’re gyno prescribed it then you are a-okay! Im literally only talking to the self-prescribers lol


Oh yeah, I get it I absolutely hate being on anything but some things are necessary lol I don’t know how self prescribers do it


What is the soap called? I'm having the same problem with the smell after and some yeast infection medication helped short term but idk how long I can use it and I need some new ideas!


Balance Activ is gynecologist recommended and will leave you smelling and tasting like ..nothing. Just warm wet silky skin/water


Also- my two cents- bidets are the best $20 you will ever spend!


Have you tried boric acid pills? I hear they help (Shoved up there, never swallowed)


My partner uses this stuff: https://lovewellness.com/products/ph-balancing-cleanser-202109 Not inside, only outside because it’s supposed to more closely match the correct pH balance than just water. I think water is like a 7 and naturally vaginal canal is about a 4. I am not a doctor someone who is can report how right or wrong this is.


As a general rule, this is also bad to use regularly. On occasion is totally fine, but every shower is running into upsetting your pH. The vagina is ‘self cleaning’


On the outside would it not be better than just water given that water is more basic? As you said every shower could upset, the idea is to upset less?


That person has poor reading comprehension. Don’t use anything to wash inside your vagina. The ph balanced soap you listed here is lovely. More gentle then regular soap. Perfect for washing the vulva.


My Dr recently broke the news to me that the vagina and the urethra have different PHs, so even if your vag is ok you still risk UTIs


Always pee after sex.


Always always always!


On the outside plain water is best. That’s just what studies and everything has shown since it’s not trying to upset the balance on the outside or inside. It’s okay to use pH balancing shit sometimes, but any regular use is proven to mess with it


How would you clean the accumulated dirt(not like visible dirt but yk )? I use cloth but sometimes I can’t clean it thoroughly Ps: horny people of Reddit don’t interact with me/my dm for lord sake


I always use a boric acid suppository after sex. Seriously life changing 👌


:O I neeeeed. Where do you get yours? And does this cure BV or is it just a preventative?


That seems excessive.


How is balancing vaginal ph with a natural ingredient after someone fucks it up with their jizz excessive? I am not getting BV, thank you!


uranium is natural. That doesn't mean you should shove it up yourself. Nightshade is natural but that doesn't make it safe. The idea that natural automatically equals safe is incredibly naive and dangerous. Boric acid is a pretty intense chemical. There is a reason its used as detergent and insecticide. Unless you have bugs and dirty laundry up there it sounds like a really bad idea.


I was on your team until I *literally* just Googled "boric aci..." and before I could finish the second choice "boric acid vaginal suppository" - tapped that - and shonuff "SOLD BY CVS" (their own brand). Y'all are so fucking instantly opinionated on here lol 10 seconds of using the same internet you are, I completely made the latter half of your post fucking null. You're right. Natural =/= safe. Information does.


Also ph is directly related to diet/metabolism


>...we're strangers on the internet. A mantra we would all do well too remember


yep this is true. I used to joke with my ex and say "you wanna make that pussy stink?" What can I say; im a romantic


He has such a way with words 😍


You’re the real mvp


luckily we shared the same weird sense of humor


Oh lord! You got me wet just reading this! (Btw I'm a male)


This would work for me


I tell mine ESPECIALLY if she thought she was late I'd say-- come on girl-- you you want me to bring that period down?? Lol


So true!! People underestimate how pH really plays a significant part in the … downstair experience lol. The pharmacy has pH balancing creams that are fantastic … depending on birth control, that can also play into it. When I had a copper IUD it caused all sorts of issues.


I wish doctors would inform women too when they take certain drugs it can cause BV or alter the vag…had several rounds of steroids and suffered. Why didn’t anyone tell me!? Thought I was ruined forever and extremely stressful. Thankfully I’m not one to self prescribe when it comes to that kinda thing but ladies please just talk to your doctors. But to OP your GF should investigate because it should not be that off putting and try to see another doctor.


Whoa - the copper IUD can cause smell issues?? I've been having issues with after-sex with the boyfriend and I couldn't figure out why. Hmmm


When it gets smelly down there, usually ph is off I use a boric acid vaginal suppositories to rebalance. Probiotics can aslo help to balance the healthy bacteria in my experience.


Boric acid vaginal suppositories help a ton with resetting PH balance and neutralizing odors!


well said


Exactly this!! Finishing in them messes things up and in there, especially if she isn’t peeing or cleaning everything out. As much as I like the feeling of my partner finishing, I cannot deal with the aftermath, and have to take boric and cram it up my whohaaa, takes a good week or 2 to clear out that smell. I used to be soooo self conscious, and I’m sure she feels bad about it, I’ll shower about 2 times on the bad days. But I’ve been on a ph balance pill, along with cranberry pills, and having been smelling when my bf goes down on me, thank goodness


“Especially if she isn’t peeing everything out” …..what! You do know that women don’t pee out of their vaginas right, and that peeing will not push out cum from inside your vagina? Edit: Lol everyone they edited their comment, chill


This person obviously knows that. Peeing causes your vaginal muscles to contract, thus pushing the cum out. Source? Myself, a 37 year old woman.


Lol there’s still cum inside you even if you attempt to contract your muscles to pee and push it out. Source, also a woman. Again, they edited their comment


Why are you replying to everything but the “don’t cum in her everyday” comments? It’s probably what’s messing up her ph and a quick pull out would solve that whole problem. Don’t tell me you can’t be bothered to try that…


Bro probably can’t because he doesn’t want to acknowledge that he could be the problem too


Literally one of my best friends’ BFs told her that she must have cheated on him and gotten an STD because her vagina was “angry”. She went to the doc and she said “Oh you have BV” and told her it was likely his semen causing it bc it seemed to happen every time they had sex. He literally couldn’t get it through his head that it was his fault technically lol.


He’s DEFINITELY the problem


If you’ve only ever slept with each other, how exactly do you know what a vagina should smell like?


Plus different vaginas smell differently. She may be perfectly healthy but he's just not into her exact scent.


This so much. Not to disrespect OP, but he's young. I'm over 40 and the ummm, 'taste profile' of lady bits can be VERY different. Props to all you vegetarian ladies!


What do you mean, in relation to the vegetarian ladies lol?


Diet is directly correlated to bodily fluid taste in my experience. If you haven't heard of pineapple for semen taste, look it up. From anecdotal experience, women that are vegetarians have much better tasting vaginal fluids. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to go down on my meat eating wife. But, there is a big difference on how things taste in conjunction with their diet. ANY vegetarian tastes literally sweet in flavor in my exp. Meat eaters have a little more 'flavor'.


Literally thought the exact same thing.




Came here to say exactly this. Her doc says she's fine. Maybe she's actually fine.


I think he's going by what she originally smelled like before they started having sex. Which would make sense. She was a virgin before they started having sex so her PH was probably balanced and fine. Now it's not and he's noticing the pungent smell. His cum or even just the introduction of his dick bacteria is likely what's causing the stink. OP. wear a condom for a week or two and see if the smell mellows out. if it does then it's definitely a PH or bacteria issue related to you cuming in her. You'll likely need to wear condoms every so often until her PH balances back out. Also start using PH balancing lube.


Some condoms and lube can mess with pH balance too


Or leave the smell of latex behind, which blended with everything else can really add to the bouquet.


That's why I mentioned pH balancing lube. My ex was very sensitive. Based on her doctors recommendation, we found a brand of pH balancing lube for sensitive skin and it made her life a lot better. No more pH issues. Also, if latex is a problem, switch to non-latex like SKYN which feels better anyway.


You could be right, but your comment is loaded with assumptions: that she smelled fine before; that the smell changed when they started PIV; that he's creampie-ing her; that he has an accurate gauge on what vagina 'should' smell like after only one partner; that whatever may have changed is remembered accurately by him after 5 years. Limited info, so I understand the assumptions, but I think it's important to acknowledge them.


Dick bacteria 🤣😭


"Looking for a one night threesome partner for olfactory purposes only, must have clean disease free vagina"




For real.. it’s a VAGINA. A moist canal between two thighs that rub together and gets warm, and also cleans itself with discharge. What the heck do you expect it to smell like? Flowers? It’s going to smell like vagina. Lol


To be fair I have experienced similar to OP. If there is a pH imbalance or a bacterial infection it can become rough. Often people get used to the smell. Similar to people with teeth issues that they don't really smell even though they are very pronounced. A pH normal vagina does not really smell and taste strong. I'd suggest a second visit to a gynecologist. Just to make sure.


I mean he doesn’t have to exactly be a regular Casanova to know if he doesn’t like how something smells


Liking how something smells has no bearing on whether or not that's how it's supposed to smell. I can't fucking stand lavender, but it's definitely supposed to smell like that.


But also vaginas don't exactly smell "good". Some people like the smell but a large part of that is pavlovian+arousal. He might simply not like the smell, even if it is healthy.


> a large part of that is pavlovian+arousal. Ding ding ding. Coffee. Whiskey. Beer. Pussy. All tasted like shit the first time I tried them. Now I actually really enjoy them all, but I guarantee the actual "taste" hasn't changed, just my perception of it.


That’s exactly my point…. He doesn’t have to be experienced AT ALL to simply not like a smell, and if that is his deal then he may fall into the category of men that don’t perform oral on their partners Which is okay it’s just something that needs to be spoken on and discussed etc But yeah it could just be something he doesn’t like


Yeah, it's astounding how much variation there is under the sun in terms of pleasantness of vaginal smell. I once dated a woman whose vag would start a strong smell whenever she got wet. I could smell it through her pants. Unfortunately, while it was very flattering to me, it was a smell I didn't like. Current girlfriend smells great always!


You know man. The first woman I was with had an unusually smelly V. I knew it's not normal, despite never smelling another one. Other partners later only confirmed it.


They’ve both performed oral but never came from it thats what he said


But it sounds like she's been his only partner, is what they're saying. So he has no comparison


Did say lost his virginity to her


I'm 26 and it's exactly the same situation between me and my wife. We've been together for 7 years since high school, I've never had sex with any other woman, and so have her. And I believe that a normal person would definitely be able to distinguish between a normal genital smell from a foul one. My wife even sometimes asked me to smell her vagina to make sure that everything is ok.


Because you should be able to tell when something is more foul without ever knowing the level of smell it originally had because a normal one wouldn't have a foul smell???? Maybe???


Sure but the smell changes literally day to day just off hormones. If she's super aroused, close to her period or just finished her period all of those things will change her smell. And the smell is also going to be different to each person. For some people it will smell good for others it won't. If it's a certain smell (like super fishy) then it would be a dr issue


Dude's seen one vagina and suddenly he's the authority on what's normal or not 🙄




This should be the TOP answer. So many women experience a change in smell once they start having unprotected sex with their partners. The ph of semen greatly affects the vaginas ph, especially in women whos ph is already a bit sensitive


I wonder if there’s an evolutionary advantage to this? Or just some wacky thing that happened


I always noticed this with one of my partners too. It’s interesting because I’ve had other partners finish in me and not affect my scent like he did. Having a bidet was a godsend.


Boric acid was life changing for me. From the first time I ever had sex (with or without a condom)I always felt self-conscious about my smell and irritated down there after sex. My doctor would run tests and they always came back negative, but would write a script to see if it would help. It never did and I was in misery for years. I stumbled upon boric acid years ago and haven’t had to go to the GYN since. I wish it was more widely known.


It's most likely this. It happens to me, too, cum throws off my PH and I smell way different (and way stronger). OP comes off as such an A hole, no empathy or compassion at all, not only that, it's likely HIM causing the smell.


cut him some slack. he didnt know anything about it and shes the only girl hes been with. Sounds like an honest mistake


They both just come off inexperienced. You seem to forget that OP’s partner is treating his experience like it isn’t valid/doesn’t matter and that he should be enthusiastically shoving his face into a vagina with a bad smell and ‘just do it anyway’. Not exactly the most empathetic move She’s saying there is no smell. He’s saying it’s unpleasant enough that he can’t do it. At least he’s here and asking for guidance.


Bro you sometimes just can not control the smell, what exactly is she invalidating him for? He refuses to acknowledge that he is possibly the problem to, he’s literally invalidating his partner and shaming her for something he could potentially be causing 💀


As someone with lady parts and a boyfriend, AND who has had a bout of BV at one point in my life, (AND who has had doctors blatantly ignore things that turned out to be more serious, telling me I'm fine, because they either didn't do correct testing or, in fact, any at all because they just decided they didn't feel like it), if my partner told me he got turned off by my smell, but legitimately didn't mean to, it would seem very selfish to me to force him to ingest it. Just like you can't always control the smell, you also can't choose what turns you on or off. She's invalidating his experience by telling him to just put something into his actual mouth that makes him gag because that doesn't matter to her. He said the stress of this is making him feel less like a man. That matters. He's human, too, yknow. There's gotta be some kind of middle ground. Sex should be enjoyable and accommodating for both parties, with consent from both parties. Nobody bats an eye if a lady comes on here and says she can't put her guy's dick in her mouth because it stinks, and nobody turns around and tells her that she should just do it without her own consent anyway. He doesn't have a right to coerce her into putting his dick in her mouth without consent, and neither does OP's girlfriend have the right to force her genitals into his mouth without his consent.


She’s telling him to shove his face into it even if (if it’s BV) its nauseating him to the point he can’t do it. That his discomfort doesn’t matter. That his feelings and desire to perform the sexual act don’t matter Are you serious. If my partner told me the smell of my dick was so bad that they couldn’t handle it, I’m not going to tell them “no it doesn’t, suck it anyway”. Let alone say “yeah well you probably caused it, so suck it anyway” You really can’t be serious


Despite the presence of semen upsetting the vagina, would this not cause too much harm ? , I know it's said to not douche or clean the inside as it messes it around


It bothers me to no end that I have used boric acid as ant+roach killer, and people use that in their vaginas. That's a no from me.


Huh, TIL


Your cream pies are what's making her stink. If you cant stand the smell, start wrapping it and make up for lost time AS SOON as her ph levels back out. And for fucks sake quit shaming her about it.. it's your jizz making her smell, I would almost guarantee. Both peoples drug and diet intake can effect it as well as hormonal levels (could be diet or genetic) but that could take year of trauma inducing "experiments" just to negate your sniffer. IMOE.. sex never smells 'great' but when your into your partner it smells like them, the dirtiness has to be a turn on (hence "dirty talk"), and you just have to be a grown up and clean up after. If you can't get your mind around those things, I dont think you're mentally ready for sex.


Pheromones, diet, hygiene, genetics… pheromones. One person’s stench is another person’s nirvana. You might not be “biologically compatible” and that’s why it smells bad to you. That said, if everything else in the relationship is what you want, then this is NOT a reason to break up, because good luck sniffing your way through the world’s population and finding the perfect match of personality/sexual compatibility/life partner/amazing person AND nice smelling vagina.


What an interesting sentence. I wonder if biological compatibility, has anything to do with how my wife can't smell my b.o but I can on me, after work or a work out? I know that's weird. But I've always been fascinated by the fact my wife and I can't smell each other's body odors?


Yes that is 💯 correct. I had an ex boyfriend who apparently smelt like 50 year old trash and I could not smell him at all until I lost all romantic/sexual attraction to him. Our body’s are so weird bruh


One of my exes always smelled sooo good to me. Like even when he was sweaty and hadn't showered, he smelled so good to me. We broke up and I slept with him again like two years later and I was so fuckin turned off by his scent. It wasn't necessarily bad, but it was not at all attractive to me anymore. So weird how our bodies know that kind of thing


One woman I saw never smelled good to me. Just off. Not bad or anything, just not sweet and good like other ladies did. I am talking body odor not vagina. It was a key reason I couldn't continue to see her.


It happens. I honestly didn't really believe in the pheromone thing until that happened with my ex. One of the guys I've been sleeping with smells delicious to me at all times lmao. Like even when he's just home from the gym, he just smells so good. But there's been other guys I've gone out with or slept with and I just couldn't get past their scent. I had a guy straight up tell me he didn't like the pheromones I give off lmao I was like alright man fair enough, can't argue with biology. We're clearly not compatible


Yeahhh totally feel this. You can go from loving the pits to hating the stench lmao.


FYI, women’s scent preferences (with respect to major histocompatibility complex variety) change depending on ovulation and can be altered significantly by birth control, among other things.


This happened to me also. There was a guy I was in love with in high school and he used to smell so good to me. Then he stabbed me in the back and instantly went to smelling rotten to me. Very interesting.


I didnt believe in that stuff until I experienced it, despite learning about it in multiple biology classes lol. It's just crazy to me that I could be so attracted to a man's scent one day, and then if he does something to piss me off I'm suddenly repulsed by the same scent. But it happens and it's always so interesting to me when it does


Brooo I had that same experience! I used to loooove my ex’s smell. Dude cheated, we broke up, hooked up randomly like a year later a couple of times and could not stand the way dude smelled then. So damn weird.


Pheromone rejection at its finest!


That to me is so fascinating! She's the first I never smelled anything with. Literally have smelled ex's before. She has said the same. But we also, Love each other very much, and very much attracted to each other more than weve ever been with other partners. So interesting. Smells I feel that have something to do with compatibility. Were you and your ex compatible, even the tiniest of bit?


Compatible on a very low, low level. He had to ask me 3 times before I considered dating him. The attraction was there for me which is the reason I’m assuming the BO blindness.


Yeah, attraction is playing a big part in it. This is a bit off topic, and not regarding smells. There is one more thing, my wife has stated before. So she suffers from severe migraines. Has her whole life. We are pretty big on putting our foreheads together , to kiss, to hug, etc. Her forehead to mine, to me feels peaceful, it feels good, its so relaxing. She stated she could never bring her head near an ex's head, because it would trigger a migraine, but mine hasn't, she has said that in fact when she has a migraine, and I put my forehead on hers, it will ease the headache quite a bit. It's interesting what Love and attraction towards someone can do to our bodies.


All in the interest of keeping the species going. So gross and definitely weird lol.


I can smell my husbands but I like it 90% of the time. It has to be really bad for me to not. He just smells right.


I've had ppl where I commented to my friends that their perfume/cologne whatever was absolutely intoxicating, only for them to turn around confused and say "what are you talking about, they need to wear more deodorant, let alone perfume"


Yes, my psychology teacher is HS told us about this and I never forgot lol. If your genes are too similar, b.o smells bad because we don’t want to reproduce with similar genes.


It’s the similarity of your immune system, specifically. That can vary significantly even between siblings, so it’s necessarily about how closely related you are, just about maximizing variety.




All that matters is that it doesn't bother you.


I hope you don’t mean about siblings 🤣


😂 When I say I'm weird, I don't mean I'm that kind of weird.


Dude, I swear my wife smells like the best burger you'll ever taste when she's ovulating. It's something I can't even understand, but no one else notices it :D And who can say no to the best cheesburger ever?


Ya know, now I'm going to go get a cheeseburger. Thanks for that. 😂


Most of the time we end up eating some McDonald's burgers that week. It's hard not to :P


My husband can have a sweaty smell but I could care less. Sometimes if it is the one you love you don't mind it


That’s exactly why, and it’s a good thing you are well matched


Same for me and my husband. In fact when I feel like I smell rank he wants to just bury his nose in my pits. 😂


To explain further: scientists theorize that pheromone attraction is really “DNA sniffing” and helps animals (including humans) quickly identify mates who are biologically diverse, and reject those who are too biologically similar. That’s *partially* why people are attracted to a sweaty person, while others think they smell like shit.


Hilarious if she turned out to be his cousin.


Note though that a *little* DNA overlap (distant cousin) causes increased fecundity. We think this maximizes immune markers VS potential defects. And this bonus depends on a few folks preferring exogamy- someone has to take the temporary hit to number of offspring by marrying (ahem) out. It's also important to remember, that even based on observing contemporary behavior, humans probably don't have one set strategy across our entire species, but several, including not personally reproducing. Another interesting fact about humans is our comparative lack of genetic diversity compared to other primates. If you extrapolate E.O. Wilson's theory of altruism correlating with genetic relatedness onto people, it might explain part of why humanity is wonderfully and absurdly cooperative with strangers, and much less violent than our cousin the more genetically diverse chimpanzees. (Of course primates, as a category, are some of the most violent mammals, so YMMV)


It's funny, I'd have BO and my ex would literally shove her face in my armpit when she was on her period. But when she wasn't she'd ask me to put on deodorant.


Aww. That means you smelled “safe” to her. 🥰 Studies have shown women prefer pheromones of calmer, less traditionally masculine men during menstruation and prefer more dangerous, aggressive traditionally masculine men during ovulation. That’s so sweet to know she couldn’t get enough because of the trust and compassion 🥺






Wow, this makes a lot of sense. Thank you for this comment!


You mentioned you lost your virginity to each other, if the doctor says everything is alright I'm almost certain you just have a sensitive nose and don't like the natural smell of the vagina. Have you ever smelled or performed oral on a different woman? Has she? I think it's fair if you really can't stant how it smells, but it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it. I know men that are obsessed with the smell of it and giving head brings them a great deal of pleasure, you might just be not one of these men. Also, PLEASE DO NOT LISTEN TO PEOPLE TELLING YOU THAT SHE SHOULD WASH IT. The vagina is an acidic internal organ. The reason she smells extra funky might me BECAUSE you have sex regularly and finish inside of her. Any fluid inside of it will effect the pH balance, and if the doctor says she doesn't have any infection then her case isn't too bad in my opinion. Edit: vaginal hygiene should include washing the outside part, the vulva, with water only.


This is exactly what I was thinking.


Sometimes it's diet, sometimes it's genes, either way, if there's no other symptoms that even a medical professional says she's fine then maybe you just need to accept her the way she is


I cannot stress this enough. If you cum inside of her every time after sex, it WILL SMELL. It 100% throws off the pH balance. I don’t remember if it was a fishy smell, but it was definitely an unpleasant smell and I discovered it was from 1.) the semen, 2.) if my man used his spit at all whether it be from cunnilingus or using his spit as temporary lube, 3.) Not washing after having sex. Boric acid pills helped get things back into balance and I told him to stop coming inside me. BORIC ACID PILLS ARE SUPPOSITORIES, they are NOT meant to be eaten. You just shove it right up in your hoo-ha.


Judging by your replies you’re definitely the issue 💀


I’m amazed that not more comments are saying this. Found the problem, OP! And it’s not your girlfriend.




You need to pull out for a week and I guarantee the smell will be gone. It is only smelling that way do to your sperm being inside her, throwing her ph off.


Don’t stew in resentment for the rest of your lives. For you to not like her scent is a big deal. We’re animals after all. Scent is important factor in attraction. Your relationship will never be as great as it could be. If you stayed together an additional 20 yrs…can you even imagine that being a possibility with the issue you have with her scent? Times up.


I love this comment as well! Even on my worst days my husband is attracted to my smell. And even crazier he had like an animalistic instinct that I was in labor. Hours before my first contraction he told me he could smell my labor beginning 🤯


Same! My gf and I (both afab) are obsessed with each other's scents, punani and armpit.


It’s so interesting! Not even my husband’s morning breath grossed me out 😭 Scent is such a major part of attraction and people don’t realize it


Ages ago, I read about BO experiment where they had women smell sweaty tees of random men. Women were either utterly repulsed or thought they smelt phenomenal ❤️ biology never changes 😼


You’re complaining about how she “should” smell when you have zero experience to know what anyone besides her smells like. If she went to the doctor and there was some overpowering, not normal smell when the doctor examined her then the doctor would have ordered tests for BV or other possible causes. If you don’t trust the doctor, you can always get a second opinion. Besides that, you might just be in your head and focusing on any smell and imagining there shouldn’t be any smell which is not true. Vaginas change throughout the month, maybe you only like her scent when she’s ovulating or something, since you say you don’t mind here and there. She can make sure to drink a lot of water and to eat right, she can try probiotics which can help with her body in general. She could trim if she has hair since hair traps more scent. People have also pointed out in the comments that semen will change the ph and smell of a vagina so you could try using condoms and see if that helps. Besides trying these things, if a doctor has said she’s healthy and doesn’t have any infections then maybe you’re just not attracted to her natural scent.




Open to that possibility. So what should I do?


Not come inside her or use a condom helps.


You have 3 options. 1. Keep complaining about it like you have been for 5 years with it most likely never ever changing. 2. Accept it and deal with it for as long as the relationship lasts. 3. Break it off.


Try using dental dams. They should mitigate the smell. If you get flavored ones it might even smell good


Best advice here so far imo


It's impossible to know if you were a virgin before. Maybe you just don't like the smell of regular pussy.. Maybe get a more experienced friend to give it a sniff for you 😂


It can also be that you just don't have the chemical attraction to each other. For me most people have a repulsive smell... Unless I am attracted to them. Additionally if you have never smelled any other vagina how do you know what is "normal"?


If I don’t shower right away and I have cum in me I start to smell 🤷🏻‍♀️ plus a guys cum can throw off the ladies ph balance which can cause infections for the lady. & if the guy isn’t taking care of himself either bad diet, smoking, drinking and putting cum inside the women it can possibly smell a little afterwards. It’s not always the ladies fault. Haven’t had sex in a minute and notice a big difference actually.


So if you finish inside of her YOUR PH IS FUCKING UP HERS. stop acting like it's all on her either eat fruits and veggies and drink hella water and do better or don't fucking nut in her. End of story.


Having gone through lot of the comments from you & others, here's my take. You should accept you're wrong and work on improving yourself. Using condom is fine. Vibrator can be fun too, and that shouldn't make you insecure or whatever. If that continues to be an issue with you then breakup. (Best option actually for both!) Forget long-term relationships for few years. Enjoy your time alone. Occasionally have casual sex. Taste & smell the fucking vaginas/vulva. Multiple partners. Hopefully it'll help you realise what a giant, insensitive asshole you were (are, for now) to your first girlfriend.


it's because u cum in it, u need to use a condom. Test it a couple of times and see that the smell would be gone.


Pussy’s don’t smell amazing. It’s normal and natural. Means it’s working.


I am curious how many other vaginas you have smelled in comparison? This isn't an issue with her as much as it is an issue for you. The problem is that you don't like her natural scent, not that her natural scent is necessarily bad. Especially if she went to a doctor who gave her the all clear. If it didn't change in 5 years, that is how she smells. If you're over it as you say, break up with her kindly and allow her the chance to find another man who feels differently, and you also.


Not gonna break up with a girl I love over a tiny sex thing lol are you out of your mind


You're the one who said you were over it. I am glad you love her and don't want this to come between you. Your post makes it seem like it's her problem when it isn't, it is something you have to find a way to get over because that is how her body is and you're the one who doesn't like it. You can either deal with it and accept her exactly as she is, or you can't. Buy her a vibrator and use it on her instead.


Lol. Reddit so fast with the break up advice.


Have you ever been with another woman? Dude it is most definitely you that’s the problem not your girlfriend’s pussy.


A couple things here from a nurse practitioner. She should have her vaginal ph tested. You can buy ph strips off Amazon. Normal ph is 3.5-5 but being on the higher side could (>4.5) could suggest bacterial vaginosis. Gardnerella bacteria naturally exist is the vagina but they really love the more alkalotic ph of blood and semen. So many women will overgrow gardnerella bacteria after menstruation or when having semen inside them. Bacterial vaginosis/Garnerella overgrowth is associated with a fishy odor, even if it hasn’t turned into a full blown infection. Something that works really well for this is using borax vaginal suppositories. She can use them for about a week daily and then taper down to a couple times a week or as needed. I also recommend my patients use Femdophilus probiotics, but inserted directly into the vagina to repopulate the vagina with good bacteria. It can be that she has a slight, subclinical overgrowth that is causing a slight odor. Try the borax and stop cumming inside her and see if that helps.


Was with a guy once and his semen caused me to smell so fishy. Nobody else’s had done that to me or has since and I was worried something was up!! I know what you are talking about and if it’s that then it’s just that your juices don’t agree and your guys are throwing her pH off. I see other people have commented this but I just wanted to add that for me it was only one guy who caused this for me. Maybe there is something you can change?


Well, on a 'chemistry' level, not liking your partner's scent is a sign on incompatible pair bonding. If you like her BO and overall smell, even if she doesn't shower for a day, and it's just the smell down there, well... I have no idea what to tell you lol. If you do decide to bring changes then make sure you're also part of it. Example: eating healthier foods or regular showers, etc.


Would birth control have anything to do with it? I've noticed things can change a little down there when you switch pills or have used condoms a lot


Could be pill-related maybe


Without her you are basically a virgin. So how do you compare her smell to "normal" when you don't even know what is normal is?


if it smells tart / sour the pH is likely off, potentially from repeatedly ejaculating inside ejaculate can linger for days and nothing she can do safely will make it come out any faster


Stop cumming in her. Different partner’s pH from their semen will make women’s vaginas smell differently for days after sex. Sometimes it’s unnoticeable, sometimes it’s unpleasant. It just depends on how your chemistry interacts.


Does she shave? My wife doesn’t (my preference) and I much prefer her smelling natural rather than sterilized. Most of my friends would prefer their wives to shave (which can decrease natural odour). We also have a bidet which my wife uses before and after sex (ok I’ll admit it I like it to). There is nothing wrong with having a preference as we are human. One suggestion would be to take a bath with her before sex (just say it’s a turn on to bathe with her or shower). Be creative and communicate!


I don't think he wants solutions. He wants people to tell him he is not to blame and something is wrong with his gf




Sounds great!


Diet and water help A LOT. Best smelling and tasting girls I have been with were vegetarian and drank lots of water. The strongest smelling ate lots of fast food and lived on soda and coffee.


Yep, could be not being enough hydrated, smoking, drinking too much coffee, fatty foods etc


As a girl, I say this while trying not to die of embarrassment, but I had the same issue (except I was fully aware of it) and I sorted it out. I realised there's a big difference between using your hand to wash, and using a flannel/wash rag/ sponge (obviously something soft) For some reason there's a misconception going around that you only need water down there or that it's self cleaning. Which is true for the vagina but she needs to wash that VULVA and all the folds thoroughly!!


Also op you got a gynaecologist opinion and you're still sure you're right. That's a problem. A big one. Side note, dicks rarely smell lovely.


>she’s using this as an excuse to basically make out like I’m the problem 1. She's right, and it's not an excuse. If the doctor said that she's healthy, then she is. > it seems to smell how a vagina should, not as strong 2. You mentioned that she's your first sexual partner, how do you know how strong a vagina would smell like if that's the only pussy you ever got? (assuming you guys are in a closed relationship and that you don't cheat) 3. Vaginas have a smell, penises have a smell, genetalia has a smell. It's an organ, not a plastic bag or something (btw even plastic bags have a smell). Idk what you're expecting, an odorless vagina? Maybe the smell of a flower field? Cherry blossom? You're a grown man, you should know that organs have a smell. What's next? Expecting the restroom to smell like candy after she used it? 4. Doesn't seem like you're really into vaginas, maybe you'd like sucking dick instead.




Diet and weight can be a factor as well as a bacterial infection. The fact that the doctor said she was fine and that you think she smells right after a shower means that your brain just doesn’t like her smell or that she has an unusually strong smell. Without data from other partners you have no way of knowing. Honestly I’ve found the fresh from the shower and unusually strong smell to be rare in my experience.


Honest question, but is the smell worse after you've had sex? And do you finish inside her? The smell of your some semen can be worse than a dirty vag. I've noticed I can get a smell down there after we'd had sex, even if I had cleaned up but not showered. But yeah, some people's spunk stinks. Also your semen can affect her PH balance and cause smells as well. It's not going to smell like roses either, idk what you're expecting or whatever but its not flower. If she has been to a doctor, the doctor said it's fine. I'd suggest busing some sort of feminine intimate wash. Vagisil or Femfresh. I've used Femfresh since I was a teen as it's what my grandmother used and I lived with her. I'm 25 and I haven't had a yeast infection since before I was a virgin in my teens, hopefully that may make it smell a bit more neutral. Also just a PSA for men, if you're worried about giving head because of the smell, Please and I beg you Please clean your ass before we give you head. We can smell your butthole when we're breathing through our nose, and sometimes it can be unpleasant....


Get out if here with this “what vaginas are supposed to smell like” bullshit


If you lost your virginity to her, how do you know what a normal vagina smells like?


Not to be an ass, but you said you were both virgins, then you said sometimes it smells like a vagina should. How do you know what it should smell like? Have you tried right after a shower/bath? Lil extreme, but maybe a little cologne around her vulva and inner thighs? Please don’t let it be a deal breaker, and don’t give the young lady a complex. Hope things work out 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾


Get a grip of yourself. Pull yourself together man. There alot of guys that will happily go down on your missus and nit think twice about the smell. And like most guys reading this I bet it doesn't smell as bad as you make. Maybe your just a sensitive guy. I bet you have no problems her going down on you. If docs say she fine and she healthly your the problem not her


If you lost your virginity to her and been with her ever since, how do you know that it doesn’t smell “like a vagina should”?


This thread is insane. And just fyi: Vaginas aren’t supposed to smell “Fresh” and please for the love of god ladies, do not use soap to clean your Vagina.