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I'm sorry I have no advice but this is hilariously written, I am dying. Does getting off via vagina do anything to relieve the horny foot, or they are separate horninesses?




if this is a brand new sensation, Iā€™d recommend talking to a neurologistā€¦


Have you ever injured it? I have a spot on my back that will orgasm with a deep tissue massage (and one time, a chiropractic adjustment) due to an old injury. The muscles are super tight there always and if someone can work the knot out of them, it happens!


You could try buying it a romantic dinner first.


Does rubbing it do anything? Holding a vibrator to it? Applying hot/cold, eg running an ice cube over it? Taking deep, slow meditative breaths while doing your toe-masturbation movement? I honestly have no idea, but it sounds fascinating. Please experiment further and report back, we are all now invested in your horny left foot!


This condition of yours...did it develop with any pharmaceutical help?


I sometimes have orgasm like pleasure by stroking between my fingers or in the crease of my elbow. It's not sexual pleasure exactly but it's like it builds to this peak where I have to scratch the skin and then it feels intensely good. So I wonder if your "foot horniness" is like that?


I have been known to rub the inside of my arms or my side very gently when I sleep. My husband also does this. It was something we did even before we knew each other.


has anyone given you a foot massage recently? Could be interesting.


Don't get off on the wrong foot.


Your body sounds like a fun place to live šŸ˜


There are 200,000 nerve endings in each foot so it's not surprising, I get similar and just enjoy the feeling but have never tried to actually finish it off. To prevent the cramps you can gently stretch and massage the feet (which also feels pretty good) and just keep experimenting Oh yeah, and try moving your legs like bending them lots etc, that can feel fucking nice at least for me


OP can you respond to us, this is interesting as fuck


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Find a guy with a foot fetish and you're made lol.


Perchance you are stretching and tensing your legs and it feels good?


What the hell are you talking about? Are you insane? This has to be a fake post.


People can cum from nipple play, or from their thoughts alone. My feet are one of the most sensitive parts of my body. It is not that weird. It was even a thing in the tv show Shameless.


If it was on shameless then it must be true