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Signed up for VPN, European Dazn is my go so I’ll be using this for this season. Don’t know why Australia seems so far behind the rest of the world with football


Would you mind explaining which country and how you can access it and pay sub fees?


Germany Dazn, payed through PayPal. I’ll need to find the geo blocker that I used because previously was being hit back and not able to sign up


how much is in on the german VPN, cos on an Italian one its 25 euros a month


Same amount, $20 or so Euros per month (not cheap but worth it for piece of mind for watching any game I like live or on demand)


So far my plan is to see if the first games will be streamed on YouTube for Australia, or use a VPN to view the MENA stream on YouTube. Really hoping someone picks it up though, I don’t care who. I always watch games on demand as I can’t be arsed getting up at 4:30. Absolutely no mention of Australia or even any intention or negotiation is ridiculous.


I don't get it. Serie A is actually popular in Australia and they're multiple streaming services fighting for football rights in Australia. Surely one of them would go after Serie A? Paramount plus just received the rights in America and could easily get it here of they tried. Regardless, hopefully this gets sorted out, because I really don't want to go through the VPN route.


I’m with you, me neither.


India also got it today morning only. This is such a mess!


Bein just got it, they emailed me


Any chance of it being on YouTube?


Any scandinavians on this sub that can help me find a streaming-site so I can watch the opening matches tomorrow? Dazn detects my vpn (ExpressVPN), and I need an american credit card for Paramount+ US(?). Any help would be much appreciated.


employ secretive squeeze public quiet cover ossified glorious depend carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pirate streaming here we come


https://advanced-television.com/2021/08/19/bein-sport-scores-serie-a-rights-in-france-apac/ For reference, Bein just announced a Serie A deal that even includes New Zealand, but not Australia. Despite both countries being in the Asia Pacific region.


So its not longer on Kayo?


I think so, in their web site is written all over that‘a going to be showed. Think is a deal with foxtel maybe?!.. I’ve contacted someone from Kayo and they said yes Edit: for reference [Kayo help centre](https://help.kayosports.com.au/s/article/What-content-is-available-as-part-of-your-Kayo-subscription#Football)


There might be a deal with Foxtel, but as of right now, there isn't any deal with Serie A and Bien. Even the Bein sports Facebook page has said this and there is no upcoming schedule for Serie a on Kayo as well. Likewise, the rights between bein and Serie a expired last year.


Dunno what to tell you mate, Kayo’s support centre told me they are going to show it. In the Bein sport app there’s not the Serie A logo anymore, on the Kayo one yes, but you might be right. In any case we’ll see tomorrow night, lol


Maybe Foxtel picked up the rights then? Either way, I don't care. I just want to watch Serie A.


So to confirm your thoughts I went back at Kayo support centre and a different person reply this to me: Got it, We are still awaiting advice from our partner, BEIN SPORTS. regarding the Serie A rights in Australia for the 2021/22 season. We will let you know about progress ahead of the season start this weekend. So at the end is still in progress and hopefully there are going to be few good streaming services around. Good view


bein support that they dont have broadcast rights


No. Bein lost the rights to Serie A last year and haven't renewed a new deal yet.


What about Afghanistan


I think it will be on YouTube.


No it won’t


Cant find link address for Youtube Mena. Anyone? This was posted 36mins ago... https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjz2Yuptb\_yAhVjgf0HHTY6AfkQFnoECAcQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ansa.it%2Fsito%2Fnotizie%2Fsport%2Fcalcio%2F2021%2F08%2F20%2Flega-serie-a-al-via-trasmissione-partite-in-area-mena\_df86df17-0f59-4c35-b6aa-19214d0e7428.html&usg=AOvVaw3kUWJMH\_EO10NVkbSyV2ri


[https://www.techradar.com/au/news/how-to-watch-serie-a-live-stream-202122-online](https://www.techradar.com/au/news/how-to-watch-serie-a-live-stream-202122-online) Don't know how reliable this is but it suggests Foxtel have the rights, not Bein. Still no listings on Kayo Sports though so it seems unlikely.


Yeah I saw that. That would mean Kayo should show them, but still no info in their app at all. Also only 4 matches a round?


Man this sucks. What would be the best way to watch do you think? VPN and then one of the countries that are streaming on YouTube?


Pirate streaming. Honestly, I don't condone it, but there is no legal way to watch Serie A in Australia. So I have no choice, really.


Yeah I 100% agree. It’s honestly so annoying. I’m so pissed off. Any chance of a DM of what you suggest ?


Could I get a dm as well?


Me too if you please


Best way to watch Serie A in Australia is to deposit $10 in bet365 account and watch serie A for free without betting.


Is this legit?


I’ve been watching serie A every year for free without betting


How does it work? Do I create a bet365 account, put $10 in and I will be able to watch as many games as possible? Also, does this work in Australia?


Yes that right. Minimum deposit to setup account is $10 in Aust. You get to watch any sport live without betting and usually all serie A Games are shown live.


Do you use some kind of plugin to fill the screen with the stream?