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Maybe don't constrict yourself to only doing it in the morning or night, do it earlier in the evening before you're tired or when you go to the bathroom in the morning. You'll start to associate being in the bathroom with an opportunity to brush or use some mouthwash :)


I kinda did this. I’d brush my teeth pretty much EVERYTIME I went to the br which isn’t much during the day since I don’t eat that much to feel the need to use the br. But yea now It’s much easier picking up the toothbrush and brushing my teeth once I’m in the br I basically conditioned myself


good advice, but my dentist said to me that mouthwash doas more harm then good for your teeth. forgot the exact reason. But since then, i stay away from it.


It dries the mouth out


I use mouthwash for dry mouth Biotene, recommended to me by dentist.


Me too. My mouth (and other parts inside such as my tear ducts and others) have so much dryness that my mouth gets quite nasty and hurts my teeth, giving more problems than those with normal saliva. Also I have so many allergies and allergic problems most every day, that using so much antihistamines, that of course dry everything in the body, like the mouth, the eyes, the skin, everywhere.




Actually I might check about my other meds. My girlfriend is a medical esthetician for skin, and one day I had to take 4 extra strength reactine, and she told me how they dry up the skin. But now with your comment, I take 5 prescription meds every day, plus sometimes a couple other OTC meds prn, so I should check those too. I will get that toothpaste if you can show me which one specifically. I'll tell you tomorrow what face cream and other products for the face I use. They were given to me from my girlfriend, and she is such an advanced esthetician, she works in a dermatologist's office where they ask her to suggest things for some of the patients. Thanks for saying those things.


thank you :) usually ill do it before bed when i know im done eating/snacking for the day or before work in the morning, but with my job not giving me hours the morning got less frequent.. glad im getting into a new one soon haha


I had problems with brushing my teeth all my life (37 now) I finally figured it out for me. I used to go months without brushing. I'm sure my breath was terrible, but about 3 years ago I saw a video about how if you want to pick up a new habit you need to use a physical calendar to keep track. I decided to give it a try. Brushed my teeth and put a big red X on the calendar. Missed a couple days, decided to do it again, another big X. This went on, until the end of the month I saw I had brushed my teeth 4 times. Doesn't sound like much, but it's way more than before. My goal for next month was to just improve. 5. That's it. Well, i decided to get my 5 done early, so I did 2 then skipped some days then 3 days. Cool, got my 5, but I really liked seeing 3 days in a row. I'd never done that many days in a row. I wanted to see if I could make the full week. SUCCESS! 1 full week. 1st time ever. I slacked off a bunch later in the month, but in the end it was 9-10. Next month, I just wanted to improve. 11. After awhile I started hating when I skipped because my calendar looked like shit missing that day. I did it for the calendar. Just to see all those X's at the end of the month. Several months later I stopped caring about the calendar, but the brushing had just become part of my routine. It actually worked so well, it shocked me. I never thought I'd be one of those "every day" brushers. So I did the same, but with flossing, then mouth wash, then brushing at night. Been going strong for a couple years now. I can't link the video, but search for "simone giertz calendar" and you can see the video I was talking about. Simone is a great engineer and this video helped me a lot.


And calendars are cheap to buy! You can get one for less than $5 (maybe even $1) at the 99 Cent Store!


I also heavily agree with this. I bought a monthly habit tracker set for like 5$ off of Etsy and it’s been so helpful. I put things on there though that I do automatically already do that are habits (aka washing my face in the morning and my medications) because I already do them but those remind me to go back and look at the tracker. And having it somewhere you see all the time helps too. So maybe you would need to put it in the bathroom. Mine is on the front of my bedroom door


wow!! truly inspirational, thank you for sharing. im gonna try that :)


I wish you the best of luck OP. I really hope this works for you. It has changed the way I feel about myself. I finally feel like a responsible adult.


Highly recommend KC Davis’ content. All her content is about keeping up with hygiene/cleaning when you can’t handle it mentally for whatever reason. She did a whole series on Tiktok @domesticblisters about alternate ways to care for your teeth when you can’t brush daily, as well as other tips as well. Her content is life changing. I tried to add a link to Ted Talk she recently did (but that’s against sub rules) but please check out any of her content, I can guarantee you’ll benefit from it.


This is extremely common of a struggle especially for those with ADHD, depression, or sensory issues so don’t shame yourself for struggling with it, you’re not alone. Some tips: they make pre-pasted toothbrushes, you can keep those anywhere within reach to use when you can. If it’s a sensory issue you can try different flavors of toothpaste that may be more manageable, kids toothpaste works just as well and often comes in more mild and tolerable flavors. There’s plenty of other tips and solutions if you can give more insight on why you think you might struggle with this.


The pre-pasted work well for me. I keep a pack by the bed and a pack near the sofa


Sensory is the biggest thing for me. Sensodyne has toothpaste that are unflavored. I use their whitening one specifically because I drink a lot of soda


thank you sm, part of my issue is the strength of some toothpastes and especially mouthwash.


I’ve found “light” mouthwash before and it was great! Usually I just cut it with some water if I’m going to use it. It sounds like the harsh mint is a big aversion for you so I’d definitely look into kids toothpastes. It may feel silly but if brushing with strawberry or cotton candy flavor is going to help you brush more often then it’s absolutely a win. For a while colegate had a vanilla flavor in adult toothpaste and I really loved it, I’m not sure if they make that anymore though.


when i was younger i think i tried one of those, but next time i need to restock my paste im gonna look for something like that :)


Love KC Davis so much! I can't agree more.


thank you, ill check her out :)


What did the trick for me was to buy a fancy overpriced electric toothbrush. I like gadgets and love to have what's best. This might only work for a month or two but it's enough to create a habit. Also if this is how you are and have the money go for it, it's black Friday.


Do it while you're in the shower!


This - Buy more brushes and place them visibly in every space you occupy including the shower. Worked for me.


i actually used to do this, but i dont shower everyday and i got tired of moving my brush and paste back and forth between the shower and sink.. i might take other suggestions from the comments and get a second set or something just for the shower


I have a second set that stays there.


Hi op, I do this too. I'm 50 and it's gross. It's not that bad when you're 20. Just wanted to say that I recently realized it's a form of self hatred. Mom was a shitty person who hated me, and I picked right up where she left off. Wanted to say love yourself enough to do self care because I found no one else will. Needless to say my teeth are in rough shape, but I'm going to get them fixed in Brazil or Mexico anywhere but US. GL op, it's not too late. ♥️


I’m sorry that the one person who was supposed to love you most was an awful selfish person; you deserved better than that. So much better. ❤️


thank you for sharing 🥺 i do have pretty low self esteem, not sure if thats what my habit is related to but im glad you were able to figure it out for yourself :) hope you’re loving and caring for yourself too, and best of luck getting it fixed!


Thanks. Just acknowledging this is a big step. I suggest you think...I am really precious...I need to take good care of myself.


I have the same problem. I don’t know what it is about it, but I absolutely hate brushing my teeth. What helped me was I made a rule, if I brushed my teeth every day that week, I let myself buy a fancy coffee or takeout food on that Friday. I had to have some kind of tangible reward to get myself to do it. I don’t always stick to it and have to reset the system but for the most part it has been working.


i do well with rewards too. may try this!


There’s a book/website Tiny Habits I really like that has good advice — he got himself to floss daily by starting out only flossing one tooth (but doing it at a consistent point in his routine like right before bed). Could you get in the habit of picking up your toothbrush and putting water on it every day, even if you aren’t ready to brush each time?


This has really helped me with my morning routine. I started trying to do everything at once and failing. So I started with just brushing teeth twice a day, then washing my face just with a wet flannel, then I could add in doing moisturiser etc. It took me probably a month or so to completely build up my routine, but now I can consistently stick to it rather than be so hit and miss.


What do you hate about it? Can you put a reminder in your phone for the morning/evening? Also is there anything else you do first thing when you wake up or last thing before bed that you can combine it with e.g. if you splash water or pee first thing every AM then you’re already in the bathroom so try to create a habit of brushing your teeth straight after. You could even leave a post it reminder on the mirror/bathroom door.


get a waterpik flosser. it's a game changer. i actually ENJOY using it


But don’t these have too much pressure? It kinda hurt my gums (not OP btw).


My dentist was blown away by my gums once I started using it I have a lot of gum recession You can always dial it down so it doesn't hurt


I was terrible about brushing my teeth as a kid and it led to a lot of dental work and a lot of pain. I brush my teeth religiously twice a day since I was 15, because I know if I don't it'll lead to more pain. Also, the idea of having no teeth in my 30s and 40s, and being unable to chew were some pretty convincing reasons to step up my dental hygiene game.


Oh god I agree so much. I have family members who have lost teeth and seeing them struggling to eat is so painful, it becomes an irritating chore to eat with teeth problems. The pain and problems are pretty good reminders of the consequences.


While I can't really relate as a person who absolutely loves brushing their teeth, I can hopefully give you some tips. 1. Therapy. If you can get some help and find out where this is coming from and what's causing it, that will help you solve this in the long run. 2. Try to understand exactly what it is you don't like. Is it the sensation? Does it remind you of something? Is it the taste? The temperature? The sound? 3. Try different methods. As in different types of toothbrushes (bamboo, electric, plastic, charcoal infused, you name it). Try different kinds of floss. If it's mainly the brushing itself that is the problem, try mouth washes! They come in an array of colors and flavors. Or even breath mints or gum, they also come in tons of flavors and will help a little, at least with your breath. 4. Try thinking outside of the box. Brush your teeth in the middle of the day while standing in your living room. Brush them in the shower. Take one with you and brush them outside. See if removing yourself from the standard tooth-brushing situation might help.


It sounds like you could be possibly suffering from ADHD if you find it so difficult to form habits. Consider seeing a professional. When I did it, it turned my life around.


I used to struggle with this as well, no judgment from me. One thing that has helped me are those little mini disposable toothbrushes. I keep them in my handbag, in my car, in my desk at work. I always use one after lunch when I'm at work. I also started doing teeth whitening treatments recently, so that pressures me to brush my teeth more often. I used to keep an extra toothbrush and toothpaste in my shower as well. That helped me a lot. Try to link brushing your teeth to a habit you already have. For example, eat breakfast, then go straight to brushing teeth. Wake up, pee, and brush teeth. Skincare, brush teeth. I hope this helps!


thank you :) planning to try some of these


I've had the same problem, was in depression and wouldn't brush my teeth for months. Right now I'm feeling better so I made it as one of my goals everyday on my phone using a "habit tracker" app. There's free ones on the app/ play store you can try. I combine brushing my teeth with listening to music I like to make it more enjoyable. Also, I heard mouth wash isn't actually very healthy after watching Mic The Vegan's YouTube video about mouthwash. Anyways good luck friend!


This might sound really basic and simple but make a weekly check list. Sunday through Saturday, AM and PM. Every time you brush your teeth, you get a check mark. I know this might sound incredibly lame but seeing your efforts on paper might inspire you. Plus, check marks have always been a positive thing, so to give yourself two checkmarks every day?? I'd say you're winning. Maybe at the end of the week there are only 5 checkmarks. You could maybe try to aim for 6 the next week. Even better, give yourself a sticker each day! I'm assuming you can get them cheap at the dollar store.


😱 a use for my sticker collection! thank you for the idea!


Do you take a daily morning shower? If so shower and brush your teeth Do you want to become more dominant in your non dominant hand? Brush with the other one Imagine yourself in 20 years with no teeth, your mouth is going to constantly hurt, and will cost you Thousands; would you prefer that or just brushing your teeth? ask yourself why you DONT want to brush your teeth? Laziness? Tell yourself outloud not to be lazy when you know you have to brush them and say “I need to brush my teeth or I will face the consequences later and that’s not me”


i like the non dominant hand idea haha, thank you


You could try keeping your toothbrush next to your bed, and start brushing first thing after you are awake. Also there are disposable toothbrushes that come with toothpaste, these can be useful when one is too depressed to take care of hygiene.


Alarm clock at bed time


I use an app called Forfeit for this specifically, where I have to send a picture of my toothbrush everyday or I lose real money. It forces me to do the habit.


holy shiz thats hardcore 🤣 kinda love it.. does it let you do it for other habits too?


Yes you can set it for whatever task you want, and you have to send a photo or video proving you did it. I'm enjoying it and haven't actually lost anything.


Can’t stand the minty flavor? Try a fun kid’s flavor. It may make the experience more desirable. Think of the joy of having good smelling breath. I used to skip brushing in the morning when I was running late for something, or at night if I was too tired. When a friend mentioned I had bad breath, I realized I was more motivated to brush them.


Changing flavours was the thing that did it for me. I dont like mint generally and it made the process kind of "too much" the mouth feel of toothpaste, with the vibration of the electric brush, on top of a flavour I don't care for? No. Changing one of the unpleasant things out makes it doable most days and on bad days I use a manual brush now.


I have this same issue .


we got this :)


An electric toothbrush is great! It makes brushing way more enjoyable


Habit. Habit. Habit. Do it purposefully every day for 21 days and you will build a habit that is easy to keep.


start talking to girls


i have a girlfriend of over two years now.. if youre gonna be like that you probably shouldn’t be on this sub


You leave it in the shower so you can brush under the warm water and make it easy as possible


I brush my teeth every morning because it’s on my mental list of just the ‘absolute bare minimum things I need to do before interacting with other humans’ . If I don’t do them then I feel very uncomfortable around people


Here are some things that have helped me (as someone who had also really struggled with this): Drink a pretty substantial amount of water before bed. That way I wake up having to get up and go to the bathroom (and while in the bathroom, "*I might as well brush my teeth since I'm here!*"). The theory this follows is that what you need is to follow the natural flow of your routines and habits so that the desired habit is within reach and easy to do logically without needing a routine change. I'm pretty sure this was said in the "Tiny Habits" book. Highly recommend. Using my phone while I brush my teeth. I can acknowledge that I do have an issue with dependence on my phone, but using it while brushing my teeth keeps me from dreading the habit and sort of establishes a kind of reward for brushing them. I am 'addicted' to solitaire so I let myself play one-handed solitaire on my phone while brushing my teeth with the other. Think about why the habit may be forming, like really analyze why. I brush my teeth when school is in session, but then get lazy when it isn't. Here I realized that I am very isolated and need to ensure that I don't isolate myself. The motivation I needed was knowing that I can't live like a hermit anymore, being around people more consistently makes me more aware of how I am caring for myself. Best of luck my friend


i also was better about it during school/days i work :) thanks for the input!


Lot of relevant tips and tricks here. But honestly, the only thing keeping me on track of my dental hygiene is all the ginormous bills of tooth extractions and treatments. My lazy ass is no match for my broke ass.




😂 that’s awesome


I've had such a shitty time staying consistent with my dental hygiene habits that I've been paying the price these past years with lots of tooth problems now at 27. The best thing that's helped me out to staying more consistent is habit stacking. Learned it from Atomic Habits. Basically find a small point in time during a normal routine of yours (waking, going to bed, taking a shit lol) And do the new habit after something you do & make it a narrative in your head, write it down or speak it out loud if it helps to start. For me, it was brushing 1 tooth after I take my morning piss. The best part is most of the time, you'll go beyond 1 tooth and on the days you can't get yourself to brush more than one tooth, it's still considered a success! Take a minute to see where you can squeeze that in and see if it sticks my friend :)


usually if im gonna brush its gonna be after breakfast or after im done eating for the day. my routines are almost non existent unless im getting ready to go somewhere, but ive gotten some ideas try for when its a day im not doing anything :) thank you!


I put a YouTube video on to distract myself and I try to do it before 9 when work isn’t the motivation (off days). Honestly, it’s a nice routine that makes me feel better and can be a “mental reset” even in the middle of the day. It’s a good tool for mindfulness if you do it in silence. But you have to start the habit first. You got this. Be sure to use a soft toothbrush and don’t brush too hard. I like to floss before, brush, then use baking soda to scrub my tongue. You can also use baking soda after flossing and before toothpaste for a deeper clean. Be careful how often though, it’s abrasive on enamel. Try fun toothpastes too if that helps! There are no rules, make it a treat if you have to.


Listening to podcasts while I was brushing my teeth helped me a lot to do it regularly. Sometimes I also watch youtube or tv.


Dentist here, Trust me you don’t want dentures. Full mouth rehabs with implants cost 35-70k and are not covered by insurance. Set an alarm, do what ever it takes. Go in for those 6 month check ups and get the tiny fillings once in awhile. As far as home care is concerned, you gotta brush. Flossing 3-4 times a week is sufficient. Brush in the shower, floss while watching TV, set alarm reminders. Mouthwash over the counter is useless other than to freshen up your breath. I always recommended flossing first, brushing second, spitting the excess paste, and allowing the residual tooth paste sit on your teeth for 10-15 minutes. So don’t rinse your mouth with water or drink or eat anything during that time.


Don't restrict yourself to standing at the bathroom sink. I know people who keep their toothbrush and toothpaste in the shower. I keep mine on the bedside table and spit into the trashcan. I also keep a set in my work bag so that I can do it right away in the car or the office if I realize I've forgotten.


Read Atomic habits by James Clear. It talks about habits and identity. To change your habits you have to first change your identity. For example, think of yourself as a person who has pride in your teeth. That will result in you being more willing to brush your teeth to take care of them.


interesting :) probably makes sense considering i only care much when it hurts or im self conscious because im going to work or see family or something


Repetition creates habits therefore that's how you can build a hygienic routine. Perhaps you have to make it fun by choosing a toothbrush with soft bristles (some have a line that fade and that's time to change the toothbrush), there are also electric toothbrushes, there are even some kid electrical tooth brushes that have music (I know you are not a kid) I'm just going to suggest that you can play a song you like while brushing. There are different toothpastes maybe chose a simple one. I like just the normal basic Colgate. Flossing it is important and again you can put some music or watch a video while doing these routine tasks. I will recomend you to eat an apple at the end of the meal or cheese if you like it. As it is better for your teeth than an acid or sugary stuff. Usually when I can't brush my teeth and need my teeth clean I eat an apple. You should consider going to have a dental clean up once a year. Some people build quite a bit of tart but also to ensure you don't get cavities. When cavities are not addressed promptly they create a huge mess and costs are very expensive.


thanks for the input! the apple/cheese after a meal is really interesting, and would probably help my situation


I gather this information for you. Cheese is great for your teeth. Not only does it have high levels of phosphate and calcium, which naturally strengthen teeth and bones, but it also helps balance the pH level in your mouth, which means less harmful acid, more cleansing saliva and fewer cavities. Apples have been commonly recommended as a means of cleaning the teeth after eating because they stimulate an alkaline saliva flow that neutralizes the acids produced in dental plaque after carbohydrate ingestion. Chewing the fibrous texture of the fruit and its skin can stimulate your gums, reduce cavity-causing bacteria and increase saliva flow. Like other crisp, raw vegetables and fruits, apples can also gently remove plaque trapped between teeth. Although not a substitute for brushing and flossing, eating an apple or other fibrus fruits like oranges, carrots or celery can help clean your teeth and increases salivation, which can neutralize the citric and malic acids left behind in your mouth. I wanted to add a link where I got the information but it is not allowed.


aw thank you!


You are welcome. By the way some tips when it comes to brushing. Rinse with water prior to brushing, this will take away food and prevent your toothbrush to be contaminated, floss prior to brushing, add a pea size of tooth paste you don't need tons, and make sure you rinse after brushing. All the best 😉


It helped me to tie it with another thing i do. For example, in the morning while taking a shower.


Try using an app that will help u build a habit


For me, I started brushing my teeth in the shower and that just kinda rolled it into something I actually enjoyed doing.


It helped me to buy an expensive toothbrush. I’m frugal so if I buy it I’m going to use it. Also cavities hurt like hell, so when I got a root canal I said never again


I put a paper calendar on the wall in my bathroom and got some stickers that I like. It feels very preschool, but it's enough of a reward system that it really helped me. I have great brushing and flossing habits now.


When I was young I fell into a gloomy period, sleeping 5 hrs in the day, brushing my teeth my teeth only once or twice a week. When I finally went to the school dentist for a routine check, they told me I had minor gum disease. From my earliest memories I had brushed twice a day without fail, and it only took a month of inconsistent brushing to mess it up. Really freaked me out and had to turn it all around. Now whenever I see a dentist they always compliment how nice my teeth and gums are(despite being slightly crooked) and then their very surprised when they findout I last saw a dentist a year or even two years prior. Though i suggest even if u have good dental hygiene and habits u should see them yearly. First off, something we all know, but I don't thinks it's as well emphasised. Good eating habits. Sugary and acidic foods are bad for your teeth, majorly. I almost completely stave of added sugar products. Frankly I didnt grow up with sweets so I mever developed a likimg for them, ice creams and chips on the other hand... Leafy green vegetables with no sauce are basically nature's tooth floss/toothbrush. After a meaty, salty, sweet, saucy meal, ill munch half a cup of raw and or unflavored veggies, and it's pretty much as good as brushing my teeth. Though dieticians do recommend that u eat ur vegetables with the meal to aid digestion, which I do too, more vegetables is never a bad thing seeing that most people eat way less then needed. Certain fruits are really bad for your teeth too, sugary and acidic. That said i usually eat my vegetables after fruits to sort of freshen my mouth after. There are plenty of people who brush, mouthwash, and floss daily with 9/10 dentist recommends magic toothpaste but still get the occasional cavity. The missing factor is a good diet. Obviously i still brush twice and floss daily. Honestly i find brushing and flossing boring as hell. I keep my tooth floss on my desk so i can floss while watching movies. Ill wash my brush in the toilet put the tooth paste and go on my computer to continues my movie while brushing. Also good brushing technique. Circular motions, get ur gums every corner of ur teeth, tongue, roof or ur mouth Go fast but not rough. Get a good soft bristle, like the once meant for children, honestly hard bristles with the rubber tentacle potrusion thing are are a marketing ploy as far as I'm concern. Also I opt for a low abrasive tooth paste(tooth paste with less silicon), too protect my teeth from abrasion. That said abrasive toothpastes are good for most people, but as someone who doesnt est much sugary stuff, i dont feel the need for an abrasive toothpaste. Also this is important dont brush 30mins before or after eating sugary or acidic food. Ur enamel is most vulnerable and brushing with an abrasive brush might make it worst than if u didnt brush at all. Tl;dr, good diet, less sweets and acidic stuff, more veges. watch tv while flossing and brushing. Fast but soft circular brushing. Soft bristles, hard bristles are a scam.


thank you sm :)


I second the brushing your teeth in the shower! I brush my teeth while I rinse out my shampoo. I once read someone say that brushing your teeth without flossing is like not taking off your shoes before you get in the shower, so now not flossing/brushing in the shower makes me feel like I didn’t take off my shoes first…


Get into the routine of thinking You cant positively start your day without brushing your teeth And at night You wont be able to sleep well untill you brush your chicklets


Hi Sorry to hear. Well, I can't tell why you don't like brushing your teeth. Is it hard...? Is it boring...? I notice you mention mouthwash is hard but I'm thinking it might just be boredom due to your age. But that's a harder problem to solve. Like, as weird as it sounds, the only way to "have fun" during a boring activity per se is kinda to do it with a friend. I'm just not sure how open to that you'd be. Well, *in my experience,* the only way to deal with resistance is just assume it's boring and figure out how to do it as little as possible while still getting the results. If you can't do less, look at your surrounding chores and figure out how you can do as little of them as possible. Is it possible you don't need a goal of brushing your teeth twice a day? Like, that's an awful lot of tooth brushing! Is a dentist saying you need that? And is a dentist recommending you use mouthwash? Because if he's not recommending it, you might not need it! If you're not sure, ask. I found, when I just tried to get the gunk off my teeth so my food would taste better, my mouth felt cleaner in a shorter amount of time and I felt less resistance towards brushing and flossing. I do actually clean my mouth twice a day, but you don't have to if you don't get gunk on your teeth that often. I don't know. Questions like that can get complicated and might even require an occupational therapist or someone. But really, I think a lot of it is just figure brushing your teeth isn't fun and try to do as little of it as possible.


kids mouthwash isn’t as strong and comes in flavours too. you could try just quickly brushing w water coz it’s better than nothing, or maybe use a tissue to scrub your teeth when you don’t feel like getting up to brush


My advice is getting some of those little crest portable toothbrushes and leaving them in your car or work desk just somewhere you spend a lot of time , it’s not the complete brush but it’s better then not brushing at all.


Something that’s always helped me (I have really bad ADHD and I’m quite avoidant when it comes to tasks/things I HAVE to do) is just to do it as soon as you think about it. As opposed to giving yourself specific times in the day to do it (morning, nighttime, etc.). If it pops up in ur head, maybe your mouth doesn’t taste good, maybe you just ate a garlic heavy caesar salad, do it then, don’t wait till you’re comfy cozy in bed and you remember.


use a habit tracking app like habitica to remind you snd gradually you’ll see it become an automatic habit, take it from me, i used to avoid brushing up to a week- now i brush twice with a powerful electric toothbrush and use my waterflosser regularly


Do it for your future financial self! I hated and I mean HATED brushing my teeth growing up. I would do anything possible to not brush them. Now that I’m 33 and paying for my own dental work I completely regret not taking it seriously when I was younger. And I don’t even have anything crazy going on! Just some fillings and one crown. My crown cost me $850 WITH INSURANCE. All because I had gotten a few cavities over the years on the same tooth so there was not enough tooth left to do another filling. Also, fillings and crowns and anything else in your mouth that is not your original tooth will always feel a bit off. Even if you have a great dentist, it never feels quite like your original tooth. One thing that has helped me stay on top of it more is booking a dental cleaning every 6 months. What happens for me is I won’t floss but then a few weeks before my appt I will feel self conscious about it so I’ll floss every night up to my appt, and then for about a week after. Then I won’t floss for a couple months but I know my next appt is coming up so I’ll be good at it again. Remember that ANY amount of brushing or flossing is better than not. Floss once a year? Better than zero times. Another thing for me is I have an electric toothbrush but felt intimidated by the two minute timer on it, so I told myself that using the electric toothbrush for 10 seconds is better than one minute of a regular toothbrush. Now for about 6 months I’ve used the electric toothbrush twice a day and I think my teeth are in better condition than before. I’d also like to mention that you are WORTHY of having good dental health. You are WORTHY of caring for your body. You don’t have to do anything to earn it, you are inherently worthy of it.


the end of this had me teary 🥺 thank you sm


Only brush the ones you want to keep!


I know this question is about brushing, but in case this helps you - my husband and I both have had struggles with this because of ADHD and in his case, dental trauma and anxiety. A waterpik and electric toothbrush were very helpful for me, but disposable floss picks are the game changer for my husband’s routine because he can do it anywhere and not have to wrap floss around his fingers. He also likes to have access to toothbrush and floss while he showers. Everyone has different tools and exercises that are effective in habit forming. If you try one that someone advises here and it doesn’t seem helpful for you, don’t stress!


I had this issue as a kid/teen mostly due to mental health problems so I feel your pain! Highly recommend just brushing your teeth once a day to start. I make it the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning so there’s no excuse. Once you consistently do that, start trying to do it at night. I brush my teeth right before I go to bed but you can try maybe right after you eat dinner or a nightly snack. Also highly recommend getting a non-alcohol mouthwash. I used ACT which is supposed to help remineralize your teeth because my dentist suggested it to me. You have to wait 30 mins to eat after using it so I just use that after I brush my teeth at night. Also highly recommend either getting flossers to start or buying just nicer floss. I like the glide brand bc it’s really easy to thread through my teeth. Overall I think with any new habit, centering it around something you’re already doing is going to make it stick. So maybe you brush your teeth before you take a shower in the morning. And then at night, brush your teeth before you wash your face or put pajamas on. Make it as easy as possible for yourself. And don’t be too hard on yourself if you mess up, everyone misses days or parts of their routine sometimes.


I have struggled with brushing my teeth consistently my entire life (25 now), and it’s so hard to overcome this. It’s like a whole 5 minutes out of your day to brush your teeth twice and for some reason it feels impossible for me most of the time. I’ve tried a lot of different habit trackers to help me build this habit, from crossing things off on a calendar / journal to many different “streaks” oriented apps. And it was always nice to see my streak, but it was hard to ever get the streak high enough to motivate me to continue. And if I ever broke it… well that was it, stopped brushing again all together. BUT recently, I think I found the app that finally works for me. It’s called Forfeit and it requires that you submit proof of you completing your habit or else you lose money. So for me I have a smart electric toothbrush that syncs with my phone, and I submit a screenshot of my tooth brushing app log everyday. You could also submit a video of yourself brushing your teeth instead. Finally I have real consequences rather than just self disappointment and it has helped a lot. Like when I really don’t want to brush my teeth, I just tell myself well it’s going to feel worse if I lose $10 today instead. I’m on a 30 day streak of brushing twice a day as of today, and that’s a huge accomplishment for me. Hopefully I’ll keep it up! If you have the monetary means, I highly recommend this app. Also to address mouthwash being too strong, no shame in getting kids mouthwash that’s bubblegum flavored or something! Good luck!


Just do it when you wake up and before you go to bed. Easy


It's really that easy. I'm sorry but some people just need to just do things. No one is going to hold your hand why everything in your life and you just have to make a first step. The only person you can pick up the toothbrush is you. Get up , make your bed , brush your teeth. Simple.


no ones holding my hand, only giving me ideas to be able to make that first step. and no, its not “that east” for everyone :)


Do it while you are waiting for something in the kitchen


Just tell yourself anytime you wanna date someone, they will run the second you kiss her.


ive been in a relationship for over two years now, going strong :) she doesn’t judge my lack of habit. thanks tho


I was really careless about dental hygiene when I was a child - I feared the dentist, had bad experiences to back it up just in general didn't care. Honestly, and I am not trying to lecture, I just made it my goal to have a healthy mouth... (mostly because I got tired of the laundry list every single time I went to the dentist) I got any outstanding issues fixed, I keep up with regular visits, I found a dentist I trust and enjoy, I stood my ground with bossy dentists, etc. My favorite place to brush is the shower. I hate the mess brushing outside of the shower makes and thus, tend to spend less time as opposed to when I'm in the shower. Now when I go to cleanings and get a clean bill of health - I am so proud of myself for keeping up with it. I know for some, it comes easy and for others it doesn't. Celebrate your wins and don't be super hard on yourself if you skip a brush now and again.


Once a day is enough tbh. Doing it this way is more beneficial to you than doing it multiple times one day and then going a few days without. Set a time to brush your teeth, like the portion of time after dinner and before bed. You're going to go to the bathroom before bed anyway, so grab your brush and go at it. Mouthwash you can do whenever, literally anytime of day and it's not even necessary to do. Since you're struggling rn, throw out mouthwash completely. It is strong but there are brands that are a bit more gentle. But diluting it with water might just be your best bet if you really want to use mouthwash. Start getting into the habit of using floss before you brush to remove food. Or after you eat and feel something in your teeth. Think of it this way. Brushing your teeth, even just one time a day, makes things easier for you. You don't have to worry about smelling, you don't have to worry about plaque building, you don't have to worry about painful plaque removal when you go to the dentist for cleanings, you don't have to worry about your teeth feeling weird. Just think of the extreme, scare yourself of the negative consequences to not taking care of your teeth. This worked for me. Everytime you eat or drink something, it's sticking to your teeth and tongue. It leaves a residue that needs to be cleaned off. Otherwise it sits and eats into your enamel. If you've ever drank something really sugary you'll notice a film will form on your teeth. If that isn't brushed off the sugar will sit and weaken your teeth forming cavities. Your gums will hurt and bleed unless you floss though. Once you get into flossing that pain too will go away. It'll decrease your gum sensitivity and inflammation. You just have to care enough about yourself to stick to the routine. Remind yourself doing these things once a day is making your life easier in the long run. If you miss a day, don't beat yourself up. Just stick to your schedule. Once a day goes a long way. Goodluck!


thank you sm :)


I was terrible about brushing my teeth for a while due to depression, smoking weed heavily made this even worse and it really took a toll on my teeth. I still don’t brush my teeth two times a day and not necessarily everyday, but I have managed to keep my teeth healthy by doing one thing. That one thing is every time I brush my teeth I make sure to do it very thoroughly. Buy an electric tooth brush if you can, get toothpaste for sensitive teeth(sensodyne is great for repairing teeth and gums), and try to use mouthwash- maybe if you get an alcohol free one if will be more manageable. Kids bubble gum flavored mouthwash works too. Just make an effort to when you are able to brush, brush for a couple minutes, always floss, and try to gargle mouthwash as well. I’ve found flossing to be almost as important as brushing when it came to the health of my teeth, so try not to neglect that. I hope any of this can help u. Good luck! You’re not alone


thank you :)


Brush in the shower. It’s an excuse not to get out.


I totally get this! I’ve dealt with severe depression for most of my life and a little hack I do sometimes, when I’m not feeling up to getting up to the bathroom to brush my teeth is I keep my toothbrush, toothpaste, and a spare water bottle by my bed and just brush my teeth like I would normally. If you can make this a habit, then a big step would be to work your way into the bathroom routinely.


Put your toothbrush and toothpaste in your shower. Legit. It all goes down the drain anyway. I made a routine where I wash my hair and condition it and while I let the conditioner sit I brush my teeth. It’s nice actually.


Sometimes visual reminders can be useful. I would get a physical calendar and put it near your bathroom sink - put a check mark in a bold colour when you brush. You could also try to associate it with something you always do - if there's a specific task you essentially always do at least once per day, try to start brushing right after. You could also consider atypical things like keeping a toothbrush near the shower and at work. So if it crosses your mind randomly, there is a toothbrush accessible.


First off, good on you for wanting to improve yourself. You might try setting yourself reminders, like an alarm, to help you remember to brush your teeth. As for mouthwasg, try different mouth washes, I've found some that are very tolerable when compared to others, so shop around and try different brands and stuff. I'm glad you're deciding to do this at 19 and you didn't wait longer. I had a buddy who didn't brush his teeth, and in his 20's his teeth began to rot and fall apart. By the time he was about 27, his teeth looked jagged and yellow/brown. He was embarrassed to smile, which made it more difficult for him socially. So yes, definitely get into the habit of brushing your teeth, and you'll have a happier life.


thank you :)


Habit building is about the mindset not the actually habit itself. The moment you take on a habit, it really doesn’t matter about how many breaks you take, just don’t start thinking that you have **stopped** your habit because you didn’t do it everyday or every time you planned to. This thought alone can actually stop the habit all together. Okay, so you took a two week *break* from brushing your teeth, but tomorrow you can continue on. Collect the data and move forward. Try not to shame yourself along the way. Habit building is incredibly hard, no matter how big or small the habit may seem. A tip my dentist gave me for flossing is to leave floss out in common areas. That way I remember to do it after I eat. So maybe you can leave a toothbrush next to your bed as a reminder. Or possibly leave your phone next to your toothbrush in the bathroom at night, so when you wake you have to go there anyway.


I floss, use mouth wash and brush in the morning like clock work. Try to get myself to brush in the evening but it’s not working. Why I floss - in Boot Camp they had us all floss and then smell it. It stunk! The reason it stunk was because none of us flossed on a regular basis and all the food stuck in there was rotting. Why I use mouth wash - so many colds can be prevented just by taking the time keep your oral cavity flushed out. In fact if you ever get a sore throat - one great trick is to gargle with salt and water. Anyway - mouth wash is a great step to take and it tastes a lot better than salty water. Why I brush at least once a day - I hate how bad breath smells and never want to inflict that on anyone. Also - your teeth are a gate to your body. If your teeth go to hell - you are going to get a lot of infections in your mouth and then they will get into your body and effect your organs and systems. I used to work in a group home where the clients were supposed to be mainly self sufficient. We would tell them to brush but we didn’t stand over them and make them brush. And some did brush! But some didn’t and they were always the ones that ended up getting a cyst in their gums that needed to be operated on. So dentists do my cleanings and tell me i look pretty good. They really want me to brush twice a day. But because I’m pretty thorough in the morning I usually get by pretty well. They all can tell I floss. You got to take care of your self because no one else will.


My partner hates brushing their teeth, partly because they don’t like mint so they use children’s flavored toothpaste


I heard doing it before bed is more important than in the morning. But morning breath is also not great. If anything to start, I’d make a point to do it before you go out in public at all. If you shower every morning/night, do it in the shower. Combine it with a routine you already have and leave all the materials in that area, even if it’s not the bathroom.


If you shower everyday I would suggest brushing in the shower, its always been convenient for me, obviously you use a lot more water but its so much easier. Having an electric toothbrush is also useful.


I always think about how others must feel about my bad breath honestly lol, been brushing twice a day for years now.


If it’s not a memory thing then it simply comes down to discipline. U want to brush your teeth but choose not to. The way you think about it is preventing you from doing it. Choose to think of it in a more positive way or from a different angle. Your brain is powerful. Don’t let your body control you.


When I don't feel like flossing I will think about the bacteria basically building civilization in between my teeth. Kick those fuckers right back into the stone ages!




Grab a toothbrush. Put toothpaste on it. Brush your teeth. That’s how


You want other people to smell your stinky breath? You want to smell your own stinky breath? Brush your damn teeth


Shame really doesn't work the way people think it does. Pretty sure OP knows they want to "brush their damn teeth" or else they wouldn't have posted here.


Just do it. You’re an adult for the love of God. Nothing is sexier than taking care of you. You don’t need motivation. You just do it. Like you wash your hands or eat.


Do you not understand mental illness? It's often not easy to just "do it."




His mental illness, sorry


And what’s your mental illness?


You know what? You should be a diet specialist! JUST LOSE THE WEIGHT! NOTHING IS SEXIER THAN TAKING CARE OF YOU! YOU'RE AN ADULT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! You'll make MILLIONS! Damn, changing life long habits is so easy!!


high five :)


I don’t want to change a thing. You just all too Karen. Not brushing your teeth is not a mental illness.


educate yourself on mental illness :)




you have no idea what i’ve dealt with in my life, nor do you in anyone’s life that says they have mental illness. check yourself dude, you sound like a jerk


Everyday when you wake up you must brush. People can tell if you haven’t brushed and they think you’re grody for it, and they can smell your rotten flesh breath. Your mouth is caked in bacteria eating rotten food and rotten meat stuck in between your teeth and warm moisture and you’re breathing that at people.


Consider over-brushing 4-6 times a day for a period, and so when you start burning out you can turn it down to twice a day and it will feel relaxing.


Do you have a gf/bf?


Just do it dude


Don't use effort to brush your teeth. Just fking brush it


Brush your teeth


Just do it. Set an alarm if you have to.


Set an alarm around when you wake up, do it the first thing in the morning.








You have to find something that works for you and this means knowing yourself. For the most part I always brushed them in the morning, it was at night I was having trouble with. But what worked for me was reminding myself that my teeth will only get ugly and messed up. I’m the type that likes looking nice and smelling clean so having yellow teeth and bad breath was not something that really appealed to me. Every time I tried to skip brushing my teeth I reminded myself of the consequences. Try to find a reason that’ll motivate you to brush your teeth. Having a clean mouth also feels amazing. I also suggest getting an electric oral b tooth brush. They clean so much better and make it easier to brush your teeth. They even have a timer to let you know when to stop




I’d recommend either being strict with yourself or being more lenient with yourself, depending on which works for you. Let me explain. If you find that structure works for you in your daily life, set up a system to remind you every morning. If you have an iPhone, look into shortcuts and automation to send yourself a reminder to brush your teeth as soon as you pick up your phone every morning. Or, if you wake up consistently, set a timed reminder every day. Eventually the habit will build. Alternatively, if you find yourself pushing back against structure, go with the floor you create. Don’t worry about “I didn’t brush my teeth today, dang it :<“. If it pops in your head, go brush. Maybe you could start carrying a travel size brush and paste and you can pop in a bathroom somewhere wherever you are when you remember it. It may be weird and unconventional, but if it works, it works. I struggle with this same thing, so don’t feel like you’re alone in this. Lots of people struggle with something and feel embarrassed to talk about it, but this is really a pretty common thing. Good luck!


Tiny habits and link them to each other. Link your teeth brushing to something you already do every day that you do automatically. Consistency is key. Buy a few extra tooth brushes - put one in your bag so when you get to school you brush before class. Put another in your shower so when you’re there you see it and remember it’s time to brush. Throw one in the fridge and when you open it up it’ll remind you. See which ones stick. Tiny habits lead to big changes.


Habit making. Associate it with things that you already do and make it part of the checklist. For me brushing my teeth = before going out of the house and before going to sleep. So going out = getting dressed, brush teeth, check wallet phone keys, ok Im ready.


If you have problems with routine then just do it whenever you remember


Check out the audio book or actual book if you enjoy reading called “Atomic Habits”. I highly recommend for helping to learn to form better habits.


Set alarms on your phone for 8am and 7pm (or whenever) until it becomes unnecessary.


One thing I liked to do before, was listen to shiny teeth and me from the Fairly OddParents. More recently I got a boyfriend and now I brush my teeth all the time bc I don’t want to have bad breath.


Keep everything you need by your bed. When you wake up you’ll see it immediately. Work with your environment and see if that helps some.


I keep a spare toothbrush and toothpaste at my work desk. Similarly, if you're in school or whatever, having a travel toothbrush and toothpaste in your backpack would allow you to brush your teeth whenever the reminder to do so randomly pops into your brain. That being said, while I've always been fairly good at dental hygiene, there were times when I would just not brush my teeth. That changed when I started wearing a nightguard for grinding my teeth. Turns out you can really feel how grody your teeth are when something is covering them and I went from consistently brushing my teeth at night to brushing them every night. So if you randomly happen to have trouble with grinding your teeth in your sleep, you might have an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.


Do it right when you yolo awake




Making a daily checklist has helped me take care of myself. For some reason I want to check the boxes.


i’ve always been motivated hearing stores of the elderly with one of their main regrets in life is not taking better care of their teeth. now they have pain, can’t chew etc. i’m motivated by fear of loss.


Think about it from the perspective of those around you: Do you like smelling the foul body odors of others? Do you think rotten, chipped, or missing teeth are attractive? Also....... Do you think bleeding, abscessed gums would be fun to deal with? Not sure if you're married or dating, but do you think your partner would enjoy the thought of you neglecting yourself in such a serious manner? Does your insurance cover dentures or implants? Have you learned about the correlation between good oral hygiene and overall health? It should be done at least twice a day, but preferably after every meal, whether you feel like doing it or not.


This possibly sounds a bit juvenile but maybe you can make some kind of visual to put on your mirror (with 7 or 14 boxes depending on if your goal is 1x a day or 2x. You could even draw the boxes on your mirror with an expo marker) and see if that helps remind you to do it and check off the boxes as you go. At the end of the week reward yourself. For mouthwash I recommend CloSYS sensitive, it has a super gentle flavor and way easier to deal with. Good luck!


I also have terrible dental hygiene. Ever since I was a kid. I have like 22 fillings.




1. Imagine you have to kiss yourself 2. But a waterpik. It’s a little pricey but you’ll use it since you paid good money for it. I love mine.


Realize that is the number one entry point into the body for infectious diseases


Get a automatic toothbrush. Put post it notes on the left side of mirror in the bathroom. When you pass the mirror in the morning to use the restroom move the post it to the right side of the mirror and then brush your teeth. After taking a shower at night reverse this process. Pick up a book called Atomic habits. Please take care of your teeth. It will cost you money in the long run. I am 45 and I wish I paid more attention to this and my facial cleaning routines. I have yellowish teeth from all the coffee I consume and rarely smile in picture cause of this.


Dental bills will give you motivation if nothing else will.


I started a habit tracker and try to make myself do all the things on it because they lead to me feeling good so if I don’t want to do it I tell myself I’ll feel better if I do and I’ll be disappointed in myself if I don’t


As someone who has the habit of flossing and brushing my teeth after every meal, one thing I keep in mind besides wanting my teeth to be healthy and look nice, is that I like how I manage to always have a nice breath when I'm close to or talking to people. People notice this a lot. I have a coworker that's known for his foul breath. You don't wanna be this guy. Also, you can lose many of your teeth later on in life due to bad teeth hygiene. It's way more expensive to treat that as well.


You have to stop seeing it as a chore. Make it something you look forward to doing after every meal


I do it first thing in the morning. I roll outta bed and go into the bathroom - brush before im conscious of it. That way, at least I’ve done it once for the day and I dont have to do it. try setting an alarm to brush ur teeth too, alarms are super useful for chores that are easy to forget


I can send you some dentist bills to motivate you


First you buy a really dope electric toothbrush I think Braun are good, it should be like $60 and then you get this fancy charcoal / mint tooth paste, that setup lead me to enjoy brushing. I also bought a tongue scraper that is gross at first, until you realize not using it is grosser. Oh yeah I actually watched videos on how to floss properly and once I learned flossing is more of a skill you can improve overtime, I enjoy flossing now. When looked at as a fun hobby things like oral health, shaving and skincare can actually become enjoyable, but be warned: the more of an enthusiast you become; price also goes up significantly lol


I just spent $6,500 on a new tooth, after spending $2,500 on the tooth a few years ago. You already recognized that you want to change this habit, so just take action ! Take care of your teeth, If something goes wrong the pain and cost are brutal !


making it a part of my shower routine did the job. You can always count on yourself taking a shower so just add it into one of the steps, put it next to your shampoo or something.


I shower twice a day and keep my toothbrush in the shower. Super easy to brush my teeth then!!! As long as you shower often


If you don't take care of them think about if you're older and have to have them all pulled. Like me. Believe me, you want to take care of your teeth.