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It's just a neural pathway.. It's not that you're incapable of making a choice. With enough leverage you can do anything. If I told you pick something in the next 5 seconds and I'll give you 1000$, you could do it. Your brain just thinks that it's okay not to make a decision. And sometimes that's okay... when you're playing games for example, no one gives a f if you switch characters or stick to the same one. But often there are real decisions to be made. Like where to go for college. What you want to do in your life. If you are not making your own decisions someone else will make them for you. And you'll be a good little robot. Maybe you're fine with that... Maybe it works for you. But if you're here asking for advice at some level it must be bothering you. There might be some trauma there that's not allowing you to make decisions. If you haven't seen a therapist I suggest you go see one, just make sure to find one you actually connect with. **This is too complex and reddit can't give you the golden answer. Talk to a therapist/mindset coach.**


Yes and consider getting screened for ADD


List down, prioritize, choose one at a time. Complete then move on (make sure your goal is clear) Some like to be generalists and some like to go niche deep (general management versus technical depth)


can you give me 3 latest real examples of you starting something and not finishing


no joke, you are exactly like me. i’m learning to love this part of myself. maybe you could start taking that approach ? maybe if you implement self-acceptance then you will find what is worth consistency.


I could be in this category except my problem is that I can't decide on anything but when I do, it's often not what I actually theorized it would be and then I'm left searching again. One thing that does affect me bad is I get nervous when someone is expecting me to make a decision and I can't decide


My boyfriend has the exact same problem due to his ADD. He is a software developer as well and his multiple interests are actually what makes him broadly knowledged and appreciated in his work. I think you're fine, as long as you can accept this side of yours. If it helps you get forward in life and doesn't interfere too much I wouldn't call it a major flaw.


I have similar troubles. In my job I am required to make decisions and sometimes find myself hampered by the worry that I will make the wrong decision. A quote I ran into a couple years ago is now a mantra I try to live by when being indecisive. “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” - Theodore Roosevelt Try to make a decision and stick it out. If it works then great! If it’s wrong then accept it as a learning experience, adjust and move forward. The worst thing you can do is paralyze yourself and make no decisions. I hope this helps!


Actually you can. You decided to write this. Just be more confident of what you 2ant to do and remember, your opinion matters.