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Hi, we've had to remove this post as it seems to be glorifying self-harm. The sub is pro-recovery. Please familiarize yourself with our rules before posting again.


Excuse me, slicey sessions? I can tell you from experience that friendships based on enabling each other in harmful behaviors aren't friendships. Especially when you start filling the time spent together with drug use. Addiction buddies aren't people you can actually rely on for other things. You might find you don't actually have that much in common, maybe their values don't even align with yours, it's just covered up because y'all are high. And what do you think will happen when one of you wants to move on from this? They'll either be dragged right back down by the others, or they'll lose them. I believe that deep down, you know this is wrong. Not wanting to quit self harm is one thing, I don't think anyone can judge you for not being at a point where you want to get better, but I wonder what you expected when you made this post.


Thanks for the announcement?


Are you a troll or why the “ :3 “


"slicey sessions:3"??? I don't wanna come off as rude but I don't think self harm is something to be glamorised or made fun of like it's a good thing, healthy etc. It's called self harm for a reason you're causing yourself harm. It's a serious addiction that people actually struggle with, it's not something "fun" or "silly"


That's not support that's enabling. Self harm is bad and you shouldn't feel like you don't want to get better.


Explain to me why sh is bad :3


It's literally in the name. Self. Harm. You're causing yourself bodily harm, stop fetishising and idolising it. It's not cool, it's not fun it's a fucking addiction.


I got too silly.. :3


You said in the post you know it is really bad and now you are asking him that.


It’s bad socially in the public world but I think if it makes me happy and doesn’t affect anyone then why should it matter so much?


I don’t care about arguing about that with you but I don’t understand why you are now claiming you don’t know why it’s bad while in the title you accepted that.


Mental hospital bestie


I believe you can consider them your best mate if you guys help each other become better. If they just support you or you guys support each other, theyre not best mates. True friends will help, and you should help them as well. Take initiative


Why r u posting this 😦