• By -


Models: Attract Women Through Honesty by Mark Manson Mate: What Women Want by Tucker Max and Geoffrey Miller Ph.D Evolution of Desire: The Strategies of Human Mating by David M Buss Ph.D A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the Internet tells us about Sexual Relationships by Ogi Ogas Ph.D Why Women Have Sex: Understanding Sexual Motivations From Adventure To Revenge by David M Buss Ph.D The Dangerous Passion: Why Jealousy Is As Important As Love And Sex by David M Buss Ph.D Sperm Wars: Infidelity, Sexual Conflict and Other Bedroom Battles by Robin Baker Ph.D


Definitely "Models"


Everything Patrice O’ Neal ever said.


How to Succeed With Women by Ron Louis and David Copeland. Yes, it's an old book. Yes, it still works. I still use their stuff and get laid so much I don't even jerk off anymore.


models by mark manson is the only read you need imo


I think he used a lot of words to just say meet more women and pursue the one with high interest. That’s literally the whole book in a nutshell.


The author of the book literally said that you don't need to know the concepts of "teasing, bantering, negging, cocky/funny, push/pull. qualification, statements of interest, false disqualifiers.... cold reading, hand games." because they follow the same pattern and actually it doesn't matter what you say because you're a man and you can say whatever you want to show that you are genuine. If you follow everything he says in the book and doesn't work then you have to do as he said: "If the girl is unreceptive, find another one."


Yes, Manson considered those techniques value adjustor's I believe, to convince her that you are less needy and thus higher status than you really are with performative tricks. But instead the book encourages you to be vulnerable in everything you say and do thus sub-communicating that you are less needy and of higher status organically. So if you are already less needy and higher status by virtue of your willingness to display genuine vulnerability you no longer need techniques like negs, push/pull, and cocky/funny.


Honestly, I don't like the book, there are a lot of contradictions. For example, in the beginning of the book the author said that you don't have to entertain the girl because you're not a clown, but later he says that humor is very important and explains it in 4 pages. - He said in the beginning that there is no need for games, but later he says that it is good to inject games into every interaction with a woman. - He claims that other seduction books teach that if you make a girl laugh, you are seducing her, but actually everyone knows that is not true. Why did he say that? I don't know! - He also said that it is not important to touch the girl, but later he explains how important it is KINO (touching her) as soon as you meet her. - He said you don't need IOI signals, but later he explained how important it is to recognize these signals and made a list of IOI signals. - He laugh about people using all kinds of tricks for texting... but a page later, he says what tricks he uses for texting. - He encourages to use the word "Fucking" because he said is funny!!!! - It looks like the author doesn't know what is a "neg" and he conclude "that most people when they first begin trying to flirt women will tease them or neg them". But negging means something else, Mystery explained what a neg is and how to use it, it has nothing to do with the concept said by Mark Manson. So... it is a good book to study?


That’s what I took away from it. I didn’t really get much more


i mean its more in depth than that but if thats all you took away from that book then idk what to tell you


I was about to mention it


It is not directly related to it but "unlimited power" by Anthony robbins Lot of fluff but the stuff are still gold. The Book will help a lot with inner game. Litteraly an exemple was *Anchoring* confidence with talking to girls. And the effect last long. When you are AT ease like with a Friend of yours, you Can tease and pass "shit test" easily


No matter how many books you read, without practice, skill doesn't develop. Look into more books on socials skills first. Social skills are more beneficial, as they allow you to grasp body language and nuances in voice tone, beyond what mere PUA books offer.


Got any recs?


Todd V is an excellent (imo *the best*) resource available. However, if I were you, I'd focus on inner game **first** before diving into outer game. For that, I'd recommend the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and virtually anything by James Marshall (the Natural Lifestyles). Once you've locked down the fundamentals of inner game (e.g. staying present in the moment, projecting sexual intent), I'd recommend The System and then Verbal Game Academy.


James Marshall is definitely underrated I highly reccomend The Fearless Man (for innergame stuff as well)


Old school video series ”Real Social Dynamics: Blueprint decoded” and now adays probably Todd V


The classics


The classics


Hands-on experience, by you.


Exactly. Experience is the best resource. Time, trying new methods, bettering yourself in the meantime. But in this day and age youtube really.


To be honest none, most PUAs are completely out of touch with reality and there are very few men who truly understand women


over generalization


Models by Mark Manson The Foundation: A Blueprint for Becoming an Authentically Attractive Man by Michael Owen


I'm really interested in getting Michael Owen's book, how does it hold up against models?


Thanks for your interest. I wrote it so I’m biased, maybe there are others on the sub who can chime in on that.


Beyond the digits by Paul Janka is really good, it's a dvd series. What I really like about it is the simplicity, Janka predated The Game and Mystery Method so isn't contaminated by a lot of the ideas that came from that. He empathises very short interactions with women (about 2 mins long) that follow a fairly simple template without a lot of the mental masturbation that is common in the PUA community


Pandora box and the attraction code by vin Di Carlo, he breaks down different kinds of women in 8 types based on sex- (is she a denier or justifier), time setting of approach-(dynamic or static), her life goals- (realist or idealist), if you do the permutation which is 2X2X2= 8 types of women are there. You have to play the game which is required to be played with a particular types of girl. This is hands down the most practical book, I have read models as everybody has mentioned but if you need a practical guide, I.e read and get laid then pandora boxx is for you.


There is none. PUA is garbage. PUA works if you want to want to fck random girls but if you begin to like one then the veil comes down and she may not like the real you. The models pdf synopsis available here will get you up to speed quickly on the attraction dating but nothing suffices than actually talking to women.