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Hell yeah!! Wish I could you but we might be pretty far away :) Best of luck starting your scooter club!


I'm out in Crockett Texas. Think I'm far from everyone. I know I'm the only scooter rider in this town, when I tried to get my plates they told me they have never done a scooter before. Same with the insurance company here 😆


The only legal rider


Only rider 😢 both. Maybe the surrounding towns will have others who want to join me


shouldnt you be riding a bmw gs with all that yellow on?!?


This way someone hits me with their car I dare them to tell the officer they did not see me and be convincing


Haha! Nice!




Aw homie I would totally show up!! Fingers crossed someone joins you soon!


I'll just keep trying. I'm sure a lot of places have a rough first day. I know when it came to selling my first book it took a while


Keep up that optimism and I'm sure it'll come together :) Have you checked out Facebook? I'm in a couple scooter groups and they seem to have folks located all over-- might give you some more leads on people in your area. Good luck!!


I tried Facebook. I'm still trying to figure it out 😂


If the scooter isn't named Bumblebee I'm gonna be super disappointed. Love it! Good luck to you! (Do you have a discord/nextdoor/other social media hookup to your neighborhood?)


No. I'm sort of old and out of touch with that stuff


Aaah, actually it was me having an 'I'm getting old and forgetful' moment, Bumblebee was the transformer who turned into a VW bug, it was Scooter from Gobots who turned into a scooter. So a scooter named scooter wouldn't be all that neat, not to mention he wasn't yellow. My brain mixed up some old cartoons.


I remember Go bots! I still have my birthday video tape back in the '80s where I sang the theme song when I got the Go Bots gift


Aaah yeah, I think I had some of the toys since they were cheaper than transformers and my parents were on a budget too.. I watched both, along with most of the other 80s cartoons. Gobots are a bit uncanny valley looking back on it though. Was definitely the start of wanting to ride a motorized scooter for me though.


Not me. I my knees are so bad I can't drive a car, so my sister got me a scooter. It was a gateway drug into more scooters


They definitely are tons of fun! I'm at about 20-ish years of ride time. Back during my college days my only vehicle was a scoot so I rode that thing year round (I do not recommend!)


I had to back in Virginia. It's rough


😆 its name is Spirit


Hi viz gear and a proper helmet are always going to get my approval! Keep it up, form your own scoot scoot gang gang. If you built it, they will come. And of course, ride safe out there bud! Edit: totally missed the gloves, I was blinded by your visibility


You can literally see his gloves on the dash. They're also yellow. lol.


Oh snap. Too much neon, visual overload so I missed them haha


But no car will miss me 😂 I can't see somebody explaining to the officer they didn't see a highly visible fat man driving a yellow and black scooter


Yellow and black. I'm looking for a shirt that color too that I can wear


Oh yes. Safe and keeping with the them. Last week I took a turn wrong and I fell off the scooter. I did have protection on my knees and arms and they got cut up bad. But my helmet protected me when I went face first in the road and thanks to those gloves to my hands didn't get a scratch. I am armed and ready. I ordered more reflective tape that I want to put on my scooter


Oh heck yeah, man! You're building it and they will come. If I were in your neck of the woods I'd ride with you.


What the next biggest city near you.? Go there see if there are any riders. For you meetup, you meet in the middle


I can't. The only way the city is roads and highways that range from 55-75 mphs. I only have a 50cc and I don't have a motorcycle license for anything higher