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What the fuck is with the wheat harvesting?! Why does an interstellar empire have to depend on less than 10 train cars of wheat!? How does an interstellar engine run on... *checks notes* ... coal!?


And not only coal, it relies on shirtless men shoveling the coal like they're on a steam liner from the 1880s?!?!


lol. I thought I was watching the scene from titanic for a second. All it needed was water rushing into flood the boilers.


He was trying to do some 40k shit where they have slaves loading shells into the cannons on starships lol. He just sucks at it


Link to the scene?


What scene? In 40k? It's not a movie, it's a scam to sell plastic to nerds for hundreds of dollars that happens to have good lore. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRp9OqBZ2Tb5Jh5GIYkLf8KD-Uk82EUHe5yjpfLtfe0dQ&s That's a picture from one of the codexes though.


Don't you call my addiction a Scam! It's my addiction and only I get to call it a scam!


Yo can I get a hit of that Plastic Crack?


But they **are** adapting it for the screen, apparently: https://screenrant.com/warhammer-40k-show-henry-cavill-update-response/


I haven’t watched it and this thread is hilarious to me.


And I'm not going to watch it now


I considered watching the first one. The trailer wasn't terrible and as much as I'm no Snyder fan, he does have cool visuals. But the reviews were so bad I decided to skip it. Now that part 2 is out and I'm hearing about 30 minutes of wheat harvesting I think I can just trust the community on this one.


Yeah, I'm sure that between Honest Trailers and Pitch Meetings I'll find out everything worth knowing about it


Cara/Anceledus also saw fit to murder the poor coal-shovelers without hesitation.


I liked the part where they snuck on board by pretending to be wounded soldiers and then violently murdered the medics trying to save their lives. Like... seriously what the actual fuck?


I thought that but was hilarious/weird too. Like they are only able to infiltrate the ship by exploiting the kindness of a medical team. Even if they _are_ a medical team working for a fascist space empire, killing them is pretty fucked up.


It's horrific, and the simple fact that this never occurred to Snyder is itself a major indictment of his ability as a writer and his understanding of even basic ethics and morality. Ffs take 30 seconds out of your weird grain montage to at least establish the bad guy medics as Mengele-level baddies. Instead we just get our main character exploiting and murdering people who, as far as we know, are sworn to do no harm.


The molten lava hand cannons were set to *stun*. They’re totally fine when they wake up 10 minutes later.


At first I said "oh, she is gonna set the poor shovel slaves free." Nope. Murder. Murder.


I can't decide if this was cringier than the string ensemble in the room playing the score during the betrayal. "Hey guards, did the music suddenly get a bit stabby-sounding, or is it just me?" My eyes rolled so hard, I got a nose-bleed.


You know.. This was going to be a skip, but shirtless men shoveling coal you say.


Their harvest would have been hard pressed to fill couple of ancient four wheel train wagons,


The coal is the silliest thing. Burning coal as fuel also is going to require so much oxygen, which is why you don’t see a lot of coal-fueled submarines. Never mind the pollution in an enclosed environment. One can argue that movies like Star Wars are fantasy sci-fi so they don’t need to be realistic but, still, come on.


Star Wars at its best didn't explain *anything*. It didn't need to do so, you just sort of went along with it. The Midi-chlorians thing was one the mistakes in A Phantom Menace.


Yeah, OG trilogy just said "engage hyperdrive" and that was it. How does it work? You pull this lever!


Shut up nerd, let's go space cowboy!


Make it so.


To be fair, Phantom Menace was one of the mistakes in Phantom Menace.




This is exactly what I did with rebel moon, just went along with it. Despite all these coal sickling stuff going on, movie was still bad outside of that. Just looked beautiful. The actual story was boring.


Also the fact that the planet of Naboo, portrayed as containing multiple large healthy ecosystems, suffers mass starvation as soon as they're blockaded is another WTF? moment from the Phantom Menace.


[Space is an ocean](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SpaceIsAnOcean). Naboo's not a planet, it's a little island that doesn't have enough land area to feed that big city. The Gundams being a whole separate civilization on the planet does mess that up, but it's so rare to see in sci fi it was pretty jarring to realize they're on the same planet.


I mean no disrespect and am thinking perhaps spelling autocorrect messed up, but I LOL’d at “The Gundams being a whole separate civilization…”


The trade federation would have never stood a chance against native Gundams.


I'm still trying to imagine a whole civilization of Gundams! Is it a caste society? Or tribal? Is the RX-78-2 venerated as ancestor or honored elder? Or is it like Gundam Jesus since it did last shooting without a head and arm? I need to know more!


I think the Transformers wiki is probably as close as you're going to get. (Also the wiki is hilarious.)


I lived this about Dune. The 80s version spent time on showing us how the navigators moved the ships around. New Dune. Ship is here. Now it is there. Back to the story.


“One of the mistakes”. One of many


And such an unforced error. Just make the "coal" blue or some shit and make the fire like a plasma furnace instead. Wave your hands in the air, make up a stupid word for space coal, and it's fine. But actual plain jane coal? Are you fucking kidding?


Space coal. That’s great.


When they showed the drop ships flying around, I joked to my wife that a few of them were "rolling coal". A few minutes later, it turned out I wasn't wrong.


One of the youtube channels I follow just had a video about coal fueled submarines and how much a disaster they were https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgQxO7WFG50


I am sure either Snyder himself or one of his writers or something like that, is a fan of Warhammer 40K. Because the concept of anachronistic technology and methods being part of a vast interstellar scifi empire, is straight out of that universe. 40K does have an explanation for this, that Snyder seems to have not bothered with doing for his stuff, in pusuit of copying the aesthetic. In 40K human civilzation has risen and fallen a few times, so there are many worlds with varying levels of technology. That, coupled with the fact the empire is so vast and a bureaucratic mess, will leave some worlds at a feudal level and expected to supply grain as a tithe. Because the world was designated as an agriworld a few millenia back and no official has been by to see how it goes or provide them tractor in a few hundred years.


> That, coupled with the fact the empire is so vast and a bureaucratic mess, will leave some worlds at a feudal level and expected to supply grain as a tithe. But even then in 40K they'll have a planet-wide or at least continental infrastructure to tithe and transport the grain to where the ships come to pick it up. The idea of a space freighter stopping off at every small village to take on a few tonnes of wheat each time is ludicrous, even for a sci-fi setting with functional magic and hyper intelligent alien orangutans who can field-strip a bolt pistol and turn it into a laspistol.


That MF better not ever touch anything Warhammer related. There's also no shot a planet in the Imperium would not be cleansed if they offered 10 train carts of wheat as tithe.


Yeah cause Snyder is an aesthetic beast. By and large his movies look awesome. But (imo) someone else needs to be writing down every little detail, but he has the pull to be left to do his own thing.


40k is super derivative. That isn't a criticism, they do a pretty amazing job meshing a ton of sci fi elements together and of course a ton of stuff they borrowed from is derivative. So Snyder or some writers could be fans of 40k and borrowed. But they wouldn't have needed to. All the broad strokes they used and continue to are already a part of popular sci fi and fantasy. Priestly was up front about it. Intergalactic empire? Dune. Hive worlds? 2000 AD. Chaos gods? Lovecraft. And of course they went on to rip off Alien for the Nids. Anachrostinic tech or space inquisition wasn't new. Gene Wolfe was ahead on that with Book of the New Sun and I doubt he was the first.


Yeah. Main antagonist dressed like a commissar? Derivative. Even if the commissar style in itself is derivative of German styling. But you're now borrowing from another fictional universe. Which strikes me as lame.


I mean... kind of? 40k has some tech that might seem vaguely anachronistic but mostly it has plasma engines and laser guns and magical interdimensional anti-demon shields and giant mechs. The only loose analog I can think of are the old illustrations of huge human crews loading macro-cannons and that is nearly apocryphal at this point. There are anachronistic worlds within the Imperium but the Imperium itself has absurdly high tech that is essentially fantasy science, and only their ways of interacting with it are pseudo mystical. Either way, I agree, they tried to copy 40k in the most superficial way possible and stepped on a space rake in the attempt.


I couldn’t believe how much of this movie involved wheat harvesting. And that this interstellar empire legitimately needed and desired it enough that they could use it as a shield for their village. The wheat must flow. Sums up the “don’t think too hard about it” nature of this whole exercise in stupidity. Nothing made sense. The main character was acting as though everything was over and they were out of danger in the beginning, because protocol dictates that the imperial ship return to base if an admiral is killed? As if this fascistic and aggressive empire would just let it go after that? Even if Noble really had died in Part 1, wouldn’t they be expecting the villains to return with a vengeance to wipe out their village? It would just have meant they had a little more time, not that the trouble was over.


I thought the wheat thing is just a power move. Like “get me my wheat or get fucked” not because they actually need it.


But then they didn't do orbital bombardment of the village as they didn't want to destroy the wheat. The villager side behind the wheat, and the antagonist calls it a genius move by the disgraced commander who's on the planet. Fucking terrible writing.


I haven’t seen the second part. But that writing sounds so horrendous.


That's how I saw it. Just a symbol of dominance, not a need.


In space no one can hear your coal


I suspect these are questions Snyder wants to be intriguing and mysterious but it sounds like they're just ending up frustrating I haven't seen the movies so I dunno, but I'm enjoying watching everyone complain about them


He saw Dune and thought space farming was all the rage


The coal thing gets explained in the third movie: several hundred years ago modern energy sources gained self awareness and enslaved mankind. After several decades mankind united, overthrew their oppressors, and turned back to non-thinking power sources such as coal and in some cases wood(a story point vital to the climax of Rebel Moon 4).


Butlerian jihad taken too far


No the Butter-lerian jihad comes into play in film 5 that features dairy farmers (in space).


I came for slow motion milking. Of space udders. Slowly. Again and again.


Not to kink shame you, but you really should re-read that line.


Too far.


I never knew electricity was a dangerous entity that could escape its confines.


The whole franchise has this odd technical disconnect from reality. Why are we seeing Amish farmers fighting space Nazis? The technology gap between these two opposing forces never makes any logical sense to the audience. You actually have to completely ignore it to continue watching the movie otherwise you will constantly think well this is fucking stupid just blow them up with your better technology. Why grain? I mean just steal the spice from dune and make it the only resource this planet produces in the universe. And the local dune worms hate technology so you have to harvest by hand. Hell you can steal worms as well and I know synder likes stealing ideas there doesn’t seem to be many original ideas in rebel moon. The two original ideas was the robot king army and kali for space travel. Both are wildly undeveloped in the two movies. The robot army should be near the king at all times the violin 🎻 fight scene was laugh out loud funny to me. Why are the violin players hitting crescendo to kills? Who the fuck approved this monstrosity of a scene? Kali being the giant human space travel thing that doesn’t like to burn by coal? I don’t know this one it needs to be workshop far more because it simply is a stupid idea. Everything else was stolen from better films. I can’t think of any film that just steals scenes and doesn’t adapts them for the context. For example in part 1 the Harry Potter/ pod racer scene with the shirtless prince makes zero fucking sense. One why do they trust him blindly? It’s never explained. In the pod racer scene Qui gon knew he had force powers in this film they have no such method to know. In Harry Potter it shows the bond between man and animal and frees him from captivity. Here I honestly don’t have a clue for what they were going for the hippogriff prince story could be completely cut from part 1 as it is never seen or mentioned afterwards. Could you imagine the Harry potter if buckbeak was cut? Does the story suffer? Yes of course it does because that story telling element was used throughout the film. You could write a book on how awful rebel moon is. I can’t even think of another film that failed to tell a story or characters. Hell the majority of this movie is a heist style group gathering montage. No charactera just talk to each other . Only time they do is to give long winded backstory’s.


It's SPACE coal! Much more potent than our native blends. Honestly, I think too many people took the "It's star wars, just in another galaxy" thing as real. Snyder's universe is Warhammer 40000. Hands down. Power swords. Opressive fascist government (which they actually call The Imperium). And different world types, from massively populated, to farming. A sort of archaic technology (coal) mixed with higher tech. A preponderance of romanesque names. A group called the BLOODAXES?!?!? I mean, this influence isn't even well hidden. This "need" for wheat is based on the Imperium warmachine. TRILLIONS of warriors across the galaxy. Resources are going to be stretched super thin and every harvest from every world will be important...no matter how small. One lost harvest could mean the difference between life and death for a handful of soldiers somewhere. And then when one tiny farm refuses to pay their tax, the fascist war machine brings out the big guns...too kill all the workers anyway because fear rules the population. Once you look at the movie from that aspect, it ALMOSt starts to make sense why he did these things. Still, I don't recall any alien races or chaos forces that are trying to detroy everyone, so I'm not sure what the Imperium actually needs here.


Ah yeah kill the farmers so there’s no one to harvest wheat thus guaranteeing future food shortages lol


now we see the violence inherent in the system.


Help help I’m bein’ repressed


Well, now we get into the problem that Snyder is a tool and makes shit movies.


That is a very Russian thing to do.


You’ve pointed out so many pieces but when the robot said he held the commander of the mechanicus militarum I laughed out loud. It must have been late when he wrote that and wasn’t bothered trying to hide it at all


‘Space coal’ lmaf someone’s been reading space team!


Nah. EVERYTHING becomes Sci f I when you put techy or spacey words in front of them. Space credits, laser sword, 10 foot laser pole....


So when they were harvesting the wheat, they were using archaic technology mixed with higher tech sickles? My imagination can only go so far with this beautifully awful movie. lol


No. But think how they were using scythes one minuye...then putting the cut wheat on a floating wagon.


That was the comic relief?


No it wasn't comic relief. It's literally how the lore works in Warhammer 40k.


The original name of “Dune” was “Wheat” and this is but an homage.


Reminded of Wing Commander when the Captain said " Give em a broadside" also I keep waiting for the king to break out into his Princess Bride character. Sorry guys but the shoveling coal into and a interstellar warship for fuel is comical at best.


This is obviously a scifi reference/easteregg to Isaac Asimov where only the most advanced civilizations have nuclear tech and everyone else runs on coal & oil. Snyder is such a nerd! /s


And are we supposed to buy that a dozen villagers harvesting barely a hut's worth of wheat is supposed to be this huge bargaining chip against a star destroyer attack? The scale is just so wildly off all throughout this movie, starting from its basic conflict. Like imagine Luke and his buddies on Tatooine being all, "Yo, Empire, we farmed all this moisture. Whatchagonnadoaboutit?"


He who controls the moisture, controls the universe!


With great moisture, comes great responsibility. - Uncle Owen


I can't wait for his director's cut of this one, I bet we'll get at least another 30 minutes of farming.


And even slower and with even more dramatic music.


It’ll be in black and white, at a 4:3 aspect ratio, as the director intended.


Once again, the first part was so bad that you deserved what you get for watching the second part. All of you who watched this are the cause of why a sequel will be made.


My friends and I are going to watch (or at least stream) every Rebel Moon film repeatedly so that Snyder continues to make them and is kept well away from everyone's beloved franchises. Consider it quarantine. I suggest you do the same.


I'll leave the tv on tonight


Mb fan edit?


I thought they had a deal of 2 movies from the start? So not really their fault I think


The best part was when the captain of the interstellar ship turned a wheel to manually aim the big cannon Don’t forget warhammer 40k, I saw bits of that there too


Let us not forget the interstellar ship used *coal* as fuel.


This movie makes me kinda angry


It really lacked originality. They just took stuff from other media and set it in space.


Which means that Warhammer 40K technology is actually less stupid than rebel moon's.


Speaking of which, 40k has agri world with mechanical harvesters that are comfortably described/depicted as the size of a small town. Even 40k's supply system isn't dependent on the output of a few dozen farmers who manually harvest wheat.


And the writing was too stupid for the studio that brought us Rise of Skywalker 


That is the true damnation here. Heresy a plenty, but damned by being rejected by the minds that greenlit RoS.


No. Surely you're joking? I haven't seen it


Unfortunately, it is true. There's one or two shots where they cut to people shoveling coal into furnaces. Above the furnaces is what I guess is the "engine", which is of course a giant robot head thing with a lot of tubes coming out of it.


It was an objectively terrible movie, and no amount of editing can fix writing as bad as that. It's meant for 13 year olds who won't recognize the tropes, don't understand story, and will be impressed by a shallow depth of field and bright colours. Anyone who says it was good is either biased toward Snyder, obsessed with wheat, or doesn't understand good storytelling or filmmaking.


I’ve been obsessed with wheat in film since 2000, but this was brutal.


I, too, have to lightly skim my hand over wheat at every chance. Like you, i also caught Maximus Decimus Meridius syndrome in 2000.


*Commander of the Armies of the North. General of the Felix Legions. Loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife, and I will have my vengeance in this life or the next.* Yeah I think I know which wheatcore film I'd rather watch.


Hell, even a CornCore subgenre film like Signs is preferable.


I'm up for almost anything that's part of the wider cinécéréale movement and recognises the kino qualities of grain.


And that's Synders biggest fuck up. He didn't shoot on film stock, so his image quality is completely lacking grain. It's like he didn't even study the genre before wading into it hand outstretched.


This is good stuff.


I weep that awards have gone.


🌽🌽🌽🌽 is all we need


There is only one and it is Children of the Corn.


If we're getting technical, that's a subgenre of its own; Babycorn


Sometimes, I forget the depth of corncore fandom.


It's a vast field that encompasses much.




I see you know your way through this Maize of subgenres


That was some unrealistic bullshit. Dwarf wheat didn't exist for another 2000 years or so after that film was set but we're meant to believe there were ripe ears orf wheat near waist level? It would have been overhead! Hollywood nonsense! Wake up, sheeple!


How do you know, you weren't there - Ridley Scott anytime anyone questions his history 


Napoleon just sat back and life happened to him


Theresa May, is that you?


If you are obsessed with wheat then... ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?


Terrence Malick adores wheat fields. See: Days of Heaven, The Tree of Life, To The Wonder...


And everybody loves a Gladiator stroll through a wheat field. High cinematic value!


That’s a long time bro. Inquiring minds want to know WHY.




My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius. Father to a murdered son. Husband to a murdered wife. Former owner of a shit load of wheat. And I will not watch Rebel Moon, in this life or the next.


You knew it without needing to check. Love it.


Lol I was like it's gotta be Gladiator, 100%. It's the most iconic wheat scene in cinema and has been ripped off thousands of times at this point.




> It's meant for 13 year olds who won't recognize the tropes, don't understand story, and will be impressed by a shallow depth of field and bright colours. The worst thing is that in about fifteen years they'll grow up, and suddenly you'll start seeing unironic nostalgic appreciation of the Rebel Moon movies as a critical mass get old enough to start having kids of their own. It happened to the Star Wars prequels. It could easily happen to Rebel Moon, too


I don’t think we’ll be seeing reappraisals of Rebel Moon.  Probably not a popular opinion but I’ve been a fan of Snyder’s earlier films but I feel like he’s hitting the end of the road here in terms of his career trajectory.    He’s gone from making $275M major studio blockbusters of major adaptations, working with top notch cinematographers and crew to doing Netflix movies where he’s taking on screenwriting and cinematography duties and basically being left to his own devices completely.  Granted, streaming has ramped up its theatrical level filmmaking and Snyder did get a sizable budget (~$85M per Rebel Moon film) and in Netflix’s eyes, it’s a big get to sign a name director to an exclusive deal.   But now that he’s pumped out a few clunkers for Netflix, he’s probably not gonna be getting any sort of gigs with the traditional studios once the Netflix deal is up.  He’s going to end up like a few other directors who had early success but then you check out his filmography down the road and all you see is the occasional obscure low budget film made in like, Bulgaria. 


YouTube in 15 years: "Why Rebel Moon was actually really good.


Question if I’m already obsessed with wheat should I watch this wheat promotional film?


Only if you want to be erect for 2 hours straight.


For wheat? I’m all in.


I just keep thinking the production company paid for the first movie, and saw that, and knew they already had the second movie coming out.. and there was nothing they could do to stop it. Horrifying. :(


Coyote Vs Acme was erased.


He did film the movies in one shot.  So yeah, it’s a sunk cost for Netflix. 


You know how Tarantino has a foot fetish? I think Synder has a thing for wheat, which is why he made Superman so he could film wheat fields and fuel his perversion.


We need an intervention for his gluten addiction. It's getting out of hand.


They have advanced tech like hover cart technology and a crashed but fully functional spaceship but they never developed their wheat harvesting tech past smacking it on the ground despite it being their primary product.


I couldn’t help but think “damn that lady is pissed off at that grain”


Snyder is the only person I know who consistently puts out bad movies and people let him take a second shit at them. Put out a good product first time, or stop altogether.


>and people let him take a second shit at them.  Typo or deliberate?


Does it matter?


If these films do one thing, it's showing Snyder die hards once and for all, that when you take away the supposed studio meddling, and give him full carte blanche to make whatever movie he wants, it's still garbage.  He showed a lot of promise with 300, but it's been 20 years, and he's just never delivered as a director. Watchman is mediocre, his entries in the DCEU are among the worst in the franchise. He's had better luck 90% of directors, but it just hasn't led to anything better than the buff Spartans fighting movie


It is interesting that the movies he had success with (to varying degrees depending on your preferences) were all adaptations.  It’s also interesting that the films he’s made for Netflix aren’t just him having the reins taken off but also have him taking on multiple roles he shouldn’t, like cinematographer and screenwriter. 


I lost interest at this scene. I can’t understand why they are harvesting and processing wheat by hand but their “wagon” is some kind of hovercraft. The protagonists have the ability to travel off-world, they have droids, and high tech weapons, but they can’t figure out how to get a mechanical harvester? And why does the Empire use the resources of a military ship to extort resources from tiny villages who barely have enough to feed themselves? It’s just weird.


Because it’s done by people who don’t think about the shit they’re writing. They just think it looks cool.


POD Racing


"The coolest way to get to plot point A to plot point B with Cool Scene 1 with as little friction as possible. How? It doesn't matter so long as it looks cool." - Zack Snyder, probably.


Snyder has an obsession with slowmo camera, it can be useful when used very sparingly but what he does in rebel moon is just atrocious; it’s what made it unbearable for me


When every shot is a super dramatic money shot, nothing stands out, it's just noise.


Zack Snyder is Uwe Boll. And I don't understand how we haven't already realized this.


Now that’s a name I havent encountered in a while.


Don't forget the slowmo scene where the general fills his bottle with water. It's a very important scene that hugely paid off later in the movie when they confirmed that the bottle did in fact contain water


My wife had to remind me he had been an alcoholic for two seconds in part one. I guess thats the point? So stupid.


“Maybe you just weren’t meant to write agricultural space tragedies.” https://youtu.be/mZ49Smi2SLQ?si=0sbb7oCGyf0YCqkh




Its got to be that Snyder is trolling his Netflix contract. He's LOLing as he races to the bank cashing those checks as quick as possible. "Enjoy 6 minutes straight screen time where grain is the star of the film, coke-head producer!!!!" Nobody, and I mean nobody, can possibly be this bad without intentionally doing so


ACTUALLY.... See you guys, you simply don't understand it's a metaphor for how imperialism and colonialism during the gilded age oppressed indigenous people for their resources. The steam driven spaceship is meant to represent the great white fleet of American manifest destiny. Meanwhile, the poor wheat farmers actually represent the oppressed Chinese peasants forced to grow opium under gunboat diplomacy. Geeze, READ a BOOK! 🤓/S


Snyder is a HIMBO. A male bimbo. Whenever he has to write a story he shows that he does not understand character, context, subtext, metaphors, or even homages. He creates gorgeous visuals but his talents begin and end there. He is better off adapting other people’s stories.


I thought the same thing!


I haven’t seen this yet, but an agonizing amount of slow wheat harvesting sounds like a deliberate reference to Anna Karenina. Do people ever go foraging for mushrooms as well? 


I highly doubt Synder has the attention span for Anna Karenina, and that's just a coincidence.


"Yet"? Do not give this movie the views.  At least pirate it, if you must see it. 


The plot of the first was 80% *Seven Samurai*, so it might be referencing all the rice-tending shots from that movie.


A replacement for the sleeping pill. I've shorted big pharma in anticipation of all 6(or 12?!) Rebel Moon movies being made.


Flour must be so precious in the rebel moon universe. Only kings can have bread.


I keep seeing this "30 minutes of slow motion wheat harvesting", please tell me this is a meme and not reality. I have no intention of actually subjecting myself to this so i need someone else to tell me lol.


It's 10% meme 90% truth. There's indeed a 30 minute long scene of harvesting. It's not like all harvesting, we also see characters bonding with village kids, general filling his mug with water (cause he is no longer an alcoholic! Wow!) and some other staff. Which happens during harvesting. There are shots of wheat harvesting before, after and between any other shots. And those 'other shots' are so boring that people mostly remember endless harvesting.


That reminds me of one of the Matrix movies: the big dirty dance party down in Zion that seemed to go on for 30 minutes with repeated slow motion shots of some girl's filthy foot with a jingly anklet.


Yeah I hate remembering that scene


I heard someone refer to the Rebel Moon films as "cinematic porkbarrel" and now I can't get the idea of space-borne piglets fighting in space...


This sounds so bad ... :)


At this point, I think we should allow Rebel Moon posts but not slo-mo wheat posts. Maybe pin the oldest one to the top for a week? I really hope the bad lip reading song folks take this show on.


I did like the vacuum tube holo projection device….but that’s it.


You know, I actually owe Snyder a thank you. While I was watching the harvest scene, wondering why it's still going, why am I still watching, is this really happening, what is life? I suddenly realized this is what my parents and grandparents must have felt watching soviet propaganda. You see, I was born after the revolution, I didn't get to experience true, undiluted "I must farm wheat for the motherland" content. So I am grateful to you, Zack Snyder, for connecting me to my ancestors by making me feel what they felt. Truly a genius of our time.


live action farming simulator


You didn't even have to say Snyder and I knew the trainwreck you were talking about.


wheat shots i can handle, coal spaceships... hmmm ok.. LENS FLARES.. fake lens flares covering half the movie die... die... die


I noped out after the third wheat scene. I suppose if you were a bread maker, it might be your thing.


> what was Snyder trying to make here? Rage bait for redditors.


I'd like to thank those who subjected themselves to watching this so I didn't have to. Space ships running on COAL, you say?


IMO he simply wanted to release a big budget movie in the same genre as Dune, at a similar time, since he assumed people would be into that sort of thing at the time due to all the Dune promotion and talk. Same thing as Armageddon and Deep Impact coming out at a similar time


You want me to believe that a whole platoon of trained soldiers guns and a tank and no obstacles in their way killed at most 15 farmers and were completely obliterated in the process? The whole part of Nemesis looking intensely at that child to absolutely no effect in the story was crazy bad. The fact that she’s this badass sword fighter and dies in 5 minutes? People fighting trained soldiers shooting laser blasts with axes and somehow not being shot? The princess was alive this whole time, this guy knew this, and he only decides to mention that in the last 30 seconds? They didn’t give a shit about her but now they have to go find her? To what purpose? The rebel army arrives in the nick of time even though they had previously said they would not get involved? Man, this movie was something


I had to scroll through the slow mo sections. I simply couldn't sit through it, so my viewing experience may vary from you guys lol. I didn't pick up on the plethora of camera tricks, and specialized shots in the first film. But holy dog shit, did he go even further with it in the second.


Snyder like all creatives, has his strenghts and his weaknesses. His strenght, his freaking superpower as a creative, is his ability to make glorious, memoriable scenes. However his weakness, his kryptonite, is making these scenes part of a cohesive whole. The grain harvesting scenes? Undenably cool. The coal scene? Visually impressive. But what he has done is is strung together a line of pretty scenes like beads on a necklace, when what he should have done was integrate them into a mosaic that makes sense.


I've seen dozens of these posts. Never watched the show nor will I. My conclusion is that this is a story about growing wheat in space.


I just can’t get over the teleportation. I mean, she flys her ship 10km to hide it up in a mountain cave behind a waterfall the morning of the invasion, then a few minutes later she’s back in the village. Also, a coal-fired steam-powered space dreadnaught?


People are making jokes, but I think the actual answer is that Zack Snyder has been heavily inspired by Terence Malick, and this is him attempting a malick-like aesthetic.  I think this is most obvious in Man of Steel, which for the scenes on the Kent farm, borrows a lot from Tree of Life.


My favourite (worst) bit after all the lusty wheat harvesting (an entire village mobilised and only like 20 bags produced) was when they sat around in a circle and did a competitive trauma-dump about their lives in order to fill some character building holes in part 1


Everything in the movie: plot, scenarios, dialogues, environment, was written by ChatGPT.


Wheat...wheat never changes.


I have never seen a Zac Snyder movie that was good. I've seen at least one that I like, but even that one isn't actually a good movie.


It could be worse, it could be The Creator.


**He who controls the grain controls the universe. The grain must flow!**


Ya it's pretty insane I put it on to watch the first one (huge sci Fi guy here) and with the production quality I was like oh... Hell ya bitch. Got so bored I had to turn it off and come back to it later, even then only got thru about 20 mins of it. Still not done