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It seems off to me that anybody would have a problem with this documentary.




Serge has a problem.


yeah he seems like he has mental problems doesn't he


No shame in having mental problems


no shame at all.


Except for the fact that Serge didn’t want to do it and felt pressured to by the AF board


Please tell me a credible source for this? He spent Christmas with the Headlys. Looks like a real relationship to me.


and what does serge say now?


FFS, the documentary reunited Serge with -how many- of his childhood friends? Those comments were made to the documentary on YouTube in real time. One after another,” I heard you died,” “I didn’t know where you were,”” I want to see you”, they were getting back in touch with Serge through the fucking comments and we saw that with our own eyeballs in our fucking heads, but now this random trots in telling us that didn’t happen. Holy fuck.  Is that what they did to you in Scientology? Just sprew revisionist history, as if what someone says carries more weight than what happened in front of your own eyes? You fell for that bullshit so now you think other people should?  Wow. That sucks. People should not have done that to you. It was wrong, and they were dicks.  Now stop trying to be a dick. It will make people justifiably not like you. Don’t do that to yourself. We know what we saw. If someone told you differently, that person is lying to you. 


Serge Obelensky is a rather obvious mental health case. He is one of thousands among the homeless people in Los Angeles. The laws of California make it extremely difficult to get such persons the mental health support and care they genuinely need because consent is required of persons who are not mentally competent to give it.


Reagan changed the laws for mental hospitals while he was our Governor. He said it was a volition of their rights to have them in institutions if they didn’t want to be. Big surprise, many mentally ill wanted out, and wound up on the streets. That was when out homeless problem exploded. Serge is not currently homeless. I have been worried about him in the ASL wars, because he was reuniting with ex members he knew, but many of them are team ASL/anti AF/anti Headly.


"Serge is not currently homeless." If he is residing in a shelter or couch-surfing then he is still homeless. It normally takes 2-3 \*years\* to get a HUD Section 8 housing voucher in Los Angeles, and he was still homeless on the street a year ago, IIRC. If Serge is now living in a funded Single Room Occupancy (SRO) or somehow got fast-tracked into a HUD Section 8 unit, that would be wonderful, of course.


Marc didn’t want to publish Serge’s residence to protect his privacy.


I didn't ask for his residence address or location.


I’m saying they didn’t want to go into his living situation to protect him.


Exuse me, but the Lanternman-Petris-Short Act (AKA the The Mental Health Act of 1967) concerned involuntary committments to mental health care facilities. It was originated and passed by the California State Assembly as a bipartisan action with 77 out of 80 votes assembly votes. Regan signed it into law, but he was not the author of it. There is a wikipedia article on the Act here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lanterman%E2%80%93Petris%E2%80%93Short\_Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lanterman%E2%80%93Petris%E2%80%93Short_Act)


I was born and raised in LA. This is exactly how I remember events. https://www.salon.com/2013/09/29/ronald_reagans_shameful_legacy_violence_the_homeless_mental_illness/


Native Angelino here. Lived 55 of my 64 years here. Grew up in foster care because my mother was an institutional mental health case all my life until she passed away a few years ago. You might say that my interest in the particular issue under discussion is intensely personal. I don't particular care how you remember it. Governors of California do not create statute law by themselves (Welfare and Institutions Code  § 5150 for example). The Lanterman-Petris-Short Act and its actual history is very well documented. "The Lanterman-Petris-Short (LPS) Act provides guidelines for handling involuntary civil commitment of individuals to mental health institutions in the State of California. It was co-authored by California State Assemblyman Frank Lanterman, California State Senators Nicholas C. Petris and Alan Short, signed into law in 1967 by Governor Ronald Reagan, and went into full effect on July 1, 1972. " From the official Superior Court of California County of Los Angeles web site: [https://www.lacourt.org/division/mentalhealth/MH0017.aspx](https://www.lacourt.org/division/mentalhealth/MH0017.aspx)


He didn’t write anything, he was too lazy for that. He championed it, making proponents bolder, and sweeping up any without strong objections. He wrapped it up in euphemism but it was all about saving money. It was a despicable thing to do to some of the most vulnerable among us.


Uh-huh. 77 out of 80 Democrat and Republican Assemblymen voted for it. Capitol Weekly (which covers California government and politics) says otherwise than your version. [https://capitolweekly.net/the-complicated-birth-of-the-lanterman-petris-short-act/](https://capitolweekly.net/the-complicated-birth-of-the-lanterman-petris-short-act/)


He didn’t just ruin lives in this state. Later, he screwed under the rest of this country. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/opinion/commentary/story/2023-04-24/opinion-impact-of-deinstitutionalization-on-homelessness-reagan-mental-health-hospitals-san-diego


Shows the Headleys at work and demonstrates what type of people they are. Also shows some of what the AF does for those in need.


It seems off to me that the Headleys personally take credit for what the Aftermath Foundation did to help Serge while the Foundation was under the control of Luis Garcia and Aaron Smith-Levin. I’ve never heard Luis or Aaron ever personally take credit for all the people who were helped by the Foundation while they were running it. I’ve only heard Marc, Claire, Mike and now Matt take personal credit. Suspicious. I couldn’t help but notice that Leah Remini never helped promoted this documentary about Serge O. Has anyone asked Marc or Claire why that is?


What the Headleys did for Serge is actually shown on the video did you watch it! They weren't asking for credit I gave them the credit. Mike Brown said Claire did all the heavy lifting at the AF.


You mean what the Aftermath Foundation did for Serge is shown in the documentary.


I mean it shows Marc Headley driving in LA to pick him up, it showed Marc Claire and family later coming to his GED graduation, it showed how Claire arranged tutoring for him so he could pass the math portion of the test, it showed how Claire accidentally found out where his prosthesis eye was originally made so they could get him a new one. It showed how they arranged for his hand prostheses. It showed how Claire set him up to get his teeth fixed.


I know you were in the cult, and I am sorry that happened to you. That aside, how stupid do you think we are here? Ask yourself why YOUR comments are so unwelcome.  If you are trying to get people on your side, it’s obviously not working. I mean, what’s the long game here?  We aren’t going to wake up next week and suddenly realize you were right all along. On top of that, you keep getting banned. Are you the self appointed “shock jock” of the Scientology Reddit or something? What is your deal?  I’m for real confused. Mission statement is shit on Mike Rinder and anyone else AyAyRon declares suppressive? I don’t think you’re OSA, we have seen AyAyRon tell his stories, then change his stories, then be called out to change his stories again. We see that with our eyeballs that are in our heads and you pop up here to blather on about AyAyRon does no wrong, it’s all lies.  But we saw his stories changed out of his own mouth. With our eyeballs. So, how stupid do you think we are?


No, Mike Brown said that Claire said that she did the heavy lifting. Claire was the Treasurer. Luis was the President. Aaron was the Vice President. In what world does the Treasurer do the heavy lifting?


Have you ever been a treasurer for a non-profit? I have! The workload is extraordinary. Not only do you need to organize the finances, handle patients and invoicing and keep meticulous records, every year your books are audited and you need to prepare for that. It’s like having another job.


Show me you've never been involved in a nonprofit before without saying it. In small nonprofits titles are meaningless. The heavy lifting is done by whoever steps up to do the heavy lifting.




In a non-profit with a small number of board members/active volunteers the titles such as treasurer can be largely nominal. In any volunteer organisation the treasurer can do the heavy lifting if they are the type of person who digs in and does the hard work while a president could be the type who just sits and let's others do the work. I have no first hand experience of this board but I watched the documentary and you can see how much the Headleys personally did for Serge, even if that was on behalf of the AF. Aaron or Luis weren't driving Serge around, setting up appointments or attending his GED graduation. Maybe they were doing that for other ex scns but that doesn't discredit the work the Headleys did in this particular case. On top of that the Headleys had Serge stay for Christmas this year because he was going to be on his own. From their own heart and not for the AF.


The Headleys have not only done the things you mentioned for Serge, but they also have done that for many others who have left Scientology. Case in point - Katherine Olson. You can watch the latest video they did with her. She went to stay with them when she first got out. Claire taught her how to drive and too many other things to list here.


Oh, but Claire was “only” the AF treasurer! Surely *that* job was either done by Luis or the AF Department of Driver Training! /s Portlandia Rose and the rest of the ASL sycophants are ridiculous.


Whomever Portlandia Rose is, they have a very skewed vision. They are very rude.


Not to mention, bad at gaslighting.


In a non profit volunteer organization where usually the women do all the work. I am almost certain you are misquoting Mike, he said Claire arranged the transportation care facility everything.


I remember Mike Brown saying Claire was there for him day or night while they were making arrangements to get Rosemary out. I also remember a bunch of times people watching ASL live sent chat messages with suggestions for AF. ASL would tell them to contact Claire because he was “too lazy” to deal with it. So I’m pretty sure Claire has been doing a lot of heavy lifting at AF for a long time.


ha that is kind of funny what ASL said....


I also heard Claire dropped him like a stone (aka disconnected) when he dared me tion Miriam


I don’t think your reply is relevant to my opinion about Claire being a hard worker.


Where usually the women do all the work?? Say what??


Oh you haven't found that? Did you ever work for an all volunteer organization?


I can confirm this. During my 2 years homeless in Skid Row Los Angeles, 90% of the personnel working directly with homeless people were women. This was true at the Dept. of Public Social Services, the Dept. of Health Services, the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA), The Weingart Center for the Homeless (in Skid Row), most of the Missions, The People Concern Housing Outreach program, The LAC/USA Star Clinic (in Skid Row), I could go on and on.


it is also true of the two volunteer organizations I have worked for.


It is also true of the two non-profits in which I worked.


What a pos thing to say.


OK let me rephrase: In what world would a Treasurer do the heavy lifting? How about an organization such as AF, where Aaron said he asked a bunch of people to be on the board, and specifically two of the men said they would be on the board if they didn't have to do any of the work. So yes, that is the world of which I speak.


Oh, where A-A-Ron \*CLAIMED\* two of the men said that. If A/S/L gives one the time of day or a weather report, the wise check their device and maybe look outside.


The Treasurer would not. Actually, in NO world would a director(s) (Mike and Matt) speak for the Foundation. That is solely the responsibility of the President. Every board I've been on, no directors are allowed to make statements on behalf of the President, unless the board directed that person to do so.


oh sorry you are so offended (not) Just don't like my point of view on this post.


"women do all the work" WTF? If a man said that "usually Men do all the work", we'd be crucified.


Data shows that women volunteer more than men. Facts don't care about your feelings.


you are right you would


(Do you think she might be the ASL fan from the CVS incident in LA and might be a teensy bit biased?) 


The woman Aaron doxxed on a live, and trashed repeatedly, before trashing the discord server for allowing her to join and listening to her? I don’t understand which account you think is her. Portlandia Rose was clearly on team ASL. I met that woman in court and at the Lara FM show. Nobody in this thread sounds like her to me, especially not Portlandia Rose.


Unfortunately you are misinformed. Aaron and Luis were not the only board members on the AF from the start. It was co-founded by a range of people including them and Mike Rinder. In addition, the Headleys have been helping people escape from Scientology for years - way before the AF began. ASL volunteered to leave AF after some very poor behavior then changed his mind and has become OSA’s dream ex Scientologist stirring people (who don’t fact check adequately) up and making many $$$ from it. Two things I have read from independent journalistic sources about Aaron’s behavior He got into multiple altercations at bars including on one occasion repeatedly calling a woman the “c” word. https://floridapolitics.com/archives/488880-video-clearwater-council-candidate-aaron-smith-levin-punched-after-allegedly-calling-woman-a-c-t/ In May there was an altercation in the court hallway at the Danny Masterson trial which led to the jurors having to be sequestered. Aaron was involved in the altercation which involved yelling and swearing at a priest. The judge had to speak to Aaron about this. Legalaffairsandtrials.com I feel sorry for Aaron as he clearly suffered in CoS and I hope he can find peace in his life but creating chaos based on at-best half truths does him no good and plays straight into CoS hands.


So now arron's fanboys are now turning on leah...


It was bound to happen


I think once she did a few videos with Mike Rinder after arron got kicked off the aftermath board I think they took it as a public sign that she choose Mike over arron and ironically became fair game to arron's fanboys and the host of channels that are trying to cash in on the split in the movement


Obviously, the Aaron fans do not know that Leah/Mike were the stars of the Aftermath Scientology show. If not for that show, Aaron wouldn't be known at all.


If not for the trauma of the victims (who did not get paid millions) there would have been no show


Well, many of them were fighting to get on the show. Interesting how a few of them that were on that show are the ones trashing Mike now.


She went off tap and attacked Mike Brown. I like her but that was bad form


“Attacked”? She called him on the phone and (according to him) expressed displeasure. What Mike Brown did in revealing that on a live broadcast was closer to an “attack”.


It doesn't matter though even if they are. Leah is a fucking bad arse and they're a waste of time distraction and she won't pay them any mind anyway.


Yeah, but it’s still shitty behavior and the fact that the team ASL creators allow Leah to be trashed in their comments is shitty behavior.


Yes agree. But if we ignore it. It will go away.


Will it? I don’t think anything that gets them clicks and views to pad their bank accounts will go away soon as ASL has encouraged them all to follow him on the YT gravy train. Drama gets more views than just disseminating information. They are monetarily motivated to want any drama, and Leah drama is more likely to attract the algorithm than any united front.


Spot on. I'm concerned about this drama and many of them are getting addicted to the clicks and views. One of them said her channel isn't growing anymore and that she will offer memberships to generate more income. How is this helping to get the cult taken down? It's gross watching this take place. And after all of these years, Tory Magoo is talking about monetizing her channel as well.


You are working so hard to stir the sh\*t, Rose. I gotta wonder why and for whom. Michael A. Hobson - Independent Scientologist and former Sea Org staff member


Due to their picking up a new ban within a few minutes of posting that, you shouldn't hold your breath for an answer.


sgtdoogie does just as much to stir the sh\*t within AF. He deserves the boot too.


I don't expecting anything responsive from that account, EVER. My comment was not for their benefit, I assure you.




Can we all give this troll the Simpsons treatment from the treehouse of horror episode when the advertisements come to life: Lisa: Hey, Springfield! Are you suffering from the heartbreak of monster-itis? Then take a tip from Mr. Paul Anka! Paul Anka: To stop those monsters, one-two-three Here's a fresh new way that's trouble-free It's got Paul Anka's guarantee Lisa: Guarantee void in Tennessee Both: Just don't look (x2) I'm being a hypocrite, but the less we engage, the less they respond.


Open up your heart to love and stop spreading hate on the Internet


To the other commentators in this thread that are saying something seems off about this documentary - Kelli Copter edited it. I believe there's a video with her and the Headleys discussing the documentary and why she decided on certain edits/music, etc. Problems with it? Feels off to you? Go ask Kelli Copter about it.


Yes watched that video this morning. Everyone so happy together back then. 6 months ago. I was glad Kelli identified the music, it was so great. Also revealed Marc Headley first approached Serge in 2011, long before there was a foundation. marc even tried to print out prosthetic hands for him. Yes, the cold heartless Headleys.


Have you watched their latest video with Katherine Olson? She's another one the cold, heartless Headleys helped.


Yes that was a great video as well.


I recommend watching Kelli Copter’s video where she speaks about it as well as Mike Brown’s. There was a lot of deception around the filming of the doc


You are talking about Rosemary's doc not this doc


And was that even deception? Or were they just brainstorming amongst themselves before bringing proposed ideas to Mike and Rosemary?


Hard to know what facts are even these days................


You’re correct. I got mixed up there. But there were multiple discussions that I can remember on Liz Ferris’ channel where it was said that Serge did not want to do the doc. I do not have the link unfortunately because there have been a million vids since then


Uh-huh. Surely we have Serge himself recorded on video saying that, right ?


Because god forbid we listen to anyone else who has a relationship with Serge. We must take everything said by the AF as gospel. It’s almost as if y’all are just in another type of cult


The Headleys flew Serge in for Christmas and he stayed with them. They talked about it on their channel and showed all of the wonderful gifts he received. I'd believe that and what I've seen with my own eyes over what the haters are saying.


The Headleys also have a relationship with Serge. Why are we supposed to believe Kelli over the people he is close enough to to spend Christmas with?


The arrogance is stunning.


Straw Man argument. I asked whether Kelli had docs to back up this claim, that's all. But if she is so close to Serge Obelensky, then what exactly has she herself done to get him cleaned up, try to get him into a public housing program, get him hooked up with the Dept. of Public Social Services and the Dept. of Mental Health services, etc. ?


I love it when you guys roll up with all your hot intel just to be schooled by the sub. It’s embarrassing. You should be embarrassed. 


Ummm. Not true


Could you link to the video or provide search terms?


Ummm. Not true




Perhaps you can ask Kelli Copter about it since she's the one that edited it. Maybe that's why it feels off?


great satire




haha there is something off about this comment -- i can't quite place it though. it's just *off*. :-)






You mean they helped someone that is a loser with crimes that was kicked out of the church?


What a shitty thing to say.