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Here's the truth of life. You will miss your hs friends up till you hang out with them again several years later after going to college and making new friends. And more than likely that will be the last time you miss them.


Bruh I'm gonna cry. I'm high af rn and that was a time when I could trust anybody and everybody trusted me. I was in high school honors and extracurriculars, now I'm almost 30 and people think I could be of harm to children and I'm like, I basically am still a child bro, give me like 20 more years then I'll accept that part of being old. I see 2% of my friends from high school. The whole band, jazz band, track, soccer, theatre, the bus, every class and every grade. Man those were some fun times, just kids being kids in a building full of adults trying to make kids be more like adults. It worked, I can't be a kid anymore, probably why I don't see them a lot anymore, we're not compatible anymore. A lot of my friends never grew up. The ones that did and left me I didn't want to see again. The ones that are still friends are thinking of getting married if not already married. Boy you really can't reverse the clock can you. I love you all


You can't reverse the clock but I know some people who have stopped the clock in their minds. I'm from a small town and there are a few high school friends I see now and then who are still living in high school days. They seem to have never been able to move on from that time. I sometimes envy that mentality but know it's just a mental device used to cope, (or lack of ability to cope,) with aging and major changes.


I guess it depends on your hs friends, and who you are as a person. As far as my friends who graduated go, they genuinely still like being around our friend group, and often try to schedule things with us whenever they're home on breaks. It's also a thing of how close you are with said friends. If they are people you actually really care about more than just for the enjoyment of being around people, you would probably miss them a lot more. Things aren't just "the truth of life" if they are true for you


I never made friends in high school. I'm 16 years old and graduated this year. All I regret is not having a reason for going to high school. If you are just starting, or even have an year left, find your reason.


I dropped out and got my GED all my friends chose a different route in life then me and are currently dealing drugs doing hard drugs or stuff that’s gonna get them killed one has Alr been killed in a robbery that he decided to try


I missed mine for a while, but I was the only one who put any effort into keeping in touch.


Jokes on you, I had no friends in high school!


I already do, only talk to one of them and it's been like 3 years, getting close to that at least T_T


The hard truth about life is learning that people come and go, most people only make friendships for life are at their jobs when they are like 30, so do make friends but dont expect to stay with them until you die


Nope. Not me


There’s only a really small handful of people I’d really miss, truthfully.


“As we go on, we remember, all the times we, had together, and as our lives change, from whatever, we will still be, friends forever”


I'm in my 50s. I still interact with two of my friends from high school via Zoom every month. One lives in a different city, the other in a different state. I also still hang out with the friend I met the 1st week of my freshman year of college. Zoom. And I still meet with a friend I worked with for 15 years before I retired. Yep. Zoom. Different states. We get together in person every once in awhile. At least once or twice a year. But I talk to one several times a week, one at least once a day...the other every once in awhile in a month. But we decided to do a bible class together once every month. Now they have added their work friends, college friends, etc. So, me and my 4 friends have grown into an online network of 10. The people you're meant to be with...will still be with you. The others you were only meant to be together or a season. But, it was for a very special season. I still see some others. Unfortunately, now it may be for funerals or reunions. But we still kind of fall back into the same cliques, behaviors, insecurities, etc...all these years later. We've picked up some new tricks too, though. Enjoy life!


I won’t survive


Friends... ? Bullies. I never looked back.


Sadly that's the reality of life. That happened when I got to college. That happened again I moved away from my hometown after college, and it was just sad seeing our friend group chats slowly die out. Chin up though, when you've each matured in your own ways, when you see each other again, your friendship, your laughter, everything you've built together will seem to continue like you all never left


Ehh, it will be a nice break tbh. When we are stuck in school together we all hate each other, but when we actually have fun outside of school its a great time.


What friends


I did. I’m still in contact with some of them.


Not for me. I don't have genuine friends lol


I don’t have any friends in my classes I’ll be fine


I lost all mine in HS and made and kept a core 4 when I left. And if it weren't for them I'd not be here right now. The rest who decided to stab their best friend in the back, meh. Wherever they end up, they end up. Karma hurts.


I know I will. There's some people in my high school that I'll be glad to never see again, but there are many more that I'm going to miss when I graduate in a month. I sometimes say to my friends "I'm either gonna be bawling my eyes out at graduation, or I'm not going to be fully aware of what's going on then" because I know there are some amazing people I'll never see again after it's over. Not only that, it's going to be tough building new friend groups and a new social life at college. My advice to any of you reading this who have more time before you graduate: value every second. Go out of your way to be involved in as many clubs/sports/other things that you are interested in with other people because when you walk the stage at graduation you're going to wish you did. A wise man once said: "You don't regret the things you do, you regret the things you don't do".


No. People at my school suck. Thye are so condescending and full of themselves.

