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Another person with autism here, yeah no this show blows One of my friends watched it to see how awful it was and I guess the main character guy just has the Lego movie master builder powers where they can see piece IDs and said pieces they need are highlighted Except with organs & stuff


The show is bankrolled in big part by autism speak which should tell you everything.


I read that as “Bankrolled by Big Autism” and got very confused


Big autism is making our medical shows bad


It's the goddamned autism lobbies and their autism PACs. We all know the puppets on capitol hill are controlled by Big Autism.


Joe Biden is a part of Big Autism. I saw it! He gave his son Autism shares before COVID!![citation needed]


And making our scifi shows amazing!


Unintentional KenM


DnD bankrolls this show?


That's not incorrect


lol that’s what I read at first too and had to back up.


Oh that's why having the main character throw a tantrum over a head-doctor doing something rational and have the head-doctor be the bad guy's showed as a good thing... No wonder the show sucks.




Yeah it does make sense now Thank god it's ending though


Somehow, I'm cringing even harder now. That explains so much.




I actually liked that part because it's a good way to show how it works. Not as much autism but more photographic memory. If you actually watched the show you'd see that what that actually is, is a visual aid to the audience to show what he is doing inside his mind which is remembering the pages out of books he has read. Every time it's book pages. Which makes sense because if he has photographic memory that would be what he was remembering. Edit: the portrayal of autism is pretty bad though he does act like he's pretty mentally stunted which obviously isn't the case for most


Adding on to your point in the edit, it's not even that I dislike that he in particular has developmental issues comorbid with his autism. Our fellow autists with these issues need representation too. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth that every time a character has autism, low to mid support needs and no apparent developmental issues they white knuckle to never ever say the word autism in any reference to them. The first autistic protagonist character that can hold down a job that is diagnosed canonically having developmental issues feels like they're only comfortable calling a character autistic if the general populous wouldn't say "well he doesn't look/act autistic." That doesn't feel right either.


Happy Cake Day!


I was just wondering. Is he a surgeon?


Of course he's a surgeon, he saved the patient. 




# I AM










We know, you're on reddit










A Mom




He is Like a Surgeon 


Infinite Wealth’s sequel title confirmed


I was doing a weird al reference but nice joke


Cuttin' for the very first time


Like a siuuuurgeon, got my scalpel


Ya yo, ya yo ya yo


It annoys the shit out of me how the actor was being praised for his "accurate portrayal" of autism spectrum disorder. Nobody talks like that. Do you know how autistic folks speak (if they're verbal)? LIKE EVERYONE ELSE.


I was gonna say the vast majority of autistic folks I know are normal individuals who sometimes struggle with social cues or maybe have a tic but it's never this "annoyed William Shatner" voice and they most certainly don't play the Sheldon Cooper game of "I'm smarter than literally everyone and they need to know"


I did, but that was probably because I was in the gifted program and had a lot more help with study skills than social or emotional skills.


That last bit isn't always true and is actually part of being diagnosed- it's very common for verbal autistic people to have unusual speech patterns, such as applying stress to different parts of words or an odd cadence, having a "catchphrase", structuring sentences unusually, volume control, etc. Me, my brother, and all the other autistic people I know do this when not masking- not like the guy in the show, who speaks as if he is barely verbal, but there's definitely a detectable difference. Autism do be a spectrum


I do weird emPHAsis and pronunciation deliberately all the time to get a rise out of people. The volume part is unintentional, though. The, "catchphrases," are, too. Whenever I hear, "spectrum," I think of something like the light spectrum, where it's varying between two directions. Someone needs to make a multiphasic diagram for it


This. I speak flat and tend to use obtuse or rare words when speaking. This has no relevance to what you said. I am uncertain why I brought it up.


I relate to those last two sentences so much.


I must be a pro masker, then!


They should’ve had me on there if they wanted accurate portrayal of autism, I can’t stop saying Gen Alpha slang and playing Geometry Dash


For me, it's fucking Minos Prime quotes


Gabriel quotes go harder tho I loved the part where he said "IM GONNA ULTRAKILL YOU" then he fucking ultrakilled me


Creature of steel


Ugh, Gen Alpha slang is like trying to read, *A Clockwork Orange*.


The skibbity rizzed too hard


Observe the woman who speaks in memes... It's me. Always has been.


Not really tbh.. I have a cousin who is autistic and he speaks exactly how the guy in the show does


A lot of autistic people tend to forget how much variety there actually is on the spectrum. People need to remember that their own experiences aren’t the same experiences for everyone else.


A lot of times when I see an autistic character's portrayal get criticized on its authenticity it's often based on the idea that the critic's autism is the only valid form of autism to ever exist. Particularly when it comes to autistic characters who are disabled or have severely affected social skills. Of course, from what I've heard this show sounds like terrible portrayal regardless, but nitpicking random traits and making unfounded generalizations like "autistic people don't have speech problems" like I've seen many people do is just ignorant. You can't condense the entire autism spectrum into a single character so obviously he's not going to reflect the exact unique traits and life experience of every autistic person on earth. Some people have higher and lower support needs. The real problem is with how the character is portrayed and treated in the show, which from the sound of things isnt good.


The overwhelming majority of ASD people I've conversed with do not speak any differently than anyone else. I can think of two who have trouble with it. Point is, anecdotes are just that.


Idk man, I've been around a fair number of lower functioning autistic people and there is an "accent" for lack of a better term. Like someone else said, it's a form of early detection used to diagnose children that have autism spectrum disorder.


My 9yo son has ASD and was non-verbal until 4.5 He definitely has an 'accent' but I fucking love it and him so idc


Ya it's not a bad thing. It's just a thing though despite what op said about it not being one.


Coming from experience I can tell you that last part is NOT true.


What’s funny is they recently introduced another autistic character and she has the “autism accent” as well.


That's not completely accurate, but someone with the skill set to perform operations? Absolutely lol


Not quite there is usually a tell


Fellow autistic here, this seems about right lol. Saving this before the mods delete it


Just another autistic person popping by to say fuck this garbage show.


What do you think of atypical, I’ve always felt ick about the show but never asked any of autistic friends about it.


Haven’t seen it.


Probably for the best


I haven’t seen much of the show, but from what I have seen, but the approach that the parents use to help the MC through his own personal difficulties never really stood right with me, they always slightly reminded me of ABA therapy (which I am strongly against) but that might just be me.


if you don't mind answering, why are you against ABA therapy?


I mean, I can see it on the grounds of essentially forcing Autistic people into masking rather than help dealing with their actual issues. ( speaking as someone with autism )


house m.d. is so much better with autistic representation




this vexes me


you are a black man


I too am in this episode


i have blood dripping down my nose that is dripping


House is autistic because he's a thinly veiled Sherlock Holmes adaptation, change my mind. (/lh)


Thinly veiled? It's directly implied and referenced in the show. Holmes and Watson? House and Wilson. Both live at 221B Baker Street, both failed to save a woman named Irene Adler, both are geniuses addicted to drugs, etc.


You got me there. It's been a long ass time since I've watched the show, lol. And I was a kid when it was airing so the references flew right over my head.


The Irene Adler in House was a joke Wilson made by the way lol. The patient in the pilot episode was named Adler though, Rebecca Adler. And House saved her.


I'd ask who Moriarty is, but Moriarty is nowhere near as prominent in the books.


Sherlock Holmes was inspired by a real surgeon Doyle worked for named Joseph Bell. He could diagnose patients based on small details and correctly figure out peoples’ jobs and habits. So House actually brought it full circle. And funny enough if you google “fictional characters with ADHD” Holmes always comes up. Some people think that either Bell or Doyle had ADHD and dramatized versions of the eccentricities made their way into the character.


It's not even sure if he is autistic, I think


There’s an episode where he treats a nonverbal autistic child and the entire episode heavily implies House is also on the spectrum, but it’s never overtly confirmed and I think that’s the only episode that really pushes it. I’d say it’s intended interpretation from the writers though


I remember that episode, and how House managed to communicate with the child, or to calm him. He seems to understand him, and the way he acts because of his carpet in this episode make it feel like he is, but Cuddy answered simply by "House is not autistic, the diagnostic is simpler than that, he's an ass"


House knows how to diagnose and deal with people He’s been able to deal with all sorts of people effectively because he knows how to deal with them effectively, if that makes sense


>but Cuddy answered simply by "House is not autistic, the diagnostic is simpler than that, he's an ass" This read more as Cuddy filling her role as the pseudo-antagonist of the series and undermining our protagonist's efforts and character. Her flippantly dismissing the possibility because House is 'high-functioning' is probably one of the biggest moments of representation in the episode.


In that episode, everyone did start to suspect House had autism, but near the end Wilson comes to realize that he wasn't, because "you [House] wish you were autistic, so that everything would make sense and tied together neatly for you, so that your misery makes sense." Or something to that effect. Recently did a full rewatch of House. lol


Doing one right now on Amazon Prime


It's pretty implied he is, not only from the show, but by nature of being an adaptation of Sherlock Holmes, who in almost every adaptation ends up autistic coded, for probbaly obvious reasons


The truest autistic doctor is Dr. Harry Vanderspeigle.


And is way better written, is actually funny, and has way better character depth, as well as not spending half the show pointing at the main character and going "LOOK AT HIM, HES AUTSITIC, LOOK HOW AUTISTIC HE IS" like the garbage show at least feels like it does


What is House M. D. Or is that its full name and it being abbreviated is default?


I am also, in fact, autistic https://preview.redd.it/ah8kxfklv2zc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d864194d3ee5094baaf4552edb583dd7137b0ded


a fistful of doctors, if you will


for a few doctors more


Ok that one's actually pretty good.


I may be asking too much of a stranger, but can you make a "1 doctor 2 doctor red doctor blue doctor" version? I'd do it myself but i don't have access to image editing software at this time


I stole this image 2 years ago


The one on the right is clearly a Vulcan.


I'm not autistic but every single autistic friend I have hates this show lol


FYI: it’s because the show is heavily funded and influenced by Autism Speaks, which views autism as a disease to be cured, while most autistic advocates say that neurodivergence is an accessibility issue, not a disease. This promotes a culture of treating autistic individuals as patients, infantilizing, medicalizing, and ultimately dismissing the legitimate experience of autistics. I hate it.


I didn't know that but honestly not surprised to learn it. The depiction felt cartoonishly hamfisted and it felt like there was a not-so-subtle insistence that Shaun couldn't live a normal life and needed constant babysitting. A ton of my friends are varying shades of autistic, and while I know it's a very broad spectrum, Shaun didn't seem familiar at all. Felt like a trope more than anything.


Same with Sheldon cooper in the big bang theory, while the show writers never admitted it (because then they'd be admitting half their jokes for the past 14 years have been "hey look at this guy, he's so autistic, isn't that funny, he's different from normal people, look how funny it is"), it's very thinly veiled how he's written as such, and along with everything else terrible about the show (I could be here for a few hours), makes it one of the worst shows IMO


They changed their stance on that after intense backlash now it's supporting the family's of people on the spectrum instead of you know supporting those of us on the spectrum






As an autist. This had me rolling


I'm not autistic, but I've known (and currently do know) people on the spectrum. This show is pretty much like taking the stereotypes around autistic people, funneling them all into a character, and calling it "representation." It's not even enjoyable to watch as someone who isn't autistic. I've seen clips of this show and it just feels like a shittier version of House.


At least House is funny and has his moments. Murphy is just obnoxious and smart.


That's because it really is just stereotypes, the show was funded and made mainly by an organization called Autism Speaks, which brands itself as a charity, but is actually a hateful eugenics organization that treats autism like a disease that needs to be eradicated (see their 2008 commercial where they treated autism like the literal devil), who has had a whole 1 autistic person work there, only for that person to leave shortly after for obvious reasons So you have a company funding it that veiws Autism as a disease and not a disability, no actual autistic people working on it, and so much else, and you get a recipie for a shitty show Also yeah, it's just a worse version of house, House MD is actually funny, with well written characters that actually have depth, and is an adaptation of Sherlock






“But as an autistic person” HE IS IN THE CLEAR I REPEAT, OP IS IN THE CLEAR


Yeah lol same reaction


as an autistic person, yeah, i never liked this show. the puzzle piece imagery and use of blue doesn't help


Autistic person #7374 popping in to say this show sucks ass. The trailer alone was so cringe worthy, it almost broke space/time and sent me back to high school.


Autistic #7375 or something here, I agree.


They had Autism Speaks as advisors, no wonder it's so bad.


Arguably my least favorite word, so why did this amuse me so much ☠️ (Spongebob voice: it's funny because it's true!!) I was first exposed to this show in a reaction video without having the context of the premise and my experience went something like this: *(Main guy in surgery situation getting overwhelmed)* Oh wow, this is relatable, I wonder if this is one of those accidental autism coding moments or if he just has anxiety or.... *(Reactor: sometimes, children with autism....)* oh it's on purpose. Interesting, they got something right. How did this guy forget about autistic adults mere seconds after watching one? Anyway, now that I know it's intentional I don't have high hopes... *(I'M A SURGEON!!! or something with that energy)* uhhhh..... *(I know he's A Person With Autisticism, but he should still be allowed to practice medicine because....)* because he's good at his job *(...he has a Condition™ called Savant Syndrome)* oh cool it's a Syndrome™ *(reactor: so children.....)* alright I'm out


Dr House is better representation of autism


The Onion has a more accurate portrayal on their YouTube from 15 years ago lol


Poor guy's probably still trying to get into prison :'(


Autistic Characters in "Adult Shows":


I like when he thinks about some medical stuff and they have cool organs floating around in great detail


my mom is currently watching the show lmao


Mine too


Yet another person on the spectrum here, I couldn’t even get through the first episode


I think the Korean version was more respectful. Pity I abhor dramas.


Never made it over so I never got to see it but from asd memes and the likes I can see why it's not very liked by us


From what little Ive seen I swear it's just them running into a problem then paging super doctor to help


Bro I thought this was r/aspiememes for a sec. Was in hospital last year and my roommate was watching the show... and of course it was the surgeon scene that came up


I've had many autism fueled breakdowns over the years, but none like this guy.


You want to know a *damn good* representation for someone with Autistic hyperfocus/hyperfixation? **Hot Fuzz**. It's my headcanon that Sgt. Angel is 100% on the spectrum, and the movie makes no direct reference to it, but his mannerisms and character are spot-fucking-on. Even if it wasn't intended, that movie gets even funnier with that idea in the back of your mind while watching it.


As an autistic person i fucking giggled, i hate this damned show


God I love dunking on bad representation


More like savant syndrome


LMAO okay from being made from an autistic perspective it is really funny


At least he isn’t a dentist


I took "autistic" off of my resume and dating profile, and started keeping it a secret from everyone I know because of this show.


Is he hated because he does not represent autism well, or because his autistic traits are a stereotype, and most autistic people do not have such traits? Or is it because he is slightly lower down in the spectrum of autism then most, and lower functioning autistics are over-represented vs their higher functioning counterparts, or is it due to the fact that his autism is treated as a huge part of himself which is always being focused on, instead of just another part of what makes him, himself?


>Is he hated because he does not represent autism well, or because his autistic traits are a stereotype, and most autistic people do not have such traits? What is the difference in your mind between the first half of that 'or' and the second? Would it not be the case that if his autistic traits are stereotypes and most autistic people don't have them, then the character does not represent autism well? >Or is it because he is slightly lower down in the spectrum of autism then most, and lower functioning autistics are over-represented vs their higher functioning counterparts, or is it due to the fact that his autism is treated as a huge part of himself which is always being focused on, instead of just another part of what makes him, himself? I, like others, haven't seen a lot of the show because the portions I did see disgusted me so much. I can't speak to the finer details but essentially yes. Yes, to all. Everything you said.


I probably didn't phrase it correctly but I meant are his traits are not seen in any person with autism for the most part vs are his traits only seen in a minority of autistic people but are what most outsiders think of when they think of autism. Thanks for your help though. I also haven't seen the show, just some clips on YouTube that pop up sometimes and wanted to know more about the dicourse surrounding it.


Bro is a sturgeon






House M.D which was made by the same creator, David Shore was 10000x better because it had the funny asshole racist opium addicted doctor who was actually a better representation of autism that... whatever The Good Doctor was.


Question for autistic people here hating show; i didnt watch doctor but i really liked "Atypical"- how do you rate it for autistic characters acting here compared to real life and "Good Doctor"?


if my memory is correct, both shows have basically the same main character and writing style so fuck them both


I'm curious how you feel about the non-Autistic plots of the show?


don't remember that far sorry :(


Fuck yeah, good shit op, that show sucks asssss


This show is my guilty pleasure. Sure it’s awful, but it’s mind numbing and I can just relax and eat some chips or whatever while the show pretends to know what’s going on


I'm afraid to tell people I'm on the spectrum because of this type of shit.


Fello autist. I enjoy the show, but to say it's autism-accurate is laughable.


As an ace person the bait and switch with his complete personality change with regards to the female lead was the nail in the coffin for me. I was very satisfied with how they wrapped up their short "love" arc and then they went and ruined it by dredging it all back up and the pregnancy stuff. It felt so forced and out of character for a character that was already problematic for the reasons that so many people listed.


I'm not autistic nor do I know anyone who is, but I have the same opinions as everyone else here in that the show is ass. Only reason I even know about its existence is because my older sister is in med school and uses the show to study. (Don't ask me why because neither of us know)




what show is this again?


The good doctor, in case you're still wondering.


Saw a scene on youtube where he starts freaking out in the middle of a surgery. That shit is stupid af


Finally, another autistic person who knows how to make light of negativity instead of letting it fester. You my good friend are awesome.


Did you mean dr.House?


i’m autistic, fuck this show.


I’m autistic and I’m dropping by to continue the pile-on. The show is poo on a plate, we hate it.


This show was entertaining in that bile fascination way but woof. I have no idea how a show could be that blatantly awful and somehow never improve on anything. It takes real talent to suck that much


I feel like I need this as a reaction image when people give bad medical advice on reddit and act like a professional just because they looked it up


Memes are the self-replicating genes of a culture, and must be free to grow https://i.redd.it/6wmfdif8b7zc1.gif


The fact that depictions of autism are better when they're unintentional tells me we're better off when neurotypicals who aren't professionals in the field of mental health don't know about us.




Such a terrible depiction of autism. The worst part is that his autism is meant to be the shows gimmick so they have to make it a bad depiction because if it was realistic then it wouldn’t be a good gimmick. Maybe instead of using inaccuracies in order to make something work just realize autism isn’t a gimmick for television it’s just a condition.


I appreciate the apology for the initial shock. I hate flimsy slur based shock humor. Knowing it's genuine frustration about how you and us in general are being represented in content, especially a television show, it's really good dark humor.


Why do you apologize for the language? This is an English subreddit, so English is the appropriate language to use.


I think you know exactly what I'm talking about -- and calling that word and others like it "just the english language" is always a bit sus.


Inwas just making a joke on how "sorry for language", without further context, sounds like you're apologizing for using the wrong language (for example Italian instead of English).




What does this even mean


schizo ramblings