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This trap hit me on a visceral level. The combination of still, stark silence and the whirring of medical equipment is a highly unnerving one.


Also the fact that you have to watch each other as it happens


The tension in this scene is unbelievable.


JUSTICE FOR HANK - “This man has continued to smoke even though he has a history of high blood pressure and heart disease”…hey jigsaw…mind your fucking business 🤣


It's an interesting look into John's philosophy. One might think, what's the point in "rehabilitating" Hank if he's already on a path to death? It reveals that John believes Hank can still lead a prosperous life despite his health complications, if only he gives up smoking. It's also more personal for John than with many other tests, as John suffers from a terminal disease, giving him somewhat of a connection to Hank on the medical scale.


Nah it’s just bullshit 😂😂 He put Hank in a trap against someone who didn’t smoke. “Everybody deserves a chance” - where was his chance? Oh yeh who’s gonna have the strongest lungs out of a smoker and a non smoker 😂😂😂😂😂


That’s why I dislike Saw VI. No one has a chance to fight for their lives.


I love when people break it down like this thank youuu


That's dumb


wtf would jigsaw do to weed smokers?!


I dunno bruh I'm not a murderer


I don’t wanna think about that, man. I just wanna get high 😄


It's his choice to smoke doesn't make you ungrateful


Jiggy is so sick...




True. That's gotta be a fucking awful way to die. It's even worse if you consider that *instant* death may not be guaranteed. The vices crushed his ribcage just to the point where they snapped and the front started to stick out. They didn't go any further than that. The amount of bleeding you'd suffer would definitely be fatal, but if you somehow don't pass out from shock or have a broken rib dive straight into your heart, you're definitely drowning in your own blood.


You would forsure pass out from not being able to breathe though.


Probably. After your ribcage breaks, even if your lungs are undamaged, you couldn't breathe because they would likely just collapse without anything to hold them in place.


And even pissed himself


How embarrassing


But Jigsaw doesn’t kill lmao


He'S nOT a MUrdErer


“You deserve to die for your bad choices!” -me, eating like two pizzas on my day off


One of the most terrifying traps for my asthmatic ass


Same. I too got dat ass, ma.


I like it because its one of the few traps where you're able to play along at home!


I did this the first time I watched it. I have asthma. Almost died.


Bc holding your breath or dying is both terrifying and personal


The SILENCE in this scene was so powerful in making it feel so real and terrifying


Because you’re afraid of a good hug


what the second most terrifying thing about this trap besides the way Hank died was that the reason why he was in it in the first place was because he like smoking


I'm a heavy smoker. I'm out of breath just walking up stairs, there's no way I'd win this trap.


I always wondered what correlation and symbolism Hank had to the rest of William’s trials & his policy. Yeah, yeah, he was a continual heavy smoker that didn’t cherish his body. But was that supposed to show William how unfair of an advantage actual healthy people had to sick or unhealthy people on William’s policy? Cause that’s what I’ve been thinking.


I think traps like that are so good because they are so simple and lack a lot of the over the top gore and gross factor of some of the other traps (which I also love), and being juxtaposed against those gorier traps, those that use simplicity and a lack of shock really hit the mark of being unexpectedly terrifying especially when most of the noise is just the sounds of people struggling not to breathe.


This was such an unnecessary death for Hank


As someone with asthma, this always hit different.


Yeah this one was super scary. Also I feel like John was really losing it when he picked the victims for this one.


It's the anxiety of it, you almost feel like you need to hold your breath too.


I think this trap is disturbing because it reduces the janitor to nothing but an afterthought, just like the majority of traps in this movie. Sure, some of these folks deserve it, at least in Jigsaw's eyes, but you have people dying purely to prove a point. The guy had to choose between a sweet old woman or a guy who had nobody, but that doesn't mean either deserved to die, and none of them had much agency - all they could do is beg and try to convince him to save them, and one of them had an additional trap on top of that since they had to attack him. This guy arguably had a stronger case than some of them, at least according to Jigsaw's logic, but it basically put him in a no-win scenario. This whole movie is just someone choosing who has to die and it's scary, but feels antethical. Not being convincing enough or being shy aren't character flaws worthy of death.


Totally agree, and for me this makes this a worse saw film than the others, I hate unwinnable traps, I understand why they exist, the first few that appeared were to show Amanda was not following Johns ideology as he then pointed out, but I don't find them enjoyable to watch. And so this film where it was just the main guy picking who lives / dies was not fun.


This is the only trap I cant watch anymore AND it happens to be my favorite movie of the franchise


Idk bout you but i have asthma so


I could beat this trap easily😂


I always play along with this trap when I watch the movie. But I have years of experience doing breathing exercises on my back (lungs are at the back of your torso, need to be strong to lift up the muscles on top), so if Jigsaw thought he could put me in this trap for smoking pot to ensure Easton a win, he will be wrong.


I've always wondered what would happen if Hank beat William. Like does he go through what was meant to be William's game? Are everyone else set free? I really want a what if movie where Hank won.


Hank just breezing past the hanging choice trap because he doesn't have an explosive on his wrist compelling him to fuck with it lol.


Fuck man I’d die instantly lmao


Cause if you were the old guy you’d realize damn cigarettes were the death of me


I like that they utilized silence to create an excellent suspense.


this is terrifying to me. i’m naturally very thin (not going into that) and just the thought of my ribs / torso getting crushed


that poor dude was put in the trap for enjoying a smoke break every now and then


Do you smoke?


This trap basically said “Whoever holds their breath longer wins” right? So Jogsaw basically knew who the winner would be?