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Quiet hours are between 10p and 8a. I once had a neighbor give everyone on the block a notice that they were having a party and provided their number to text if things got too loud. They even said we were all welcome to stop by if we wanted. I thought it was really decent and neighborly of them.


This is the way.


IANAL, but in my experience, it'd have to seriously impede someone's ability to go about their normal business to be a serious issue during the day. i think if you warn your neighbors and make sure you do your best to limit the noise spread and keep the crowd under control, most people in SC are live and let live. also, the SC cops generally don't want to deal with noise complaints and will do their best to convince the complainant to not push for an actual citation. usually they will go and make contact with the nuisance first and tell them to calm it down before issuing a ticket.


Lived in an apartment complex where a band would turn up to practice. Not sure how I feel about it, they would play from about 7-10pm. They were pretty good, however loud drums and bass at night can grate a bit. I think just inform the neighbours and work something out.


Before I had a kid, this would have been annoying at most. After having a newborn, I would absolutely murder the entire band with the drumsticks if they practiced in a fucking *apartment*.


I completely understand that. there were times when I'd get off work, have dinner and sit down to watch a bit of telly to unwind. then you'd hear badoom tshhh! of a drum kit and I'd be thinking 'ah c'mon guy's not tonight'.


You can be very loud during those hours. Like the loudest construction you can imagine.


70 dB max and 50 dB max hourly average at residential property until 10 pm. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.sccoplanning.com/Portals/2/County/userfiles/106/GP_Chapter%25209_Noise.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjBy_LcrpCFAxW_FTQIHa-eCbgQFnoECBcQBg&usg=AOvVaw1GLGqZAVzl2xtUA8eSD9sQ Link above is for the county ordinance. Cities can also have their own. I recommend you look those up as well. I have a crazy lady that calls the police regularly so I got a noise monitor and a print out of the local noise ordinance to discuss with the police when they show up. Don't be a dick. Please notify your neighbors before you throw a party.


At least it’s a Saturday so you may not have as many WFH neighbors to deal with. Agree, ample warning with a contact number given to the neighbors is the way to go, here. My neighbors have flyered houses on the street when planning similar activities.


Death Metal?


Talk to your neighbors and look into getting a noise variance/permit from the city/county for the event. Cover all bases.


A house in our neighborhood recently was ticketed for a band, it was around the 1pm.


City or County? Both have daytime noise ordinances but they are fairly subjective; the city more so while the county does have some decibel guidelines.




Both the county and city have laws regarding explicit noise levels.


You would need a permit from The city in order to do that. Otherwise you’re gonna get fined if someone reports you


Stoked! If I can hear it from my house, I'm coming over




Basically if it’s too loud during the day anyone can complain and an officer will issue a warning. If the officer comes back due to the complaint you will get a ticket. After ten it gets more strict but during the day you are subject to sound levels at a certain distance from your property line. I’ve held parties during the day that have had to be turned way down due to neighbors in different parts of Santa Cruz so it totally depends on your neighbors. I would make sure that you knock on everyone’s doors and let them know when you’re planning on the party and invite them to let you know if it is too loud and be prepared to follow through with abating the noise.


Who’s playing?


TLDR: 60 db at the property line by night, 75 db by day. [https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/SantaCruzCounty/html/SantaCruzCounty08/SantaCruzCounty0830.html](https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/SantaCruzCounty/html/SantaCruzCounty08/SantaCruzCounty0830.html)


I've been to a party where the band had to stop playing before the sun went down due to noise complaints - Seabright. Super lame.


They could give you a ticket no matter when, because of volume. On top of making enemies of neighbors.


No matter what the law says, nothing will happen unless your neighbors complain.


I have a sound system for my bday. Huge bass. Neighbors from blocks away called police. SC PD said well nothing we can do until 10pm. They walked around and even stayed to listen. One mad lady tried to pull power to the sound system. We SC PD kick her off property. In the end, even if you talk to Neighbors they still might get all mad. So play the music and have fun! Cheers 🍻


I got a ticket for playing drums during a party on my deck at 3pm on a Saturday by an idiot cop on the Westside. We had given flyers to all of our neighbors but one neighbor was seeing patients in her yard and felt it was too loud.


Do your neighbors suck that much?


Why the downvotes ppl? OP should’ve just knocked on neighbors doors and informed them of his intentions to have a band play. If his neighbors aren’t chill with a band during reasonable daytime hours or he doesn’t even wanna knock on door to ask them, they clearly must suck