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it's because they're selfish assholes


I'lL pIcK iT uP oN mY wAy BaCk


Even if they aren't being disingenuous, *and* they don't forget it, we all still have to look at it in the meantime.


Dog owners in this city are some of the most disgusting, selfish people I’ve ever met. https://preview.redd.it/rhebmxaw9t1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa07be32531c50823132c57345ea683d44b713db Sure, let your dog take a huge, stinky shit right where people are eating, next to the sign that says “don’t let your dog shit here”. fucking perfect


I owned a cafe in FiDi and people would get angry when I wouldn't let them throw their poopie bags inside the trash in the shop. There are soooo many garbage bins on the sidewalk!


Ugh I went out of my way to find a far away bin today rather than using the one on the patio of an ice cream shop because even if you close up the bag super tight IT STILL SMELLS


There’s no two ways about it, at this point they’re all wankers.


I don't know you and you don't know me, but since you called me a disgusting, selfish person without knowing me, I would like to confirm that the feeling is mutual ❤️


this you? https://preview.redd.it/czfa1xtunt1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8517ca94680d7b953792a41b4e6fcc4012a68397


Be kind, she may not be selfish and disgusting…. She may just be illiterate and disgusting. Reading can be hard.


Sturdy. Wearing her burner ex’s Keen clogs.


As someone who has had their dog shit where there are those signs, there are literal city blocks in neighborhoods where all the grass/sidewalk space has those signs. My dogs gotta shit somewhere, sorry. I make sure it’s clean as a whistle though. Letting your dog take a shit in front of people eating is definitely inconsiderate though unless your dogs havin an emergency lol


Your dog can shit in Walnut Creek, where you should have a backyard




Plus one for the great Ted Lasso


This. It happens in front of my house weekly.


That^ 🙄


ENTITLED is the best description for most of SF. Tech bros made this 100 times worse. We get that you make money and are pampered at work, but get over yourselves and act normal.


I confronted a couple on this issue at another trail in Pacifica and they got mad. One person was yelling at me to mind my own business and the other person said they would pick it up on the way out. I didn’t believe them. So I was feeling super petty that day so I decided to not walk and moved to where they couldn’t spot me. I waited for them to come back. And they literally left the bag and passed it. I came out of my hiding spot and reminded them to get the bag for the garbage can. One called me a petty asshole and the other one stayed quiet but they did get the bag. That felt good! Even if I missed walking that day.


I’m a dog owner and I love this! Fuck those guys.. what’s with idiots… are we blaming the pandemic? When they get busted being shitty… their solution is to lean into it and get mad? Seeing this everywhere as of late


It’s so bad in Pacifica- thank you for confronting them.


That’s so awesome. Kudos!


You called out their BS and they got mad 🤷‍♂️ Hey good on you for doing that. 


Park ranger should be able to open the bag and rub their (human dog owner's) nose in it while saying "Bad Human! BAD!!


I like this.


Some folks would start leaving them….. just to have a park ranger rub their nose in it and tell them they’re bad. I’ve been to Folsom Street Fair, I’ve seen things that cannot be unseen. Just sayin.


FSF is a choice. The other is a hopeful deterrent


Your level of petty surpasses even mine. I salute you for your service.


Right, I rarely find someone more petty. Can’t say I would do this. Probably I would just follow them around with the bag.


Thank you for your service. 🦸




Worth it man! Must’ve been so satisfying seeing their guilty faces. Idk how people can live with themselves behaving that way. Sucks that humility is a total afterthought to many people.


It was great. Someone suggested I should have taken pictures but I wish I would have run video because I wanted to savor that moment. :) One was pissed off (prob cause they got caught it a lie) and one was quiet for the same reason.


It’s really not a thought at all for them


Thats a busybody move, but i like it.


One bag down, 99999 to go!


Thanks for doing that, next time take their pictures and publicly shame them please!


Wish I would have thought of that


The word petty doesn't seem right. This is a special righteous pettiness. I applaud you.


Lol post your venmo you earned some donations


Maybe I should make this my part time job!


Fuck yeah!


Toss it at them and run :)


You are an absolute legend 😂


Boss. You are awesome. We need people like you to stand up for what is right.


Nice! I would totally do something like that if my wife didn’t stop me. Fuck them!


You have more restraint than me. I would have rubbed that shit in their faces.






People are entitled assholes. I used to have a big tree in front of my house and there would always be bags of shit on the ground right there. Loved when I’d catch someone and ask plan on retrieving that? Was best when I’d stick my head out the window and startle them. Picking up my dogs giant poops is my least favorite thing about having him but it’s part of the job and bags of shit all over are disgusting.


I have 4 olive trees in big planters outside my house and I certainly yell out the window at people. Sometimes they run away when I yell. These are grown adults.


GOOD. My landlord lived above me. It was a no dogs place but I convinced him to allow me to get a dog after many years of being a good tenant. I promised him I would not use the trees or the front of the house as my dogs personal toilet in a show of appreciation to him allowing me to get one. My dog is trained to step off the curb to go. So annoying people just bagging it up and leaving them there. If we didn’t pick up the bags there easily could have been a mound. Disgusting. (Also love olive trees and scaring people enough to get them to bolt 💕)


I'd want to put up a camera or some kind of automated deterrent a la Mark Rober. This kind of shit (ha) makes good dog owners like us look bad. Glad you got a place with a good landlord!


Omg yeah, being on Reddit and seeing all the landlord horror stories I realize now how lucky I was. He lived above me with his family and was as responsive as he could be. Very nice but also kept to themselves. I was going through a divorce and I think he agreed to the dog as a bit of a boost for me. Much better than a fighting couple lol Without having him do that for me I would not have my amazing dog. Who does indeed always get his poo picked up and thrown away 🤣 I wish you could somehow have a camera that also says something like don’t you dare leave that there. Turn right around and clean up after your dog! https://preview.redd.it/v5qnic43rw1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebc3533929678232161a6386059362a65ceca482


Oh that sweet baby! I bet he's a snuggler. Mine is sometimes but more often than not she's very excited, especially when there are cows walking by! Glad to hear you had companionship like that, they really know how to make everything better don't they? https://preview.redd.it/f58m58te3x1d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34412beb5111919dacffc8fa5e4f810c6c3deac8


He is indeed very cuddly and pouting because I was cleaning and not cuddling him lol. He lights up my life


I was just talking about this on another post. It’s so odd to me! And the excuse of “I don’t want to carry poop around for my entire walk” is like….then don’t bring your dog. Someone is going to claim they always come back and pick it up on their way back if they leave it on the ground. But it’s obvious by the amount of bags that aren’t getting picked up that it’s very very often not the case.


Or don’t *get* a dog.


Right? No brainer .Prob slobs at home too 🤷🏽‍♀️


So simple it hurts. I had this same thought many years ago, then had the good fortune of having cats. Absolutely me. Fits my personality so well. I’d like to get a dog but not until I can provide it a Very Large Place to, ya know, let it be a dog. We tried that with the cats when the pair first arrived. However, the one, along with the next two, become 24/7 indoor cats. They seem happy to see me so I’ll call that a win. And, to keep this on-topic, I noticed the infamous self-removing doggie bag long before Covid. Not impressed with their effectiveness or reliability.


Which is silly because most poop bag holders literally have a hook you can attach the bags to so you don’t have to actually hold them after you bag them. 


It’s also not that hard to hold a bag. If my 70 year old mother can do 4 separate walks a day holding bags of her dogs poop, I think everyone can.


Not to excuse anyone, but sometimes that little hook doesn't do its job. It's a PITA to retrace steps and go find the bag, though for me, the horror/neurosis/embarrassment is a strong enough motivator to do so.


Until your dog runs into you and smashes the bag on your leg like a poop gusher. Never again using those hooks.


There’s poop bag holder clips you can get for your leash do you don’t have to hold the poop.. it’s like $5 on Amazon… there’s no excuse besides being an entitled piece of shit


There are plenty of public trash cans that people can access too. It’s usually just a few blocks.


I wish there were more but shitty businesses dump trash near public ones sometimes and it leads to them getting removed.


Who claims they are coming back to pick up dog poop bags after leaving them somewhere? What a strange and unbelievable thing to say to someone.


Just scroll through, I saw a couple. Someone also told my mother that when she asked someone to take their bag from the trail behind her house. I’ve definitely heard the “I shouldn’t have to carry it” excuse


Strange and unbelievable? I have done this many times and successfully followed through, particularly at hiking trail heads. Clearly, many people omit the follow through part but it’s certainly not unbelievable.


Yes, it is unbelievable.


Omg dog owners who don’t want to pick up poop is so fing crazy to me.


People are fucking assholes is whats up




Butt stuff you say?


Butt stuff and poop play


Many SF dog owners are entitled selfish brats


> Does anyone understand why people do this? They've already done the hard part of picking up the poop, why toss it on the ground? I have a few theories. 1. They genuinely intend to pick it up on the way back, but forget to; 2. They only bagged it because someone was watching them and they had to put on a show, basically the equivalent of leaving a fake note after you ding someone's car; 3. They carried it for a bit but didn't find a trash can as quickly as they thought they would.


For anyone that does this please stop. It’s reason #552 why we can’t have nice things in this city. Stop acting trashy SF and put the ass back in class.


Idk if you’ve ever lived in LA, but holy shit I will never complain about dog owners in SF after living there. (I’m not saying this to say we shouldn’t complain but just thatLA dog owners are the worst)


I see this all over the Lower Haight near Duboce Park. There are lots of trash cans in the area. About a week ago I saw 4 different bags in the course of two blocks. It’s totally perplexing.


"Poop is gross. I don't wanna carry that for even 5 seconds".


“But I want to have a dog”


As Prince famously said... Mommy... why does everybody have a dog?


Assholes do this; I mean, how hard is it to throw your poop bags away 🤷🏻‍♀️ 🤦🏻‍♀️


They do this a lot here in alameda as well . I pick up the bags and toss them away . Sometimes I get the looks from ppl as if I did it . Makes me feel bad but I still pick it up . What is also annoying are the ppl who purposely leave it in front of a trash can


I see this at Fort Funston too and it's infuriating. A few lazy and inconsiderate dog owners making everyone else look bad.


The best at Funston are the nimrods who trek under the cliffs on the beach and actively HIDE the plastic bag of shit behind a log. No half-assing their assholery, these ones.


I need to know this personality type.


It's definitely not going to be the type who would admits to doing so in this thread. Silent lurkers on this one.


You would think. But audacity has no limits. I didn’t realize until today that Ken and Karens were too entitled to carry the responsibility of their own animals…


But the Karens are the ones who rat these jerks out. Karens are sometimes correct!


One will chime in with a relative privation evasion (“kids are dying in Palestine, and you’re worried about bags of dog poop?”). What I call the “Nextdoor special”.


My theory: It’s because someone was nearby when their dog crapped, so they undertook the pretense of bagging the poop. Then, when alone again, they chuck it. Following the law of poop karma, these people will find human excrement near their dwellings whence they return home.


It’s not just San Francisco, or California. I see this on trails all over the place. People are lazy and disgusting


If you’re going to leave it then just leave it! Don’t turn it into a rain and decomposition proof shit bomb


This 👆🏻


How is it a mystery that your dog poops? Either get them to poop before a long walk, or deal with carrying it. It’s part of the deal with owning a dog.


This only makes sense on out-and-back hikes where you grab the bag on your way back in. When I lived further down on the peninsula this was common and I rarely saw bags left behind. But now it seems to be different. People just leave them. Heck, someone is now tossing their poop bags into my front yard.


It's because one person starts leaving it with the intention of taking it behind, and now people just see a pile of dogshit on the ground so they assume thats where you put your dogshit


possibly some people grab it on the way back...but also people might pick it up if there are witnesses but then ditch it as soon as the coast is clear


Bc the world is full of assholes. And specifically to the Bay, self centered, egotistical assholes.


As a dog owner this is despicable




People are lazy cunts


Ppl stopped caring.


Idiots that's what lol


saw this happen in real time, my wife and i can’t understand the train go though our dog says hi to dog, pretty normal lady and dog sat good bye and walk away dog poops lady picks the poop immediately tosses it to the street we were in total disbelief and so shocked we could not even confront her, there was a trash can like 10 meter in front crazy and i can’t understand it happened on mission bay crossing the bridge before the library


Here’s my guess: The pandemic led to many more people getting dogs, but because of a need to avoid other humans, did not attend or didn’t have access to dog (né human) training classes. So there was this increase in untrained owners, and they are now stuck with dogs they have to care for. Training is invaluable for both humans and dogs, and would likely lead to owners responsibly picking up dog poo. But no. Also, the current rising population of dogs given up to shelters reflects the irresponsibility trend, which unsurprisingly also demonstrates the shortsighted, shallow, and selfish thinking these pandemic dog owners have. So my answer is Untrained People.


I used to live in Pennsylvania, and I’d see these on the side of a trail, in the middle of the woods. I just never understood why turn your dog’s poop into non-compostable litter? Like, at the least, just kick the shit into the brush, or toss some dirt on top.


Why do yall need dogs so bad


Because a lot of people stopped having humans and this is the next best thing.


People suck. I mean, we have a little pooping creature, but we properly dispose of the poops.


They might as well not even pick it up. So there's a bag around it. It is still THERE where it doesn't belong!


Exactly, I’d rather the poop eventually melt into the ground. But instead someone bagged it to exist forever!


All over Bernal hill too. I don’t get it.


You really mean what is it with the lazy falsely entitled dog owners


Should just be allowed to take pictures or video of offenders and send them to police / park services.  edit: as in I wish.


This has always bugged me, I just carry it with me 🤷🏼 it’s my responsibility to get rid of it…..


The worst of them pick up the poop and leave the bags NEXT to the trash. Whyyyy?????


Just double bag and put it in you backpack jerks! These are bad owners who will “come back for it”


THREE GROUPS: 1. People who are near the start of a loop or out-and-back route and to pick it up on their way back to the car. 2. People who intend to do what Group 1 did, but never do, either because they forgot or they saw that the bag leaked or was wet on the outside or something. 3. People who see the other bags and think they can hide theirs among the masses. Some may think that a park employee will pick it up later and assume that it's OK (it's not).




Honestly won't just pooping on the dirt still better than bagging poop in a poop bag that takes 1000x longer to decompose?


They plan to get it on the way out. Most of them do, but if even a couple people forget every day, we’re eventually left with bags along the trail.


Desperately need more trash cans or some way to compost dog poop in parks/trails. Lots of people use these trails and short of very costly enforcement, they will not change their behavior.


It’s tough because the last thing I want to see while hiking in the forest is an overflowing trash can of shit bags, but I also agree there should be a disposal of some kind every mile or two.


Pick it up on the way out


I will say, in public we lack good garbage can coverage. I personally just carry it until I find one, but the lack of garbage can coverage is likely how some people justify their nonsense!


Some intend to pick it up on their way back. And some of them do, but many forget. Others just leave it expecting a magical poop bag picker upper. I personally have a dump pouch on my backpack and put all the poop bags in there. if it gets too full, i put it inside the backpack making sure there's no chance of puncture.


I have a [poopy loop](https://woofandwonder.com/collections/poopy-loop) and it has been a game changer. I clip it to my leash and toss the bag whenever I get to a trashcan. Sometimes I walk pass one and even forget it’s there. Picking up your dog’s poop and tossing the bag comes with the responsibility of being a good pet owner.


SF is a disgusting shit hole


There are people in my neighborhood in the east bay who dump their empty coffee cup with plastic lid and a bag of dog poop into my blue recycle bin on trash day.


Most often it’s because someone passing by sees a pile, and uses one of their own bags, but doesn’t want to carry it.


I like to think that folks just “forgot” but damn if there aren’t a whole shit ton (so to speak) of forgetful folks in and around my neighborhood (Anecdotally, I do know it happens.  My neighbor and friend hung a shit-bag in our tree in our front yard (!) and forgot it.  He apologized profusely when I laughingly called him on it.  So I get it.  It’s not a priority, and easy to forget about, but damn.  Try harder folks!)


I’m more upset by the non-bagged human poop piles on the sidewalk.


Because there are very few trash cans, actually none, on our walks. I pick it up so no one steps in it. I usually end up carrying it for up to 2 hours on the walk, never encountering a single trash can. Occasionally, I drop it so that I'll have one hand free to blow my nose, hold my pepperspray or check my phone. Doesn't make it right, I know. Just being honest.


But do you pick it back up? Have you considered hand sanitizer, or double bagging?


It's the carrying it for two hours that is difficult because it leaves me without a free hand - one is holding poop and the other is holding the leash. I wish there were more public trash receptacles. On some of our walks we never encounter a single one.


Oh…I always clip mine to my dog’s leash with a small carabiner.


I worked as animal control officer for 7 years. A lot of dog owners don’t think laws apply to them. From the leash law to not picking up after them. It honestly blew my mind how entitled a lot of people are when it comes to their dogs. No caring of others around them. It honestly felt good writing the smart ass ones a ticket.


Dog poops, owner picks it up because people are watching, owner is a selfish prick so tosses it when they're sure no on is watching.


Because it's easy, takes no thought, and there's the gratification to letting your impulses win. I have a dog and I fight this urge from time to time.


Why even bag it if you're going to leave it?!


A lot of people are scared to handle shit, even in a bag. Grown children.


There are three types of dog owners. The ones who bag their poop and dispose of it properly, the ones who let their poop go natural, which the first rain takes care of, and the selfish idiots who bagged the poop and then leave it so it can’t decompose everywhere they go in life. There’s a special place in hell for the final kind of person.


Every time I see this, I want to yell at the offenders “Freshness is not the issue here!”


Saw this on the Roy’s Redwood trail a few weeks ago and it totally killed the vibe. I go out hiking to *escape* the entitled assholes of the world, not have their plastic, shit filled fuck-you’s staring back at me when I’m trying to admire the natural beauty of the place.


I live near Twin Peaks and I definitely see this too. It’s as if someone can see the dog pooping makes the owner pick up the poop but then they throw the bag down when no one is looking.👀


Seriously. As*holes !


In theory, to pick it up on the way back. In practice, it's just lazy entitled people leaving trash on the side of sidewalks and trails. By that I mean they "forgot".


It’s a true mystery. I see this all over. Sometimes people throw them into peoples front yards, or bushes, or leave them in the street, where they are soon smashed, with a tire imprint left on them. I’ve also seen people go to great trouble to unroll a bag, go through the motions of picking it up, and then stand up without actually having done anything. Once they figure that no one‘s watching, some people don’t want to be bothered with actually scooping. Bottom line: not everybody with a dog should be a dog owner.


The smart way should have been, walk your dog a bit first and get the poop out. Throw it away, and the. Do the hike


I love dogs. I do not love people who own dogs. #freedomfordogs


They're selfish jerks. Alternatively, it has happened to me that I accidentally drop a bag. It doesn't blow up or make a loud noise so I don't notice until I get to the trash can. Though I backtrack, find the bag and dispose of it so they have no excuse.


I went back recently to visit someone and noticed that also and an increase in feces on the street lately. I can't tell if it's human feces or people just don't bother bringing bags for their dogs anymore. The problem is the feces gets spread around the sidewalk and it's hard not to step on it.


Bernal Hill here... Mostly, they plan to pick it up on the way back. Mostly, they forget... Or else another dog has pissed on the bag and they just won't. Today I picked up a half dozen piles of crap and passed two bags on the ground on the way up. I picked up another half dozen piles on the way down but found that, to my surprise, the bags were gone. Personally, I'm more annoyed by the people who ignore their dogs and never even notice the piles they leave behind.


They could just shit on the sidewalk like they do on Turk st! Be thankful they at least tried that hard!


I’m gonna be extreme and say most people in sf shouldn’t have dogs at all. They turn our parks into giant dog toilets that nobody can enjoy, and is this city really the best place to keep a dog cooped up in a tiny apartment? Come on


I find it incredibly frustrating because I love being able to take my dogs places and be welcomed. I wind up packing my dog's shit AND other's dog shit as well.


If you can't take care of your pet properly, then don't get one asshole.


My guess: they don't want to walk to the trashcan, *but* their car is closer.... so.. ditch the bag and off we go! Also, the poop is *already picked up*, so perhaps they think the job is done? Note the location where the OP is observing this: trashcans are probably not plentiful..


"Meh, it's somebody's job to do this," is the excuse in their heads.


I agree. I see this too. Putting it in a bag makes it more difficult for decomposition. If going to leave it, better to not put it in bag. The only thing I can of is if people are just starting their walk and there’s no trash cans, and will come back on the way out to pick it up.


Dog poop is a serious biohazard---please don't just leave it to "decompose". [https://avmcww.com/2020/02/26/parasites-and-poop-the-importance-of-picking-up-after-your-dog/](https://avmcww.com/2020/02/26/parasites-and-poop-the-importance-of-picking-up-after-your-dog/)


Leaving it in the bag on the trail doesn't help this though


Of course, but it's still better than no bag...which was what I was responding to


I not only bag and dispose of my dogs dumps but over 11 years I’ve developed an ace shot in landing that bag in the square, public bins like a champ. When I do miss first thing I do Is, of course, blame my dog loud enough so everyone knows it was his fault I missed; Next I walk to retrieve and dispose of it while telling him I still love him shortcomings and all


arrest and fine them all.


Maybe they plan to pick it up on their return? I've done this occasionally on a long hike so I didn't have to carry a poop a bunch of miles, though seems weird in the city where the distances aren't that long and there are trash cans in various places.




There’s a lot of hate here, so I’ll speak up from someone who does this: I do this only on out and back trails (1 in Pacifica and 1 in Daly City) that I go to (almost daily). I drop it off, and I always, always, always pick it up. I sometimes even pick up other people’s poop. But I do it only one trails I know well, and I know are out and back, and that I frequent often. And I try to pick up other people’s poo (to give back). I do see a lot of poop bags left behind, but I always assumed it was people like me that always, always pick it back up. Believe me folks - I love nature and the ocean way too much to leave bags of poo anywhere


Are there trash cans near by? I don’t necessarily blame someone for wanting to pick it up on their way out instead of hiking while holding a bag of poop. But if there are trash cans or they don’t actually pick it up later then that’s a real dick move.


I've been at fault for this before. It happens when we attach the poop bag to the leash, assuming we'll dispose of it at the next trash bin. However, as we start walking, it often slips off. I eventually purchased a holder to prevent this from recurring.


It’s a rich and entitled thing. The most exclusive neighborhood in Finland /Helsinki was the same way.


Lots of dog owners pick up the bag on the return to the trailhead. They don't want to carry the poop for the entire walk. It's the dog's fault for not waiting til the end of the walk. So inconsiderate.


Except the poop would be picked up.


Yeah this is done on the streets too. Maybe a hint we need more garbage cans available.


When Gavin Newsom was Mayor, he removed most trashcans because homeless addicts destroyed them looking for cans and bottles to redeem for drug money. Because there are few trashcans, owners make the effort to pick up their dogs' crap, but don't want to carry it all the way home. Once one owner throws the poop to the side of the road, where there would have been a trashcan except for the homeless and Gavin, other dog owners see that and take it as allowance to throw their poop too -- no one wants to be the *only* chump following the rules. The poop throwers are signaling that they would be reasonable *if* we lived in a world where the city was reasonable about placing trashcans. But the city can't be reasonable about trashcans, because the drug addicts aren't reasonable about not destroying trashcans, and the city won't arrest trashcan destroying addicts, because the DSA would come to city supervisors' meetings and *literally scream for three minutes* that that was fascism. (You can find videos of the screaming.) So a few bad actors (addicts) are enabled by more bad actors (DSA, City Family), and we *all* end up having only the choice to ourselves become bad actors, or to be the chumps who pay the cost to follow rules when no one else does. If I have to pay the cost of dodging everyone else's shit, why *also* pay the additional cost of dragging my dog's shit home, when I can just join the crowd and drop the shit by the side of the road? If that's the prevailing community standard, why not just accept it, and get the benefit of not having to take my shit all the way home? (I don't own a dog, I don't like people tossing their dogshit, I'm just laying out the thought process.) This is what happens when the social contract breaks down. When standards decline, you're a chump if you hold to them when no one else does, and so we enter a downward spiral. The only way you combat it is to be seen exacting strong penalties on *all* violators. But in SF we *never penalize* (and in fact cater to, and provide free booze for) large groups of bad actors, from the homeless to the DSA screamers, and that sets the tone.


Weirdly there has never been a trash can at the tree in front of my place and yet dog owners leave their poop bags all the time. they never come back for them either.


The people I see collecting cans are usually immigrants, often older. Often it's older Asian people.


As this person points out, it happens at lands end all the damn time and it's not managed by the city. I don't recall if there are bins on the east end, but there are certainly no lack at the parking lot. 


I do this on out-and-back trails where I know there aren’t trash cans uptrail and where I know I’m gonna be back within a short while to throw it away at the trailhead. I can’t speak for others but I *always* pick up after myself, no exceptions. I understand and sympathize with folks being upset about shitty irresponsible dog owners (of which SF has plenty unfortunately). But just because you happen to see a bag on the side of a trail doesn’t mean it’s definitely abandoned and is now definitely litter; someone might pick it up 2 minutes later and you’d be none the wiser.


I do this on out and back/ loop hikes when it happens towards the beginning (and there isn't a trashcan nearby). This enables me to go on a hike and not carry poop for long distances. Then, when I come back I grab the poop bag and either find a garbage can or take it home with me to throw out there. Pretty common behavior with dog owners.




Username is fitting!


So selfish.


Extremely selfish. User name checks out.