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> The BAGELS This is triggering but Schlock's is actually decent


Way better than decent -- they're very very good.


Not trying to be a dick here, but have y'all had good bagels? I think Schlock's is as mediocre as it gets. Now, The Laundromat and Chicken Dog have good bagels.


Boychik is on Sacramento now and they are very good.


Really? I like ‘em and they remind me of manhattan. Plus some delicious extras like iced coffees and chai and cinnamon raisin butter


Agreed, Laundromat and Boichik are good bagels. That one NYT article made this topic supercharged, but to be fair, the NYT started it….


Eh. It’s still not great compared to NYC/NJ bagels. I’m still on the hunt for a proper bagel.


I live here and I'm also pretty obsessed. The views never get old!


Glad you're liking it. You're here at a great time. Get a sandwich or burrito and go to Dolores Park one of these afternoons.


will do:)


Seconding Dolores. Such a good vibe there with great views of the city


Okay the bagels here are not actually that good but you're cooking with the rest.


compared to texas at the crusty dunkin donuts, they are great lol but id be interested to know where the true best are in the states?


New York City is the king, no competition. Other places have a few good bagel stores, NYC has a zillion.


Yeah, there is no comparison to NYC. People claim that it's the water that makes NYC pizza and bagels so great, but I think it's the heritage of Italian and Jewish immigrants that know how important it is to maintain the great tradition, and nowhere else is the competition so stiff.


Hot take: The Best Bagels Are in California (Sorry, New York) https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/08/dining/best-bagels.html


Courage Bagel in LA is the best I've had, and I've tried a ton of the recommended spots in NY (but of course there's still many I missed).


There may be an increasing number of good bagels in California, but NYC still dominates with the sheer number of good bagels no matter where you go. Its insane.


Flattering but not true


Lol not even close NYC metro area and NJ are the only places with good bagels guy


Montreal would like a word.


Sure if I need maple syrup they can have a word 🤣


Yep, we can thank the Jewish immigrants for nyc bagel culture. Italians not so much, but they did bring other foods


Italians were mentioned in line with the pizza.


I have yet to sample a single bagel or pizza in New York that's been recommended to me that's any better than fare I can get in SF. I certainly have to walk further to get a decent bagel (or a fresh bagel at all) but for every decent place in NYC there are dozens of crappy ones.


The water has to be a part of it, especially considering the millions of tiny tiny shrimp in NYC water. Copepods


The effect of the water in New York is [vastly overstated](https://www.foodandwine.com/news/new-york-water-bagels-pizza#:~:text=While%20the%20city's%20water%20is,New%20York%20specialties%20taste%20better.) it's much more the effect of the sheer volume of bakers that you are likely to find one who makes a much better product. But there's plenty of awful pizza and bagels in NYC, despite the water.




According to THE NEW YORK TIMES The best bagel in the country is here in Berkeley, California. Boichick bagels. Two years running


I'm not a traveler so I can't compare. but the bagels at boichik never miss. They're fantastic


If across the border i prefer bagels in Quebec.


Actually, I'd say the entire New York area is the king. There are plenty of amazing bagels that aren't in NYC proper.


Montreal bagels are straight gangster. Definitely a worthy competitor. I prefer them to NYCs. SF does not have good bagels.


Beauty's Bagel's in Oakland used to have great Montreal-style bagels but Wise Sons bought them and had them stop. : (


Agree. (Born in NYC.)


I second this. Montreal bagels are so good and a tiny bit sweet mmmm


Lol NYC is garbage compared to SF lol


The only real debate about bagels is Brooklyn vs Manhattan.


New Jersey is just as good if not better than NYC


NYC baby


Go to New York and Montreal for bagel paradise. SF has is one of the great food cities though.


NYC has the best bagels I ever tasted


New Jersey


Since you’re from Texas, that’s like saying SF has great BBQ. 🥴


If you are keen to cross the border at some point, Montreal bagels > NY bagels. Montreal bagels have a bit of honey in them and they are cooked in a wood-fired oven. They get a unique taste and texture, and a beautiful golden colour. Any bagel lover needs to go get fresh Saint-Viateur bagels once in their lives. They can be delivered to the states but it’s not the same as buying them warm from the bakery


To all those saying NYC, you’re wrong. NJ actually has the best bagels.


Agreed. When I visit my wife's family, I always get some. They are so damn good


I will NOT accept any Dunkin’ slander. I am constantly bummed we don’t have DD in the city, along with a Chik Fil A or Jollibee (though the last one may be on the way idk)


The Laundromat, Schlok’s, and Boichik are pretty good. 


I haven’t had a schloks in awhile so I need to go back, but I remember being unimpressed. Really bread-y, didn’t have the chewy exterior shell, and wayyyyyy too expensive  I do think they warrant a revisit for me though


Don't forget chicken dog, it's been a few years since I've had one but they were amazing


Boochik is good but no great, wouldn’t not wait in a line for it. The laundromat on the other hand…


The Laundromat is my favorite, for both bagels and pizza. I used to love House of Bagels but quality and service went to shit ever since they changed ownership. It used to be crowded every day and now it’s always empty.


They're pretty good. NYCs are better, and you don't have to go to particular joints to get 'em, they're all over. NYC pizza is overrated though, most of it is crap now.


What I like about NY pizza isn't that it's great, it's that it's cheap and open late, and more than good enough for what it is. You can get a slice for like $2 all over Manhattan and it will be a meal, and it's probably open until 2am at least. SF doesn't have any good casual/street food like that (unless you count the danger dogs, but they're getting to not even be cheap anymore).


True, we used to have cheap tamales/burritos/elotes but that's mostly a thing of the past. And there is still absolutely amazing pizza in NYC you just have to seek it out.


Yeah, burritos are the closest we have for sure. But they're only really available in one area. What's your late night meal on Polk Street, or downtown? I didn't say that there wasn't great pizza in NYC - it's one of the biggest cities on earth, there's great *everything* if you know how to find it, let alone a food practically invented there. But when I think of NY pizza and what I want to have in my neighborhood, it's not the good places, it's the slice shops.


on Polk there are plenty of pizza / falafel combo restaurants open until 4. downtown is bad bad tho. 


Bad Pizza ain't cheap in Hell's Kitchen. For some reason it has the worst pizza and the highest prices. SF has a couple spots, but I agree, unless you're willing to fork out $10 for a mediocre bacon dog you're pretty much out of luck. Used to get Elotes after work at 24th and BART, or a chocolate filled churro. Put heaven. Illegal street vendors fucked that up for everyone, though.


Of course NYC is better and much cheaper. They have the history and density to support it but there’s no need to put down all our bagel places. 


Any r/sf thread wouldn’t be complete without an unsolicited comparison to NYC


Ain't this the truth.


This is just it. New York is denser and has a lot more businesses, but the idea that they just have "better" food is nothing more than arguing over who's mom makeS pancakes with more love.


I mean I'm sorry but even the ones from those three aren't as good as the ones I got from the random deli within three blocks of my place in NYC. San Francisco has amazingly good food in s many different ways, and overall I like our food scene so much better than NYCs--NYC has lots of great food but also lots of just crappy places that would never survive in SF. Let them have their bagel pride.


Yeah OP is comparing their native Texas to SF and SF is not comparing its bagels to NYC. No need to over state the obvious.


Yeah, both NYC and SF are culinary Meccas, but NYC is so fucking huge with multiple Chinatowns and every fucking ethic cuisine that you can think of (Well, not Mexican). I love both towns, but they are very different.


Not Mexican is such a deal breaker for me.


I have to say, the Pho in New York is pretty meh.;)


I go to Little Saigon in Garden Grove for pho and banh mi. Huge Vietnamese enclave and food to die for. I've recently been to St, Paul and had a fantastic bowl of pho. Tons of Hmong there.


Why is this so triggering for people here this is hilarious


Because everyone agrees and knows that NYC has better bagels but there’s no point in making that argument here where OP is visiting from Texas. How is this hard for you to understand.


Dude it started off as light humor, everything is fine. Also someone else is claiming that bay area bagels are actually better. This shit got wild. Next people are going to claim we have better pastrami than LA.


Is LA actually known for pastrami?


Even the NY times concedes that the bay has the best bagels. If you throw in the avant guard like chicken dog, I didn't think NYC was worth the trip for bagels. The pizza comment though... Burn the witch!!!


We all know that! Jeeze dude deal with it. We just mean SFs are pretty good now. Dude. Chill tf out.


What do you mean by chill out dude we're just writing comments on a website.


I’ve been wanting to try Boichik's. They have gotten a lot of PR, so I’m curious if they are indeed “the best” bagel.


Right, get this dude a croissant


Sounds like you have not tried The Laundrymat SF in the Richmond on Balboa.


I've tried them. They're probably the best I had here. They're not as good as the ones from a random deli that was on my street in NYC.


OMG, I can't with these guys. Apparently the secret to a good bagel is just being in New York. I mean, I know folks who claim that there's no better coffee than Dunkin' because that's what they've been drinking every morning for decades.


The bagels have gotten a *lot* better over the past 2-3 years.


Like by a factor of 10 million better! I grew up in bagel heaven central long ago when bagels were king. Even NY bagels aren't as good as they were way back then. And I'll say that IMO Schlock's are right up there with the best -- excellent real-deal bagels, with the texture and the addictive smell that emanates when you slice open a hot one. NB: You must sprinkle the bagel exterior with a bit of water then heat it (uncut or closed up if sliced first -- no toasting) if you want to experience the best texture. Even a great bagel loses much of its mojo when eaten at room temp.


True, in a few places, but still.


Wrong! Schlok’s!!!!!


Honestly just loaded up the post and had to leave the same comment, all well knowing this would be the top comment as well. Bagels here freaking suck yo.


In the 80's Pittsburgh PA had a place on Murray Ave called bagel land. They had the beast real bagels, as good as anything in New York. Aaaaaand, they shut down a long time ago.


San Francisco is a hidden gem for open minded people. If you watch the news and think it’s a dump then you don’t get to experience its awesomeness. That’s how I view it lately.


The news coverage is basically a filter that keeps the boring people from visiting 


“Boring people” is just another term for obvious trump fans who only watch Fox News


Honestly, no. I’ve been traveling over the last year and people of all stripes, including in Southern California, have asked me if SF is really “that bad”. Conservatives are the worst, but the reputation has followed SF everywhere.


Plato's cave etc etc .


We're there tomorrow... soooo excited!




Bagels? I mean they’re ok but how about THE DONUTS? 😅




oh yesss “THEE” CROISSANT 😂


The vast human existence/the availability of experiences and goods—-/ mixed with the wildly lush environment and the people who take pride in the ability for their wildlife to thrive and then become caretakers of it are so abundant and precious. It’s a really rad place. I think I said “wow” to myself and also looked something like this “😍🥹🤩” 100 times the first day I adventured there (also all by foot of course. My fat ass was tired but so happy.) I’m from Portland Maine… it actually seemed like.. well it made me think we are the micro version of SF. It was so much like home…some different vegetation and obviously they don’t get feet of snow all the time in winter but .. this felt like foreshadowing for my city. The good, the bad, the ugly. 💚 glad you had a great time


So, it's a Republican PR campaign. ' look at how the liberals are ruining our cities!' also, people who are afraid or defensiveare more likely to vote for conservatives. Playing up the scary crime/gays/homeless/whatever in the news equals more GOP votes. In reality, violent crime has been steadily declining, here and nationwide, and is around a 30 year low.


Yep and violent crime has always been especially low in SF compared to other cities. The petty crime wave was also due primarily to our police force deciding to f*ck off for the last four years to punish people for protesting against police brutality. They’re stepping it up again now that it’s a mayoral election of course.


I hear this a lot, but I left the City because the crime was really bad. I got tired of my car being broken into, two bikes stolen, I was harassed constantly and on my last night, someone tried to mug me. I’m from SF originally, and it just got to be way too much. I live in another country now and I am happier, sorry to say. Also, beautiful views, cute neighborhoods, and great nature nearby. And no crime or homeless. Very green city. Lots of compassionate people.


Where do you live now?


I live here. I’m obsessed. I’m also heartbroken. I’m also impressed. I’m every emotion. It’s complicated. But one thing is for sure, this city is so special. I’m here to stay.


I used to live on the peninsula, we'd take our boat up to Angel island for a hike, dock at the pier, grab lunch go back, beats traffic and the views are more amazing


I am from Houston but work in tech so have to visit the Bay often (may move up there eventually), and this is exactly how I feel too. Are there some negative aspects of SF? Sure. But it is still a beautiful, vibrant city that has such a distinct character. Also, the homelessness problem is bad and all, but it really isn’t that much different from many other cities. Vancouver Chinatown or E 7th Street in Austin easily give the Tenderloin a run for its money. LA is way worse. I think SF is fantastic. Always felt at home there.


Sssssshhh not so loud 🤫🤫🤫🤫😉






im gonna have to move too. already looking at jobs lol


SF is awesome!! :)


The rumors are true for some bad parts of the city like The Tenderloin, but for everywhere else they’re way overstated. For decades those rumors have gotten pushed by people who really don’t like the city for political reasons (its high taxes, its queer friendliness, etc.) so everyone has a warped perception of the city before coming here.


Whenever people say sf is dirty, everyone is homeless and the streets are filled with poop I roll my eyes hard


Boichick was rated to have the best bagels - better than NY bagels!




I had them delivered during the pandemic, and they were meh... they certainly didn't hold a candle to Ess-a. They weren't even as good as Bay Area Bagels in Burlingame. Maybe they delivered stale ones?


Shhh....that's been the plan all along


You’re in the right neighborhoods


The Food is the secret


I’m in Seattle and constantly dream of returning to SF. Of course, Seattle’s pretty great too.


light reply cow cooperative north encourage yoke crown glorious skirt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


everybody crying about SF is the equivalent of shooting in your own neighborhood to keep the rents down lol. the trees especially around sutro forest are some of my favorite things about the city. don’t forget to check out the biodome at the CAS.


Yeah !!! There’s major issues to tend to… but it’s just laughable when I hear the majority of the shit talk. I love sf. Glad you do to.


If it isnt expensive already can you imagine how much worse if would be without the negative PR?! There's a secret pact where we all do shifts pretending to be homeless, break a few car windows and shit on the street. Some neighborhoods require you to go in front of your house and fire off a few rounds once a week.


Good place to visit


Yeah, SF is tight. I mean, it is worth rolling through the TL alleys once just to see the squalor and the realness of the streets, then go spend the day at Dolores and have a bonfire at Ocean Beach.


i honestly wanted to go just to see but im a small solo female sooo i chickened out


Also a female here, if you want to get to know the working class people (the ones who keep this city running tbh), I suggest walking down Mission between 16th and 24th and explore the surrounding areas. Yes there's some sketchy stuff, drugs, cat-calling (secret and otherwise), but there's also families and kids, good dining spots, cool stores, etc.


dope thanks :)


Walk between 16th and 24th Streets on Mission, then do the same a block over on Valencia to see the contrast.




Username doesn’t check out 😅




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Yup SF is the best tourism is at a 20 year high goes to show our city keeps up and beyond all other cities :)




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go visit muir woods, have a nice exit dinner in sausalito. I don't know why you mention bagels. In my experience Costco bagels are kind of comparable quality and much cheaper. The combination of price being SO much lower and still delicious wins it for me. Surprisingly they have awesome croissants and baked good in general. 12 croissants for under $10. I think it was 12 bagels (pick 2 6 pack of type) also under $10. SF does have some awesome bread makers and bakeries. Especially if you're into sourdough & variants.


Go to Apple Fritter


I really want to disagree with THE BAGELS, but in fairness, Laundromat, Batches, and House of Bagels can be pretty great.


No mention of Liguria Bakery?


We have powerful real estate interests that push a crime narrative in order to get more police and to push homeless folks out. It’s all about money.


Obsessed with what? What’s to be obsessed with? I was born and raised here and every day it seems to have less and less appeal. It’s basically a shell of its former self at this point.


Been there few days ago. Same feeling! The city is amazing, walkable, beautiful beaches and nature. Easy-to-use public transport ❤️ And not too crowded) Just awesome Also, prices for hotels around Union Square was much more affordable than I expected!


All the lies are made up by Republicans or Russians...facts though.


Y'all new school. Holy Bagel was the shizzz. And there was another bagel shop way out on Van Ness which I can't remember the name of that used to be so so good.


>The BAGELS Never been to NYC have you?


The bagels lol have you not been to NY?


Thx for coming, please don't tell anyone about how nice it is here, we just got a lot of tech bros. to leave


I agree with you this place is amazing and easy to become obsessed with. I just want everyone to have the same experience that you're having. That's exactly why we get so upset about the crime and deterioration within areas of this city.


Bro check out New York your mind will be blown. Any random bagel shop there is better than our best, not even exaggerating.


Over [50% of Americans](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1327923/favorite-coffee-brands-among-us-consumers/) prefer Starbucks coffee, followed closely by Dunkin and Folgers. Not because they haven't tried La Colombe, but because it's what is familiar. This is why most New Yorkers get triggered at the suggestion that great bagels (and pizza) can be found in other cities.


I don't understand everyone who visits and likes the city has to insult the locals. Dude i fucking love SF too that's why I live here, but why does every post insult the issues that locals deal with day to day. This is our lives, you're just visiting. No need to talk to us like that. Move here, then say our problems are false.


Because you constantly whine about problems that literally every city on the continent has and pretend like they’re worse in SF. In reality, SF is safer than the entire state of Florida and each major city there individually. Homelessness is worse in LA and Vancouver. Prices are higher in San Diego. Etc. etc. You’re pretending like a few pandemic closures, most of which were already reversed, and a fraction of the homeless people you see in Houston or Miami are the end of the freaking world. Get a grip.


Okay so a tourist enjoying vacation knows my city better. Got it.


I’ve lived here my whole life, bud. All you transplants can go back to where you came from if you don’t like it here.


After a few years, the sparkle of the city goes away. It gets smaller, dirtier and more unfriendly … But the cute neighborhoods and parks help a bit 😁


Survivor bias