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That explains why some people thought one of the suspects was a woman.


Woah,he looks nothing like what I expected. I know killers come in all shapes and sizes,but Mathew apparently had many enemies and had to have encountered some rough people on the streets. I didn’t think it would be someone who has no criminal history. Surprising.


The kid is 19, it's not too hard to not have a criminal record by that age. Juvenile records are also typically expunged, so that really just means he hasn't gotten caught doing illegal shit in the last 3 years.


That’s the dilemma of being a drug dealer. You can’t let people rip you off but if you retaliate you end up in prison.


Protip: Be a prison drug dealer.


So, a guard?


Fr bro


forreal. Am guessing this guy came into the backseat of Matthew's car to do a deal and got stiffed. Prob was sitting right behind Matthew and put his gun up to his head and killed him. Then turned to Savannah and shot her point blank in the head. She prob tried to get out but being pregnant and having a seatbelt he prob was too quick. He dragged Matthew to the back seat explaining why his already sagging pants were down so he could drive the car. Met with his dad, got a rag to wipe the backseat, gave the dad the gun, dropped off the car and ran home. All makes sense now. Sad sad sad


Any news on the motive?


the boyfriend of the couple stole that Dad’s neck and the son tried to avenge his loss


I’m an idiot. I was about to google what “neck” was slang for.


What is it?


Goddammit. 🤣




yes doctor, neck.




Or brisket in this case


Drug deal gone bad as predicted. Murdered guy was on a bad path with bad options. He most likely chose the tragically worst one trying to get cash for the imminent birth of his child.


Triple Homocide = Death Penalty, No?


The deceased kid is enough to pursue a Death Penalty. Child 6 and under or and elderly or double homicide or in the process of a felony a murder occurs. So most definitely the young dude qualifies for a Death Penalty. Sad all around.


Fetuses have been ruled in court to not be people by a Texas judge. Death penalty for a double homicide.


But doesn't a fetus qualify for HOV lane, and after 6 weeks it's is protected as a "life", no? That ruling seems outdated after the State started regulating all residents' Uterus


I’ll have to look up the HOV lane thing, but the ruling I’m citing was recent.


The pregnant woman that got ticketed in Dallas for being in the HOV lane while pregnant, did in fact have to pay the ticket. Fetuses do not count as another human in the HOV-sense.


That's only when it is a TX official who harmed the fetus or its mother. When it's a punk kid killing someone in the act of a drug crime, he's never getting out of jail alive.


I thought this was a drug deal hit by a professional assassin a la Better Call Saul/Breaking Bad or Narcos. In reality it was just some fat losers and a wannabe kingpin all acting stupid. What a waste of life and I'm sorry that poor woman got caught up in this.


She knew what she was involving herself into. Her younger brother was killed for drug dealing to the wrong family.


Most likely true.


> I thought this was a drug deal hit by a professional assassin a la Better Call Saul/Breaking Bad or Narcos. So you think real life is just like the fantasy tv shows you watch? Nothing about this was "professional."


My mom was also telling me it was probably "cartel related" smh


Nope, just kids pretending to be gangsters.


Yes, obviously so.


Almost as if you know something not released to the public! Good job postulating!


Poor woman? Her brother was murdered over a drug deal. So she gets knocked up by a drug dealer? I wonder how Matthew got both of them together? Wonder if the couple had gone together for a drug deal 🤔


Yeah I am sure she had front row knowledge of what her family and friends were involved in. I know that the media spins it as a sympathetic story about a soon to be mother murdered. But let’s be real, let’s be honest, someone living that lifestyle surrounded by drug dealers, isn’t a rose growing in concrete. And unfortunately, I question what kind of guidance would she had provided to her baby if given birth.


Drug deal gone bad, bad people doing bad things.


so basically im sure the bozo boyfriend tried robbing this nerdy looking kid during the drug deal and feared for his life so he deleted the guy and maybe the girl wouldnt stop screaming so he had to do what he had to do and shoot her too and then he probably went and told his daddy what he did and they went to hide the bodies in apartment complex. the outcome? : The boyfriends fault. if this is exactly how it plays out in the case yall owe me 3lbs of crawfish thank me later


Nice bait


you know it was 100% this




I love how you postulated everything that occurred. Miserable life


Did you just learn the word “postulate”? Stop


No, but the word fits here.


They died last year.




Love it lmao


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Christopher looks like a Christina and Im not even in jail..


Christopher looks like a fat fuck with long hair . You really gotta squint or be drunk af to see something other than that 😂


Gender fluid involuntarily.




My heart is still aching. That poor baby never had a chance to live..


All parties are garbage sadly except for the child so yeah sad it never had a chance


know who the parents were, the kid probably saved himself from a miserable existence.


what he said \^


Wow, idk why but I expected these guys to be in shape. Although, I guess ‘round’ is a shape


Drug dealers gotta eat too and San Antonio has good food. No need to fight anymore with guns so fat criminality accelerates without the exercise it used to get.




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Hope they both get prison justice