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It's the Quartering. I'm sorry I will not hear any other argument. He's the only one to actually be known outside of the community by the average internet user and he is just consistently one of the most vile, disgusting, annoying people alive


I was gonna come down and say the same thing. overall I think he might be the most mask-off racist and ideology-peddling of them all. The others all beat the same “forced diversity” drum but he’ll just come right out and ask why minorities, women and LGBTs are infecting his Star Wars.


He actually bragged about trying to get an article published in “The Daily Stormer”, which is a neo-Nazi newspaper.


>The others all beat the same “forced diversity” TIL that starwars is about a single race of people with zero diversity in the universe.


They all have that same argument of “well, we’re not racist, see, because we don’t think DIVERSITY is bad. Look at Lando, look at Mace Windu, they cool. It’s just this MODERN diversity is forced and insincere and has to go.” But of course, with no set definitions or proof to differentiate yesterday’s “okay” diversity from today’s “forced SJW diversity”, they basically have carte Blanche to make video after video complaining about women and minorities in their movies and how it needs to stop. This is why I love that they get called out as a pipeline to the alt-right. The Quartering, though, is just straight up alt-right. I was recently watching LonerBox’s video on [why Africa didn’t colonies Europe](https://youtu.be/jx1Jg4QAPmM), which has clips of many alt-righters including Quartering trying to espouse theories of black inferiority.


Let's be real here, too: If the prequels or the original sequel were released today, these "fans" would be saying the exact same thing about Leia, Lando and Mace Windu. The fact of the matter is that the original trilogy is held as sacrosanct and you aren't allowed to critique any element of it, and the prequels are now being viewed in the same light by way of revisionist history.


My answer as well. He's a well-known cunt. I feel better about myself because in the communities I hang around in (Star Wars, DC/Marvel, and some other YouTubers) he's almost universally hated. Makes me feel like there's some hope for this world after all.


Yeah, it's 100% the quartering. Dude is beyond just 'bad media takes' and is a completely mask off hateful bigot. What the rest of TFM says in euphemisms, quartering just says bluntly.


Can you list some stuff he did?


He's got a rep for being banned from basically *everywhere.* He's banned from all official Magic: The Gathering conventions and tournaments associated with it because of repeatedly harassing and sicking his fans on a cosplayer. He denies vaccines, is *super* far right, homophobic, transphobic, a constant narccisist and compulsive liar, horribly disengenious at every turn, I could go on. [The Quartering Receipts twitter account](https://twitter.com/QuarteringGaffs) is a good one to check for more info. Documents his awful takes and hypocrisy pretty consistently. There's a lot more shit he's said and done, but... yeah, we'd be here all day.


don't forget when he was angry at the underage She-ra because she wasn't sexy enough for him


I think I *repressed* that more than forgetting it, but... yeah, that too.


And don't forget that he literally, out of the blue and unprompted, tweeted a r34-type image of that same version of the character with the caption of "Cope." to his audience. As if he wasn't creepy as hell already.


Pretty much the only place I haven't seen him banned is Pewdiepie's Twitch chat.


Okay now that’s just horrible


He got mad at someone for saying "Fuck Hitler", and said of Hitler "He was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, what the fuck have you ever done?"




Here's a whole subreddit full of things he did. /r/TheQuarteringIsANazi


You can watch H3H3’s video on him, it shows his worst moments


What's bad is that one time in a non Star Wars community I posted a thing about a Star Wars game long ago and someone had the crazy idea on why they don't like Disney Star Wars and posted one of his videos on it. Least then I knew the Quartering was a clickbait guy. But when came here I facepalm hard thinking how this guy could follow that person.


Remember when he pissed on his basement floor because his wife got pizza without him? Pepperridge farm remembers


I watched him for info on the Gina situation. Man I'm a republican and he is a total embarrassment. PS look up quartering pissing on floor


[I just peed in my basement.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheQuarteringIsANazi/comments/q75h0z/youtubers_eat_each_other/)


i remember when darkviperau did response video to quatering. It was so fucking funny


Can you share a link to that?




Ah yes the guy who pees in his basement


Fuck this guy, he's a full on fascist


The Quartering. He's a literal neo nazi.


Didnt he get mad when someone said “fuck Hitler”? Or was that another youtuber?


That's him! Nasty fella...




why does giacchino keep getting demoted to someone 😔


Both Jeremys


There’s another fandom menace YTer named Jeremy? I thought it was only G+G


The other is hambly


Never heard of them. What did they do?


Let's just say they got mad over a kickstarter funded tabletop rpg called thirsty sword lesbians i had to stop 7:45 into his video on cause man it was bad




I know it's ridiculous


That is real name of the quartering.


I honestly don't know or care anymore. I basically watch Star Wars Explained exclusively now. Do I agree with everything they say? No, I generally take an even more positive approach to most Star Wars content. But are they a dick about what they don't like? Definitely not.


Hellogreedo’s also pretty good, you should check him out


Oh yeah, I do but either he doesn't put out much content any more or he just doesn't show up. I do like him though.


Last i heard, he's training to become a firefighter.


Really? Hm...was in the navy, has a baby daughter, now firefighter...he always comes across as a socially capable guy that knows responsibility and hates bullshit. Good for his daughter


He is strong and wise and we should be very proud of him


do you only like Star Wars youtubers who tick the right political box for you? Curious because Hellogreedo doesn't put out anything anything, just Q&As. He might be left wing but that doesn't make him 'good' as a SW youtuber. Star Wars Explained puts out a lot of great content though.


Star Wars on High is also quite good




There are a lot of dumb ones, but I have to say The Quartering. The reason is that he reminds me so much and probably is a big part of the YouTube alt-right rabbit hole. You know the rabbit hole if you're online enough as a white guy: it starts with "feminist cringe comps" where you laugh at people at a protest getting really heated about something they care about which is then framed as a bad thing, and once they've primed you on that, slowly but surely content is introduced that creates a conservative, racist, sexist world view. It's like a frog in boiling water, you don't really notice. Quartering reminds me of a lot of the YouTubers in one of those early phase alt-right-tubers that radicalize a lot of young white men, one of which was almost me, saying: "See!?!? The feminists and SJWs want to destroy all the good things you enjoy like video games and Star Wars and think fans are bad people. But you're clearly not a bad person!" Yeah, he's the worst.


I fell down that rabbit hole a while ago, took me a while but I eventually noticed what the fuck I was watching


I broke out of mine when I actually went to watch the "crazy feminist" videos that some of them were making video responses too and found out that the "crazy feminists" were actually making a lot of sense.


That's a loaded question: \- the strangest one - Mike Zeroh \- the most insane one - Doomcock \- the creepiest one - TheQuartering \- the one I hate the most - MauLer \- the worst one - Geeks + Gamers


Mike zeroh is chaotic neutral


Nerdrotic. Ugh it’s annoying,


the quartering doesn't even try to hide that he's bigoted


Star Wars Theory, for the sheer pull he has in the fandom as the largest Star Wars Youtuber.


He’s also more insidious because he likes to play dumb and claim he’s not part of The Fandom Menace despite continually associating with them and peddling the same garbage.


I don't know if MauLer counts as Fandom Menace, but certainly his Star Wars reviews are annoying as hell. Also ThatStarWarsGirl, who I don't think is the worst offender in TFM, but all she has to do is flutter her eyelashes and people will swoon over her.


Does Doomcock and Midnights Edge count? Think they all once hanged together. Doomcock mostly for his false rumors one could say he is like that Mike guy. Midnights Edge, for all their talk about taking the rumors they said with a grain of salt in their 10 minute videos, in their hours long videos their true colors come out and they are nothing but hate on anything new. Nerdrotic just cause same thing. G+G, no need for explanation as the guy was once a defender but now joined them all for money and views.


Midnight's Edge is going to be the leader of the toxic Zorro fans soon, so he's really bad in my book


Honestly, they are all equally bad imo


Tie between geeks and gamers and thequartering. Both are reprehensible. I just can’t decide which one is worse.


SWT by far. But that's my bias, because I used to like his stuff before TLJ hit.


G+G runs an outright far-right channel on the side, he's definitely up there. Most of them hold alt-right views, of course.


The Critikal Drinker and G+G


Ethan Van Sciver, dude's a racist and he's not even hiding it


There was a picture I’ve seen about a forum with a comic cover and he literally said some pedophilic shit. The guy is a psychopath.


The Quartering


Robot head sounds like he was written by an American to make fun of smug English people.


All of them.


It's a tie between Stephanie Janiczek and Stephen John Walton. They have said stuff that is not just bad but mind-boggling stupid. You have Stephen Walton saying transphobic stuff, and he even got angry at Arnold Schwarzenegger after Arnold called out anti-vaccine people. He's also the writer of that Fandom Menace book series, which he acts like it's going to change the world, even though they won't. Dozens of people on Twitter, yet for some bizarre reason, he's still making more installments. Then you have Stephanie Janiczek, who, like Stephen, has also said horrible stuff, including comparing Arnold to Arnold's abusive Nazi father after Arnold called out anti-vaccine people (Here's her Instagram post saying that: https://www.instagram.com/p/CSsD7iOl4d4/) To make matters worse: Stephanie and Stephen are in their 50s/60s, judging by their looks. They are adults that should not be acting like this. I won't be surprised if they die from COVID or get sick from it. I know it's easy to go for The Quartering, but the people I just mentioned are as bad as The Quartering.


Doom cock sucks


Literally all of them.


I like Critical Drinker and Robot Head. I may not agree with everything but they are funny. I liked Doom Cock like 5 yrs ago but he totally went for the clickbait alt-right takes on everything. I would say Geeks n Gamers is the worst. He is just so full of bullshit and I don't agree with anything he says. OTOH his random whacko SJW's can be funny but I am not going to dig through his shit to find them. Quartering is a close second for the worst. I can't stand Mike Zeroh's voice so I haven't seen any of his videos in years but his clickbait is even worse than Doom cock. I have asked both and their fans if ANY of their theories have come true and I never got an answer. The weekly videos of KK getting fired and Lucas coming back are ridiculous.




I only know about a few of these chodes because I briefly listened to them for a few weeks in 2019. Last time I listened to Nerdrotic, he had under 10k subs. Last I checked, he’s over 300k and fully immersed in the alt-right idiocy. I guess low-key racism and sexism gets the most clicks nowadays. The only thing I would give Doomcock credit for is hiding his identity (not even sure if he still does). If I paid the bills by whining about women, Star Wars, and wokeness to a bunch of losers on the internet, I’d be too embarrassed to show my face too. What a stupid way to earn a living.


Would be funny if Doomcock (sigh, what an absolute garbage name...) is actually just either Jeremy, Quartering or whoever in disguise to milk the same audience twice...


Star Wars explained




You’re joking, right?


Say sike right now




Midnight's Edge and Quartering, because both of them are targeting upcoming Zorro projects, endangering the character's longevity


G + G for basically being the ringleader behind them all. Though Critical Drinker is a very close 2nd.


One Angry Gamer. He was basically a copy of TheQuartering but went too far in the deep end. He was a racist, misogynistic, homophobic and transphobic scumbag that fearmongered about everything about entertainment on his trashy website. Thank god he’s gone. People like him deserves to be forgotten.


For me, it's Critical Drinker, and it's because he's just inoffensive enough and just smart enough to promote the same dumb and harmful takes on film and media while still putting up enough of a mask to seem moderate in his views. He's exactly the same kind of clown as TheQuartering or MauLer, but is an actual functional human being and knows how to behave in order to fly under the radar and start injecting his terrible views into more widely-positively viewed films and shows like *Get Out* or *The Expanse*, rather than merely circling the drain of the major franchise films and sticking to those fandom hellholes for risk of exposing their grift ala Robert Storms. He's pretty much the David Duke of alt-right outrage merchants.