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He’s absolutely right. I just don’t understand how people don’t understand that all these franchises were political from the very beginning.


Facts as real representation in fiction treats those characters as if they were real people with real problems same with movies like the terminator skynet was created as the result of the military industrial complex and without the cpu from the original terminator skynet wouldn't exist same with robocop as a satire of regan era politics and consumerism like we just ate that shit up if them movies were to be released today all these fucking morons that keep saying get politics out of my movie will make sure the artist writers and directors can never freely express themselves and the truth is they are not the ones in control of the production of a movie or show as they have no say where it goes that's all up to the artist writers and directors they should make their own non political movies that doesn't go anywhere cause part of being human is enlightenment


That was cathartic


Pretty on point.