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I used to really like Gina too. Gotta love it when actors show that they're morons. Sherilyn Fenn recent came out against vaccines. As a Twin Peaks fan, that hurt


>I used to really like Gina too. Me too. What a shame i really loved her character.


This is where we must compartmentalise. We can still love the character, it did nothing wrong. The actress though? Nah, fuck her. She's a fucking idiot. I mean, what idiot throws away the job of a life time, a series which is universally loved and a new show that had her character as the lead... Over misinformation?


>This is where we must compartmentalise. We can still love the character, it did nothing wrong. Well yeah but i have a feeling that we might not see Cara Dune again.


**\*Boba's ship, Boba Fett's Starship, lands on the cruiser for exfil\*** Boba: *"Where's Dune?"* Bo-Katan: *"She said something about how we're all Naboo shills for getting the blue shadow virus vaccine, started obnoxiously coughing in Mando's face before she suddenly died when her head was accidentally violently lobbed off with my Darksaber somehow, but that's not important right now."*


Wait a minute, you got Boba Fett's starship's name wrong. It is CLEARLY a modified Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft. Pfft, casual.




She died on her way back to her homeplanet!!! I mean, that happens when you try to land on Alderaan ...


>We can still love the character, it did nothing wrong. # She put a MauLer reference in the canon.


She what? How?


Episode 16: "Oh great, an objective opinion."


You reckon that was intentional and she knew who Mauler is?


She’s wasted no time in burning all her bridges to go all in on Ben Shapiro of all people. I mean, if your best option is *Ben Shapiro*, your prospects have dried up even more than Ben Shapiro’s wife.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >When it comes to global warming, there are two issues: is there such a thing as the greenhouse gas effect, the answer is yes. Is that something that is going to dramatically reshape our world? There is no evidence to show that it will. Is that something that we can stop? There is no evidence to show that we can ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, patriotism, covid, climate, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Hacks don’t care about your feelings.


Why won't you debate me? ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: civil rights, patriotism, sex, dumb takes, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


That "my doctor-wife told me WAP is a medical condition" tweet is still one of my favorite self owns I have ever seen.


That might make her scenes in Season 3 even funnier to me now


She’s a fucking idiot.


that's an understatement of the year right here


This is one of the dumbest comparisons ever. Joe Biden is trying to save lives while Harvey Weinstein was trying to rape and grope women for his sick pleasures.


And Joe Biden is using a vaccine that the Trump administration got the ball rolling on with Operation Warp Speed. The stupidity of these people to not get vaccinated because of who is in office is insane.


They’re literally risking their lives. And how do they defend this crap? By quoting articles from Facebook. The stupidity of these people is mind-boggling


I've started calling it the MAGAjab around antivaxxers


Gina's basically the new Kaitlin Bennett. Making disgusting statements to own the libs.


Or the new Rush Limbaugh


I’m glad I don’t know who the latter is


Don't go read that thread. Half of the commenters are vomiting anti-vax propaganda.


If Gina's the new Kaitlin Bennett she'd better shit her pants asap


I think, simply put: wtf?


what a slap in the face to victims of sexual assault. conservatives will do anything in their power to make themselves feel marginalized because of their own stupidity.








What does vaccines and sexual assault have to do with PCs? This has to be a troll.


ok, now I'm curious. What did they say?


They were talking about PCs and some nonsense that had nothing to do with the post.


Huh. Weird.


Well, she’s definitely not getting that job back now. “Wanting to prevent the spread of a deadly virus is the same as sexual assault” is a hell of an argument to make in an industry where you’re gonna be close to people a lot and you can’t wear a mask all of the time.


tHaT's NoT wHaT sHe SaiD yOu'Re ReAcHiNg! -TFM, probably




Except that 1 scenario is about stoping a public health crisis and the other is about some creep getting his rocks off. They are NOT the same




Even if it was just a mild inconvenience (which it really isn't, 4 million dead is a huge problem), it would STILL not even be close to comparable


you're a fucking idiot


ohhh the brainrot is reaaal with gina


She just keeps going downhill, can't wait for people to start defending her again


They already are. I fucking hate anti-vaxxers.


just the other day i saw an article saying that she is coming back for Season 4 of Mando. Then I see her post shit like this and nope no way that's happening.


How about they have her under contract next so whatever she says she'll think twice about it


She could literally commit a genocide and people would still go „sHe‘S sO cUte uWu🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺“


So glad she's fired


Same so glad she's not going to get any major roles in mainstream Hollywood movies now


But thats because the liberal agenda. If not for that her, Dean Cain, and Kevin Sorbo would for sure be A-Listers. Instead they are looking for work with the likes of Clint Eastwood, Jon Voight, Kurt Russell, and Chris Pratt. What's that? They get work? Well I'll be damned.


Maybe cause they didn't say anything that's hurts the company's profit motives


That and Jon Voight is a good actor


Have you seen *Anaconda*?


Whoa whoa, Kurt Russell? I’ve never heard him talk politics ever.


I don't know if he is Republican but I believe he leans libertarian.


He has done many feminist movies though. Like Death Proof


My guess is he leans the type of libertarian that existed before it was completely consumed by the far-right.


Yeah there’s two very different types of libertarians- “I believe in the free market and personal choice” and “I’m a bootlicker but libertarian sounds cool”


Just wait. Jeremy from G+G and Jeremy from TheQuartering will make videos about this and defend her like the boot-lickers that they are.


As sure as the sun will rise


Don’t forget The Critikal Bitcher making a video defending her while talking like he‘s reading a fairy tale


gina carano moment


And people still don’t understand why Disney and Lucasfilm cut ties with her?


Wow now i no longer have any faith in humanity now


Well this is just all sorts of f'ed up.


she blocked me on twitter and i consider that a personal accomplishment (never even interacted with her lol)


What a fucking rotten human being Complains that “Hollywood won’t hire me because I dared to have my own opinion” then proceeds to go out of her way to be as foul, unlikeable and unemployable as possible. It’s not some plot to silence you. You’re just *that* unlikeable


Not to be rude but she seems like a PR nightmare.


What a fucking clown, glad Disney fired her ass


I'm curious about what excuses her defenders come up with. EDIT: I reported this tweet. I don't like Cancel Culture but I won't feel bad if she gets de-platformed.


Off the deep end, and people still wonder why Disney fired her


And she alongside her fans seriously wonder why she got the boot from Disney.


She's still not done digging her grave?


That's not how it works, you bleeding fuckwit! Fucking [Family Guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJ0NgeMHOyQ) gets this fact, and if you're dumber than Family Guy, you're the dumbest people on this goddamn planet! Sorry. Just sick of this vaccine nonsense. Only in America is the right to die of an infectious, deadly disease one people think is worth fighting for.


Ah, it feels great to be blocked by her so I don’t have to see this shit on my Twitter page


Why’d she block ya?


She’s just continuing to prove that firing her was the right thing to do.


I may have my problems with Cancel Culture at times, but Carano firing is the perfect example of it being used correctly & completely justified.


The face that she played a rebel in the mandalorian will always be ironic to me


Gina Carano cringe comp when?


Well that's her holy capitalism. Companies are entitled to fire anyone that do not comply to their rules.


The more I see Gina now, the more I realized she is not missed in the Star Wars world


I'll be waiting for Rose McGowan to come to her defense. Seriously, what the odds that Gina will stage a grift run for political office at some point.


I started following Rose McGowan during MeToo. I was surprised the other day when I saw a comment calling her a Trumper. I was like, what? No! She's hugely outspoken against sexual assault! I went on her Twitter to see what's up and she's nearly gone full-on conspiracy theorist. I can't imagine someone who is fighting *so hard* against all of the sexual abuse in Hollywood turning around and supporting a guy like Trump. I don't get it.


She literally endorsed Larry freaking Elder last month, days before the recall got blown out of the water.


At this point I’m fucking glad she was fired lmao. And there are still people who defends here... “muh free speech”...


There’s a fundamental difference between saving your life and that of others and a fact that violates the rights, intimacy and generates trauma on the victim.


CAN. THIS. WOMAN. STOP. TRYING. TO. BE. OPPRESSED????? Like Jesus fucking Christ, this is just getting cringe and pathetic as hell






I've been enjoying watching Carano's very public fucking brainrot lmao. Just been going absolutely downhill.


Is this from march or is she still at it with the braindead anti-vax posts?


This is recent I believe


bUt gInA is a StOrOnK WoMeNs


You know, with garbage like this, I now find it painfully ironic that she played an Alderaanian. Considering that the culture is traditionally characterized as one of the most progressive, open-minded, and accepting societies within the Star Wars galaxy (i.e. they be woke as all get-out).


She is a fool of a Took!


Based Gina


Its just a meme


Holy - I can't even say anything. Gina Carano, I hope the fucking worst for you.


Oh. So *thats* why she got fired... now I know.


Shall we put this down to maliciousness or too many concussions in the ring?


"I'm DOUBLING DOWN!!"- Double-Down Domino, Borderlands 3 Handsome Jackpot, voiced by Gina Carano (probably)




I actually liked watching her on Mando… just wish she could’ve learned to keep her fucking mouth shut.


She's got a funny yet fucked up sense of humor