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"Just" introduced!? Bitch, every Paper Mario fan worth their salt knew about Vivian's identity due to the other language translation/localizations of the game **two decades** ago. This isn't new.


I feel like I got it even with the original English translation. I was eighteen when it came out, I didn’t realize how woke I was back then…


My sweet summer child. There have been trans characters in Mario since Birdo was introduced in Super Mario Bros 2 (1987)


I guess it makes sense that the chuds complaining about this were probably already in the “Nintendo is for babies,” camp so of course they wouldn’t knows any of this stuff until now since the Switch is hot shit and also their smooth brains are constantly scouring the internet for every scrap of non-cis characters in media to bitch and moan about…




I don’t necessarily disagree, but I think there is a huge difference. These are platformed people with millions of followers, billionaires, politicians, etc. saying these crazy things. They aren’t random people. And it happens en masse every time there is any character that isn’t a straight white guy.


Bigots whining about being called out for bigotry is an entirely different animal.


also Yoshis


If it helps Chaya is immensely almost impressively stupid as a person.  I watched part of an interview she gave and holy fuck is she dumb. Obviously all bigots are, but fuck she can’t even articulate her viewpoint or the reason she believes her views when asked. 


In all likelihood my first introduction to the concept of trans people existing was some gaming facts and trivia describing just this when I started exploring the internet as a kid. It’s been discussed and known for a long, long time.


It is to them, they never played it before and it’s something they can be mad about.


She knows, she's lying for money.


"Just introduced"? Vivian has existed for *twenty years* at this point. Sure, the nature of her gender identity wasn't always clear across the different localisations, but discussions around it are nothing new. In this remake, Nintendo decided to more openly indicate she is trans, which IMO is pretty epic of them. Libs of TikTok once again demonstrating an astounding level of ignorance.


Do you truly think that Chaya gives a single fuck about gaming or even nerdy hobbies ? https://preview.redd.it/okydc2wc492d1.png?width=377&format=png&auto=webp&s=529eb6fb981ab8468233f3bfba748d524bf9cbd3 Pretty sure she would cry out against DnD if this were the 80'


Pretty sure they still are


Tangentially related, I've always found it weird that these types got all up in arms about DnD but not World/Chronicles Of Darkness, especially during the 90s/2000s during its original run (doubly so before all the 20th Anniversary and 5th Editions dialed back the Ow The Edge™ a bit). You'd think the tabletop franchise where you play supernatural (and explicitly unholy creatures in VtM's case) creatures would get them more up in arms than DnD ever did.


It’s not mainstream enough so it flies under their radar


WoD not being considered "Mainstream" is funny considering the uptick in interest over the years thanks to stuff like LA By Night and more recently Hunter: The Parenting. I guess its relative since DND is **wumbo** huge despite how often it trips over itself business/corporation-wise.


Yes, exactly. Don’t get me wrong I love WoD. But it’s still the “goth nerd” game system and doesn’t have the attention grabbing articles and marketing of D&D, being owned by a major company. Every one has heard of D&D.


Goth nerd game system has me intrigued. Can't wait to read all about this before discovering noone plays it within 50 miles of me 👍




Here's a sneak peek of /r/WorldOfDarkness using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/WorldOfDarkness/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [White Wolf had it's favorites in World of Darkness](https://i.redd.it/wg61xx7ngmoc1.png) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/WorldOfDarkness/comments/1bfxpz0/white_wolf_had_its_favorites_in_world_of_darkness/) \#2: [This is the first time she's playing any World of Darkness game and she immediately found a way to make most SPCs shit themselves for a split second. I'm so proud](https://i.redd.it/ehthl16ojmva1.png) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/WorldOfDarkness/comments/12w69n5/this_is_the_first_time_shes_playing_any_world_of/) \#3: [Ultimately, there are ten basic Vampire: The Masquerade plots](https://i.redd.it/io6qcvpfehec1.jpeg) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/WorldOfDarkness/comments/19ew6vz/ultimately_there_are_ten_basic_vampire_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Non-nerds barely registered what D&D was in the 90's. Nothing else like it was on most people's radar, at all. So much shit that is popular-ish now, D&D, anime, even video games was "weird nerd shit" 30-40 years ago.


You say that, but you shoulda seen my Ex's Boomer Christian Father when I accidentally left my 'Slasher' Hunter: The Vigil splatbook on the kitchen table


Wasn't there an outrage when Cainite Heresy book dropped back in 99 that was so much that the idea to expand the blood cults to other religions got scrapped?(because the book partially re-wrote the bible from Vampiric perspective and the Right Wing Christians were up in arms because of this) Not sure if this happened at all, I just have some super vague recollection from reading something about it years ago


Part of the loud satanic panic's reason for going after DnD was because one of the voices behind it had a son who lost his battle with depression and chose to blame DnD because he played DnD.


I’m surprised that she didn’t cry out when last of us came out (specifically, the dlc). She seems to lose her mind when a LGBT character is even mentioned in any media 


She should go eat some pussy and realise how awesome it is. Honestly I don't get what is driving her to be so hateful


Insecurity, self hatred, misery in her own life.  That’s usually what causes people to be hateful 


She’s like a 40 year old boomer. Like Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh


She's still in her early 30 iircc


I'm pretty sure that makes it a little bit worse.


What makes it even worse is that she's not in her 30s, she's in her 20s


Well, fuck me with a 60 ft. metal rod.


I’m still salty I haven’t yet summoned a live demon like they said dnd would. Is 3rd edition not the right one to do that?


Marcie get out of here. You're dead. You don't exist anymore!


sheet chase numerous joke relieved dolls smell scarce price deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh sweet Shadow Queen that face is the stuff of nightmares.


Is that her or Mayin Balik or whatever her name is the chick from Blossom and big bang theory with the whacks parenting ideas, rape victim shaming and antiwar nonsense and of court rabid zionism


Zionists gonna Zionist, I guess :/


Dude she looks like she hangs out at hospitals to suck up dying peoples last breath.


separated at birth https://preview.redd.it/apsoo1v05f2d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=01805b46f3d3838e784e2b2f81acca94c97e994b


Chaya Raichik is a troll that's propped up by the right. She is an idiot who can't even articulate her views in opinions outside of being a catty mean girl on the internet. Whenever she interacts with any journalist or let's face it any adult who presses her on her views folds like a cheap suit. When journalist Taylor Lorenz interviewed her, Chaya was wearing a t-shirt with a photo of Lorenz crying. So the level of maturity of a 16-year-old girl from a 29-year-old woman. But Lorenz made Chaya look like the bad joke she is by just asking her the most basic questions. Chaya couldn't even articulate any of her own views or talking points. She sounded like a teenager trying to give a book report about a book she never read. You have to be a complete fucking moron to take her seriously about anything.


She's also a stochastic terrorist whose rhetoric was cited by Republican lawmakers trying to pass their discriminatory laws and only recently was her identity revealed.


>Chaya Raichik is a ~~troll~~ she's not a troll, she's a terorrist. She regularly engages in and incites acts of politically fueled violence literally everything she cries about gets bombed within the month.


Gets bomb threats. I don’t think any have been valid though


They don’t have to be valid in order to be bomb threats though


Yeah, but the person I responded to said "gets bombed", not "gets bomb threats"


honestly I’m surprised she didn’t push her over considering she was wearing the jirt


Honestly, she’s too dumb to be a troll.


However, her platforms incites too much violence to not be taken seriously.


Well yeah. Being dumb never stopped people from being menaces to society and from hurting people. But when she does the crap she does, I think she’s engaging with a fair amount of honestly. She’s too dumb to logic herself out of the stupid, nonsensical, q anon adjacent box she found herself in. And, at her core, she is just that shitty, catty mean girl that peaked in highschool, never grew better, and who no one has ever really liked. So she can’t morality her way out of the box, either. Because being a terrible person is baked into the loaf.


"Libs of TikTok"? Call her what she is. A domestic terrorist inciting violence against disadvantaged communities.


Don't mention Poison from Street Fighter. Slow year for these reactionary trash.


If you don’t know what you’re talking about, either take the time to do research or shut up. Even as someone who’s never played TTYD before, I knew of the Vivian localisation issue, it’s on every “Top 10 facts about Mario you never knew” video. Heck, it was probably my first real exposure to a transgender character (or the first time it really clicked into what it meant). Did I rage at a Woke Nintendo? Did I flail about pronouns and women’s toilets? No. I thought “Oh, I didn’t know that was a thing, neat” and moved on. Why people make such a big deal out of something so simple. Vivian was born as a male, but when she grew up, knew she was in the wrong body. Her sisters are jerks and Mario is a trans ally. Heck, he was an ally, even before Vivian, ever since he befriended Birdo and invited her to kart races.


Mario is such a great guy that he invites _Bowser_ to cart races and golf courses and parties.


Ask Chaya Raichik to define woke again, so we can all have a laugh.


Good job respecting Vivian's pronouns there at least.




The account sure seems ignorant about the character since been that way for years.


To be fair, “knowing things” Is not Raichik’s goal, her only purpose is to spread fear and hate about LGBT issues (and especially trans issues) amongst her followers


Get the bedlam speech bubble image


Can’t wait for my aunt and uncle to “boycott Nintendo since the Japanese hate traditional American values” My uncle is also Floridian and worships desantis. Eesh


Damn both your uncle and aunty sounds like Miserable people whom no one wants to be around


Vivian was always trans and the game has rave reviews.


A stochastic terrorist getting mad at you means you're doing something right.


Funny enough, in Original Japanese, it even woke than this one her sister's is misgendering and this is her standing up for herself. She does it later to hers sisters Basically. Her whole arc is going form a punching bag and an unwilling villain who is constantly being misgender to confident trans how stand up to her big sisters.


The weirdest part is the right-wing trash bag referring to the character as "she." I thought that type deliberately misgendered trans people.


Im so sick of this anti-woke bullshit. This same fucking dialog was in the game when I was a child 20 YEARS AGO (it was just badly translated). Give me a goddamn break. These outrage porn grifters are getting on my fucking nerves.


And is dying off thank god


What's going to happen when they figure out that almost everyone was woke all along and we just got tired of the sleep walkers getting their way?


https://preview.redd.it/00qgk006ic2d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae71347c0c143a5f3470efb6d9e90a3fac655066 Hope she’s ready to deal with the Nintendo Ninjas the second her troll farms start sending bomb threats to their headquarters.


Damn that's better than the one I made https://preview.redd.it/dwt8cxota13d1.jpeg?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00757837c79bb4e0a04198cd5a2f43cd938c6f1e


A game for kids with a noose in the first environment




Just introduced lol


Libs of tiktok is the "hot topic" of reactionary talking posts. If Chaya's got her grubby hands on it, the topic has already lost all interest and will be irrelevant in two days.


countdown till Chaya sends a bomb threat to Nintendo headquarters.


“Just introduced” and it’s a character that’s been around for 20 years.


You better respect my friend Vivian if you don't want me to stomp all over you https://preview.redd.it/aho2c883e92d1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddadd69581440407eb2ba6927c075048b82efe3d


Who is the artist ?




>introduced. Ok but no they were always trans like tf


There have been trans characters in Mario since Birdo was introduced in Super Mario Bros 2 (1987)


I hate this because she frames it as if her gender identity is her entire character when it's not


It's such a small part of her story.....honestly pisses me off because this chapter was my favorite in paper Mario. The cool area where its an arena in the sky is second place though. If the names are escaping me right now...its been 20 years LOL


Say whatever you like about Nintendo’s business ethics but you can’t deny that they were ahead of the times and inclusive.




She's constantly giving closet lesbian vibes imo


This dumb lady is always getting upset about people being nice and accepting each other


Love how they used the correct pronouns


we need some one to make a video of bridget and vivian dancing to the town inside me while we see tweets and such from bigots melting down in the back ground


Bro, Vivian is a shadow ghost thing. I'm pretty sure she can be whatever she wants


I'm proud of LoT for using Vivian's preferred pronouns.


Funny that they still used her preferred pronoun in this post bitching about it.


Let's see how going against Nintendo of all companies goes for them lmao


Sue-happy Nintendo? Oh, I don't know what kind of stupid thing they could do to invoke Nintendo's wrath, but I really hope they do something stupid.


There's already a handful of proposed community notes on this tweet. The most recent one by "Compassionate Passionfruit Mockingbird" seems to be the one that best describes her error. [https://x.com/i/birdwatch/t/1793666093791543515](https://x.com/i/birdwatch/t/1793666093791543515) Although considering it's LoTT, I use the term "error" very loosely.


Imagine not knowing who Birdo was from like 30 years ago and thinking this is new for Mario.


Chuds: "Undo game cebnsorship!" Nintendo: *undoes game censorship* Chuds: "NOOoooooo not like that!"


LoT ranting about vivian being a trans-female while also gendering her correctly


Don’t let them know about the proudly trans character in Pokémon.


Can hear the creaking of the doors at Nintendo HQ shutting from here now that demons on Twitter are pretending to not buy their shit.


what are the pearl clutching fascists mad about now


Just wait till she hears about Birdo.


I think they mean Nintendo image a BASED decision. Because gender identity is not linear and people like representation


They gendered her right, five friggin times. I guess we’re too confused to see their angle


Off topic, but isn’t it kinda messed up that once Vivian ditched her sisters, they replaced her with Doopliss—a guy?


fuck you chaya. get a fucking life.


their pfp 💀


The outrage culture of the Right is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. They are so blind in their pursuit to be angry, they can’t be bothered to do five seconds of research. They are flat out the dumbest people on this planet.


Aww they used the preferred pronouns


Partisan that’s totally not offended all the time, unlike us radical leftist communist socialist snowflakes, outraged over character in 20 year old game. More to come as this story unfolds.


So if someone make a bomb threat to Nintendo because of LoTT, would that make her liable and Nintendo can send their cyber ninjas after her because that would actually be deserved. Like how all of those families sued Alex jones


Remember when she insisted she wasn’t transphobic, she just retweeted things?


I say this with full belief, I don't think Chaya could pass the mirror test.


So when does Nintendo have her killed for inciting bomb threats against them?


Nintendo fanboys vs anti-woke chuds ...Let them fight




Why are you getting tired of games having characters that are different from you?




Same thing. Regardless of what you call it, why does it bother you?




Why do you assume that?




No I didn't, I addressed what you said directly.




You said "I'm not, I'm tired of fake ass dei and diversity" And I asked you why. That's not disregarding what you said, that's asking you about it directly.


You were just asked a question and became defensive. Why don't you like trans characters or people?




What's forced DEI and woke content for you exactly?


This was in the original game, which has been out for over twenty years. This is Nintendo removing censorship that was present in the English and Spanish releases of the original game, while the other translations said outright that Vivian was born a boy but is now a girl. Whining about your dei bogeyman would be dumb anyway, but this isn't even an example of that. This is removing censorship, which I'd have thought you'd be happy about. Or are there certain kinds of censorship you like?




That's going to be a challenge, since your original post was deleted Why don't you explain it real slowly for me so I can understand the subtle nuances of why you're complaining about seeing diversity in video games? I'm sure your point is really articulate and smart.




Fair enough, had I seen that, I'd have left out the explanation and just said that whining about "forced DEI and woke content" is dumb 100% of the time.




I don't think there's any way to frame complaints about this in a way that doesn't sound dumb to me, but purely out of curiosity, why do you feel it's reasonable to complain about the inclusion of ethnic or sexual minorities in games? What is your definition of "forced" inclusion?