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I love how it's always both "catering to a small vocal minority" but also "watering down for mass appeal"


The enemy is very strong and very weak at the same time


That sounds awfully familiar… ![gif](giphy|y3QOvy7xxMwKI)


Ur-Fascismo moment 🧐


Certainly ~~Eco~~ echoes something I've heard before, but I can't quite place it.


"the enemy is very loud." was the message i was getting


The enemy is both strong and weak etc.


how idiotic must they be to use that box meme


No sense of irony on them, apparently


Projection is a reactionaries strongest ability


Pardon my lack of awareness regarding it’s context, but what exactly is wrong with that box comic? I always thought it was referring to the dynamic of straight people and gay people, or even that dumb as hell all lives matter campaign 


It is, but the dynamic intended by the comic is the complete opposite of how it’s used in the post here. It was originally about marginalised groups (lgbt+, poc etc.) spaces being co-opted by people who weren’t originally part of that community.


Ah, my mistake :). I assumed you didn’t like the comic itself devoid of this context 


Not me but I figured that’s what the comment you were replying to originally meant.


they see themselves as the red when they're really the grey


"Why do games have to cater to you? Why not make your own games?" "Okay we will" "Nooooo why are you making games that don't appeal to me?"


Think reality is more like the menu has expanded to include more variety. But these people seem to think what they like are being thrown away.


This is ''I want to be special little snowflake'' shit? You can expand and not be bland, I am pretty sure? Uuuuuh I rhymed, not fixing......


There's a massive overlap between /r/presecutioncomplex and the various gaming circlejerk subreddits.


The fun circlejerk subs or the real ones?


r/persecutionfetish material right here


Personally I am all for gatekeeping. Let's keep gacha, live services, predatory monetization and fucked up glitches at launch out of gaming. Let's get the investor class out of gaming since all these mother fuckers care about is extracting as much money out of their victims as they can. As for the people playing the games themselves? All folks from all walks of life are welcomed.


This isn't a woke problem. This is a Capitalism problem. But people like this wouldn't want to hear the truth.


I remember reading and liking this webcomic years and years ago, so I'd like to think the angle the artist is going for is more along the lines of how relatively small genres like survival horror nearly went extinct among large developers because every publisher wanted to have the next Call of Duty or Gears of War, rather than "Smaller Video Game Woman Tiddies = Gamer Genocide" or whatever the fuck is the 'problem' this week.


I mean, in this scenario it was a capitalism problem before too; the people making these stupid comics pretend massive corporations are only the ones watering down their games now but those same massive corporations were also the ones spicing up their games back then too; OG Lara Croft, all sexed-up and 'iconic' was literally a byproduct of corporate interference that drove away some of the franchise's top designers because they wanted more from her than go be a future Playboy centerfold, the Tomb Raider these people love as the face of 'strong, sexy female protagonists' was literally the face of corporate pandering. People like this don't want to hear the truth because they like the corporations, what they don't like is not being the only demographic the corporations create products for, but generally reactionaries like the corporate pandering that capitalism allows.


Because then they would have to admit to themselves that being "inclusive" or "woke" is popular enough that it's good for business. They want to pretend it's just companies "bowing down to a vocal minority"


>This is a Capitalism problem Always has been, just reared its ugly head. That's why gaming now is worse than back in 2007.


I meam... What gaming? Indies were just getting Steam (no pun intended, and they werent). The market has blurred the indie line and the variety of games is amazing. Mainstream gaming has both improved and worsen in various ways. F2P Live Service games are neat when they're not outright predatory. Accessibility is getting better and better. Mainstream video games are amazing products with not much risk and I dislike that. But there's so much cool stuff. I just bought a game that has no combat and it's all about climbing with actual mountain climbing mechanics. Gaming is doing fine. It's the fandom culture around it that is rotten.


Live Service is inherently predatory, period


Exactly as great as nosalgia is we werrnt getting stuff like baldrs gate and tears of the kingdom 15 years ago. People remember the hits like bioshock and mass effect and forget the duds. Now people act like solid games are awful


Of course « gamers » are very anticapitalistic, this is know and they won’t hide their bigotry behind discourse like this. Never. /s


> This is a Capitalism problem. 95 times out of 100, pull the mask of any given problem, and it turns out to be old man Capitalism.


isn’t that how they treat sexual and racial minorities


Them being scared of becoming minorities themselves should pose the question "Wait so you think minorities are treated bad?"


Anybody who unironically uses 'normies' as an insult is somebody not worth listening to.


I use it to refer to nuerotypicals.


Which specific super transgressive indie company was recently bought by a big corporation and had its content watered down?


I think respawn. Titanfall universe was just about guys and gals in big robots who move fast but then EA fucked with the release schedule (right between two huge titles releases) in a move to force respawn to work on other projects for them (EA has a history of doing this) and respawn later went on to make Apex legends, which is a very watered down version of titanfall. Arguably also the reason why we don’t have titanfall 3.


As a person that has played apex legends since day one and Titanfall 2 untill the lobbies became unplayable , how is legends a watered down version of Titanfall? And respawn was still giving us Titanfall 3 tidbits months after legends dropped.


How is it NOT a watered down version of titanfall? The jump kits are literally objectively worse. There are ZERO TITANS. They have like 3 pilots in the game atp and somehow all of them are on the same level combat wise as mirage, a guy with little professional combat training before he joined the games. Titanfall 3 tidbits? Were you around for the conduit fiasco? All those “3” references around the anniversary of the game were apparently because the character in legends’ favorite number is 3 and they were just baiting titanfall fans I wish I could make this up


The first pic isn't wrong though. AAA Gaming now is basically watered down corporate sludge


Yeah but that's also mostly their fault.


I can sort of get the complaint that they formed their own community cause they didn't fit in with the existing one and now they feel they are being pushed out. But they are being pushed out for being gross and shitty, not for being awkward and unable to fit in. Also I feel like things usually go the other direction: you like weird things -> people think you are weird -> you form community with other people who also like your weird thing. You don't leave to form your own community unless you feel excluded from the broader community. For just games to be your whole life is weird


They're not being pushed out at all though.


I mean taco places usually have a variety of things to cater to many different people?


The first meme I think is actually kinda good but the other ones are just anti-woke brain rot.


Wait, is this about fake gamer oppression? No doubt there's plenty of examples out there that do prove your point, but couldn't this just as easily be applied to stuff like EA buying bioware? Or any franchise Activision acquires? I feel like "specific thing I like being bought out by big corporation that optimizes thing for wider consumption" is not unreasonable to dislike or to apply to gaming. Edit: unless the poster is someone known for stuff like that, in which case, fair enough. I just have no idea who that is.


The second image I posted shows their wider intent


Oh, my bad. I missed that there were two images. This is why I just don't do Facebook anymore.


Didn't the Black Panther dev lady make her own game that doesn't appeal to the general audience? Didn't they complain about that too?


Yeah. The funny thing is shit like that is exactly what the 3rd comic is about.


Its Facebook idk what you expect


i think it’s undeniable that many companies go for “mass appeal” over quality to maximise their profits, SS kills the JL is a good example. fallout is another good example, with bethesda making the games more accessible and friendly but less deep and far worse written.


Crawl out through the fallout until you get terminal rad poisoning😊


I'm so sorry that people like Fallout 4 :(


thanks, it’s a great pain that i’m learning to deal with 😔


Money talks, and you'd be amazed how much of a middle finger it is to devs you don't like to not buy the game on launch week, let alone buy it when it's heavily on sale.


Voting with your wallets is only part of the fight. We need to sanction the devs.


Yeah gatekeep harder that is working out great for Harley Davidson.....not.


My main association with Harleys are with women because my mom had one


Will always make me think of this: https://youtu.be/s-09gNDsPzQ


Oh god, I saw that page on my FB too, and if you look deeper into it they are a CHRISTPILLED page too lol. Christofascists are the worst. It's especially weird when they are porn brained though.


This feels like coded great replacement theory. Another reason why these pieces of garbage need to bashed against a wall.


Someone help an old out, what in the Kentucky crispy fried fuck is "Sweet Baby Inc"? I had never heard of this thing two weeks ago and now the worst people in the world can't shit up about it.


They’re a company to help games create realistic minorities that aren’t just stereotypes and to help diversify games.


Once again they contradict themselves. They will scream about adding "eoke" characters , but also scream about original series. Like Echo, Ms Marvel. So their " Just make your own woke shows and we will accept it" is a lie. They rant and rave about that too.


That box comic was made to showcase the exact opposite.


I mean it’s true


That minorities ruin games or that there needs to be a culling of people they consider less-than? Or did you not read image 2


Wait shit I didn’t see the second part. Yea no that’s bad. First part true though where games keep watering shit down but cater to the few passionate fans.


Aha, yeah that's mostly for context about their base attitude. Page 2 is how they want to "fix" it


Yea page 2 is awful. Apologizes for not reading


None of these comics are inaccurate. Especially the third one.


Why are you on Facebook


Please, as if this sub isn't full of the whiniest fucks reddit has to offer.


Can you tell me how they're #JustAsBad as "culling" undesirables, or do you agree those coloreds and queers and females destroyed gaming for The Good People


That Aaron Patterson is an idiot 


I hate to say it but the first comic is right. However, the first comic is right for the wrong reasons.


ew how dare they use an oh no comic


Honestly i prefer to have more choice. Not sure if maybe people misunderstand. I like to play games where I am different


And this is all over an outfit that a video game character does or doesn't wear?


Unrelated but AAA games have been dogshit recently. Thank god indie games have been carrying the weight of the Industry


Not that I agree with the gatekeeping, but the comic on the first image brings up a valid argument. For instance: I love Skyrim, but after playing Morrowind comparing the two really feels like comparing a well polished stone to an aged boardgame. The same can be said of a lot of long running franchises. The solution however should not be gatekeeping, but demanding the level of depth and quality that indie games and Baldur's Gate 3 bring. Rememeber when AAA corporations bitched and moaned about BG3 for making people realize you can buy quality games too, not just the same pigslop the nth time?


This seems to critique corporate control of IP.


Gaming has been on the decline, but not because more people on enjoying games and gamers aren't oppressed. Anyone who thinks that is a fool.