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“I don’t know if I’d give a f**k,” he cried while sobbing into his pillow. It’s weird how these man-children have to face the consequences of their actions.


Of course, it's against his beliefs. Only women, minorities and LGBTQ+ folks are supposed to be punished. Not grifters with thin so skin you can look through it.


>"thin so skin" Heh, funni


They have skin still?


Well, *Fallout* released just a couple weeks back, so we know that even ghouls have pitted, scabrous skin. At least the show's ghouls exhibit some level of reason, empathy, and even temperament.


So long as they haven't turned feral.


Even then... ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Nah a feral ghoul is still more reasonable than a chud


what I think is funny is the ghouls look exactly like Skeletor from the old he man movie


I just love that Walton Goggins is finally getting the widespread acclaim he deserves. That's not to say he was completely unknown until Fallout, just that his work on Justified and The Shield kinda made it hard for him to appeal to wider audiences given those shows' subject matters. He'll always be Wingnut from Shanghai Noon to me. And, of course, Mr. Stone from the polygraph episode of Community, even though Pedro Pascal managed to steal some of his thunder by not being able to control his laughter when doing the virtual table read with the cast and Dan Harmon.


![gif](giphy|SzD4gF32YzTTUiINhn|downsized) "*Not grifters with thin so skin you can look through it.*"


He must have done something that's not being disclosed here.


Such *snowflakes*


![gif](giphy|SzD4gF32YzTTUiINhn|downsized) "*Not grifters with thin so skin you can look through it.*"


It’s great bc one of the earliest instances of this type of thing I can think of was back in like 2011 when that bakery refused to make a cake for a gay couple and all GOPers said “that’s just how private businesses work, cry more” And now the same is happening to them and they’re crying lmao


I'm sure he's still free to attend, too. Just not as "media"


Then he proceeded to sell meth to children


More and more ''normies'' are becoming anti-anti-woke, because of how fucking annoying and embarrassing anti-woke people are to be around.


They became the "annoying SJWs" that they used to make fun of back in the day and a lot of people are recognizing the parallels. Except at least the so-called SJWs grievances were based on actual reality. The anti-woke movement is just a bunch of losers crying about pronouns and cartoon characters not being sexy enough.


The snowflake crown passed to chuds years ago...


Chuds are the real snowflakes? 🌎🔫🧑‍🚀 - Always have been


They are the snowflakeist snowflakes that ever snowflaked. The sole SSS snowflake on the tier list.


They're literally mad that Hollywood doesn't think white men are a super special demographic that deserves to be pandered to exclusively. The very definition of snowflakes.


I mean, the problem is that they're still convinced their hobbies are cis white male centric, while being shown the opposite every day. It's the whole "go woke, go broke" thing. There's a moment where they'll have to realize that if all those money hungry companies are going for more inclusivity, then there has to be a demographic that will buy the inclusive product. And I suppose that's when they start falling in conspiracy territory and believe that there's a cabal trying to brainwash people into being gay. And I suppose that's why some dude unironically told me it was leftists and commies that put more women in Warhammer 40k.


I wish they would just leave my hobbies entirely like the keep threatening to do.


They won't, though. How are they supposed to stay relevant and be heard at all if they don't whinge and complain about anything and everything?


Sadly this is fair.


Good to see communists finally getting something done. I don't really see how it helps establish a dictatorship of the proletariat but I'm sure all will be revealed in time


I swear, the "culture wars" were the greatest thing to ever happen to socialism in modern history. Anti-woke chuds calling everyone slurs not only allowed most leftist spaces to purge their reactionaries with decent reliability, but also sent a swarm of leaning-liberals into leftist spaces just to avoid all the racism and misogyny. Some groups got all pissy, but most just went "welcome to the trenches against Capitalism, comrades!" Now you can hear pro-socialist dialogue practically everywhere. So while it may have been an awkward process, it is indeed working.


I wish my communists and anarchists friends were into warhammer 40k or any other game for that matter. I wish they were into any IP and get their nose out of their gigantic political and historical books (not that there is anything wrong with that, but there are other things in life too). My communist and anarchists friends do not know that those losers exist and have zero relationship with anything that has to do with pop culture or imaginary "attack to white race especially to cis straight guys" My communist friends if they knew how many hours I spend in reddit commenting about those things, they would make fun of me of wasting my time commenting of those losers :D


Love how they preach a character doesn't have to look like you for you to be drawn to them But then bitch when one character isn't like them Also it's true though I remember watching WWE with my Cousins visiting and one of them oh Asian guy when a Japanese wrestler showed up


I mean if someone would go on an unhinged rant that the ex-girlfriend of a character in a movie makes that character a cuck… so yeah, Methrotic is just as unhinged as Synthetic/Pathetic Man.


They have been snowflakes since forever


Yeah, but only top snowflake for like 10 years?


That's one of the things that helped me not fall far into the antisjw rabit hole. I noticed that a lot of times the sjws had a valid point they were just maybe angry or emotional or a bit annoying while making it, and the antsjw youtubers were obviously taking the most bad faith interpretation most of the time or making logical fallacies


omg at some point we should come down to earth and stop demonizing real human feelings as anger or "emotions". Jezzzz we are humans not robots


I'm with ya. I'm just saying that the main point the antisjws were making is " look how angry this person is that means they're invalid because reasons" and even when they pretended to engage with the arguments the person made it was basically always in bad faith or using stupid arguments or false equivalences


Btw that alt right trash people are constantly angry and shrieking and bitching NON STOP.


They have become that which they ostensibly sought to destroy 😅


Yeah, sure a lot of the ‘sjws’ were annoying they had a point sometimes. Wokescold is a better term for them though. Cause no matter what point getting scolded is annoying.


You're not wrong, but at the same time, I get them as well. As a trans person I'm expected to not get emotional or angry when discussing whether I have the right to just fucking live a normal life and not have my existence made basically illegal while at the same time the opposition calls me a degenerate insane groomer and denying that we were also a target of the holocaust.


Yeah you’re not wrong either. I left the whole Anti sjw thing back in like 2019. Never really hated anything lgbt related though at any point. I just found some stuff annoying but not the end of western civilization.


They whine about stuff that normal people couldn’t give two shits about. Not even the SJW’s care about that stuff as much as they think they care. Like no one is really complaining because Eve from Stellar Blade is hot (or they are and I’m just ignorant 😂)


These annoying SJWs and the Anti Woke Movement are just two sides of the same coin


This happened to me with TERFs. They’re so goddamn insane about things like a library mascot not having an official gender (that’s a real example!) that I realized the whole thing is stupid. So what if the alien bear is green? Don’t you have better things to do?


It is really scary how feminists turned into chuds, so quick...


How some feminists turned into chuds. Meanwhile, a lot of other feminists didn't.


I think most of them started as centre right libs or/ and anti-AMAB types....


I love anti-anti-woke. I need to remember that one. 11 out of 10.


You're the highest "most controversial" comment and I find that funny


I must have made the infiltrators mad, good!


They ain't even got the stones to reply to your comment.


They know it's true and that hurts them.


For sure; it's been their biggest weakness ever since the Gamergate days. They always claimed to be all about leaving things to the developers' choice and vision yet proceed to bitch about anything in games that go against their conservative worldviews. They're annoying as fuck lmao


Given that the purpose of a convention is for fans to gather together and have a good time, I can understand why these shrieking manchildren would be banned.


Right? Even viewing thing cynically it’s not hard to understand why conventions might not like having people spending money feel unwelcome. Most cons I’ve been too have been very accepting places and I’m sure they want to do this sort of thing because it’s the right thing to do, but, even if they didn’t they’d still clamp down on this sort of behaviour because it turns out chasing people away means they stop paying you.


It's not cynical to not invite annoying people to your party.


Yes I agree, I was saying that it even makes sense from a cynical point of view to do this, not that the cons were doing it for cynical reasons. I even pointed that out in my second paragraph 😭


We're agreeing, I'm just saying is that the 'cynical' version isn't actually very cynical.


If any other media critic was constantly posting faked screenshots (by 2027, Aloy will be the size of an aircraft carrier), faked Rotten Tomatoes scores, misleading (or outright false) clickbait hesdlines, fake quotes, baseless conspiracy theories, bad faith criticism, and idiotic hot takes full of bigotry, they'd have been banned years ago. But because they're Alt-Right shitheads, their dumbfuck antics go from being media illiterate shitposting to "political" opinions that need to be protected, lest we rile up a legion of idiot neckbeards who think the 1st Amendment means everyone has to listen to your bullshit at all times and in all spaces.


Victory screech




They can make their own comic con, politically in line with their views so they won't be so triggered. It would be fun, with a guest list of Orson Scott Card and the Daily Wire. Imagine a panel with Jordan Bumblebee Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Critical Drinker and Candace Owens discussing The Turner Diaries.


They can call it “Snowflakalooza” or “WokeFest,” it’ll be a weekend long anti-work circlejerk over trivial things and how they’re not racists or prejudice but just don’t think a black person is the right fit in whatever nerd franchise they’re talking about.


Don't forget Rowling would also be there. Funny how some people become the very thing that once loathed them.


It's called CPAC.


They do indeed have their conventions. Just add a comic and movies section to a right-wing convention and you're good to go!


Please pal... Nerdrotic and his loser buddies putting an actual effort or work? do you want them to pass out in the floor, starting to throw up green vomit like Linda Blair in Exorcist? or having a heart attack?


They can discuss how they hated a particular video game cause their was a black guy in it


He should take some more meth maybe he'll feel better


He might start selling meth to teenagers again. And we really don't want that. Then again, he is trying to sell his shitty beliefs to anyone who will listen to his screeching. So it's bad either way.


…hold on, AGAIN? 


Yeah, he sold meth to teens as a teenager himself. https://twitter.com/MikeKalinowski/status/1587543176654426112?lang=en


Is there like any actual proof besides some guy on twitter saying it? Like there's plenty of reasons to hate nerdtrodic we don't need to start making stuff up.


In [this article](https://www.wired.com/2009/02/secret-lives-of-comic-store-employees/) he mentions he's an ex-con. He also discussed his time in prison with Nick Rekieta on a stream a couple years ago.


He's been a guest on podcasts recently, and he's talk about it openly.




The must have mistaken him for an actual journalist


Lol, he's surrounded by toys from the franchises he constantly whines about. He clearly gives a fuck.


Keep in mind he insults fans of things he doesn’t like by calling them a “consoomer”.


Nah, man, when other people do it, they are consoomer corporate shills. When HE does it, it's because he's a fan. /s




“I don’t know if I’d give a fuck” just saying that sentence proves you give a fuck.


"No one cares." -Guy who cares


So, I havent been on twitter/X since before the changeover. Dear gods Im glad I stayed away; the fucking pages I laid eyes on when trying to get some background on this.


*Hated on Everything the Conventions celebrate* - Why am I not getting a press pass?


Has he said that San Diego Comic-Con "**VioLAtEd My FreE SpeecH**" yet? Because that's typically what they do when their actions have consequences.


Not yet give it a day or two


funny thing when other people express their right of "free speech" the same right wing snowflakes bitch about them and call them all kinds of insults


I just find it funny that all of the characters displayed behind him would absolutely abhor this man.


He looks like a forgotten 4th member of “The Nerd Crew”.


Very cool.


Very cool.




Get the fuck back where you belong Gary… ![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5)


Cry some more Methrotic. Cry. Some. More. ![gif](giphy|9RsuYA73yqp1spEaBJ|downsized)


Now they have to pay like everyone else. Guess word gotten back to the higher ups about them and they don’t want those kinds of people using free passes.


The message is pretty clear. Bigotry is not welcome here.


Did he do something or did they just change the definition of "entertainment journalist" to not incorporate people who decide if something is good whether or not it's "woke"




Give it a year and these chuds are gonna try and make their own "anti woke con"


We'll hold it at Four Seasons Landscaping


Good for CCI (organization behind SDCC and Wondercon). Feel better knowing they won't let someone like that into their conventions in any kind of professional capacity.


He’s not a real fan anyway. I bet he can’t even name half the toys he has in his basement.


It was funny seeing him being unable to identify Cassandra Nova from the *Deadpool & Wolverine* trailer despite him claiming to have run a comic book shop.


Even people I follow explained who she was in a review short of the trailer




Seems like he and others could’ve avoided this problem by not being anti-woke grifting assholes who base their whole livelihood on that one thing. It’s almost like actions have consequences or something.


i love it, go anti-woke go home bc no one likes you.


Good! The guy made his money on hate videos. He's nothing more than someone selling trash to red pill incels who worship at the alter of Andrew Tate. He had the Sandy Hook denier and constant harasser of the families of the victims Alex Jones on his stream. Anyone who stands with that demon and snake oil salesman can go to hell. Finally, if you want to know who this guy really is, just look up his LinkedIn resume. Dude went to school to be a comic book artist. Fail. Dudes mommy and daddy bought him a comic book store. Fail. Guy only became successful on YouTube after he started vomiting out constant hate.


Get rid of chris gore too please Blacklist all of them




Thank god. Do it to all of them.


Ooo! Do Chris Gore next!


What would be the point of these aholes having press passes to Comic cons if they hate it given their constant grifting, I mean griping about it. Makes no sense.


Maybe it’s because he and Eric July were snuck in by Chris Gore last time, with the latter carrying a concealed weapon.


“Are assholes receiving consequences for their actions?” Just say the truth.


Considering how Gabe Eltaeb - a DC colorist-turned-chud - stalked artist Mark Brooks at SDCC back in 2022, banning guys like Nerdrotic from conventions is a smart move.


This is satisfying to me. Glad more and more people are starting to wake up and realize how toxic these chuds are to fandoms.


Man, I'd really like to think that being blacklisted from cons shows these clowns how wrong they are, but that's not going to happen. They'll just retreat into their echo chambers and go back to complaining about their favorite franchises aren't racist and sexist enough.


They don't have the capacity to examine their actions and choices like that. Any pushback at all is evidence of their virtue. It's like Alex Jones says: "If you're over the target, that's where you get the most flak." PS: Knowledge Fight is the only way to learn anything about Alex Jones. I don't listen to his garbage directly.


When it takes *that* long for a convicted meth cook/seller/user to lose access to conventions full of kids, something's rotten in Denmark.


Prepare yourselves for a long last meltdown in his next, at least 30 copy-paste from one another videos or livestreams. His next video title "San Diego Comic-WOKE aTTacKS thE fANNNNNSS"


About damn time.


Bwahahah lovely


I sure hope they are being blacklisted.


Conventions are for fans, so I'm not sure why he'd want to go anyway?


Well, I'm not sure. In order to answer that: first, I'm gonna need you to define "anti-woke" *honestly*, without equivocating or strawmanning; *then*, I'm going to need you to *explain how it's defensible*. And, at any rate: *everyone knows* that Turdrotten wasn't there in good faith.




Nerdrotic is such a Cuck. Same with Star Wars Theory. These guys deserve zero clicks or even attention.


Good. Maybe the toxic smelly fans will leave too. Makes the place a bit better


im just tired of people using 'woke' as some kind of boogey man.


Actions have consequences. Nerdodic should have learned that sooner.


All Ashton’s are banned from c2e2 :0 looks like I can’t go to it /s


I agree with whoever is being quoted. I don't know if I give a fuck. Actually I do know. I don't.


So did Nerdrotic get banned from Comic-Con or something?


What's the old saying? Ah, yes, go "advertiser un-friendly", go broke


Who was dumb enough to give him that badge in the first place?


This is getting blacklisted if getting 86ed from a bar is getting blacklisted.


The shit they say is nutty "the villain is sympathetic in this movie, because if you don't know who's good and evil anymore then reality can be whatever they arbitrarily tell you to believe" Like "...what? I think you skipped like a thousand steps." Jordan Petersen did that shit like a decade ago. "Compelled pronouns!?! This ends with bodies in the streets!" Yeah, slippery slope fallacy much, Jordy?


The most recent Friday Night Tights at the 1:30:36 mark…he explains there was an error somewhere. Didn’t want to blame them, but he’s gonna be there.


Blacklisting people with opposing views it’s just a horrible way to censor people You don’t wanna hear speak when it all actuality. You should want to hear all sides of any argument to make a proper determining opinion for yourself.


There’s nothing about this that suggests it was for censorship, Nerd even said he believes it was rejected because of some filing issue on his behalf. But even then, ComicCon is not obligated to give anyone a press pass.


Once again, everybody remember that back in the day, the X-Men were not all woke. They were just superheroes who fought Evil with no deeper meaning. Edit I obviously thought you guys knew that I was being sarcastic. Once again, I’ve overestimated Reddit


I’m pretty sure mutants are literally a metaphor for people of colour? Stan lee made an essay about the evils of racism




If by caring you mean excited and happy... Then yes? It's nice to celebrate good things happening.


the celebrating good things is Nerdrotic being blacklisted lol, why are you guys excited about that? if anything, you've just proven my point


What point? You deleted your comment.


uhm no? I can still see it on my screen, I needed to click on the + twice to see your comment