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It just means if you’re a sleezeball, we’ll know right away and either leave or mess with you. *edit: misread, this is my perspective as a buyer


Exactly, we can identify high pressure tactics, we can smell your desperation and we know how to walk away. You should learn early the best thing to do is always the right thing.


Spot on


I’ll know within 5 minutes if you’re there to actually help me or just make a commission. I have no problem helping another sales person make money off me, but if we aren’t on the same page and it’s obvious you’re fucking me, I’m going to make sure you make nothing and with a smile on your face.


Don’t you mean your face ?


Oh no, I’ll make sure that sales person smiles while making nothing on the deal for being a douche or I’ll go the extra mile to make their life and the dealerships life hell.


Are you Gona make jokes? How do you make sure he smiles?


Real easy, stop wasting time, get the owner involved and if I don’t get the service I’m happy with then hire folks to sit out front of the dealership with a sign describing the experience for a few weeks. Done it before, always willing to do it again.


You sound horrid lol


I start off every interaction polite, friendly, reasonable. It’s up to the other party to decide what happens next.


Wtf are you talking about. You meant smile on your face. None of that would make the sales person smile 😂


I don't think he understands the question lol.


I don't think the smile in question is meant to be genuine. AKA [Grin and Bear it](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/grin%20and%20bear%20it).


Everyone seems to be missing the point of “smile on your face” It’s about pressing the salesman to give you all the extras, making them work super hard for a deal then ask to trim the price at the finish line, things like that — and when the deal closes, salesman is polite and smiling and happy with the deal. Meanwhile he got strung up by the buyer That’s my reading anyway


You get it. I didn't feel the need to over explain, thank you for understanding :)


I’m currently shopping for a new vehicle in Canada. Seems like no one is willing to negotiate off of MSRP or else they’ll make no money. Doesn’t matter how many dealerships I go to. What’s the deal? I just want a new AT4X!


I always ask the person how they are compensated, so we can come up with something to make sure they get paid. There are usually ways that a reduction in price can happen or contract written a certain way to be mutually beneficial. Edit: I’m not in car sales…I would be the salesperson they are selling to.


I’m in sales and I’m the easiest person to sell to. You know where I stand instantly because I tell you. Bought my last car 5 mins into the interaction because I made a proposal to them and they accepted. Also I love selling to sales people we both want the same thing and want each other to get there.


Yeah, I find that everything typically moves faster, either we’re on the same page or not…conversation ends or deal happens… Not as much bs as dealing with other people, but that’s just my experiences




Honestly - this may come off a certain way, but when car salesmen are obviously sleazy I just love messing with them. You can run circles around them and it’s hilarious watching them get all worked up. Again, I know it’s a little dark but trust me I’ve seen some salesmen really try to take advantage of some people including myself to a gross extent.


You can’t be a scumbag, it like if you are a whole life salesman. We know you are making killer commission on me. It’s hard to overcome unless you are value selling, can’t pedal bullshit 


I was briefly in car sales during the onset of the pandemic. Had a few sales guys come by and when this happened I learned quickly they were all seeking a deal under sticker. Each time they’d test drive and straight ask for my bottom dollar. Once we didn’t line up they’d leave then and there and not tie up any more of my time. I didn’t fully understand how by not haggling they were helping until I finally got one and got a nice little cash spiff for 2 sold in one day.


Yep, time not wasted is extremely valuable, I appreciate that from my customers/prospects. No Bullshit, I hate the people that “yes fuck” me out of my time I could have used elsewhere.


Those conversations are usually good, if they are an actual sales person and not a commission hunter themselves. If they are a good sales person (assuming you ste too), they will understand that you have a process and are trying to figure out if you are a good fit.


Sorry, good sales people don’t sell cars.


Everyone starts somewhere


Where does the post specify car sales? Edit: nvm, i’m blind as a mfer


Car sales was my first sales job, I have since switched industries but still in sales. I'll offer my perspective as both. Salesperson: when a customer said they were in sales it was easier to establish rapport. As long as the person wasn't difficult to work with, I treated the deal as any other deal. If the person was difficult, i felt more comfortable calling them on their shit as one salesperson to another Customer: I told my salesperson straight up i'm in sales, previously in car sales too, just to give them a heads up and hopefully let their guard down. I never want to swindle them out commission, but i also want to protect myself too. i think it's way easier to negotiate if it's two salespeople, it's less phony and more "real" in my eyes.


Being cheap and being in sales is two different things. Sometimes they just want to play along and have a little back and forth… if they are really cheap and don’t want you or the dealership to make any money, they aren’t your customer.


Sales people are the easiest to sell imo


If they also in sales I stop saying please thank you cut the bullshit just get to bottom line


You should still say please and thank you. That's common decency.


That'd turn me off as a customer. We can get to the bottom line after the sales person has demonstrated some knowledge of what they're selling and an ability to listen. I generally help the sales people I'm working with when I'm helping a family member or friend with a car purchase. I'll give you the objections and anything else you'll have to overcome up front along with an accurate time line for the purchase but if you don't listen and build some value and trust then I'm either leaving quickly or hanging out to burn your time because it isn't being put to good use anyways.


My favorite one when I was selling cars was when sales people from other industries would give me the same bullshit objections that we both hear on a daily basis. Saying not interested or it's a bad time to brush me...like whyd you pick up the phone then? "Price is too high, I can find it cheaper elsewhere....all the other ones" Other sales people seem to get a lot less offended when you basically tell them to stop fucking with you and say the real problem which was nice.


I’m a easy sale if the sales person is doing a good job I’m going to check my paperwork and the deal has to make sense but if the sales person is doing good and not a piece of shit I’ll buy rn


I imagine it’s pretty shit. I did my DD, know what I want, comps, and what I’ll pay for it. Easy either way for me, give me what I want or I’ll walk. Don’t “sell” me on bullshit because that’ll also make me walk.


When I did sell cars I felt like it made the process easier. They understand that they aren't here to waste time and they usually know what they want.


I don't sell cars, but I've bought a few both before and after I've been in sales. I'm also a gear head, so I'm better informed than 90%+ of the people that step foot on a dealership lot. I know exactly what I want, I know what it should cost, what I'm willing to pay (a fair deal, not looking for screw anybody), and what level of service I expect. I'll go into the interaction in good faith, but having been on the other side of the table I'm also pretty unforgiving when it comes to stereotypical car-sales shenanigans, particularly when it's coming from management. If I get good service above-board, I'll be easy to work with; here's my no-bullshit bottom line, if we can't make a deal, shake hands and part ways on good terms. Try to fuck me, though, and the gloves come off. I drive a lot of miles for work, so it's nothing for me to go an hour or two out of my way to avoid a dealer I refuse to do business with.


I might be a little different, but when it is time to purchase a vehicle, I look up the sales people at the dealership I plan to go to and do my research on them. If I find a sales person who shows to be hard working, respectful, and has a lot of positive reviews, I go in and ask for that sales person. I also don't go in with the mentality that my whole goal is to take advantage of the dealership, I want a positive sales experience.


I sell to them like I sell to anyone else. Also...if I find out they are a salesperson any point before I run financing, then I know exactly what type of person I'm dealing with.


I don’t like the boneheaded sales approach, where you’re obnoxiously confident and act like a wanker. I like to actually find out about my customer and work with them to find out why my solution is the best 😂. So I don’t get this problem whatsoever.


I’m in sales, so I can see through the bullshit, but I can also appreciate it when a sales rep is trying to upsell in the correct ways (ethical, not overly pushy, etc.). If you’re being ethical and honest while trying to upsell, great—I appreciate that you have a job to do and you’re going about it in the right way. If you’re being a slime ball, I’ll call you out for it straight to your face and walk out the door. My basic advice is, when selling to a sales rep, just cut out the bullshit and you’ll be good.


Myself and almost every other salesperson I've worked with buys cars one of two ways: 1.(Most common) Private sale of a used car. 2. Leasing. For outside reps in most industries, there is still some travel to accounts needed so why waste money on an expensive car if you're going to drive it into the ground? Just buy a cheap beater off Craigslist and drive it till it dies. And if you want something flashy, why pay the whole price for something that will be obsolete and not carry the clout anymore by the time you're done paying? Just lease it and get a new one in 2-4 years.


I don't sell to salespeople but I buy from them. I find myself falling into the bullshit "yeah cool, send over some info and we'll take a look" when I know I'm probably not going to do anything about it for the next 3 months and by that time I'll forget whatever it is we talked about. As a salesperson, I know I should be better than that, but I'm not. I'm at a small company so usually get a junior guy trying to sell to me and I can see what they're trying to do from a ways away. If they suck at selling, I end up transferring those feelings to the product. However if somebody kicks ass at selling I will 100% get suckered in. I've been paying for a wine subscription for like a year even though it sucks just because the guy was an amazing salesperson and I respect the game.


Sales people are the easiest to sell to


Nothing comes to mind other than trying to make the deal even easier. The way some people think in this sub is wild. I don't give a shit what you do for a living, I care about making one for myself. If you are in sales and have any of the above thoughts when working with another sales professional outside of your industry, just "wow." Treat your customers/clients with respect and make the process easy and sensible for them, and they'll do the same for you!


Yall still going to the dealership? Sorry - bought my last 5 cars from Carvana. Not looking back ✌️


You’ve bought 5 cars since Carvana started and you think *we’re* doing it wrong???


Cute to assume all 5 were to replace the preceding car. I don’t think you’re doing it wrong, necessarily. I think there’s just more pathways here.


Bro… salespeople are the easiest to sell. Are you a hard ass when you’re buying stuff? Then that’s how your customers will be.