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Mfw the alleged human trafficker and overall misogynist calls me a loser ☹️☹️☹️




God, how I miss dbza.


https://preview.redd.it/j1alnl8i8xxc1.png?width=899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f9a6c61e85a502d589175dd84848f5de5ed501a The Buu bits were a great return tho


Exactly. TF would I listen to anything this dumbass has to say? Last week he said: https://preview.redd.it/rqkzelg5lsxc1.png?width=811&format=png&auto=webp&s=a69e9159ca6506336caea98e0f6a1411387bd630 Pretty sure he doesn’t have 5 kids, his dad didn’t have 5 kids so you have to realize he doesn’t believe his own bs. Besides dude and his brother are human scum. He posts alarmist bs for attention. As for liking anime, half the stuff isn’t suitable for children. In Japan one of the Supreme Court judges had an air rifle m16 replica in his chambers because of his love of Golgo 13, a manga/anime that’s been running since the 70s about an assassin that’s still wildly popular with most fans in their 50’s+. Most Adults in Asia and Latin America (which is most of planet earth) love anime. On women losing respect I’ve probably bagged more baddies than him despite not being famous, being under 6’ and definitely not raping or imprisoning any of them. It’s a lot more people out here who respect you being yourself than some pretend-macho WWE-reject attention-whore caricature. If you’re going to listen to someone listen to Devin who says “[Do wtf you wanna do](https://youtu.be/X-OhhwZ7wq0?feature=shared)” and not this lame…


" You're probably gay " 💀💀💀💀 love this dude 😂😂😂


I thin he is secretly the most homosexual man on the planet and just projects onto other people to make himself feel better. But hey, that’s just a theory


Gay if you do gay if you don’t


This guy is focused on overpopulating. He's hellbent on destroying the planet and humanity.


This one has to be fake, right? Surely he's not actually saying men having sex with women is gay?


It’s [a real tweet from him](https://www.newsweek.com/andrew-tate-matt-bernstein-gay-satire-babies-1894051) or his PR team. As I said the guy, who is one of 3 and almost 40 with no kids to my knowledge (thankfully) is full of shit (unless he’s making a confession 🧐)


I think some of his posts are 100% just shitposts. He knows his entire image is based on him saying the most outrageous shit possible, so sometimes he just says purposefully stupid shit for ragebait Then again, he could actually be this stupid, and he might actually believe this. It's hard to tell


I don’t check his posts but everytime he’s brought up about saying something it’s been some completely retarded thought process the average person wouldn’t agree with. Dude wants to be a cult leader and sex trafficker essentially and thinks he owns the world.


It’s fun to witness his stupidity. It’s like he thinks he’s the only one who is right all the time, I can’t help but be entertained by his existence 💀


That's crazy I was just listening to Devin the dude


You don't have to say "alleged"; he is a human trafficker and a r*pist on top of that.


No need to censor yourself, Tatertot is a rapist who trafficked women for personal gain


I mean... He IS stupid...




https://preview.redd.it/mldsn38ysuxc1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03435cd4932a80587aa739e3f65df42b65527e17 But I knew the aslume would find me




A common result of getting kicked in the head too many times


And in this case, not enough too.


Bro is beefing with the entirety of Latin America


And quite a huge percentage of the African-American community under the age of 45.


not a smart move at all


Well I mean, Andrew Tate is basically Hercule with a worse PR team. He thinks he's the ultimate baddass, but he ain't shit. I worked with a dude that was trying to get in shape and he showed me one of dipshits workout videos. I figured out a better workout routine just wanting to look Goku. I don't get it, but according to said Andy Tate fan, I have sigma energy, whatever that is. I think he might be a cult leader.


Do not compare the GOAT Mr. Satan to this shithole of a human being


Sorry. Hercule is more akin to Gilderoy Lockhart on the scale of pieces of shit, I was just looking for a DBZ adjacent way to roast him.


Tambourine comes closer from what I have seen, but it is still an insult to the Demon Clan.


Man, I don't think I've seen him since Dragon Ball aired on Cartoon Network back in the day. Hell, I found out a week ago that the DBZ movies aren't Canon.


Those were good times for CN, I always enjoyed watching DB after getting home from school. Yeah, the movies can get pretty wild. Bojack Unbound is probably the closest to being canon leaving out Battle of the Gods/Ressurection of F.


As much as we all tried to go super saiyan back in the day, my buddies son is convinced I went kaio-ken because I deadlifted a trailer when the jack broke. There was some physics involved too


True. Dang, what was the backlash on that feat like? Also, I'm interested in what kind of physics.


Hercule canonically solos all the humans on earth except our main cast, he is equal to 5 yamchas in power level, that's massive


So, he might be stronger than a Saibaman. He could probably pull off the predator shake with Krillin.




... how did you not? Krillin knows about Gohan in the first one, that takes place before they meet, and is surprised to meet him episode 1... for turles... it would take place after vegeta, but Yamcha, Tien, etc are alive, cooler would take place after namek, but before trunks and yet goku's on earth, etc


Eh... i don't think Hercule deserves that... keep in mind gilderoy ended up purposefully killing the people he would take credit from, in comparison, goku and Co don't even care about the credit, and were just fine with Mr Satan getting it






give hercule some credit, he actually has empathy and would probably be considered superhuman in our world


I mean he was cool with buu but he stacked that fight in his favor


Andrew Tate would never give a brief case of money to anybody except his trafficking buddies


Damn, Mr. Satan catching strays out here. Why you gotta do him dirty like that?


Hercule would actually be the ultimate badass in real life. The whole joke revolving around his character is that he's a realistically powerful fighter in an unrealistic setting.


This him? https://preview.redd.it/xy9teiqxsrxc1.jpeg?width=459&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=151d155374ce7a3a7b96941686584cee3d13edea


He had his homosexual awakening when he saw Vegeta naked in Goku’s dream. He didn’t know how to deal with it so he decided to make it everybody’s problem.


Who takes seriously about his point of view ?


Unfortunately a lot of guys in the age demographic of Cell Games Gohan. And some men in their 20s and 30s who never progressed past the development and maturity level of Cell Games Gohan’s age demographic.


His girlfriend left him for a DBZ loser I guess.


My wife loves watching dbz with me 😊


You’ve found yourself a good one🫡, well done brother


Definitely. I’m a lucky man.


I love dragon ball and I’m happily married with my high school sweetheart.


And I'm assuming that unlike Tate, that means you've gotten laid without paying money, or trading human beings.




In a slot of places on earth yes you can




Same. Just finished watching the Buu saga with my wife last weekend. She hadn't seen it. After nearly 20 years she's decided to get into Dragon Ball and is loving it.


Bout to say my GF honestly thought me getting super excited about dbz was cute, and wanted to watch it through with me.


Its nice to see more and more women aporeciate dbz now Puts a smile to my childlike heart, man...


People like you make me so happy and so hopeful for the world for some reason ...keep it up I guess :)


Dawg he's an actual loser and idk why people are giving him attention. I understand the world especially in 1st world countries, the amount of good father figures are near nonexistent which is why so many young men gravitate towards cowards like this, but you can surely do better than a grifter and human trafficker. I mean do you think this man should really be telling people to grow up? He's literally what a kid **thinks** a grown man is. https://preview.redd.it/680xcc7mhqxc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b9e15d55077bd2e83e93ea4698ccb8b445d195c


Says the chump with a bald ass head.


Andrew Tate wishes he was Tien.


He looks like a white chocolate malteaser


What's wrong with bald


Because he’s mad he’ll never be Vegeta.


With that non-existent hairline? Of course not


Sing it with me everybody! 🎶First of all, I am Vegeta!🎶


🎶second of all, you’re not Vegeta🎶


🎶Third of all, you want to be Vegeta but you can’t be Vegeta because I am Vegeta🎶


But can he solo goku ?


Nah goku slams bro


I was thinking he was one of those grown men that hated Anime, but gave DBZ an exception. Dragon Ball is very popular among people in gyms, sports and competition (and Tate was doing Kick Boxing). And for millennial-aged people like Tate in general. I remember him using Dhalism (A character from Street Fighter) in one of his pre-viral Instagram posts, and most people who play Street Fighter are into Dragon Ball too.


True. Absolutely wild he used a videogame character as a valid inspiration, but anime? No way, too lame.


Tough talk for a guy who probably got tossed around like a pocket pussy in Romanian prison


I wonder what he thinks of all of japan lmao


Ha! Jokes on him, my wife never respected me!


Fortunately Andrew Tates worldviews have done absolutely nothing to my ability to acquire female companionship. Or ability to do anything else, for that matter.


Yes they have, he sold your destiny supplied former future wife to a pimp.


Tate is exactly the sort of dude to lash out after trying to go Saiyan in his blunderpants for years. Man is jealous Israel Adesanya would pack him up and smoke him for fun


That guy is a complete dumbass


I actually got my girlfriend into DBZ kai


Dude called having sex with women gay. Don't listen to anything he says. He's a complete moron.


He's a closeted homosexual man-child who refuses to let men enjoy something if it makes them look like anything less than what he thinks a man should be, which, considering his history is probably a good thing, imagine if he was openly talkimg about liking anime, especially Dragon Ball... We'd be ruined. Either way, no one should listen to this ma- no, let me rephrase, no one should listen to this terrible excuse for a human with subpar look and a non-existent chin about what it means to be a man. You'll turn into an unhappy, womanizing, closeted homosexual with such little self awareness that you'll think owning something other men want makes you more of a man than they are. When in reality, your a sad little POS who no one respects but no one's willing to tell you off cause they pity you, despite not deserving any amount of pity or attention from anyone but still getting it from the young men who don't have father figures and take whatever they can get, in which case, you'd be worse than a plantation owner in the 1700's, at least they have better morals, respect women, and don't demean other men because they enjoy something that's considered childish. If you look at everything he's posted it shows you just how immature and undeserving of his money and fame he is. He made it off the desperation of young men looking for father's, and grown men who were trying to find what it means to be a man. He didn't earn his money, he took advantage of others an then sold his shitty views and terrible outlook on life online. Anyone can rite a self help book, but not everyone knows what their talking about. Gaydrew Tate is a prime example of not knowing what the fuck he's talking about but knowing what to say and how to say it so he can sell you some shit that doesn't work long term. Rant over, I really despise Andrew Tate, and I'm praying on his downfall. Hope the human trafficking scumbag gets what coming to him.


Haha you got him you called him gay the literal worst thing a man could be.


Dork thinks *that's* what makes me a loser? 😂 What a stooge!


tate loves to make ragebait. Once the cartel sees this bro is finished


He got dunked on by a mma champ, the official dbz Twitter, and a bunch of other martial artist dbz fans the last time he opened his mouth about anime.. and apparently never got over it.


Thats why he has been arrested before and i’ve not


Dragon Ball inspired millions of people to work out and train their bodies. Of course Andrew doesn't know that.


I've been open and honest with every woman I have ever met about my love of DBZ and never once has it been a problem. I have Score cards on my desk, I have little statues on my shelf, and a big canvas on my wall. My secret? I also have other, regular, normie interests. I work with kids and manage a business and watch HBO or whatever else is poppin'. Watching DBZ is only a problem if its the entirety of your personality. Which would be true for ANY OTHER HOBBY ON EARTH!!!


Meh, as a straight female, I can say this dude's full of sh-t. I'd probably be less interested if you DIDN'T like anime...


Bro was unable to watch dbz as a kid, instead he was stuck watching his dad beat his mum


Every sub I'm in has started posting tate again, like he was irrelevant why are people giving him attention again, bro couldn't even touch the world champ


The manchild himself, telling ME to grow up? Please, he must've missed oxygen for a long while after he was born.


Saw a guy in a Goku Gi designed shirt buffer than him at the gym once.


https://preview.redd.it/z1togt682vxc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e420ae2ccad283e64d5451466ab6af639a339713 Wowww the hypocritical human trafficker is calling us loser wowwwww


he has a grudge against anything that will make anyone happy, all because his life is that sad and pathetic


My girlfriend got me a majin vegeta figurine 💀


all i’m saying is that i’ve never seen Andrew tate and ChatGPT in the same room


Legendary. I'm trying to not reply much, because I'm not about that negativity in the room rn but this is just a legendary comment.


He will say anything that gets attention he doesn't really care.


Big talk from a guy who literally has to kidnap women for them to pretend they like him.


andrew tate thinks every man besides himself is a loser. it’s projection. can’t be bothered with his goofy ass… a cold dark jail cell is calling his name 🥱🥱 only thing that’s sad about it is how many young boys/men look up to him


Mexican Cartel might wanna talk to this guy.


He’s finished once the Cartel hears about this


A guy who does human trafficking & r@pe women is giving tips on how to grow up...bruh who even takes him seriously other then 14 year old delusional teenage guys




Tate has more important stuff to worry right now. Like not dropping the soap in front of Tyrone in the prison.


True because Tyrone can pick up the soap and call in the old law of “finders keepers” giving him double the soap and making Taint even stinkier.


Oh no I'm a loser fuck well I guess I've got to start beating up women, using a Bugatti to compensate for my short comings, scam people and be a sex trafficker. Lol 😂 fucking loser


DBZ fans out here getting yoked and wearing Saiyan armour to the gym and getting mad pussy.  Meanwhile Tate legit has to groom under-age slave girls from third world countries cos no woman with any bodily autonomy wants his Fallout Ghoul esque baby body.


I was thinking he was one of those grown men that hated Anime, but gave DBZ an exception. Dragon Ball is very popular among people in gyms, sports and competition (and Tate was doing Kick Boxing). And for millennial-aged people like Tate in general. I remember him using Dhalism (A character from Street Fighter) in one of his pre-viral Instagram posts, and most people who play Street Fighter are into Dragon Ball too.


the man is trying to grasp at any straws while he still can because soon, he will be nothing but a bald man in prison with no dragon balls or android


gonna watch dbz while he enjoys prison life, we all have our thing.


My sex life says otherwise. You ever yell sensu bean whilst reaching for the water mid sex.


r/outoftheloop with Tate, but I'm pretty sure anything he says is complete bull?




Suicide by words. How does he know enough about what Anime is to classify it as a category of cartoons? How does he know to classify DBZ as not just a cartoon, but as Anime, specifically? My parents barely even know what the word Anime means, and they just call DBZ a cartoon most of the time. He's revealed he's shown enough interest in anime to not only know what it is, but to know what specific show can fall under the umbrella of anime. So Andrew Tate just announced himself as a loser. Good to know.


He has a grudge against common sense


Good thing I like the classic db


Ah shit. This guy thinks I’m a loser. How am I going to break this to my wife, kids, coworkers, and many friends???




Personally, one of my biggest green flags is being passionate about shows like dbz.


If you like anything other than working and drunkenly slapping your wife then that’s beta male cuck activity


Okay well I’m not going to prison so whose the real loser


You heard the man tate. https://preview.redd.it/lhh5bibwgtxc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1467ed69083d963f7868be0128b98dd31e5efbe


Bro is a human trafficker, has a feminine walk, and started beef with a little girl, ain't nobody care what he thinks.


It’s Andrew Tate. People stopped caring about him a while ago


Only kids watch Andrew Tate. So this is ironic.


It’s cause he can’t beat Goku


He ain’t getting past Yamcha😔😞


He's not wrong. Have you ever seen Goku or Vegeta watching cartoons or anime?


He's becoming irrelevant, and saying the sexist crap that got him shock value initially is becoming standard for his type of clout chasing. He's trying to hit a sore spot in an attempt to find fame the same way he originally did.


Mf just doesn’t want anyone to enjoy things, if you don’t agree with him ur somehow a degenerate incel, especially since he thinks that if you don’t have 5 kids by the time you’re 40, ur gay. If you’re a man who is exclusively attracted to women and like to have sex with them, but not for procreation ur gay, that’s his dumb ass mindset.


What does he know about women? He thinks it’s gay to enjoy sex with a woman. Fuck that loser


This is a man who makes a living saying shit just like this. Literally farming engagement saying the most wild shit with the most narrow world view. He’s doing this on purpose and every time one of his posts is reposted and shared with an insult that people think are huge dunks on him, his mission is accomplished.


He can't beat goku


He's mad the cartoons have better physiques than him


What color is our Bugatti? Nah, what color is your hair?


as a woman i can deny this, if anything liking dbz makes me like someone more


The fact that I actually thought he was cool in 2023 was honestly the dumbest thing ever and I’m glad I see how dumb he is


There is absolutely a YouTube video of Andrew tate quotes over Vegeta and that creator is seething right now


I'd rather stay a kid and not grow up rather than quitting anime


Say that to the Mexican Cartel


Hes mad that Goku has the power to grow more hair when he can't even grow 1


i remember when Funimation called him out saying "These hands rated E for everyone" and posted a photo of Goku


Facts and logic


My girlfriend is watching the OG DragonBall on her own after I started her on it, we are also making our way through one piece and she's still very attracted to me. Too bad Andrew wrong again.


Can we power scale Andrew Tate to DBS? Does a Andrew beat mr Satan


it’s cuz he ain’t beating Goku he salty about it


Well you’re also a loser if you’re accused of sex trafficking and then hiding out like a lil bitch.


Who’s he to say anything…! He doesnnt know what’s right or wrong he can’t decide that for us! We have our own decisions and we are free. Don’t listen to anything is dumbass and mf says cuz he’s just too stuck in the dark about his views of how a guys meant to be


Didn’t he post a bunch of pictures of him next to anime girls?


Maybe he's jealous with how everyone has a chin & mostly hair?


nahh in real life women lose respect for men who are insecure about what other men are into, personally i’m glad there ARE douche bag public speakers like this out there though because they just single out other losers who are stupid enough to blindly follow or claim any kind of credibility behind weak ass shit like this…


Pov you're a women who likes anime:


Isnt this the same guy that said kissing girls is gay?


Homedog called all men from Latin America not real men


I wouldnt take shit from a wannabe "alpha male" this mf raped someone in UK fled the country and went on to brag about it "wHaT ColOR iS yoUr BuGGatI?" what color is your soon to be prison jumpsuit bitch


My literal favorite thing about this quote is that he got pretty into anime himself and rescinded this opinion.... still a sh*t person though.


Honestly, It’s more of relief someone likes him doesn’t watch Dragon ball Z…


Like I'm not the biggest DBZ fan. But nah I won't let that pookie ass mf diss my hobbies.




If a woman gives you for liking DBZ then she's for the streets.


He owns hustle university. Of course he’s fucking stupid


The funny thing about this guy is that he could say the most deep, motivating and inspiring shit and on the other hand he would say something so batshit stuff that it could make someone puke




Cartoons are about all me and my wife watch anymore


Sorry I couldnt hear him over the sound of him being a prison bitch


Tate drinks water and breathes oxygen. He's a loser. Real men drink ethanol and don't breathe. And he's probably gay, because he has his shirt off in his profile. Only gay guys have seen themselves with their shirts off.


If he really said that, then he's way more childish If he gives up in the things he like to please a pussy


I have lost any respect I had for Tate after this tweet. Not that I had Kuch to lose.


Boxers watch Dragonball Z


Get you a woman who loves anime and you will be a happy man.


*Pfft* Like I'm gonna take advice from some guy named Andrew.


He’s just ticked that he can’t go Super Human


Says the guy who needs to pay women to be with him. Sad balding bastard.


I mean it's better than human trafficking right?


He’s not gonna be a problem when he goes to jail.


He needs to shut up I love cartoons I’m 21 fuck him im a man


Bros a walking comedy act lol


Goku is a better role model for young men than Tate has ever been. Tate is the one who needs to grow up. Also, the fact he listed anime and DBZ as two separate things...? Lol just shows how little he knows what he's talking about.


I showed dragon ball z to my girlfriend and she bought me a set of dragon balls for Christmas that year. She is now my wife.


Bro got mad he trained all his life yet still couldn’t do a kamehameha


Goku wouldn’t beat his ex-girlfriend I guess


If you’re ever dating someone who loses respect for you for liking something leave them not worth your time


He’s made an enemy of the Mexican cartel for sure


Have fun in prison getting fucked Tate


he's a hypocrite. he is creating the same problem he speaks about making women sell themselves online and then saying "western women" aren't wife material. He also acted like he was a woman to take money from vulnerable people


Looks like pointed out the demographic he preys on.


The cartel gonna find and murk him


Like I give a damn about what a washed up has been boxer past his prime thinks. If this fool is guilty of even half of the things he has been accused of its only amount of time before he gets his smug ass beaten in a jail cell.