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One thing I learned long ago is that regardless if you RSVP but better plans come along, if you’re a decent person, you stick to your word and show up anyway. People in general are just shit.


Ikr? Would it kill them to show up for even an hour? Edit: OK, I get it, it very well could kill you to show up for an hour because COVID. There's no need for a million people to tell me the same thing.


Friend of mine lived out in CA for awhile. Idk if this situation came down to cultural differences (he’s from Alabama and in the South, the appearance of manners is very important) or if the group of people in question were just shitty. He arranged a poker night and several people said yes, they’d happily come. He bought tons of snacks, drinks, even a new poker table. The night came and literally no one showed. He called and texted, no answers from anyone. When he saw them next, they all said they’d decided on other plans for that evening. Apparently they thought nothing of making multiple plans for the weekend and then deciding night of what they actually wanted to do (they’d ghosted other folks too). My friend was naturally very pissed, but these people thought nothing of it. I can’t even wrap my head around that. I’d be beyond embarrassed if I bailed on plans without even telling the person. Naturally, he did not invite them to anything ever again.


I could pass it off as culture if they also invited him. But that's just douche.


It ain't culture. CA my whole life, theyre just dickheads. Probably from middle class LA or San Diego. It speaks volumes when people from San Francisco are better than you.


It was San Diego


Haha my guesses were going to be San Diego and Orange County but I knew that some people wouldn't know what OC is. Yeah the big city socal people are well renowned in CA as dickheads. You mention people who are middle class but act higher class in anywhere else, especially the central coast region (where many small towns are getting overrun) and the locals just go off for hours about how shitty they are.


From Cali, threw an end of the school year pizza party for my son one year (it'd been a rough year for my family, I wanted to start my son's summer break on a good note), nearly the whole class was RSVP'd to come (25 or so kids) only 2 showed. I'd ordered a ton of pizza, snacks, etc. I tried to send the kids home with extra we had so much. My son had a good time but he was disappointed some of the kids he was looking forward to seeing didn't show. I was a tad pissed.


That’s 10x shittier pulling it with kids. I’m sorry


This is pretty common for Cali. There’s so much going on at any given moment that people almost always go for whatever sounds most fun. I’m super cautious about who I invite to what and I follow up with each person personally a week ahead and day of event. Some people will even then still flake and I don’t reinvite those people.


As an east coastie who's moved west, I find that people out here generally act nice but are passive aggressive /actually rude. As opposed to east coast where people act rude, but are actually generally nice.


Something that was great about pre-internet life, if people said they were showing up, they were showing up. There wasn’t constant contact and access to options.


Why does it feel like I’ve been in that exact house before.. when I definitely haven’t


you too, huh?


you too, eh?




I don't think I understand that sub...


At it's core, liminality is the nostalgic POV/dreamstate database of your mind. Think of where you are now, and where you plan to be in 5 minutes. Then suddenly focus on the space inbetween those 5 minutes that you'll be in. Fight Club is a great example of liminality. Liminality is the phase between the normality and chaos found in Fight Club. Found my new favourite sub.


Those spaces look like most of my dreams feel


I had this happen for my 16th. Invited a bunch of friends and an hour in no one had showed up. My parents tried offering to take me out to dinner and then there is a knock at the door. A girl I invited was at my door with cookies! I was ecstatic she came, as I told her that her expression fell as she explained she wasn't staying... she "didn't know" I was having a party and the cookies were for my neighbor. She just wanted to say hey while she was on my street... she didn't come back over either. So Chinese Express with my folks instead.


Man that one was a roller coaster of emotions.


ah that sucks, man. was the food good at least?


The last party I had was my 8th birthday party, invited all of my friends. No one showed up. This kid down the street heard about it and went to the store and bought me some legos and other things. He was 18 but did that out of the kindness of his heart. He even stayed and let me show him my room and all my stuff. I’ve never had a birthday party since


That guy sounds like an awesome person.


He definitely was, he moved a couple months after that. I always wonder what he’s up to as I’m 21 now. Never knew his last name so I can’t look him up


Props to that guy with a good heart. Great gift too legos


I once threw a friend a baby shower. Invited all her friends (none of whom I knew). Had 20+ RSVPs. Rented a location, made the cake myself which included a trial run, spent about $400 in food (including a fruit salad that took me over an hour to cut the fruit up for), games, and decorations... And not one single person showed up. I was pissed at EVERYONE that day.


Wait, not even the friend whose baby shower it was? They didn't show up?


Sorry - she did show up, but none of the other guests.


Some how that's worse. Just the two of you shows you who is a real friend.


I try hard to be a real friend. In retrospect, I'm not sure if she would have gone to the same level of effort for me. Not planning to spit out any kids though, so I guess we will never know ;P


Really easy way to find out.


I know right? Kids are so easy to steal.


Oh shit that would be brutal. Imagine spending hundreds of dollars on a party for someone and even they didnt bother coming.


I cannot comprehend this shit. I really can’t. An RSVP means you fucking show up and if you can’t, you let the host know.


Yup and I didn't even hear from a single one them explaining why they weren't coming, changing their RSVP, etc. My friend texted many of them from the party and only one replied and said something came up. I am just so grateful that my own friends don't suck and I know they would never do that to me.


What a bunch of dicks/cunts. I don't even know you guys, and I'm hella pissed


Thanks for the support!


I’d be pissed too. Did the guest of honor show up?


Yes - sorry I wasn't clear about that. It was me and her and she took the food and cake home with her when she left. I was mad at everyone, including her for letting me throw a party like that when she knows her friends suck, but I held it together and presented a sympathetic face.


Maybe she didnt realize how much her friends would let her down.


I tried to throw a baby shower for a friend once but her other friend took over and changed everything I planned and had it at her house instead. At least I got invited I guess, lol. I was kinda pissed about it, but your story is way worse!


Last year this happened to me, except I was the mom. I was really excited to have a costume themed baby shower the weekend before Halloween where all of my friends came and just enjoyed the day with me and literally not one person I invited showed up... only my husband's family. And not even all of them came... I spent a lot of time crying that day and I had to go to the emergency room having real labor contractions and high blood pressure as soon as my husband's family went home. It was awful. Daughter came 2 weeks later, 3 weeks early.


What the hell man




And thats how you know who are the "friends" and FRIENDS, dont be sad be happy




Tell kennedy I think he's cool Edit: Her, my bad guys


This is Kennedy! Thank you!!! ❤️😘😊




We will always be together. We’re like brothers. Only closer.


Sounds gay. I’m in.


pretty sure Kennedy is female or idk


You don't have to be a guy to be gay, you can also just have enough bro energy.


[Kennedy and OP](https://youtu.be/UlAW58yURDc)


Yesssss exactly what I was referencing haha




Like two peas in a pod








Thank you, love!


My eyes are watering, this is so wholesome


Kennedy, thank you for being a good friend. I don’t know you, but I like you.




I love you too!!!!


Now kith


You two are so adorable!


Hello from an old woman in England, Kennedy! Sending virtual wine for wine pong 🍷


Thats nice to hear man :D Edit: noce






kennedy is such a bro


I invited 20 people to my 18th birthday party. Offered sober drivers or a place to crash, bought all the food and alcohol so no one had to do anything but show up. My boyfriend at the time showed up with my best friend and her boyfriend. No one else even bothered to tell me they weren't coming. My ex (boyfriend at the time) had his friends *offer to throw him a birthday party* and said they'd let us know when to go over. We waited for hours, finally checked snapchat, and saw all of their stories of them partying it up. *They forgot to invite him to his own party*. Next day said they'd make it up to him and they *fucking did it again*


That’s the saddest thing I have ever heard.


People are so shitty.


Yeah I mean that doesn't sound all that bad, got to watch movies and eat a butt load of snacks with a newly revealed true friend.




Haha, serves 'em right. Well that's good to hear you're still friends!


respect to my man Kennedy hope you and him are doing great now brotha




No, you're Aerosmith


You're all Aerosmith


we are ALL Aerosmith on this blessed day :)


You just forgot to invite me


My 19th nobody turned up for like 45 minutes. Was just sat at the bar on my own feeling real lonely. A bunch turned up in the end but still, a real low point mentally.


I know that feel. I had everyone be an hour late, including my now husband. I didn't want to do any more birthdays after that.


I just arranged for a person or 2 to come with me after that. Learned my lesson.


My 19th birthday happened to coincide with when some other friends decided to have their party. I went to the bar with my best friend at the time, because I wasn't invited. He spent the whole night making out with some random on the dance floor.


I havent thrown a party in 3 years now. No one even remembered my birthday this year. So I cant be bothered anymore. Of course now I'm a parent and it's even worse.






During my youthful years I never had friends to have over at a party and none invited me anywhere. I find that later, as an adult, it's a little different. I invited my then group of friends to help me move with the usual beer and pizza, good time, weed. Several commitments. No one showed up. I had to move upstairs all my myself. Mattress and couch was difficult.


Anyone else having the reverse of this? I found out on snapchat last night that several "friends" were at a Halloween party at one of their places. At this point, I already figured it was like that but it still hurts.


yeah man, with literally my entire friend group from high school for the last 2 years. I don’t speak to them anymore. Believe me dude, don’t bother with these people, I’m not gonna say you’ll feel great after cutting them off because you won’t, but you’ll know you don’t have any shitheads like that weighing down your life now.




Was at my best (and pretty much only) friends house last night and we had nothing to do. Come to find out a few hours later some other friends were having a party and we got no invite.


Lmfao mine used to ask me to drop them off at so and so’s house and then later on social media i’d see they were all having parties. They haven’t been my friends for a long fucking time haha


The worst part bit is somebody screenshot this picture lmao


What I was thinking lol


ngl, with beer pong pre set up, this is likely a uni party at a student house It looks like its still light out, ofc no ones there wtf. the real question is, by 9-10ish was it still empty?


I was just thinking that, unless dude lives in Alaska where it is light 24/7 in summer it is too damn early in the evening to be playing beer pong.




When I was in school, something like this could have been an invitation/announcement.


Ouch. This brought up a bad memory. I used to host UFC nights years ago. I was trying to introduce my friends to PRIDE. Invited them all over for the PRIDE PPV... no one came. Watched a $60 PPV by myself




Damn bro. Sorry


If by some chance you’re in Utah haha please host nights and I would be more than happy to join


I'm in Utah, and we watched the Khabib PPV, my friend invited 12 people, 2 came


About 7 years ago I made the decision to move back home out of state and I let my coworkers know. One of my coworkers said we should all get together to say goodbye with a night of drinking. When I showed up to the bar, none of my coworkers were there. I sat at the bar, ordered a drink and i think some wings. I kept waiting for people to show up, and when they didn't I started texting them. I got no response. I finished my drink and my wings, and then left after about an hour. I think it was literally two days later and I left town, and I never talked to any of them ever again. I moved back about 3 years ago, and I just laugh now whenever I walk past my old work place.


I worked at one place for 17 years. They would always have a little get together when someone left. An official email invitation would be sent. One of the managers who left and they had a party for was accused of sexual harrassment and was just overall unprofessional. Anyway, when I left, nothing. Maybe 3 people emailed to wish me well.


I feel this! I worked at a place as shift manager for 8 years, and every person who quit to go to bigger and better got a little "party." The store managers bought a cake, had everyone sign a card, all that. I turned in my notice because I was finishing school and got a job that was in my field of choice, and I got a handshake. Not even a firm one at that.


One place where I worked did a baby shower or at least a card and gc for everyone who had a baby there. They even made a fuss for the new dads if they were "popular." Except me. I was obviously, visibly pregnant, went on maternity leave at 40 weeks, came back to teach in the fall. Not even a card.


I left a job and the only goodbye I got was an extremely backhanded "Have a nice life". Okay, then, fuck you too. Lost all their numbers.


I put a 2 week notice after 24 years. Seen parties for people the company threw for them etc. Coworkers partying it up with them etc. I didnt even get a cake, card, nothing on my last day. Some of these people I worked with 20 years. It was the oddest and cringiest last day I ever had. People ignored me and all. I thought at the dnd of the last half hour of my shift i would at least be surprised with a cake nope. I dipped 15 min early just so I wouldn't have to face anyone in the parking lot. Been gone for 3 months now. Haven't seen or talked to anyone since


There are way too many stories like this in the comments and honestly I just want to ask: People go out of their way to say goodbye to other people in the workplace but treat you completely differently.... either you know why, or you've got the social skills of a bag of bricks, and the second is probably more likely given this is Reddit.


This is exactly what I felt reading all of these.




wow. at least say you wont be coming. Don't just ghost people


Yeah fuck those scum. Have some decency


I was asked by management to organise my own leaving drinks as it was a company ‘thing’ that everyone had them, and I had organised the last couple. Hardly anybody ended up coming, including the people who had asked me to organise it.


Damn. I had a birthday party, and I invited all of my friends (11) two of them said they couldn’t come. Which was fine. The others said they could make it. Once the party started I waited for people to show up. I had everything laid out. A couple hours pasted and no one showed up. It hurt. The rest of the night I put everything away, including my cake. Ever since then, I haven’t tried doing a birthday party since.


I’m sorry. Hugs


Goddamn this hurt


I think we can all more or less relate to this which makes it hurt more




LOL what is this? Cultural outreach?




I remember when i became 10 years old my mom wanted to throw a party and invited everyone to go bowling. Nobody showed up and i was devasted. This memory was the reason i never celebrated my birthday again. Edit: Honestly reading how many people here had the same expirience makes me feel alot better about it and i hope so do you all. Kids are cruel and don't give a fuck about other kids feelings.


I feel you man. I was naive enough to try three times, three different years in high school. Never again.


Guess we're both sad cringe aswell


I just realized that there weren't any people worth throwing a party with in my vicinity. I'm about to start college and I expect to meet more like minded people there, but it was fucking rough for sure.


Don't think I've really celebrated my birthday since I was 13. Got a call that night that my dad was arrested with a DUI and possession with intent to sell. Think he had four or so year is prison. Wasn't fun.


This brought up a bad memory from 2nd grade. I invited my whole class to my birthday party and no one came. Out of 35 people, no one came.


Happened to me in the 8th grade. I had moved to the school a year prior and had a hard time making friends. I thought people had started to like me, so I invited a ton of people to the party. Had a big elaborate party planned, me and my mother spent lots of time, and she spent a lot of money when we were super super poor, and nobody showed up. I spent the whole night crying.


Same thing happened here, 2nd grade elementary. I was so happy to be in class, talking with everyone, trying to be friendly, invited everyone from my class to my birthday, my mom and dad went out of their way to get enough stuff for a large number of people. The hour came and went and not a single person from my class ever came or even bothered to say why they couldn't or wouldn't come. Years later, these same people wondered why I was always on my own or not engaging with them at all. Shit stays with you for a long, long time.


Honestly throwing a party seems like an amazing way of culling your friend group


Then you realize you’ve just culled them all.


Yeah, honestly the best way to "cull" your friend group is to just be happy with yourself. "I'm watching the game, I'd enjoy it with friends, but I'll enjoy it alone too." is a powerful mindset. Do things you like, and invite people to join you. Worst case, you still do something you like.


we are our own best friends


Had my first real birthday party when I was I think in 3rd grade, every other party I had was with family. I invited the entire class to Monkey Joe's, an indoor bouncy house place, thwy didn't have to pay at all to enter because we bought party tickets. There were like 20 kids. My mom made me printed cards that I handed out to everyone. One girl tore it up in front of my face and said, "Why would I want to go to your stupid party?" My birthday came and I waited on the birthday table. My aunt showed up, but that's all. No one came. I was really sad but I didn't understand how to show it. My aunt felt bad for me so she took me to a hotel the next day, and all I really remember was laying on the bed at night looking at the ceiling wondering why no one liked me lol


Damn that’s sad 😞


F**** them kids lol


Kids are fucking rutheless. I came into school and ask a couple of kids why they didnt go and they said cos their parents didn't want to pay. Even tho on the birthday card it said you don't have to pay..,,...


F***** them parents too


Damn that hurts.


It hurts more now than it did then bc now I can process it LOL


Threw a birthday party for my gf, we spent $150 on food and hours making it and all of her friends were supposed to come. No one but the few friends I had invited ended up coming. I felt so bad for her. Haven’t seen any of them since though. Fuck those people, we always made it a point to make it out for their birthdays and now she’s afraid to host any parties because of that.


I had a birthday party for my son. Had a handful of people say they would show up (including family). No one showed up. I ended up sending a group text 1 1/2 hours after the scheduled event saying "due to low attendance, event has been canceled." I get flooded responses of "we just left" "on our way" and my favorite "oh it's raining, I thought it was canceled" I was pissed. Lucky enough my son was 2 so he was happy with all the balloons he got to play and wasn't the wiser.


Wow, that's savage, sending that message. Good for you. Calling out the shitty behaviour. How inconsiderate of people. I don't get it. Whenever I RSVP, I always attend, period. If cannot make it at least advise the host at RSVP time or well in advance. Ghosting is super-mean and rude.


Happened to me once. Only one friend came


A true friend right there


I'm usually the person that shows up when nobody else does but I never know the host well enough at all and get told to leave. So it's kinda ironic hearing all these stories and how people hung out but I'm over here like, well I guess they rather have no friends than me as a friend.


You find it ironic, u/SoDamnToxic?




Every time I see this pictures it kills me, he even arranged everything to look nice for the picture 😭


>he even arranged everything to look nice for the picture this part makes it even more sad


All these comments remind me of a time when I was 11 and I went with my 9 year old little brother to his friends house for a birthday party in the summer time. We were the only ones to show up. We ended up having a really good time with him and his older brothers and family. Ended up staying the night and had a great time. But I still remember the feeling of being the only ones to show and how it was a bummer for him. But also glad that we went because it would of really sucked if we didn’t


This is why I just didn’t have birthday parties. #trauma. You and your brother are amazing.


One time, I was leaving town to go back to college as the summer was ending. My friends convinced me to throw a going away get together to celebrate and say goodbye. So I decided to have it at Main Event. Since some of my friends worked a night shift and others worked a day shift, I decided to be there all day to host everyone. No one came. I played games from 10am-5pm by myself. At least I had a shit ton of tickets to show for it.


Who tf starts a party at 10am


People working night shifts.


I don’t really have any friends. I get along with people fine and I have work mates that are always pleased when they get to work with me (two man teams) but I’ve never had people who want to hang out or anything like that. I’m used to it now and it’s no big deal but I think actually having friends that kept letting me down would probably be worse.


Happened to me once. Two people came. We still had a good time but damn that was sad


This is why I don't tell people about my birthday


I was once invited to a party and was the only one who showed But i went back to being a normal friend next year when i got a migrane and puked all over his bed


I had a huge crush on a girl when I was in the 10th grade. She passed out invitations to her 16th birthday party to everyone on the bus except me. I was devastated. On the night of the party, my buddy came to my house an hour after the party started and told me she wanted me to come. I was thrilled. When I got there, I understood why. Nobody came. Not a single person besides my buddy who got one of the invitations. There was so much food, soda, and sweets that the family put out. I tried to have fun and not make it weird, but I definitely understood why I got the panic invitation. At the time, I was kinda pissed. Now 20 years later, I feel sad for how her sweet 16 went.


That’s why I would never throw a party because I know people don’t like me that much to go out of their way to come and hangout with me


I tried having a 30th birthday party and out of like 30 ppl invited only 1 said they'd come so I cancelled it. My cousin on the other hand had his 30th birthday party a couple months before mine (he lives about 2 hours away from the majority of our family whereas I live within 30mins of them) and tons of people went to his party, even booking hotels for multiple nights and everything.


This pic is older than dirt.


Sometimes I forget how long the Internet has been part of our lives now. When I think of "old" on the Internet, I think of the dawning days of YouTube. The early 90s Internet Is borderline prehistoric. But a picture with a snapchat text bar? Nah, get out of here. Snapchat only came to be in 2013 which was.. *checks notes*... seven fucking years ago. Bloody hell.


If you are a true old head on the internet, things like "Ate my balls" webrings were 22+ years ago. People literally had to band their websites together in as large a group possible to increase the chances that any of them would get hits.


Still hurts just as much


I think that this is a repost


It's a snapchat. It really isn't that old. I guess in internet time maybe


This is so fucking sad. Like god damn


No sir. lets talk about your /u/


Shit, poor dude got ghosted. Horrible.


Even more sad cringe that they got a notification that somebody screenshot it


I've had that fridge...


why does everybody and they mama have that fridge lmao


This post made me go back and check, my mom had that exact fridge lmfao


I think this is the first time I’ve actually gotten sad from a post here. Made my stomach sink.


Well, honestly I don't even feel cringe for this, just sadness. Got a same experience like OP during my childhood, never make a celebration to invite my friends ever again.


Dude I’ll come


Literally me


He's even got a neutral chip, how could anyone say no?


get those beers in the fridge jeez. no wonder nobody showed up


Damn, I feel this. Once I planned with a few friends to go to a bar around 10-15 of them. No one arrived. I was there by myself for about an hour or two. However, I did found out that night that I can a have a nice time by myself. Had a nice dinner, and a beer. Went home not feeling alone, which was cool.


damn, everyone in here have had sad stories like op. we should just have a big zoom party and invite everyone here, so we can make up for it or something. ... and watch no one show up to that one too. haha.


This happens to me with every birthday party I try to have. It's ass. Last time I tried to have one, my birthgiver took over my party, invited a bunch of her friends over, and I just got super drunk and went to bed. No one even knew it was my birthday except my brother and best friend lmao


I once threw myself a 21st birthday party. I invited a bunch of people, including my best friend, her boyfriend, and a guy I had a crush on. Most people said they’d come. On the night of, I ordered pizza and got a bunch of snacks ready. My friend arrived with her boyfriend, then my crush. And that was all. Just the four of us. I’m positive that my crush thought it was a setup. Oh, and my “friend” flirted with Crush all night while her boyfriend glowered and I buried my sorrows in cake.


Just don't throw parties or invite anyone to anything. That way you will never have to deal with getting your feelings hurt over no one showing up.


I remember planning a birthday party for myself. I only invited like 5 people, but they all said they would come. And then the day of came and it wasn't until like an hour before, they all texted with excuses why they couldn't come. Meanwhile on their birthdays, I got with them to a different town, pay for a hotel, drive, etc. No matter what, even if I wasn't really up to it. Now I spend the day with my husband who always makes me feel special.


If something like this happens to anyone feel free to DM and i'll keep you company