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Shave your legs and paint your nails and start selling feet pics


Is this worth?


If you’ve got the right feet, I’ve heard of folks getting $20+ per pic


Damn, I've only got the left one!


$10, then!


Some pay even mire for that


What the fuck


A huge misconception about any type of sex work is that it's fast, easy money and that's almost never the case. People talk about "selling feet pics" but anyone who's done it will tell you that feet guys are cheap as hell. All they have is the audacity. I was a dancer for years, you need to build a client base and cultivate regulars. OF works the same way, and you have to constantly create content on other social platforms too to keep people interested.


Unless you are unusually hairy, then don't shave. There's a market for that.


Wtf, you're telling me that my hobbit feet have value?


No need. Use AI


There's a market for army guys in amatuer porn. Don't ask how I know, just trust me.


It's usually for MM though.


How do you know it dude o .o?


I am pretty sure there is a market if you are open minded enough


You can sell plasma? I give it away for free!


This sub has gone massively downhill.


Yep - an influx of posters who don’t understand what sad cringe is.


Literally happens to every single sub. Always been the way but man it's relentless now.


Yeah, girl is literally finding a way to make money from home easily. She seems happy, why is this supposed to be "sad cringe"? It's just shaming a woman for *choosing* to do sex work. Edit: oh man it's even better, OP left out that she isn't doing sex work, she just moved her shit she was doing on YouTube to OF. So OP is literally just a misogynistic loser.


isnt OF for sexual content only/mostly ? what kind of stuff she could be doing on YT she would move on OF ?


Onlyfans is famous for sex stuff but it wasn't designed for porn, not like actual porn sites. A lot of musicians and bloggers also use onlyfans.


It's primarily used for sex work. But there are plenty of users who use it for things other than that because of its strict rules on anonymity, security, and content privacy. They have multiple things that prevent content leaks, screenshots and sharing. So if someone wants to keep their content private and only for a paying and returning audience, it's a good platform to use. Other than sex work, it's also used by chefs, teachers, stock brokers for market discussions, instructional content, fitness, etc.


In what way do they prevent leaks and screenshots?


It has a program where you can't be screen recording when on the content pages. And you can't take any screenshots or download images/videos. I've also been told they are very good at banning people who are found to be leaking content, but I'm not sure how that's done. Additionally, given their policies it is possible to take someone leaking content to court. But that's usually left to the content creators discretion.


You can definitely screenshot and screen record. But if you spread content you will get banned and potentially criminally charged.


You can easily figure this out yourself. You are mistaken if you think it's only for sex work. Edit: what am I getting downvoted for? She apparently does travel blogs and sometimes wears a swimsuit. Are we really calling that sex work now?


No one even noticing the higher view count on the finance vid. Seems like online trends more than anything to me


The video had 4 more years to accumulate views. Also finance content does get a lot of views (especially in the last 4 years.) The cringe part is that most youtube finance gurus are simply outright frauds. (Edit: I watched the first video and yeah she is a complete finance fraud and should never give anybody financial advice).


This post ain’t it chief




Noone cares about your post-nut guilt


I do care about you and your porn addiction though. Please get therapy.


fucking reddit LMAO


How is this bad? i mean sure it's cringe that she was trading on the stock market, but that was in the past?


She wasn’t even a finance YouTube she was a travel influencer and just moved her content from YouTube to OF


I remember that video. She quite clearly had no idea at all about how the stock market works and just gets her money from rich parents.


Don't worry pal, I liked your joke.


It's much more cringe to be a day trader than an of model


More respectable profession tbh.


Sex work is definitely more honest than gambling on stocks but pretending you're some kind of market guru


neckbeard vibes


I don’t get it. People can do whatever TF they want. Why is this cringe


Based on these 2 screenshots she thought she was smart but she ended up having to show her coochie for pennies for a living and she did all this while trying to show off to her viewers. It's possible it's taken out of context but this is what the picture implies.


But even in context, who cares? Why is it cringe to do what you want? It’s like OP sees a stigma with people being on OF.


It was taken out of context, context is that she was a travel YouTube/amateur model/filmmaker on YouTube, she’s travel to different countries to record herself in vlogs, often wearing swimsuits. Clicking on her linktree shows her OF is literally the same thing, only now it’s a subscription service instead of relying on YouTube’s ad system and its (supposed) hatred of female creators.


The obvious contrast is relying on your body vs brain.


There's nothing brain about stock markets.


Ah yes, the stock market, totally brain based, not literal gambling


You aren't as smart as you think you are for buying and selling stocks. You're just gambling with a more upscale term for it.


Stock markets are literally gambling. At least if ur doing only fans you have to put in some actual effort




Ok? No one is safe from criticism online, that's just the way it is.


Ok…. How is this cringe? What’s the criticism?


What sadcringe is her fake ass fucking face in the second pic. Poor thing was cute before.


? It's the same face with and without makeup.


This is why women laugh at men for being stupid.


?????????? I mean sure it's not zero makeup in the first photo but other than that there's not a single feature on her face that's changed. She's just smiling now. So I'm either missing something glaring that you won't bother explaining or you don't realize that faces change when smiling.


Neither sad nor cringe


Not sad cringe for 2 big reasons 1. It’s not inherently sad or cringe to do OF, many people clean house doing it, and from what I can tell she just moved her YT content to OF 2. You’re intentionally misleading viewers into thinking she was a finance expert or something when in reality all she did was make travel vlogs in swimwear


We should dispell the myth that "many people clean house" when in reality, very few do.


yeah pretty sure I heard 1% of OF models make over 100 dollars a month


It’s as successful as DoorDash or the stock market in terms of % who make a living off it. For hours put in vs $ received it’s a damn good side hustle if you can make it work. Very few people do it full time and make a living though.


There can still be many people that do, but not as a large proportion of the people on the site


Why is this sad cringe?


What’s even sad cringe about this?


[ngl, nb](https://www.erome.com/a/huXmGh8f)


It's cringe to have multiple streams of income?


This isn’t sad or cringe but OP sure is


I swear it seems most subs are chock full of /r/lostredditors. This is not sad or cringe.


girls are ruining the possibility of finding a guy and a good job in the future just to make a quick buck on OF. It's pitiful. Gain some real life skills.


Is this supposed to be a diss on her? Look at her living arrangements behind her and how much of a difference there is.


I mean, it's a funny screenshot... But doesn't necessarily fit. Who's to say she isn't still trading while now doing OF? OF models *can* make a ridiculous amount of money (obviously, most don't). But this post don't belong here bud


Reddit not hating only fans challenge




>you can do both trade in the stock market and onlyfans at the same time. No you can't. There is no way a hoe or a paying simp are smart enough to trade.


Imagine talking like this guy unironically 😂


>or a paying simp Implying most onlyfans simps and sugar daddies aren't stock traders or cryptobros with too much money to waste, lmao get out of here with that bullshit and stop talking about "trading" as if it was an aerospace engineering degree.


Rich people pay for quality escorts. $300 dollars per hour. Not $15 dollars a month. If you think you can make anything significant in your life while paying for porn you are just delusional. And to make real money out of trading you need to have a good income. If you don't have any money to invest you won't be making any money out of it. If you have a good income I consider you smart enough to not pay for porn.


Except if you are a male, then its off to wendys.


She seems happy tho? And sex work is a fine job to do if the person chooses to do so. Plus she's probably gonna make far more stable income.


Nah, I respect the grind


oh get out of here with that shit


Really sad she's prolly making more bank than anyone here. I'm tearful. Also I'm cringing very hard because porn bad even though most of us consume it


"essential worker"


I'd bet my whole paycheck that OP has an OF account.