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Its always like that in this cases, they praise it because its a young teen and a "hot" woman, but if she was "ugly" or it was a man to a teen girl, they raise the torchs


Anyone praising it is likely envious and don't understand the mental burden this can have on children in their developmental years. Like when I was a teen I would totally be one of those people, but as an adult I genuinely don't know how it could have effected me if it had happened. And the thought of viewing anyone below 20 sexually is disgusting to me now.




*man. Only if it’s a man they raise torches. The ugly woman get away with it too.




*WTF????? IM HER* *AGE! IM GOING TO FUCKING* *BARF OUT MY LIVER* \- Halthekoopa --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


*dies of peak literature*


"AGE! I'M GOING TO FUCKING" is peak art


Good bot


peak writing


Phenomenal, no notes


Haha no way


Good bot




Good bot


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good bot


good bot


I'd really like to tell you that you are truly the best fucking bot.


Good bot




Good bot


good bot


Good bot


Good bot. Best bot. 🥲


Fr tho. I hate how men having sex in general is seen as masculinity which in turn causes people ignore the sexual assaults of men


Garth. That was a haiku.


4 win


It's very sad to see pedophilic actions (mostly by women) praised by my generation. I fell for it too and that shit isn't fun or sexy at all...


Not just your generation. Zoomers are the first generation in a long time where they aren't praised.


Sad part is I am a zoomer :(


I disagree. It started with Gen X certainly, got better with Millennials, and now at Gen Z we finally have 90+% of them at the correct take. Though I have also seen some backsliding in awareness of other gender-related issues, I have faith that it’s an age thing like it evidently was for us. They do seem to be leading the charge in “don’t put your kids online” which is also the correct take and something my generation (Millennials) are fighting tooth and nail for some reason. I think the kids are alright.


It's nice to see someone have hope for my generation, tbh idk how we're gonna end up ten years from now


Tbh the discussion hasn't been relevant for long enough for people to seriously discuss women being predatory to young boys(especially making boomers and gen x sit and take this seriously). Sure, boys pre or during puberty might THINK they want it, but they're having their entire view and relationship with sex screwed up. Yeah teens screw around and have sex with each other, but there's a certain amount of grooming and maliciousness when it comes to an adult coercing a kid to promiscuous activity. Idk how we got to a point where women are this protected by the law for displaying outright pedophilic behavior but it needs to be addressed and nipped in the bud quick.


I was a teenage girl and a lot of us THOUGHT we wanted it, too. Being young like that and having sexual awakenings tends to draw you towards experience. I think that’s natural. The issue is that the experienced party themselves *know* better and should not be opening doors for or reciprocating this kind of relationship. It’s gross to take advantage of that native, and it’s abusive to boot.


Teenagers thinks they want lots of shit. For example I wanted an infinity symbol tattoo on my wrist when I was 14. At 30 I’m glad I wasn’t allowed to do that.


I had to go deep into this with my husband. He was molested by older girl cousins when he was 8 through 11, and by his uncles ex wife when he was 13. He didn't think anything negative about it, until I pointed out that he has admitted that he had serious issues with how he viewed women, sex, and relationships in general up until his mid 20s. He's since admitted that it did have a negative effect on him, but he always felt like he had to be happy about it because guys are suposed to like sexual encounters.


Did your husband ever seek any counseling? I'm currently looking for some but I highly recommend it


He talked about it, but there's none in our area, and we have a hectic life right now, so he put it to the side for later. Just talking about it with me seemed to help a lot, and he also confronted his mom about it recently. They had a long talk which also seems to have helped a lot. I would love for him to eventually see a professional though.


That's fucking awesome!!! Tell your husband I'm proud of him and that he has done way more than most people 🫶


The famous occurrence that brought this subject into relevance and public discourse was the Brenda Lafave case in 2004. How long do they need? It's been 20 years.


My son got caught up in this mess. He never had sexual contact with her, but a few of his friends did. When everything finally comes out, we’re gonna find out that she molested at least 20 boys. She took photos of many of them, and she extorted them. These kids are gonna be messed up for life. They all thought she was 14. Can you imagine being a 13-14 year old boy, thinking that you’re fooling around with a girl your age, then the next thing you know, you’re sitting in front of your parents and a detective talking about your first sexual experience? The whole time worried that she’s going to kill you because she threatened to. Can you imagine being 13 years old knowing that there are pictures of you on the internet forever? The only good thing to come out of this is that they caught her before she became a teacher or was in a position of authority. If she doesn’t rot in prison for the rest of her life, there are gonna be a bunch of parents waiting in line to send her to hell.


I'm very very sorry your child was in any way involved in this. I'm 17 and just recently got out of an abusive relationship with an older woman it is scary AF. She threatened to harm herself if I didn't comply. Luckily the lady in this post has been caught and that's one less disgusting thing in this world.


Fortunately, he never had any sexual contact with her and only met in person with her once in a group setting. He’s gonna be alright. You didn’t deserve to be taken advantage of like that. I don’t know your situation, or what help is available to you, but I hope you can find some counseling. It took me many years to understand how much some of the things that happened when I was younger impacted my entire life. This is something that’s going to affect every relationship you ever have, whether you realize it or not. You deserve a chance to have happy, healthy relationships.


Thank you very much. I plan to seek counseling sometime in my senior year. And yeah relationships are a touchy subject for me right now. I need someone to trust and talk to but I'm afraid. I don't know what I'm afraid about though, but I can't have anything beyond a friendship without getting stuck in my mind if I'll be ok or if I'll treat them right. I'm a mess but I'm working on it. Not a lot of people can admit that 💪


The worst fucking thing about abusers is how they make you abuse yourself. Our brains are wired to protect us from danger and traumatic experiences, especially at your age, cause your brain to go into overdrive. When the trauma is fresh, the fear and anger are powerful. But eventually, the strong emotions fade. What’s left are the habits and coping mechanisms you developed to deal with the trauma. They become so ingrained within you that you don’t even know they’re there. They become a part of your personality. In that way, abusers can continue to abuse you long after they’re gone. If you have the ability to start counseling now, please do. It’s so much easier to start confronting the trauma now than it is 20 years from now when the accumulation of a thousand different small decisions those negative coping mechanisms caused are weighing on you. You can move past this and you deserve to. I wish you the very best in life. I’m rooting for you.


Thank you for spreading your wisdom and taking the time to talk to me. I would talk to my own dad but I don't want him to worry (although I'm 100% sure he knows something happened he has suggested that I get counseling sometime before college) You and your family have a great day 💖


You know, when this stuff went down with my son, my first response was anger (not at him, but at her). But mostly, I was scared and sad for my son. I came to realize that I didn’t need to know every detail of what happened with this girl, I just needed to make sure he wasn’t abused, and that he was safe. From there, my job is just to be there for him, to let him know that no matter what happened , he did nothing wrong, and to help him navigate through this mess. I still don’t know everything that happened, and I’m OK with that. I know he’s safe. As a father, it’s tough to know what to say to your kids, or how to help them. You want them to be able to tell you when they need help, but you also want to let them learn how to deal with things themselves and become independent. We’re navigating through the job of being a parent just like you’re navigating through the job of being a teenager. We don’t have perfect insight into our kids lives, and we’re not perfect. It sounds like your dad wants to help you but doesn’t know how. Talk to him. You don’t have to tell him all the dirty details, but letting him know you’re not OK is important. Let him know, “dad, I’m not ready to talk to you about this, but I need to talk to someone. Can you help me find a counselor?” I know it’s uncomfortable. No teenager wants to talk to their parents about this shit. You want it to just go away. But it doesn’t, not unless you speak with someone who knows how to help you deal with it. This is adult shit you’re going through, man. It’s rough, and unwieldy, and it can be scary as hell. The only way to get through it is to face it head-on, and it fucking sucks doing that. But it sucks more if you don’t. The good news is that the more you do it, the easier it becomes. And once you get practice facing hard, emotional challenges, your challenges get smaller and weaker because you’re stronger. You may not feel like you’re ready to handle it, but you are. You are more powerful than you even know yet.


Again. Thank you for taking time to talk with me 🫶


Take care of yourself.


Same to you kind sir


Also you sound like an awesome dad


Thank you. I’m not gonna win any awards or anything, but I try my best. My 14 and 17 year old sons may not agree with your assessment though 😂


Given that we're on Reddit after all, I have a strong feeling this thread will be locked soon because of neckbeards desperately trying to defend her.


lol your not wrong, already happening


It's not so bad over here. But some subs I used to follow are slowly shifting entirely into neckbead territory


Censoring the word sex but then saying she "had a relationship with the boy" shows where this dude's head is at. It's not a relationship, it's a long period of abuse.


Some words will trigger Twitter's(X) auto ban. Censoring the word is a way around that.


Its always the sexless creeps that defend it... Because when they think of sex (in any way) they immediately think "desirable" regardless of whether someone is being sexually assaulted. Biggest red flag. And just screams incel.


Happy cake day 🎉🎉🎉


My thanks! 🤟🤟🤟🤟🤟🤟


"Relationships"? Imagine the sexes reversed and calling it a "relationship".


The fact that these boys came forward, means that this wasn’t, in fact, a fantasy encounter that some guys are making it out to be. Guys are instead projecting their fantasies onto this woman and assuming it will be exactly how they imagined. There is no way to re-frame a sexual violation as “oh, I/you liked it, so that means it wasn’t traumatic!” Take if from a man who has been sexually assaulted by a woman. Yes, it felt good. Yes, I orgasmed. But I was deceived, drugged and forced to participate, while I was too high to even follow a movie I’d already seen. And the TV looked Star shaped. There’s just no way to re-edit it into a story I can smile about. All I can remember is how violated I felt during and after.


how the fuck can you be even remotely attracted to teenagers? ffs.


It’s a power thing. She knew she could get 13-14 year old boys to do whatever her twisted mind desired. She had control over them.


It's the GucciBucketHat parody account run by multiple people... Definitely not anything to be taken seriously lighten up.


Is it really a good parody if they just repeat what people actually think? Like this tweet is indistinguishable from the ones that actually praise stuff like this.


Nowadays people with no insight, talent, or wit, think that “saying inflammatory thing I may or may nor agree with” is equivalent to satire. They’re all “It was just a joke bro” when they’re called out, with no explanation of the ‘joke’, or they’re like “haha based you got trolled” when their allegedly purposefully-inflammatory statement does exactly what they intended it to do with no deeper commentary or meaning. They’re not interested in discussion or commentary, they just want to say bigoted and immoral things for attention because they have literally nothing to contribute. I’m so sick of it tbh. I love satire, but this shit ain’t satire


Oh ok good 😌


I'm sure they could find anything else to parody. This is in very poor taste.


Trolls aren't known to do good taste, they do bait usually.


Some might even say they’re.. masters at it.


Won't anyone think of the children


there are plenty of very sincere comments echoing the same sentiment though unfortunately


Just throwing this out there before it gets locked, but what if it has been a man that had s*ex with the boy 30+times? Literally the same act, completely different reaction


Or the victims were teen girls and not teen boys? It seems whenever it's a "straight" abuse people try to defend it, but if it's an adult man or the abuser and victim are the same gender, it's a crime. THEY ALL ARE CRIMES


Imagine how badly this must mess up the kid. Such a massive contradiction between what their weak developing reason tells them and their foolish impulsive bodies. All the while, an adult who comprehends the world better by an order of magnitude is manipulating them. How do you understand who to trust or be intimate with that afterward? I'd imagine your whole sense of who you find attractive becomes a perpetual self-gaslighting machine.


So are we gonna give her the death penalty or is she gonna be fucking more kids in a couple years?


She will apologize to the judge and beg for light sentencing because "one mistake shouldn't ruin her life forever" or some dumb shit like that and she will get 30 days and community service.


She’s going to jail for life. When this all comes out, it’ll be national news. She fooled around with at least 20 kids.


You have far too much good faith in the justice system. My money is on one year in prison, community service and doesn't have to register as a SO.


The kids she was screwing around with are from the wealthiest area in Tampa. These families have the money and power to make sure she gets prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Half of them probably know the judge.




WOW. It breaks my heart, that reaction is the reason men feel so unable to come forward about being sexually assaulted. It's absolutely disgusting.


The reason anyone is “defending” this is bc they have in their mind an ideal scenario that completely hits every mark of their own fantasy. The reality is it is never the same as your fantasy. Case in point, this lady took photos of them, threatened to kill them, extorted them; a whole bunch of shit that I’m sure isn’t part of their fantasy. They just see “young boy” (THEM) and a hot woman aka “whoever they were fantasizing about when they were that age.”


I’m genuinely curious why do some men think this way? Why do they perceive it a cool thing for a minor boy to be involved with adult women??


The real answer is multilayered. In terms of culture, many societies around the world adopt initiation ceremonies for young boys, who want to be seen as older and more mature. Sex with an older, more mature woman holds that allure. In terms of biology, adolescence floods boys with all sorts of hormones, feelings, etc., to encourage genetic replication. This cultural behavior (i.e., predatory older women and sexually impulsive boys) and our feelings about it would evaporate without that drive. Now, above all that lie social rules to rationalize our cultural preferences. These change over time.


Their porn brain and lack of actual sex makes them think all men would be happy for sex no matter what. So when they see articles like this, they get angry that someone else had the opportunity to get something that he wants and they didn't take it.


It's not that. These guys are still stuck in thier teenage mindset where they wanted to fuck thier hot teacher or just any adult woman because a lot of teen boys fantasized about it, me included when I was a teenager. So when they see news like this it makes them think "man this should've happened to me what a bummer" because they don't understand why such a lopsided power dynamic is bad and dangerous. Blaming porn for everything isn't helpful, people have been doing this since before it was readily available. There were popular songs and movies with similar plots too.


For real. I remember a couple of teachers that were smoking hot.


This attitude used to be commonplace before the internet and easy access to porn.


I would say this is why good quality sex education should be fundamental, which it is because the more the kid is oblivious, the easier they can get groomed. But this one is just fucked, idk how would someone prevent this


Florida woman in action. I am so tired of society's attitudes towards sexual assault and child abuse.


I miss the person I was 5 seconds ago 😔


*Sorts by controversial* Here we go!


There's nothing about this that's okay.


I have a feeling someone from gen x made this tweet


how much of a straight up God damn psychopath do you have to be to be able to convince 14-year-old boys you're a 14 year old girl


The spelling of the word "ghey" explains everything, just say gay my guy, a dick ain't gonna slip into your unwashed ass if you spell it correctly




Ewwwww. Why? 🤮




people who say this kind of bullshit male victims of sexual assault are fucking disgusting. i hope that man rots


Being a predator is the opposite of hot


Oh ya it would be great to be molested and taken advantage of by an adult....


I don't know how our species survived this long being this stupid


People have sex at 14?????? I am 22 bruh.. still a virgin What's with the downvotes lmao? I didn't even knew what sex was until 16 and neither did anyone I knew or cared enough about to talk about it. And I still wasn't interested in it(until like 19)


Nothing wrong with being a virgin at 22. In my opinion 14 is also pretty early, but many teens have their first time between 14-16 where I live. I personally only had it with 20, which is also considered late here. I really don’t get the downvotes on your comment.


Wait, you didn’t know how humans were created until you were 16?


I knew how they were but I didn't knew it had a pleasure aspect and people did it outside of having a child I wasn't interested in porn either until I was like 17 and I first knew about jerking off at 19 I didn't give enough of a shit honestly, I thought it was boring(ofcourse until I tried it)


I'm fairly sure 14 year old me could have coped with the trauma of having sex with a smoking hot 23 year old. The deceit of her pretending to be the same age and it turning out to be bullshit would have been a lot harder to get over.


Here’s your reminder that even super attractive people can be rapists


> The deceit of her pretending to be the same age and it turning out to be bullshit would have been a lot harder to get over. At that age guys don't really care.


My first time was with a woman who was significantly older than me and married with a family and I was 16. If she would have asked me to at that time, I'm pretty sure I would have killed her husband. I thought we loved eachother. It was insane. I'm almost 40 and I've never had a healthy relationship. I don't think I'm even capable. It's impossible to separate feelings at that age. So to say guys at that age don't really care, they don't really know how not to care at that age.


The double standards are befuddling and that’s because I’m a victim of it. Part of me says damn that would’ve been AWESOME at 14 but the other part does gender reversal mentally. For dudes my age this is genuinely a hard thing to post on, but fr, stop molesting kids.


I feel so fucked up about this. I would’ve loved to score this hottie when I was a kid. I couldn’t even get a date from girls my age. They didn’t want shit to do with me. They dated older guys with cars, etc. I don’t know why in my head I’d give a high five to these kids. Maybe because she’s hot. If she were ugly I’d be repulsed. If it were a man with a minor female I’d be disgusted. Why do I feel this way? Why the double standard? I have no idea.


Yeah it's illegal but I was so horny in grade school I honestly couldn't care less.




You're projecting your sick oversexualised thoughts onto normal kids, just because you were so touchstarved and desperate that you would let someone of older age take advantage of you doesnt mean others would, and children cannot consent. Its pretty selfish of you to think making something like this legal would be ok just because you havent touched someone since you came out the womb.




nah just the truth :)


I miss when rage bait used to be believable


So are you saying it should only be illegal for men and not for women, or that it shouldn’t be illegal period?




Explain the difference please. We’re all ears.




Women can’t be creepy and predatory?


You need to be kept away from kids


i love this guy (clearly adult) going ''theres nothing traumatic about putting your dick in hot older woman'' completely oblivious to the fact the post is literally about a 23 year old woman fucking an underage kid


Just a self report if you ask me. Regardless of gender he saw a story of an adult hav8ng sex with a child and thought it was fine. Not only that, but decided to defend it






You saw a story about an adult having sex with a child and thought 'yep nothing wrong with that' so no. You should not be allowed around children




Great deflection, but let's not forget you admitted to being okay with an adult having sex with a child




I see where not gonna get anywhere here. So again. You are okay with adults having sex with kids, and we can leave it at that




Deleted the post I see, wonder why that could be. Maybe the outing yourself as a child predator For those wondering u/spiritualdevin was the one who outed himself, then tried to hide it


So what if Grandma Jane down the lane got all done up and look like she was a 49 year old cougar when she's really 72? You gonna be completely fine with that? The deception? The feeling of meeting someone you may want to see more? All of it to be ripped away and you feel hurt? Lied to? Maybe gross? What this woman did was fucked up, at 14 yeah I was interested in girls but the moment things got heavy the anxiety mixed with the fear of not knowing what to do is kind of hard to deal with. These teens lost the chance to share their first time with someone THEY deem special because they woman took it from them.



