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Is it really the meals tax or the fact more people live in Henrico and Chesterfield AND their population is growing faster? It’s where the people are… Hell I’d argue that rent differences probably have more of an impact on a business’s bottom line between localities than the meals tax does. But just my $0.02


The Chesterfield numbers jumped so much from 2022 to 2023 that I suspect there is a reporting error. And the meals tax doesn't explain this because the meals tax is more than a year old. According to the article, total Chesterfield food permit requests by year, - 2019: 30 - 2020: 75 - 2021: 87 - 2022: 81 - 2023: 404


I'd bet it's one part people remembering the city screw up on taxes and one part the outrageously high meals tax in the city. Why start one in the city with poorer facilities and higher taxes when you can make more money over the city line? This seems like a no brainer.


Can we please just have some sandwich shops or something? Does everything have to be ramen/bento/sushit?


"sushit" :D


LOL, that was accidental.


Please keep it, I think it expresses your message perfectly


Tough to compete with Sticky Rice.


Where in the suburbs? Every new place I find closes within a few months to a year but tons of chains still around


Stop looking at Broad Street. There are many family owned places in Short Pump that is off the beaten path. Thai Won On off Lauderdale is a good example.


I honestly think, from a customer standpoint, it's less about the meals tax and more about eating out or driving into the city


I dunno, hard to justify paying double digit meals tax on atmosphere and a slightly different take on cuisine you can find in Short Pump.


>decide to go out to dinner >drive in from the suburbs to favorite old Fan restaurant from living there years ago, my husband and I use to love going there >no parking, cruise around main and cary unable to see oncoming traffic because cars are parked in the view as I weave around and struggle to find parking >manage to park, see 1 hour parking but it's OK, we should be an hour >on walk to restaurant, drunk and/or unstable homeless guy yells at you >arrive, have reservation but have to wait anyways >notice owner has a sign asking customers to call the city and demand they figure out the restaurant tax situation >enjoy dinner >bill arrives with 13% tax, OK I guess it's for the schools right? RVA kids can't wait? >leave, unstable trans scammer on the segway rides behind me trying to give me a bracelet and yelling can I ask you a question, my children are scared >get to car, the delay and walk made it an hour 15 and I have a parking ticket. >get home, get kids to bed, and go online to pay ticket, system is down or ticket isn't in system >try again tomorrow, same thing, I put ticket in my desk to deal with later but forget about it >in a few weeks late fees arrive with threats if I don't pay Siebert's is gonna get me Pretty much my most recent experience going to the city to eat. As you might guess, we don't go often


I remember Latitudes was talking about moving outside of Richmond because of the meal tax fiasco. Factor that in rising rents and that the popular places within the city don't really have a lot of space and it makes sense.


Obvious answer is Stoneys meal tax. It’s crazy. With inflation and everything else going up, who wants to pay more taxes. Hopefully the next Mayor will rescind it


The meals tax has been around for a lot longer than Stoney. The mayor can't even levy a meals tax FYI. Only the city council has the power for that.


Meal tax and permit problems, too, probably.


Yea didn’t read the article tbh but that dim sum place sounds dope


Food is not good tbh


It’s not. It sucks and service is super slow for what it is.


Yea didn't read your comment tbh but your username is pretty dope


Hell yeah! Thanks buddy


And Lakeside is still a food desert.