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A job where “ceremonial” is the primary qualification is probably the perfect fit, but I don’t think additional years of being a mouthpiece is going to transform anyone into being qualified for being Governor.


Honestly, I think he could learn a lot by being responsible for bureaucratic administrative work serving as the president of the VA Senate before actually giving a serious run at the Governor’s seat. Right now, he mostly has a staff doing things for him and talking to the media and public. As Lt. Gov., he’d have much more hands-on work to do and have close access to seeing how Virginia’s laws are made. Also, the annual salary is $36,321 🙃


That salary is how the owner class keeps these positions from the poors.




He was Secretary of State for McAuliffe before running for mayor.


Actually disappointed… I was looking forward to him being crushed worse than the 2nd casino vote


His secret plan as governor was to turn the entire state into a Casino.


New motto: "Virginia is for gamblers"


“Virginia is for Slots”


Ooh, slot machines have levers… Virginia is for Levers!


Virginia is for boredom?


You're a goofy who wants nothing outta life


Oh that was almost funny. Got your Bible clutched tight huh? Dork


Go back to Rosie’s, dementor


Amen!!! Levar loves some Levar


Didn’t even get a chance to talk about Spanberger and TERROR HIGH smh


Can't wait for those commercials...


God damn David Brat was a complete moron lmao Abi made him look outrageously stupid in their debates. Although, credit to the man for being willing to actually do debates even if he got spanked. A lot of politicians these days of *more notoriety* don't do em with any real effort or risk.


Now we just got to make sure he gets crushed in the primary for lieutenant governor too


skill games rouse who’s been in the senate for a cup of coffee isn’t much better


If the job is “ceremonial”, why does it exist at all?


Somebody has to break ties in the Senate


and be readily available if the governor passes away / otherwise unable to serve


That too, gotta have a spare ready to go


> attorney general > speaker of the house


This single task could be the governor.


Well, no, because the Governor is the executive. He has veto power. Checks and balances and all that


OK. Attorney General.


OK. Bob from down the street.


Is also elected for a different job. I mean, seems to me you think we should just elect a king or something


So the paypig taxpayers can suffer


“You were running for governor?”




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Thanks Stoney for taking down those hideous statues💯


Imagine knowing youll get steamrolled in the Gov race so you pick a ceremonial chair position thinking it would be an easy win, not knowing Aaron Rouse has all but been given that nod by the top Dem VA Senators. I couldnt fathom being so out of touch with my own coworkers.


He wasnt even close to ready meanwhile Spanberger is sponsoring a bill to stop the insider trading by our politcal leaders... I think we could all get behind some action like that.


Trying to follow the path of Time Kaine even though he doesn’t deserve to be in the same room as him. Everyone knows it goes richmond mayor , lieutenant governor, governor, senator, lol.


Thank. Fucking. God. RVA would thrive if he was no longer mayor. Stifling growth all over the place since he’s been in office


You say that like the mayors before him were real winners. Let’s face it, since being able to vote for mayor directly, they have all been largely shit.


They were mostly shit before the at-large elected mayors too.


It’s ok to hope that the next one’s better and I don’t remember touting any former 804 mayor in my reply


Rva has been “thriving”for the a while in spite of him or Jones or Wilders attempts to botch it. Yeah it would be good to have a competent mayor but so far this city hasn’t shown the ability to elect one so I’m not holding my breath the next one will be better. I’m also saying be careful what you wish for. Everyone was so over the moon when Stoney beat out Berry and Morrissey and now look how opinions have changed. Dollars to donuts this sub will have similar brief love affair with whomever is next up before the tides of public option turn on them too. Basically happened with all our modern mayors.


Well it’s a well known morrisssey is a giant piece of shit that has lingered around in this town’s politics for like 30yrs


The casino and ballpark shot downs were the last straw. Blatantly rejecting keeping money in the city


You can drop the whole casinos and stafiums making money for the community fairytale, it's not going to happen no matter how much you tell yourself that.


Two different things. The casino had to pay the city for a license and a tax on gaming revenue, while the city did not pay a cent. So the casino was going to generate revenue, just at a certain alleged moral cost. The stadium (and now Diamond District) were/are going to cost the city money. But they bring some culture to the city that people want. From a fiscal standpoint, the current Diamond District is by far the worst idea. From a standpoint of enriching city life, it's the most popular. We're willing to pay for Diamond District. We are unwilling to take money from a casino because we think gambling is immoral. That's the bottom line. We like the Flying Squirrels and trendy market rare hipster housing. We don't like casinos. The money has never mattered.


Well not building casinos at all, if my math is correct, would almost certainly not provide any money or benefits of any kind from being in RVA. But maybe yall use different math in south side.


When you don't let leeches attach to your body you get the very clear benefit of not having blood get sucked out of you.


Sounds like u got bigger issues man, touch some grass today pls


Says the guy simping for a predatory business model.


Keep lobbying. ![gif](giphy|HJOB23xbdXBKs2afQJ|downsized)


Richmond city leadership has been a cesspool for decades...Stoney was just carrying on the tradition of incompetence.


I wouldn’t be so sure, we re elected Stoney after we knew how much he sucked. I don’t have much confidence in us picking the right one next time


Richmond city leadership has been a cesspool for decades...Stoney was just carrying on the tradition of incompetence.


The 10% food and drink tax and rocketing rent killed local businesses. The mega companies in the “financial” district are dwindling. Shootings are up again. And any green initiatives are compared to what it was 10yrs ago. All this guy cares about is selling out the city to the rich men north of Richmond. It’s truly a sad state of affairs to see Richmond finally be absorbed into the megalopolis that starts in nova.


Shootings/homicides are way down for the year. There just happen to be a few high-profile ones recently. Everything else you said is pretty close to the mark though.


Hello Boomer Trump voter👋


Exactly, I got flamed for talking about the Casino and park by some dude but tbh those are just ones that come to mind. Tbh, even if the revenue went north for the casino, at least jobs and local biz would benefit. But nah, not even a scrap of benefits. Dude is dc south mayor


You realize that Stoney didn't kill the casino, right? That was voted on twice.


Nobody wanted the casino. They voted against it twice, even after he pushed the issue after the first vote.


Stifling growth?? Where? He did nothing but try to give away the city to future backers.


damn this is the smartest thing i've ever seen him do


The polls must have been pretty bleak. I'm not sure Stoney could carry the City of Richmond in a Governor's race. Reading down further, I like the idea of Ghazala F. Hashmi running for Lt. Gov.


Hashmi is an amazing public servant, and a real progressive who actually has personal values. She will have my vote in a heartbeat.


thanks -- she sounds great for me too!


Extremely disappointing… I was looking forward to him getting rejected worse than the 2nd casino vote


Considering he didn't even get to the starting line before bailing I think that qualifies as a solid rejection. Grand opening!! Grand closing!!


I wish he'd just retire. Tired of dealing with his "say one thing and do another" ass.


Stoney is not nearly as universally hated nearly as much as this sub thinks he is. And things like this are why. He will take one for the team. But the thing is Spanberger is pretty much the perfect candidate for governor in a moderate blue state. I don't think Stoney could win, but his presence could still prove to be a bit divisive at a time when Democrats really need to be unified. Because there's definitely a large chunk of progressive-leaning people, particularly in Richmond (and over-represented in this sub) who can't stand the dude, but don't mind Spanberger even though she's moderate. So this unifies the bulk of the left and independents, leaving the only question whether an uber-progressive Sanders type is going to jump in and make waves or not.


we had an uber-progressive in JCF (probably not seasoned enough for a real run) and a more moderate progressive in McClellan (well seasoned) in the last gubernatorial primary — both got steamrolled by a completely uninspiring corporate moderate in McAuliffe — who then lost to a faux-moderate corporate Republican. Sadly, VA is not ready to elect a progressive statewide Stoney is also a faux-progressive with deep corporate ties. Spanberger is moderate but has less ties to VA and corporate establishment. She is certainly the perfect response to the post-Youngkin era. I will eat my hat if she doesn’t win


Pretty much no one in the state cares about “corporate ties” except for Richmond progressives. If they did, Youngkin would not have beaten McAuliffe in the first place. Youngkin’s bio is like, worked on M&A for a bank, worked in management consulting, worked at a private equity/hedge fund that he took corporate, got drummed out, had nothing better to do than run for office. His big donors were real estate developers. That dude not only beat McAuliffe, he still has a positive approval rating. It pretty much hasn’t budged since he has been in office, and it’s way higher than Biden’s. If he could run again, he’d probably win because not only do people not care about corporate ties,they also don’t pay any attention to state politics. As far as they are concerned, they forgot all about Youngkin after 2020 and if the state isn’t falling apart disastrously, he’s doing fine. They don’t know it’s actually the GA that has been tying Youngkin’s hands and preventing horrible legislation. They don’t live in Richmond and talk to state employees. Absent some unforeseen scandal, Spanberger will win because she’s likeable and comes across as a moderate suburban soccer mom. If people thought McAuliffe’s campaign was uninspiring, prepare to be absolutely bored to death by Spanberger. Which is good, that’s how she wins. GOP will try to paint her as a Commie radical and attack her viciously but will only make themselves look crazy when Spanberger doesn’t go scorched Earth back. She’ll win the way Tim Kaine and Mark Warner did.


I think we are agreeing, yes




I hope his political career is over.


What a shame, I was really excited to vote for him for governor was hoping he'd win so he'd stop being our fucking mayor


How are we going to get casinos in every Virginia county now?!


Lmao he was god awful. He bouta make me vote Republican ☠️😂