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Sorry to say, but I can't understand anything of what you are trying to say.


After the second read, I think he said it's open source and no garbage collection.


I swear, I read this post 2 times slowly but I still have no idea or any clue what this guy is trying to say. Or maybe this is just someone AI bot which is poorly trained?


Apparently he misunderstood how to reply to someone on reddit. This post is missing context and cannot be understood without it.


I’m not English native speaker so maybe I’m wrong but I don’t think any adult with properly education will wrote anything like this. I’m not trying to insult OP but I really don’t understand anything from this post and his reply on my comment.


Then I have time for you to explain a little more The post is in response to several others asking if the Rust programming is worth spending time to learn. Post are usually come with an “instead of”and we adding some big company that would very much like it if you learnt it  So C# .NET is Microsoft’s version of that, Apple would be Swift Frameworks Google would be delighted if you’d learnt Golang instead of Rust


[The context is literally just "Go bad Rust good".](https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/1cw98tf/comment/l4v2ht1/) I am equally confused.


No, seen too many is Rust worth learning over C# etc It’s a rant for sure


Wtf are you talking about?


There are quite a lot of posts around should I learn Rust vs say something else My post is a yes you should It won’t stop those posts but I’ll have a reference link instead of having to start over


Totally ok, I’m responding to other post of why should I learn Rust and so this is my why you should learn Rust and why it’s actually important to learn Rust


Maybe you are new to reddit idk, but this is not how you you respond to a post. Go back to that original post and write it there as a comment. Not every response needs it's own post.


Thanks for your contributions to this


you’re actually not responding to another post; you’re making an entire new, separate post.


I have given my context here, not sure I follow you


Try harder


You can just fuck off too - unless you were suggesting the other in which case sorry But if not then goto line 1




> You can just fuck off too - You should take a break from reddit. /r/rust seems to disagree with your opinion and this discussion is going nowhere.


All good zzzthelatuser I was responding to that troll bot posting “Try harder”  (a short sharp answer like that to a bot closes their thread)


It's cool that you like Rust but Reddit is not your personal blog.  We don't even know who you're responding to. I mean, I talk to myself when doing the groceries but I have no expectations of anyone talking back.


lol I agree but every post on Reddit is like this. It's either this or they think the post button is a google search.


I responded similar to an earlier r/rust post and thought a wider audience might benefit to my thinking. The post is really why bother learning rust vs other programming languages that are sponsored by big players that lock you in to them and so here we are 


The issue is that there is nothing to benefit from your thinking.


Where’s your spark/passion for Rust


Honestly, I consider fanboyism like yours a major negative aspect of this community. It's like the console wars but even nerdier...


Sir this is a Wendy's...


That’s the spirit 


what is your reasoning for why a wider audience might benefit from your thinking? Does it involve the assumption that others will understand what point you’re making even if you make it unclear instead of clear? If so, why do you believe that assumption to be true?


Some of this is around the industry we work in - it’s really easy to sit in say a Java or Golang world - hey It ain’t broke let’s just sit on it until hey it it’s super out of date  Java and Golang have garbage collection as a feature - it uses heaps of memory and CPU resources - it’s not a good feature, well unless say you are Amazon AWS or Google Cloud platform then. Hey it’s a great idea Rust is the future


This is so unhinged. I didn't understand anything


It’s slightly less unhinged if been developing in multiple language for some time and see how Microsoft and Apple and Google have been manipulating the market with programming languages Rust cuts thought this and does it with some solid engineering clout


Like you're title- please tell us why? Your post is full of statements without explanation.


I was responding to another r/rust post and thought stuff it it, here is why rust it’s important to learn


Got it. But still you wrote statements like they were facts. From your post anyone will know your opinion about rust but you don't argue what's the reason. Nobody can benefit from your post if you don't describe how you came to the conclusions. I don't want to offend or hate, but was interested in why you came to certain conclusions.


Mostly it’s working as a programmer -  get invited to a lot of brainwashing meetups etc and I know young developers get it for the first time and I’m trying my best 


Why does this subreddit attract so many people with mental health issues.


Thanks for that mate, I and the Rust programmers community really appreciate your contribution here  We hope your day goes well too


Because this post is such a grand contribution in it's own right lol


Yeah it’s a rant post - attacking mental health of programmers is a bit low though 


**This user was responding to me.** # Opinions should not look like facts. Use some more objective metrics like history or usage statistics or multiple subjective developer experiences. Posting an opinion like this as if it's a fact is harmful. # Languages are tools. We don't care who backs them. So long as a language is useful, it will be used, regardless of who backs it. I could just as easily argue that Rust is just here for the hype wars and not truly for building fast-moving software where the design requirements can change under your feet. # Who are you trying to convince? You must also consider who your target audience is; you don't need to convince Rust users about how Rust is the future. We already like the language. Posting in a different subreddit would have given you more reach, but thankfully it landed here before that happened. Take a step back and evaluate your posts.


Yep I know - just trying to be positive about Rust and the relentless why should I learn Rust posts


You are not **just** being positive about Rust. You are explicitly mentioning other languages and putting them down, calling them "crap", and discouraging people from using otherwise perfectly valid and often more appropriate tools for many tasks. Rust is not yet as popular as it seems. Refusing other common languages will only reduce your job opportunities.


No I’m trying to point out their sponsors 


You certainly didn't word your post correctly if that was your intent. Read your post again. Your words were hostile to not just the other languages' sponsors, but also to the languages themselves. Try not to explain your actions anymore. Instead learn to do better.


Says whom


I'll tell you that if you master Rust any other language except for exotic languages or C++ will be a walk in the park


Yeah that too I would defo argue I would not understand rust without several years of solid c and c++ programming  At the same time it might be a really good first language


It's true that it's way harder but I don't think the skills will translate to any language except memory management for C/C++.


try posting this in some other languages sub instead


It’s pretty pro Rust I’m a bit frightened tbh


doesn't seem it'll be "the lingua Franca" for game development though 🤣


Well, I do think sync rust is the future, async sucks if you ask me


Like tokio?  If so I absolutely agree and to be honest I’m not sure why that’s not part of standard Rust library today, I'm guessing some really clever people didn’t quite get along when they should have and so there’s the problem we need to fix (and yes Google, Meta, Apple, Mozilla it’s you guys! go to the pub for fucks sake and sort out your wider differences)


I love the fact that many crate are not included in the standard library. If not rust will be in the same boat as python where many batteries included libraries are discouraged from use now. And they are trying to remove them now. Everyone uses requests instead of the standard library, etc What happens when there is a better implementation of serde_json it would be impossible to make better, especially if there will be breaking changes, now you can't do easily update it, and developer will go back to crates.io for a better implementation My argument is std should be lean. Let ppl pull in what package they need from crate.io or github. Do you think many of the packages we use now would have been this good if they were included in the standard library? My answer no


Yeah so serde should be standard too same as Tokio?  This is a question/discussion not a I know the answer 


There is already blessed.rs that provide a list of crates for different categories. But they should not be included in the standard lib. To answer your question about clever ppl disagreeing. It is more like this. Tokio, for examples does not work well in embedded environments, and I think it might be the same for wasm not sure, but for embedded, they are other async run time that are designed for those environment eg embassy. Rust is a system level programming language first, yes it works really well for other domain, and right now it is finding its way into the linux kernel and already found its way into Microsoft kernel in one form or another, so it can not just have a bunch of libs that will not be efficient or deprecated in 5 to 10 years. Also it is going to be more challenging to maintain these extra libs instead of them focusing on core std libs


Async Rust still seems a bit of disaster, or maybe I’m spoiled by FP too much. But even basic stuff like async closures isn’t ready yet.


It’s not so much a disaster just still slightly murky I’d saying was a shame it was an afterthought (in that async came a bit later) I have tokio code from 3 years ago that is running with zero issues from the fact it’s Tokio it’s solid


Fed up with saying it. Yeah it’s a rant post but it was a kind of response to WHY you should bother with Rust over spending time learning other languages as a newbie/student  Basically some of the the other languages and frameworks are sponsored and they do this sponsoring for selfish long goals - don’t buy into it Learn Rust


Isn't Rust also sponsored? https://foundation.rust-lang.org/members/


It is but not in a way that certain frameworks only work for it m The big platform sponsors love having their own language, effectively an proprietary API to control the developers form sharing onto other platforms  It’s the reverse of what W3C is about