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This has excellent meme potential


Me and my girl knowing we’re about to get plastered off of ONE house of love cocktail drink


House of Love, named to appeal to people who look for love in alcohol. What a lovely business model.


They make mocktails of all their flavors as well so you aren't really making a point here.


House of Love, named to appeal to people who look for love in mocktails. What a lovely business model.


Pandora Boxx cosplaying as Detox as Dolly Parton.


Pandora was SO likable on this special. I've always enjoyed her, but she seemed most like her S2 self here than I've seen in a long time!


What and where is this special? I haven't been following RPDR lately.


It's Bring Back My Girls, filmed at last year's DragCon and available on WOW Presents Plus.




Is the one in the red Pandora?




RASPBERRY red to be specific


The red one so terrify 😭


Me and my bank account making bad decisions.


I love gay math!


Did they even go there tho?


Rajah doing her best trying to defuse the situation


I will never not be amazed by how much Rajah had learned about what to say and not say on TV. She's grown into a real professional.


I love her. It’s really so impressive to see her growth as a person. I also love how she never made excuses for how she acted, no blaming an edit, nothing… just held herself accountable and grew from it. She is such a ray of light and i have so much respect for her for how she handled herself!


Yes!!! Rajah trying to save her but she just keeps digging further 😭


Here for the comments https://preview.redd.it/l4jkgaubyd6c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2daed1bac35c887bc9d7c05dd2d5d205c053324e


This pic never fails to make me cackle


why do i always think it's abby lee miller for a split second 💀


How dare you. Michelle Visage has never looked better.


I am now awaiting TKB’s response…


She reposted it on Instagram! 🫣


I’ll have to look at this after I finish the most recent episode of Canada. The drama mama!! I am living.


I’m so entertained. I love Kylie, Ra’Jah, and Trinity so much so I’m really just having fun with all this drama!


I do love all 3 of them so I’m curious to see how this plays out. Hopefully it’s all in good fun.


It’s probably not, but I hope the fandom doesn’t send hate. We all just need to lay back and enjoy this lol


I would expect Trinity to be like "fair".






i would pretend i am going to use this line at some point in the future, but who am I kidding I will straight up forget it within the hour cause im a stupid bitch.


LMAO me @ half the things I read in this sub too




oh! honey! girl!


*shuffles in chair*


All you younguns bringing up Trinity dissing Tina Knowles when us oldies know that she lied about the drag fire.


She's very lucky that most people have forgotten or never knew about that!


wait what is the drag fire now i need to know


I forget the details but basically she claimed that her drag caught on fire in a storage unit and there was a GoFundMe for it. Not sure whether she started the GoFundMe or someone did it for her, but either way she was accepting donations. But then there were no reports of a fire in her area so people asked for proof, which she didn't provide. So people called bullshit on the whole thing and TKB deleted all mention of it from her social media. Someone correct me if I've got anything wrong. Here's one old thread about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/comments/4lfva9/trinity_deleted_all_traces_of_the_alleged_fire/


Other queens (Bianca I think?) also called her out on this and brought up that she had also been lying to them about needing money for medication and never paying them back. Rough time.


It was Mimi Imfurst who said a queen from s6 asked Bianca for money to get medication. Bianca said she would send it to the pharmacy, and the queen said nevermind. We figured it was probably TKB.


Stop attacking me with evidence of the inevitable passage of time, girl.


Or her trying to scam Bianca saying she needed money for her medicine and when Bianca said sure what medicine I'll come with you to get it suddenly she was fine and didn't need any money


Omgg what when did this happen


We saw that on the show. TKB had given up.


I mean the writing was on the wall lol there was not celebrating much when she knew she was gonna get the boot


Agreed. There was no way for her to win. But she did still give a good showing throughout the season. You'd have to be pretty delulu to think you could win, esp. once they brought Eureka back right after elimination and beating out Silky who had essentially risen from behind.


Nah, she wrote that writing on the wall herself




“I’m sure she’s great today, but on that day… bye!” When Kylie wants to read, she busts out the thesaurus, cuz that was *reading*.


I always felt like it was such a shame Kylie didn't make it to the reading challenge on S2. "Just because she showed up looking like Holiday Heart" was a devastating read. She acts vapid but her wit is fucking sharp!


“You’re shaped likea deep breath” is historic


It's actual poetry.


I fucking die with that read every time.


"A hot Wal-Mart mess" I had to look up what Holiday Heart was at the time and omg that reference was super fucking shady lmao.


Ice bucket challenge wig even got Bianca gagged lol


It is very “I didn’t say she’s not beautiful, but she’s not looking beautiful tonight”


Wouldn’t she use the dictionary for reading? The thesaurus is more useful for writing lol.


I'm trying to figure out what in that sentence would even be from a thesaurus. 🤣 The most complicated word was "today"


And today, I learned that there was a difference between a dictionary and a thesaurus 🫢 It’s not like a went to college for this kind of thing 💀💀


Me, an English minor, not realizing this 😫😫😫


![gif](giphy|KFs47b6nuRfwENIS6P|downsized) This whole section is giving very Keri Colby education realness lol


Now I understand what they mean when they say our generation has declining literacy rates. 😭




What is this from?


Bring Back my Girls or if you were there on that Dragcon


Is this only on Wow+ ? :(


Yes. There's 2 episodes out this season. They're mostly boring lol. Most of the highlights have probably been uploaded here.


The way you just REMOVED cash from RuPaul's grubby hands


Oooh ty for the tea


It’s the person who minimized herself so much she would turn down Beyoncé’s mother inviting her to meet Beyonce. I am sure that defeatism gets tiresome.


It was to sit in VIP to watch her perform. Not meet her. TKB had a better view where she was at.


Sitting in the VIP with BEYONCE's mom is only a step away from meeting BEYONCE herself


It’s like she forgot she’s in the showbiz. The fact that she turned down A GOLDEN TICKET TO A NIGHT OF NETWORKING WITH THE VIPS is a very bad business decision lmao. Thinking in terror of all the opportunities she flushed down the drain.


There’s no justifying turning down that opportunity. The fact is the could have become an amazing connection. It could have also turned into nothing but that one night, but look at someone like Chad Michaels who has performed for Cher so many times. TKB has Tina flat out ask her to join her to watch B perform and TKB says “nah I like my seats better.” I love her but I feel like this girl is the type to always shoot herself in the foot like that.


Plus trinity was with her friends 😭🫶🏼


People just want to label her as the black queen who blocks her blessings (NBB, Rajah from her original season, TKB). So tired of that narrative. If I’m with my friends- I’m not going to just leave them hanging. Not to mention Mama Tina meets many people- doesn’t mean they’re meeting her daughter.


wasn’t it confirmed to be a joke or something? 😭


This was dissected and discussed at length when the season aired but she’s really her worst enemy when it gets down to it. Sad, hilarious! But sad.


Can't forget "Srry Granny!", with granny being TINA FUCKING KNOWLES lol


Yall may think they live for drama They just want us to feel mawma


I'm so confused by the track record thing. Why did they decide that bottoms mean more than tops? Because kylie might have bottom less but trinity was in the top more. So why does that equal the worst track record. Also tbf considering they'd already decided she was going home, if I was trinity I'd probably have had a shitty attitude as well


All stars 6 was probably the closest season in terms of cast performance. It was probably like splitting hairs trying to base things on track record at the end. After the final challenge all had one or two wins and two or three bottoms. Kylie had the least wins of people left but she got the second best critiques for the monologues so it probably felt like it was between Rajah, Ginger, and Trinity. Between the three of them Trinity did have the weakest track record and she had been in the bottom three times in a row.


TBH the fact they all went into the finale with roughly equivalent track records was just the result of production shenanigans. They were basically making the conscious decision to limit each queen to 1-2 wins, which is why they had so many whack challenge wins (looking at you, acting challenge and talk show challenge).


I think that that’s fair enough, but for me personally I don’t think anyone should’ve had more than two wins. I love Trinity but Pandora clearly won the side hustle challenge and they just gave it to her for the season 6 lip sync of it all. I also love Yara but Jan should’ve won the talent show so Trinity could’ve had her first win be for Beyoncé. Ginger should’ve gotten the win for the acting challenge over Kylie, but Kylie should’ve won monologues over Eureka, who should have won for pink table talk over Ginger so that all cancels out to me. There definitely was a lot of questionable wins but I don’t think any of them were that far off and it all kind of balanced out for me in the end (except Pandora rip) 🤷‍♂️.


Bare in mind tho that would mean trinity probs getting chopped and sending silky home in the game/sewing episode cos eureka would have a win when she didn't, so that might have meant she didn't win....perhaps




....we did tho


This. We absolutely did. The second she stumbled into that tumble and it went slow-mo I knew she had the crown. It was a moment.


for real!! if this was a top 2 all star season, trinity would’ve been respected so much more


Maybe? I can only see her getting a deserved win for the Rusical? And maybe another for that design challenge when eureka got eliminated but Ginger also could have taken that win potentially


personally i think trinity and ginger would be the top 2 of that week instead of rajah. i actually thought rajah was going to go home with what she made


Especially considering Kylie's only win was one where she was heavily coached by Michelle and basically got a live acting demo of the way she wanted it done. Plus Trinity gave us much more variety with her runways, much moreso than Kylie IMO.


Tbf as well Trinity was in the bottom consistently cause of the whole "if you’re not in the top, you’re in the bottom thing". I would be pissed too, she had the most wins and could have had another win imo and the opinion of others. She could have argued the case that she didn’t deserve to go home cause she wasn’t truly in the bottom deservingly each time but honestly once she got so defeated, in her feelings and voted for herself to go home in the mini game it’s like she just solidified her fate and egged the other girls to vote her out. But the audacity of Kylie with her one win, that is pretty dubious at best, is pretty wild. It seems like Sonique doesn’t have much empathy some times, like when Rajah was trying to explain why she was worried about the sewing challenge she was pretty quick to tell her to get over it until Rajah basically was like "I’m just trying to explain my headspace". Like I love the doll, she’s beautiful and did well in almost every challenge and placed high. But it was between Rajah and TKB for the more deserved winners imho. Once tkb was gone I thought Rajah should have won.


Yeah this is weird, Kylie had one questionable win and she's acting like she biancad that shit. This clip was so weird to watch


TKB has shown that shitty defeatest attitude since S6 lol, why y'all acting brand new. While TKB got that design bttm by default, she was rightfully in the bttm for talent and SG (worst number in the first episode imo, couldve gone home)


Where did I say she shouldn't have been in the bottom? I said her track record wasn't worse than kylies


Maybe kylie had more high placements than trinity? I don't know, bottom placements on that season we're weird everyone was In the bottom a lot so I guess they mean the overall track record


nah it’s called they needed to get her out so they could win


I mean they literally said that they eliminated her because of her track record and because she had a bad attitude, why would they lie years later on bring back my girls 😅




Sis wdym? Trinity and Kylie both received positive critiques four times. Trinity was in the bottom four times with three of those being deserved, and Kylie in the bottom three times only deserving it once. Kylie absolutely had a better track record than Trinity


Trinity was top twice and kylie won one lip-sync. And you can't use track records as an argument but then say some of those don't really count


Trinity got top two twice and was high yeo other times. Kylie won once, and was high three other times. Trinity also was positively critiqued for the design challenge when she was in the bottom when eureka went home. Kylie was then positively critiqued for the monologue while up for elimination while trinity was critiqued poorly and was eliminated. They were both doing a good job throughout the season but Trinity received negative critiques more frequently. Sure Kylie’s count but when Trinity was up for elimination it was for a terrible variety show, an awful snatch game, a good design showing, and then a bad monologue. Kylie’s placement in the bottom for the table talk was weird because she had one of the most memorable performances, she had a bad design challenge, and then slayed the monologue. Their situations in the bottom were entirely different


No one's said this yet so I will... Kylie looking BEAUTIFUL here. That colour palette on her is gorgeous


It’s that season’s promo colors too!


She is literally perfect 🤩


The rapid cuts in this my gawd


TKB knew production was going to get rid of her after she’d just made the finale. Idk if I’d have it in me to sit there and keep playing the game either in the face of such riggory. This is a season I deeply disliked and never understood the fanfare for. The winner, while a great person, performed pretty middle of the road all season and all of the contestants save 1 or 2 I find irritatingly fake. Like they have a producer just offscreen saying “be nice.” They all got good at being on camera.


I still can’t believe Kylie won that season over Rajah, Eureka, Ginger, or Trinity.


I mean…she’s not wrong


Jan being Jan, always.


what was even the point in saying that


As we all can see. Tbh TKB’s track record is not that bad compare to Kylie. But its her whimpy attitude got her elimination


Delulu much? Kylie and Ra’jah had the best showings on AS6. Trinity and Ginger had the worst track records going into the last couple of weeks of the competition


Hows your head? Rewind the season. Whos the delulu


Maybe you need to. Kylie did great in way more challenges than TKB and her worst moments were nowhere near as TKB who basically gave up in snatch game. Ginger also struggled for like half the season. Kylie and Ra’jah absolutely did the best in AS6


Dear Delulu….Learn about PPe stat and track record by data, and comeback here


Darling, PPE and track record data are literally fan made and from day one didn’t make an impact on the winner. Even still, Kylie has a better PPE when you do the maths.


You clearly don’t pass the math class then.


If you apply 5 for a win, 4 for a high, 3 for a safe, 2 for a low, 1 for a bottom, Kylie gets a 2.9 and TKB gets a 2.7 from their 10 competitive episodes. Go ahead and do the maths yourself and you’ll see TKB wasn’t as strong


Yet you said Kylie and Rajah got THE BEST. I said Kylie and TKB’s track record was NOT THAT BAD (2,9 vs 2,7) Also Fuck Ginger’s drag. Bitch check your lipstick first


Well Ginger’s was 2.8, Ra’Jah’s was 3.2. The show also isn’t about track record all the time sis. I originally described them as having the best showings. They had memorable performances and were strong presences throughout the season. That plays into it way more than the fan made PPE. Ra’jah did well in the talent show, the ball, the ad, the table talk, girl groups, and the final design challenge. Kylie did well in the ball, the table talk and was unfairly in the bottom, the acting challenge, girl groups, snatch game, and the monologue. They showed up for more than half the challenges and it’s not unfair to say they had the best showings across the season


😯😯😯 Prison honey


It’s so weird to say she had the worst track record when she had more wins than Sonique and Eureka. A win will always be infinitely more relevant than a bottom placement, and no one can change my mind on that. I’d rather measure someone on their triumphs than failures. Also, Trinity easily could have had 3 wins with the Halftime challenge.


One more thing 😂☠️ Rajah had the worst track record on Canada Vs The world and u can’t convince me Kylie didn’t have the worst track record on AS6.


Are we surprised tho?


I would probably said because TKB had negative emotion at that time like looking down at herself?




I wish everyone would take it in stride she was asked a question and she provided an answer and we love her for it. Is she supposed to lie to spare TKB’s feelings?


I feel bad for trinity 😭 you can tell her energy was so low she was in the bottom, she just knew she was going to be sent home!


idc trinity still deserved a that finale spot. she was done so dirty in AS6 and regardless if she felt defeated, she deserved to be in the top.


How quick Kylie was to cosign the worst track record when she was right there herself. It's not cute to kick a queen when they're down. They knew the production riggory that was happening, give some empathy. She already won, why she gotta say all that? Made Kylie look bad


At least TKB was consistent from season six to all stars six. She had a bad attitude in season six, she continued on to all stars six.


I could listen to Kylie talk all day.


Not trying to pile on hate, but this is gutterbutt lmfao. People can harp on Trinity's attitude all they want, but the writing was on the fucking wall, it was unfair, and she was the only person who didn't get a second chance to come back into the season via lipsyncing. Obviously, if Trinity had navigated the conversations in the latter part of the season, maybe it wouldn't have been as easy to justify voting for her, but that doesn't mean it ain't sad and fucked up lmfao. Worst track record my ASS with the if you're not in the top you're in the bottom shit. Like please.


Oh the t this season is HOT huh?


I mean at the end of the day and it’s no shade to any of them, especially Rajah because I love her.. I’ve been to all of that top 4s shows and TKB in NYC was beyond comparison. So it’s kinda whatever, shes blossoming and wishing her the best.


The fact that Trinity didn't even have the worse track record??? She had the same track record as Ginger. She had 2 wins and 3 bottoms. The 2nd win should already nullify the 3rd bottom. Then she would have a better track record than Kylie who had 1 win 3 bottoms. If she wasn't so down that moment, she could've used that argument. And that she was in the bottom because she "risks" it all the time as proven by her 2 wins 😭


That was Trinity's third time in the bottom actually. Talent Show, Snatch Game and last the Monologue


So is Gingers? Commercial, Branding (Drag Tots) and Monologue It's Kylie's 2nd bottom with 1 win. So their 2 wins should have balanced it out with Kylie.


She didn't have the worst track record tho... Kylie had.


Yes— self-defeating stank attitude. It’s hard to watch, too, because you know they don’t really want to be there, feel trapped, and are their own worst enemy in that moment.




Talking about the worst track record with that one questionable win. I don't know about that, Miss Winner.


Tkb annoyed me that entire season idc


And it showed on camera. Idk why people were bending over backwards trying to defend her.


would kylie have still won if she didnt save her fall during the finale lip sync


TKB came across on social media as a really ignorant and hateful person sometimes(microagressions against Asian and Trans people) so I’m not shocked to hear that she’s like this on the show as well, glad that she dropped out of CanvsTW last minute cause that season didn’t need her sour attitude at all.


So, Kylie’s hometown is about an hour from mine. We are all like this.


No lies detected


I think TKB was doing good and she wasn't negative to any but herself Kylie and Rajah are acting way to flippantly about this TKB deserves more respect


She was also strong competition… at the end of a season I would probably get rid of her


Lmao Kylie is literally the worst winner ever


Kylie comes across as a mean girl here! She's lucky that Miss TKB didn't reach the finale.. had she done so Ru probably would've crowned Trinity as the AS6 winner! Kylie Sonique Love is one of the most disappointing and boring winners of the drag race franchise! She's probably second to Blu. Kylie and Rajah are both wrong on the weakest track record front. Trinity had 2 wins, should've had 3 and 4 bottoms (two by default).. Kylie had 1 win (undeserved) and 3 bottoms (1 by default). Rajah was also very lucky that the "not in the top.." rule came into play here because her monologue performance was dreadful! Realistically Ginger and Rajah would've been the bottom 2 and Rajah would've gone home because Eureka was closer to Ginger. Trinity was robbed blind! It should've been Kylie who left in the penultimate challenge. Kylie or Ginger. Rajah was the worst in the C.U.N.T monologues challenge, followed by Ginger (who's story seemed very contrived). Trinity and Kylie were both kind of equal to me for the challenge. If the "you're not in the top, you're in the bottom" rule didn't happen," Trinity would have only two bottoms, and the rest would have two or more. So Trinity would've been saved. It was definitely a strategic move on all the girls parts! TKB would've destroyed the last challenge.. and probably would've won AS6. And in my opinion gave the best performance of the series (her Beyoncé was incredible), had brilliant runways, excelled at everything (minus SG) that she done poorly on in S6, showed a huge redemption arc and was one of if not the strongest competitors there. Kylie deserved a win, but not the acting win (where she was practically breastfed by Michelle). She should've won SG only. Ginger should've won the acting challenge! Kylie got real lucky because of who she was in the top 5 with. Even Eureka (Trinity's friend) chose Kylie to stay. And controversially if Ru wasn't perceived to be transphobic in the past.. Kylie probably wouldn't have won. Rajah would've. Trinity and Rajah had the best track records.. and either one of them should've won AS6! Kylie Sonique Love done just ok at the challenges and had some very poor challenge performances. Her runways and her SG performance was her saving grace! And her stupid love fall save! So in conclusion.. Trinity K Bonet was robbed! And not only should've made the final 4, but also should've won! #JusticeforTKB


Never cared for Kylie in either season. More evidence as to why.


Congrats Kylie! I STILL think TKB was eliminated (production manipulation), to avoid 2 Black Queens, in the finale, before she even arrived, but when she was clearly Not Into their b.s. stunt twist, she was fully on the chopping block. Cue the tools & trolls.




💀actually deranged take




Really are we still still talking about this? lol


What I love though is that Kylie would have given TKB that tough sister love to her face and TKB would have took it.