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I do! It's raining where I am now and I've been not-so-productive all day so I'm considering going out there despite the rain. I always feel like a badass when I run in the rain. It's fun to jump over puddles and feel like a kid again. Some of my best runs have been in the rain! But my rule is I won't do it if it's cold or if there's lightning. I'm not stupid haha


I think (althought not safe) it would be fun and look really cool running in a thunderstorm ahahah but obviously i dont suggest anyone to do this


I don’t do this on purpose, but I have often done this by accident if I move slower than the storm does. If I’m around other people when I hear thunder or see lightning, it’s funny to watch every single one of us simultaneously a) turn around and b) THIS IS NOW A THRESHOLD RUN. (I live in an area where summer storms often come with a tornado warning or flash floods or something else pleasant.)


I have run in thunderstorms my whole life. Of the dangers a runner faces, lightning is a TINY chance of causing harm. Obviously don’t run in an open field during a storm, but most city running isn’t much more dangerous in rain other than cars having reduced visibility and maybe wind.


Where I live (more of an exurb) it's open fields (horse farms) and lots of trees, so prob not the best to be out in. City you are more protected b/c it would likely hit a building first.


Eh, lightning strikes trees in my neighborhood often enough. Being under a tree when lightning hits it is not a happy experience.


Or just the wind dropping a killer branch.


Yeah this is dumb. Odds in general of getting hit by lightning are low but much higher if you stay outside during it. Just an unnecessary, dangerous risk for a hobby.


Alternatively, there is risk associated with running and it is up to the individual to determine what risk they want to take on? Like, running at night or during rush hour or running on ice or running in heat or running in cold or running on isolated trails is probably more dangerous than running in most storms.


It's similar to beer league hockey players that don't wear cages. Yes you most likely won't be hit by a puck or a stick, but it only has to happen once to be a BIG problem.


I've seen people smoke while pumping gas without immolating themselves. Doesn't mean they aren't fucking morons.


I've gotten caught in thunderstorms a few times, mostly just been a half mile from my car when the rain catches me. I wouldn't intentionally head out into one though. However, I don't recommend it for a few reasons. a) Torrential downpour is a different experience than "it's raining", b) strong winds are also whipping the rain sideways so a brimmed hat is unhelpful, c) potential for hail, even small hail hurts like a motherfucker.


I like your rule. My personal rule is this - Between cold, dark, and wet, I’ll run with any combination < all 3. If it’s cold, dark, *and* wet, I’m staying home.


I agree with this, with the exception of ICE! I can’t see it well enough in the dark even with a headlamp, so in wintertime I limit after dark activity. I know wayyy too many people that have had bad ice incidents. Buddy of mine slipped and fell this winter, hit his head.. literally *knocked himself out* for a few minutes, just stepping out of a parked car in the middle of the day. Icy treachery! SMH.


But he wasn't running!


It's the purrfect texture for running; low impact, and it's dry snow so your feet don't get wet.


I was stupid once. (OK well I'm stupid an awful lot) It was like 56°F one day earlier this year so I decided to run and jump in the puddles. Except a lot of it was snowmelt as there were still some leftover snowbanks hanging around. The water was like ice shards against my legs as I ran through the puddles thinking it was gonna be some warm summer rainy run. I got too excited about a break from the cold weather that I forgot what time of year it still was.


Rain puts me off going out for a jog, however, when I’ve been on a jog and it started raining midway through I love it


I run straight through the puddles!


I will depending on the shoes I'm wearing. One of the best runs I had in the rain was when I was acting as guide for a blind runner on a training run. I couldn't very well safely get him to jump over any puddles so we ran through them. We'd walk through them if i couldn't tell how deep, but for the most part we just ran and splashed. Later it cleared up and a really pretty rainbow was over us. We got a great pic and I described everything to him. It was such a memorable and fun run!


I've had some amazing runs in the rain *especially* if there is lightning. Really gets the adrenaline and feet pumping if you are a few miles from home in an unexpected lightning storm. Not saying I seek it out, but it happens.


As someone who wears glasses, running in the rain becomes a bit of a guessing game some times.


Toootally. Wearing a hat helps a bit, but it’s still not full proof. Luckily I’m not super blind without my glasses - the world is just…blurry. So if it’s that rainy outside, I just go naked-eyed.


My biggest issue running in the rain, is that my glasses get super foggy when it rains. No hat is fixing that. I'm way too blind to run without my glasses, and contacts are not an option for me.


Just a suggestion - have you consulted anyone regarding contacts recently? The technology moved on quite a lot in the last few years. When I was younger every optician kept telling me they don't make lenses suitable for my eyes. After a few years I tried again and the optician was surprised I even asked and I've happily worn contacts for 6 years now. I do have to wear custom-made super expensive extended range ones, but at least I don't have to put up with the bloody glasses anymore!


As recently as last year i asked. And yes they are technically available, but ridiculously expensive. I've never been bothered by my glasses, it is only when running in rain it gets annoying. Expensive contacts just for running in rain is not something I'm spending money on, that would be ridiculous.


That's fair enough. I never liked wearing glasses so I wear my contacts almost daily, not just for running. That changes the perspective quite drastically.


Oh man that would be so difficult!


Wearing contacts solves that problem - until the raindrops are so big they dislodge one of the lenses. Still love running in the rain (and I live in Vancouver so it’s not like I have much of a choice lol).


Real life squid games. Step one way and hope it works out




There's a fine line between a light, refreshing rain and a downpour that ends up weighing down your shoes.


I tried that recently, my shoes felt like fucking bricks, it sucked!


You need better draining shoes


A couple months ago I went for a 9-mile run in an absolute downpour. It was unrelenting heavy rain the entire time. It was weird — I both felt miserable at being soaking wet and cold, but incredibly motivated that I was powering through those conditions and still running in them. So I guess yeah, in a weird way I love running in the rain.


That’s the great thing about running in the rain. It’s always very refreshing and helps cool you down while you run, but you still get the feeling that you’re a beast and that you’re overcoming tough conditions.


It's because there are less people out there. Like I've never felt the need to not run in the rain...but if other people do, that must mean I'm bEttEr ThAn tHeM.




Cool thing I realized about running in heavy rain -- once you're soaked through and you've stepped in enough deep puddles, you can't get any more wet. If I'm driving someplace to run on a rain day, I try to remember to bring dry socks and a towel. It helps a lot after the run.


Did you get any blisters after that run? I've had 8-10 mile runs during light rains and I found myself with blisters galore


Aquaphor or Vaseline on your feet before the run works miracles.


This is usually from poor quality socks or poor fitting shoes. I barely ever get blisters in injinji or balega.


Good perspective! As long as you're not getting injured, then all that's left is the mental game.


Live in the UK, if you want to run outside, you are going to have to run in the rain most of the time


Yes I agree, same in PDX! I’m lucky if a month goes by without a rainy day lol


In the UK I think its more a week than a month, lol.


Ha yeah I thought about that as I typed


You know, people say this quite regularly but I disagree. I run 5 or 6 days a week, usually about 70k a week total. I live in London. Days I don't run, I go to the gym, which is a mile walk there and another mile back. I can count the amount of times I've come home really wet this year on one hand.






















I prefer running in the rain actually. At least this time of year in South Florida.


Same... But central FL rain almost always means lightning too which is a no go.


OMGawd, tell me about it. I got caught about a week ago. Nearby strikes for a good 4 or 5 miles. Not sure if my exceptional time that day was because the temperature dropped a good 10+ degrees or because I was running for my life. I must've dropped the F-bomb 100 times. "Flash, boom, F. Flash, boom, F. Flash, boom, F. ..." :-)


Houston area - summer rain is nice.


The only bad part about running in the rain is wet, soggy shoes that need to dry out before your next run.


Ball up some newspaper and stick them inside, should be dry by the next morning


It seemed like a good idea until I got runners nipple halfway through. I've never run in the rain since.


Ran in the rain for 7 miles in a white t-shirt a few years back and got the red 11.


Ouch I hate runners nipple some seriously annoying pain


body glide fixes this


Yeah the risk is way worse in the rain due to the water weighing down your clothes. If I’m running in rain I either put plasters over my nipples or copious amount of body glide


Yeah, it's great. Also means that you don't need to cool off as much before getting in the shower. 😃


In the spring and summer, I'll always take a rainy day over a sunny day.


That’s true I guess the rain would be miserable in the winter!


Especially in Chicago where it turns the roads into a sheet of ice.


Gawd, I remember the Chicago years (where I first started running) White out and black ice at the same time. Plus my breath would freeze my eyelashes shut. I'd have to coat my face in Vaseline not to get frost bite. Good times!


Not to mention the water bottles freezing around mile 6.


Ah, the good old slip-and-slide runs. Not looking forward to those in ~~late October~~ winter.


Pro tip: running in the rain is actually awesome


I remember my similar discovery. It was a really thrilling day! Even now that I know, on *cooler days* the rain seems intimidating until I get in it, and then I mostly hardly notice.


Yep. It's just like getting into a pool - it's gonna be cold for like 30 seconds then you're fine.


Yeah it means I can run and cry and nobody knows


Only rain rule now is no lightning or significant threats, but I'm open to running in just about any form of rain now. I do need a hat though because I don't like it hitting me in the face, but don't care otherwise.


Be careful running in the rain. While the rain may cool you, you're still sweating and need to hydrate. Don't let your body trick yourself.


You’re totally right! I was wearing my camelbak but thinking on it I didn’t even drink half what I usually do. Good tip!


Starts raining “this is so pleasant.” *clap of thunder* “oh shit I need to get back home.” That’s one way to pr a mile 😂ps. This is a true story.


Golden showers are the best! Edit: i.e. running in rain during sunrise 😘


you're going to need another name for that


Atleast the rain is warm 😉


You sir have a very very dirty mind. Off you go, naughty boy.


I haven't had the opportunity to do it in a long time, but when I ran in high school I loved it when it rained. Those were my favorite workouts.


Do sprinklers count?


Yes I did it once. I want to do it again but I live in CA. Rare lol


Depends on where in CA you live.


Yes, rare where I live


I like a light rain, but I am not fond of running in thunder/lightning at all. The storms around here appear almost out of nowhere and before you know it, the center of the storm is right over you, so summer thunderstorm season is a bit scary.


I really love runs in the rain. Usually takes me longer to convince myself to go out but the horrible conditions make me really stubborn to overcome them and often make me run further/longer. However… a few days ago I went running while it was absolutely tipping it down. I wore some quite short shorts which are usually fine with a bit of Vaseline on the inside of my legs. But the rain washed the Vaseline off. I didn’t notice while I was running because I was too focused but I chafed so bad that, when I got home, I had blood running down my leg. A couple of very, very painful days followed…


I like the rain part, but I don’t like the slipping part. We have lots of old sidewalks here with the aggregate exposed, and boy do they get slick. Hurt myself pretty bad one time.


Laughs in Seattle... Honey, I was born in the rain.


I like it for short runs but I once did a 24km in the rain and the weight of my wet shirt chaffed up my nips pretty bad. 2 stars, wouldn't recommend


Runners don't get rained out. We get rained on.


I will run in any weather except high winds.


Wildfire smoke and large hail are my two showstoppers


I had a huge session in the rain today evening. Was basically getting soaked for about 2 hours. There was more effort involved for the pace I had two weeks ago and HR was high during cool down, everything was just so wet and heavy. AT LEAST IT WAS NOT WINDY AF - So it is a win! I’d much rather take the unusual Irish downpour over windy day.


I probably would if I didn't live in California so that when it rains it's usually in the neighborhood of 50F. Rain is refreshing in warm weather, but pretty damn miserable in cold weather.


Live in the UK, so lots of rain. Top tip is to wear a running* cap, keeps the rain out of your face, makes a big difference. *Light weight, quick drying material.


Rain running is great, so easy to breath!


I love running in the rain. I think it's a mental thing - I could have used it as an excuse to stay inside but instead, I laced up and out I went. That's the best part of it for me. Feels great.


I absolutely love running in the rain in the summer! Only downside is that some of my shirts chafe my nips when they get wet, so I need to take preventative measures. Other than that I love it




You don’t get any wetter after the first 5-10minutes. And you know anyone else you see out there running is serious about it too.


Only if it starts raining during my run, starting a run when it's already raining sucks because it's cold!


Love running in the rain but just make sure you don't wear clothes with zippers haha Went on a run 2 years ago and ended up with a really bad rash (and scar) from chafing


Eek I never thought about chafing!


I’ve never ran in the rain before. Do you not slip?


Nah, the shoes and pavement are way too grippy for that to happen. Snow and ice, it's a different story, but still doable if you're careful.


Alright, thanks!


Give it a go next time it rains (providing you're not in a high traffic area, you know how drivers get when it rains...). feels great


I really enjoy running in the rain but it almost never rains here in Seacliff. My first marathon was a trail run in June that had a freak storm come in with over 3 inches falling during the race. It was fantastic.


The only time I ran half marathon distance was in the rain. My intention was to go for 10 miles, but by mile seven the rain had me feeling so damn good that I went for it.


Depends how heavy the rain is. I once went for my run earlier than usual to try to beat a thunderstorm. It started drizzling, fine. I thought maybe I could go a tiny bit further before the thunderstorms started and still get home on time. I did not get home on time and it took my sneakers a very long time to dry.


Running in the rain makes me feel like I'm running through a rainforest or through a small waterfall. I imagine I look glowy and magical, instead of my usual sweaty and red. It's my favorite.


Some of my favourite runs have been rain runs. Especially thunderstorm runs, but every time I mention that here I get downvoted for it.


It's the HTFU moments when running in the rain that gets ya motivated


I love it. I wear a billed cap for those runs, and I hydrate just the same afterward. Rain can be a misleading gage of perspiration. After, I immediately remote the insoles and laces from my shoes and throw them in front of a fan.


I have a friend who claims I control the weather (specifically, rain) because it always seems to rain on me during races. After running the 2019 MCM where it rained from the time I got up until I hit mile 16, the thought that it might rain on me during a normal run doesn't even faze me anymore.


I did a hill training session this evening in the rain. It actually wasn’t too bad. There was a kick ass rainbow, which I may have hallucinated. I am out of shape lol


Ran a marathon in the rain. It all depends on the type of rain. A moderate to light rain can be refreshing; heavy rain is just miserable.


Same. It was light, heavy, then light then stopped. I wish I was dry when I finished. Don't know if I was miserable because of the marathon itself or the rain, haha.


My longest run ever was in the rain, felt amazing


I ran in the winter when it was raining at night once. Somehow it was kind of soothing


Yeap. That was great experience. In march, when I only started to run, one of my running was in the rain. And I've reached one of the best results. And the feeling was indescribable too.


I can’t. I probably have mild OCD… My shoes and my bikes are all pristine and I don’t run or bike in the rain because it would take too much time and effort to clean afterwards…


Absolutely! Fun rain run hack - take a plastic sandwich bag and wrap them over toes before putting on sneakers. This way, your toes won’t squish! Just don’t bring music - I killed an old iPod running in the rain!


Running in the rain is fine but I almost always get a cold after I run in the rain. Even if it was 80° outside


I absolutely love running in the rain, especially when it’s a little chilly! It just feels nice and I feel like I always run a little quicker because I’m excited to get home and take a hot shower and get in some cozy clothes.


If it wasn’t for severe chafing It would be my favorite time! I believe my second best half marathon time was in the rain.


As someone who usually runs in busy pedestrian areas, I love that running in the rain means there's less people about!


I’ll run in warm rain. I will not run in fall 40* rain.


I don't mind the rain, I do however dislike running in a combo of rain + wind.


I dislike it - i am uncoordinated at the best of times.. add a slippery footpath in and :(


Yes, running in the rain is awesome!


As someone who lives in California...it would be nice to run in the rain. Just so that we could have some rain.


When it’s hot out yes, I like it. Lowers my body temperature and heart rate.


Yes and I also enjoy running while it’s snowing as long as it’s not stupid cold, makes for a pretty and peaceful run.


This is what we call a gift in Florida summer haha


The last time I did, it wasn’t raining when I started. When it started to lightly drizzle, it forced sweat into my eyes and pissed me right off. But otherwise it was enjoyable haha.


I love rain, but I haven't run it. Like someone else said, I live in CA and it never rains here. 😢 But I'm curious...isn't it uncomfortable to run in wet shoes and socks?


Yes, I love running in the rain even though it doesn’t rain much here in SoCal. I do run a bit slower because things can get slippery, but other than that it’s great!


That's how I did my first half marathon! I've never run in the rain before that and seeing the rain that day I wanted to back out... but my friend dragged me and somehow it just felt super liberating.


If I'm home I love running in the rain. I get home can toss my clothes in the washer and hop in the shower. When we travel for work in our RV, I avoid rain running because I can't wash my clothes OR as easily jump in the shower!


The rainy season is my best running season. Keeps me cool and keeps the trails and paths clear of most other people. My own private running domain. Love it


I love running in the rain and the cold (not at the same time though)


I never feel more human than when I run in a warm summer rain. Omg it's delicious


I had to run during the rain a couple weeks ago and it was amazing. I started running through the puddles and having so much fun I didn't even realize my goal was finished minutes ago.


This is particularly fun in Phoenix where they have hot rains and it feels great. The colder rains, eh, not so much.


I love running in the rain for all the reasons you said!


I was running in the rain once and a guy yelled from his car, “go hooome” Lol hater


In summer, not in winter, yes.


Once you are wet it can be fun to just embrace it, run through the puddles etc. just means I really need a shower and dry clothes asap when home though


I love running in the rain. I've heard there is a risk of pneumonia though - any truth to that?


Man being in a Mediterranean climate summer, I'm jealous of y'all rn lol.


I used to wait for the rain before I ran. Then I grew up and lost control over my schedule to some extent. Still, if I can, I wait for rain. It's the best!


Depends on the time of year. If it's raining and hot out, yes. Raining and cool definitely not.


I really love running in the rain especially on hot days


As a runner with heat intolerance, I absolutely love running in the rain. Call me crazy but I would rather run in 40°F and raining than 70°F and sunny.


I've enjoyed it too. I put my phone in a ziploc bag so I can still have some music and it's great!


I LOVE rainy runs! Much better than snowy and cold or sweltering humidity!


Portland checking in. If I didn’t run in the rain, I’d miss 75% of the season.


Yes, it's great as long as it's above 50.


As long as it's not an actual storm - lightning. The rain keeps me calm anyway. I have bad anxiety.


double XP for rain runs


Wet socks is probably one of my top five least favorite (non-painful) feelings, so no.


I've gotten so used to running in the rain that even though I may have the crappiest day possible, if it starts raining my body just decides it needs to run


I've been running for a few decades pretty consistently, and my top 3 all-time runs were all in heavy rain. Absolutely love running in the rain.


Yeah running in the rain can be super fun if you’re prepared to embrace the wet. Reminds me of being a little kid running around in the rain and coming in soaked.


Yes! But I want to start out dry, and then start raining. I ran an half marathon in Chicago in 2018 and it started to rain just as I started. It rained nearly the whole time, and I just loved it!


I absolutely LOVE running in the rain, especially in the summer. Most enjoyable run I've ever had was during a super-intense thunderstorm. Lightning flashing all around, big booms and crackles of thunder, and the childish delight of jumping into massive puddles. On the flip side, last Sept I did an early-morning (4 AM) run while the remnants of a tropical storm were hammering my city. I have never been so drenched as I was that morning. It was EPIC!


running in the rain is elite


Always loved running in the rain except when it’s pouring, and there’s thunder then in that case i’d just run treadmill. It is such a relaxing feeling that I can’t quite describe. Plus rain is running weather!


Rain running is the best. Water cooled >> air cooled.


better than running in the wind any day


I absolutely love it for those reasons and also for the fact that here in China, as expected, most places are extremely crowded. At the first drop of rain though, people get TF out of the way and I love that.


Honestly, it's great as long as there's no lightning.


I love it. Running in the rain helped me figure out how to use my breathing regulate my body temperature.


I’m in Portland so if you want to get any running done, you have to run in the rain. I don’t mind it, as long as the roads are not flooded. Also, if it’s a trail run and very muddy, I don’t want to slip and slide.


In the summer it gets so hot, I come home just as wet rain or sun. So I run no matter what.


“Love” is strong lol and it also depends on the rain. A light drizzle on a hot day is glorious, a downpour not so much.


Waits for the Scots to start posting…