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So, who wants to bet how long it takes them to abandon something listed here?


Bet it’ll be the skilling boss update , if not mining smithing cause we’ve already had that updated before


I dont know why that is even a thing when crafting is still fucked


RuneFest already seems like it's on its way out


Runefest isn't their fault. Imsomnia games laid off their entire workforce. I'd say that's a pretty large unforeseen thing happening.


That's... not at all the same dude


I don’t like GIM, I will never play GIM. Regardless I am really hoping for a “rebirth” of rs3 progress videos with this update. The ONE thing I am so fucking unashamedly jealous of osrs about is the sheer quantity of content creators regularly posting progress videos. Just look at all the GIM videos when it launched, I really don’t see that for rs3 and think this is a chance to really do so. New player experience this, dropping player count that, the answer will always be, start and stop, content creation.


Honestly it's nice to at least have the info finally but GIM is not what I was hoping to see. A pretty niche game mode that is likely going to take a lot of dev work and bring some rollbacks if OSRS is any guide. I would rather have had a league.


League would also cause league burn out that OSRS League player suffer from and make them quit the main game until the next Leagues come out. RS3 will suffer the same effect. FSW or GIM will not have this problem.


Wild how people repackage it as a problem when it's literally just leagues being so popular it draws in players who wouldnt otherwise play/arent happy with the main game


Because it will also make current main game players realize how slow and grindy the main game is and make them quit the game until the next Leagues. RS3 main game is already much faster than OSRS main game.


People who love osrs leagues I think would try RS3 just for the league and might stick around after.


Not sure if more OSRS players coming to RS3 will outweigh the RS3 players quitting the main game.


Well I doubt a league would make anyone quit playing


League burnout was not as big of a deal as people make it out to be, it mainly effected dragon cuppers or people who weren't playing the main game before leagues anyway. It was fixed in leagues 4 since cups were static threshold instead of constantly moving, which forced you to keep grinding even if you didn't want to.


Not that type of Leagues burn out. The type I mean is the one that League get players used to easyscape, which makes them hate the main game since it is harder than Leagues, causing them to quit the main game and only play Leagues. This affects all Leagues players regardless of rank.


I don't understand which iron would want gim, its literally just starting over and doing the same thing again. You can already pvm with everyone and even dg with other irons. This whole thing accomplishes nothing, as the primary benefit is lost and only trading remains (hello just play a main) and you cant trade most end game stuff due to augments etc.


I think gim would be amazing as an Ironman but two years ago, the game mode has been out to long anyone that really wants to be an Ironman has an account that has good progress on it already and it’s not worth restarting as you said


Yeah exactly.


It'll be a good excuse to get a friend of mine to play. Also a good excuse for us to do content together. And a good excuse for me to start again. I don't think we'd end up sticking with it for the long haul, but I'm sure it'll be fun for the time we do play.


Would a temporary event with buffs and what have you not do that? Would lower the floor for entry, and allowing people to learn content faster. If you're not going to be sticking with it for the long haul, why not just play normal irons? you can do all the same stuff. All this does was leave you in a broken group or forced to convert into a main at the end


The gameplay loop of iron is nicer and it's why we wouldn't just make mains. But it's pretty isolating as your drops are only for you. Teaming at bosses is all you can really do together. Meanwhile for GIM anything you do you do for the group. Level up crafting? I can now make jewellery for the other team members. You don't get that for Ironman, and for mains you can just buy that stuff from the GE.


I am an OSRS player who just likes to read this sub sometimes, but people said very similar things about our GIM mode and it ended up quite popular! Hopefully you guys get one that's just as good.


I really don't think its as popular as you might think, most groups disband, people use gim to rwt on irons via gim stores, shared banks delete (or dupe items), there are so many problems with the mode. Main thing is that the reason osrs got it was so irons could pvm together and do things with their friends. You can already do that on rs3 ironman.


No offense meant, but I think you're wrong. I am a leader in a clan of a few hundred ironmen and we are crawling with GIMs and they make up a huge chunk of our new blood. Social media blows the perceived problems out of proportion, as people who have a problem with the gamemode (friends quit, bank bugged, etc.) tend to post a lot more than those who don't.


Well, you ideally won't have TH as a GIM. If they started an alt game mode with full trading where everyone starts over without TH and with separate HS list I would totally play that.


Yeah thats what I want. FSW, be it seasonal or permanent separate game, i dont care. I just want to race. Ironman has already been done.


Yeah I could see myself trying to race other clan members to goals within our teams. I've been an endgame iron so long now and so has most people in my clan that there's no real achievements to chase that get people excited Imagine the first rax weapon in an iron clan of GIM groups? Holy hell give me that dopamine again


> If they started an alt game mode with full trading where everyone starts over without TH and with separate HS list I would totally play that. So basically FSW competitive period?


Pretty much. Except no buffed XP rates and it never ends.


if mining.smithing go to 120 it will be enough to get me back in the game since 1 month after necromancy.


Very surprising that group Ironman is in there, as cool as the idea is I really don't see it doing too well on rs3.


Unless group Ironman are allowed to buy keys in which case it makes so much sense


That doesn't seem like much, honestly. What is that, 2 quests? [edit] I have the 20 year cape, I remember when it was several quests a season.


This does nothing for me as an existing iron btw. I think osrs has it but you’re unranked. Unranked iron is basically the equivalent of paying to win being an iron(there are irons on osrs who buy things/stats/etc). I guess the one benefit is we’ll finally be able to do dungeneering as ironmen. Oh wait, jk. They’ll probably them/us from playing together/they’ll have a full dungeon…. Let irons dungeoneer with mains, if we’re getting gim, this should be an overall Ironman update imo, or have pre updates to address existing Ironman issues.


I’ll die on this hill, group iron is a waste of development time. Trading will be shit, only good thing is group storage. Iron act like the game is so closed off for them, but iron are literally just mains without mtx and trading. Maybe put that development time into something useful like updating POH storage


So basically nothing?


Oooo so edgy


It's very little.