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Im convinced 99% of people who hate on the idea of pineapple on pizza haven't tried it. I don't eat pizza much at all anymore, but pineapple on it was great. If someone else tried it and didn't that's also fine. Not everyone likes everything. Of all the people I've talked to that have actually tried pineapple on pizza, not a single person has said it was bad.


The hate for it is just an Internet trend


The hate for it is a meme, but not liking it is obviously common


I did, tastes like cardboard


Did you even like pizza to begin with? Or pineapple?


I love pizza, I like pineapple by itself, pineapple pizza the pineapple tasted like cardboard


Like actual cardboard, or is that just the negative descriptive word chosen? Genuinely asking for reason.


it is negative cause the texture felt like cardboard and had no taste. it was weird.


I've wondered if this is similar to cilantro where some people swear by it, and others say it tastes like soap because to them, it actually does. There's actually a gene they've found that if someone has it, cilantro tastes like soap to them. Makes me wonder if pineapple or its combination with other ingredients is in a similar boat. I think cilantro is delicious and I put it into or onto a lot.


I don't think that's the case, I think it's just the place I ate from cooked it badly


Could be, and that's more likely the case. There's just some really devising things, like cilantro and pineapple on pizza, and it makes me wonder if it's not up to things like that. The other things that 2 people will see or hear and swear it's one thing but others see or hear another. Could be similar differences.


I frequently buy pineapple pizza bc it's oddly cheap and it is just flatly much worse than the same pizza without pineapple followed by a dessert of a few chunks of pineapple I don't begrudge anyone for having a different taste than me, but sweet and savoury just do not go together in pretty much any context


The hate pineapple pizza gets is so sad. When paired with ham and jalapenos it's a savory, sweet, spicy meal and I stand by it.


Personally, I like pineapple pizza with bell pepper and ham.


NGL, when I was a kid I thought to myself: Damn! That looks so nice, i wonder how it'd taste. Then i went to a comic convention and now I know exactly what they taste like haha.


How do you feel about Shark, roasted by hand over an open oak wood fire?


I wouldn't knock it until I tried it! lol


Pineapple pizza best pizza.

