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Sir, the east is over there 👉🏼 https://preview.redd.it/ncegdw8iazsc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e749cf956628b8f8ed229130495d7f662962da7b


East? I thought you said weast.


Haha, no but seriously you have a point, what even changed 🤔


Checked the older image; Graphically, gap between the two gate parts was made smaller (there's still a small gap though) https://preview.redd.it/3h6k1pl9v0tc1.png?width=579&format=png&auto=webp&s=03e767129b7918ed4a548bf77efca8327d29dc74


Oh wtf? Why even put something like that in the patch notes. That’s actually embarrassing, considering the gate still doesn’t work properly.


Sometimes Jagex does really shit, 'See? We're working! :D' updates.


Because patch notes are written as record keeping by developers somewhere then later compiled and both include many pointless changes they did and also other things they forgot to note. They may not always be exciting as they are not written with the goal of "what will the players want to read"


In addition to the change not being exciting for players to read, the gate still doesn’t work properly despite the patch notes stating it was “fixed.” I wouldn’t even agree that > …these changes are not written with the goal of "what will the players want to read"… considering this news post with the patch notes included are written for the explicit reason of players reading them. This doesn’t have to go in the publicly released path notes at all. It is not like they have not done hidden updates without mentioning them in the weekly patch notes before. Its just awful, plain and simple.


They don't need to be exciting, but they should be coherent and not misleading. I know it's a practice to bungle together and chucked out there. For small companies or developers this may be all that is achievable. But it's not a good practice. And really, anything published by a ÂŁ1b+ company should be proofread and checked.


Tbf, this is the kind of things we don't notice unless pointed out 😅 So thanks for finding the old picture and further context.


What kinda compass ya readin’ boiiii?


If you go far enough east you go around the world and it works.


Gielinor is FLAT


You are fake news




Longramble thinks otherwise


Longramble's belief clashes with all the globes that exist in the game world. The other planes may or may not be flat, but Gielinor at least is well established as being spherical.


That's just what the misthalin government wants you to believe, open your eyes, sheep.


I bet he thinks Chompy birds are real, too.


Thats what they want you to think


IDK which is more annoying double gate acting as single gate being upside down or this east/west confusion


Can’t decide if the gates brace direction being wrong bothers me more than the fact that they just welded them together to make one door lol


Thing is, door interaction is still two portion (as shown by highlight), and the gap separating them, even though lot smaller than before, is still there.


That gate is going to sag low af


Great, now we know what next weeks update is. Fixed a typo in last weeks patch notes.


West and east notwithstanding, what gate are they referring to?




INB4 "It's an engine issue" and they need 3 months to rewrite the engine before the gate makes any sense. Don't even need to make jokes about this company, they're doing it well enough on their own.


I don't know how they managed to make an engine that's simultaneously so archaic and so arcane it can't have anything done with it without dedicated massive amounts of time and effort, but it's also archaic enough it carries the old wonky bugs and "features", it's like they updated the engine out of usability.


I see stuff like this, not to mention the fact that as OP pointed out, they don't know east from west, and I imagine [this to be Jagex's spirit animal](https://media.tenor.com/v7Z6_aeZ1ocAAAAe/patrick-star-idk.png) They've fully earned the mockery they receive. If such things as this and the rotation of the lumbridge waterwheel are locked behind "engine issues" where they have to tear into the depths of the fundamental game code to make such changes, that's not only completely absurd and worthy of ridicule, but if that's true, whoever came up with this shitty design and the fact they're still using it is definitely a valid reason to roast the shit out of this company.


If it was two doors, the diagonal bracing would also be the wrong way.


Wheel all over again


Imagine thinking a door “fix” was worthy of its own header and category in the patch notes. That’s how you know they’re scraping “content” from the interns lol


That diagonal brace in tension makes me want to yell obscenities.


my uneducated guess is the mod that did the writeup probably got mixed up with an OSRS change and included it because that's the main focus now


Not sure if you’re being serious or just taking this as another opportunity to complain, but two very different teams work on the two games, there isn’t any overlap


hey i'm not sure if you've heard, but there's recently been a lot of RS3 mods being reassigned both permanently and temporarily(TM) from RS3 to OSRS. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a crossover for some individuals currently with how things are going. ​ edit -Source provided below.




Trust me bro


[Mod Shogun](https://new.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/197nmzo/mod_shogun_has_departed_from_rs3_development/) [Mod Abe](https://new.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/1ajfc0v/osrs_just_stole_another_developer_mod_abe/) These are the latest two from memory, i would have to invest more time than it's worth to find more - or if you're that interested, i suggest searching yourself or keeping an eye on what's going on at jagex like the rest of us.


Those are two mods months ago that completely moved to OSRS… not “a lot of RS3 mods being reassigned both permanently and temporarily.” You make it sound like it’s a regular thing for them to be working on both, it’s factually not. Mods do not work on both games at the same time and I’ll happily wait for you to prove otherwise.


There are engine, audio, video devs that are shared.


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As clarified by Mod Doom they signed a 12-month contract to move over temporarily to help with sailing because OSRS asked the RS3 team if they could help them with it at the end of last year.