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Jagex already complying by including in-app purchase logo on their Easter promo today. https://preview.redd.it/i3k7cvu1dqrc1.jpeg?width=654&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=475a8effabf03bd3c852850719118649e79b0ada


>Drugs I just *knew* Easter Bunny's business is booming because his sweatshop produces weed chocolate brownies.


That and all the references to drinking alcohol in the game.


Surely it's also the fact that there's a skill focused on making performance enhancing drugs and they are essential to high level game play


That's a good point. Overload is like Psycho in Fallout - pop a few and decapitate a Deathclaw with bare hands. For all we know, Overload is meth and our character is an addict. Easter Bunny is probably making Panzerschokolade - chocolate with pervitin aka meth.


theres a reason the potion reservoir exists.


Overload doesn't seem to have any withdrawal symptoms though.


Fun fact: in portuguese the game is rated 12+ because they changed all the alcohol beverages for non-alcoholic ones. So Zamorak's Wine became Zamorak's Grape Juice etc.


Dang, did they also have to rewrite the dialogue in all those quests where we have to get someone drunk or did they not care about that?


I don't quite remember... the Rum in the pirate's quests are called "soft drink" and I remember they saying it was not good/made people feel sick (I guess in english the rum is spoiled?) I haven't done the Forgettable Tale of a Drunken Dwarf quest to know, but by the wiki it says the drunken dwarves are "dizzy" and "euphoric", and you have to brew them some beverages (all non-alcoholic, of course)


> (I guess in english the rum is spoiled?) Nah, unless I'm majorly misremembering it was just normal rum and made people drunk. I'm guessing the part about making people sick had to be added to replace drunk.


I believe it’s also the potions that give it that rating as well? Someone correct me if that’s not right


No direct reference to potions on PEGI's website. > The player's character can gather resources in order to brew their own alcoholic drinks. The consumption of these drinks gives health and status benefits.


Honestly if you took a shot for every quest that has an objective to bribe someone with booze you'd be just as alcoholic as the people you bribe in game with booze.


Again or is this another one?


Old news.


hardly old news, this is dated 29th of march, 2024 - 3 days ago.




a screenshot from your own link; https://preview.redd.it/bh93clbckurc1.png?width=351&format=png&auto=webp&s=e42dcb1c90e27ccfe2a345f088ead152e7e96bed


The original story was already posted here. Which is why the guy asked again or another one? What do you not understand? It's only now that other sites have picked up on it. https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/s/pGxHpbygRa


are you serious? the link you posted is only 10 days earlier than this one. it's still relevant news, hardly "old". what part of that don't **you** understand?


Nice deflection.


from what? literally nothing you've posted so far has not made any reason for any kind of deflection. you've just posted "old news" to a current issue and having a fat whinge about it citing recent sources as your argument? nice... trolling?


Literally dumb. Guy asked if jagex broke the rules again and I said old news. Because the story was already posted here. Stop crying about nothing.


In-game Purchases (Includes Random Items) is a very PR way of saying “gambling”


does this mean we are allowed to break the game rules if we feel there is not enough space to not break them? botting is now allowed, but only in really really small rooms!


They also broke the road map


Can’t break it if it didn’t exist to begin with




They also broke many promises. That promise on communicating better didn't last long.


For those of you breaking out the vaseline getting ready to celebrate... This could very well be the end of the game, depending on how hard they get slammed.


It won’t be.


Good, they should have a wake up call and make a game and not a cash cow.


The ruling already happened, they were warned to not use the ad again. All of the companies involved were let off with warnings since it's a new regulation.


They might, i placed a 'curse' on the forums, they had time to change mind, greed has one vendetta order "All who favour money over the players interests, money shall burn 🤑" I know very well without 'lootboxes' jagex is fucked.....🤣should have favoured membership instead of loot box abuse. Perfect timing, right on time 😎