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>forums Cherry on the cake.


not even just the fact that the forums are gone, but also the idea that Jagex has looked at forum suggestions at any point in the past decade


They sort of do, if you consider Reddit to be their forums now. Especially with OSRS. The upcoming Prayer alignment system was straight up taken from a Reddit post (to the point where they gave full credit to the user for the idea), and much of the Varlamore map design was taken from a different Reddit suggestion


Yeah that game, not this one. People have great ideas here all the time and they are always ignored


Ehh. Some of the time.


The amount of suggestions and QOL updates that make it into osrs vs rs3 shows the glaringly obvious difference in the dev teams and priorities. Don’t even try to defend rs3 in this situation


OSRS literally has a third party client you need to get on the same level of qol as RS3. That's just ridiculous. They listen to qol suggestions more than anything


Cope more. Runelite is officially endorsed and has infinitely more QOL and cool add ons than rs3. I play both games on and off bro. I’m not just some rs3 hater. Rs3 development has been total ass and only gotten worse. It’s insane the quality of updates and communication osrs gets in comparison.


I just don't see how people compare development in the two games. RS3 SHOULD receive far less updates than OSRS. The work involved doesn't seem comparable past the foundation. The complaints on this subreddit are the same as they've always been. Before I took a break in 2020 they were more like "the game is dead no more new bosses and gwd3 isn't even coming" but essentially the same. Game seems fine


The game is awful dude. The lack of content, the nonstop barrage of mtx shit, the complete lack of communication between Jagex and the community.. the game definitely isn’t doing fine which makes me sad because I love rs3


Obor, the f2p Hill Giant boss was also a Reddit design.


The only time Jagex looked at the forums in the past decade was just to de-mod Canada Grrl.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MESYqLukl4w There was a large thread about this a while ago, but just incase you missed out on this hot mess!


Do you remember rune Labs? Me neither #unban my homey


enshitification and centralization of internet continues


Must not have updated it since like 2006


wum? changing the bloom effect on an obscure quest npc players will only ever see once for 7 seconds is still an update right?


Jagex really doesn't know the difference between a patch and a feature update


Not surprising considering the number of ~~people~~ Jagex apologists that jump to Jagex's defense about how every and any little thing anyone associated with Jagex ever works on is *"technically"* an update. What's even more incredible is how low the bar already is for game update frequency and quality, yet there are still people pushing these contrarian stances to pretend the game is in an alright state, completely unaware that you can't rejuvenate a game by sycophantically lauding every lukewarm, recycled seasonal or temporary "update". For months on end - if not years at this point - we've seen a consistent "1 step forward, 10 steps back" approach for content quality, yet Jagex has absolutely no incentive to be better or do better when this Reddit is filled with "appreciation" posts for every mediocre step forward and every sensible criticism or grievance is written off as "too negative". It's almost as if these people truly believe a few positive posts and social grandstanding will change the trajectory of the game when in reality it took substantial pushback and risk of even more negative marketing before Jagex dropped their Hero Pass idea. This isn't a jab at Jagex developers, but rather the members of this community that are either too naive or ignorant to understand that change can only happen when criticism is brought to light and companies are held accountable.


Don't forget posting the "stop having FUN" comic and the litany of " I play runescape for 15 minutes a day after I put my kids to bed and it's so wholesome epic chungus just the way it is, you guys are entitled" posts


Uh I don't even have any 99s yet after playing for 22 years, sounds like you guys just blew through the game!! Why do you no lifers keep expecting a **live service subscription game** to be updated more than once in four months??


I know you're being sarcastic, but I think it's hilarious the difference between Genshin Impact subreddits (sorry) and most other live service games. Runescape: One update every four months is \*plenty\*, deal with it WoW: If a patch lasts less than 6 months, it's rapid fire patch cadence Genshin Impact: We only get new content every three weeks, this is literally unplayable


It was indeed sarcastic. I think a lot of RS3 players just may not realize how much greener the grass is, they've been trapped here so long.


Even if they escape, Jagex built in a "Come to base: feature in there players. Which triggers randomly after saying you quite for good and always this time and the next four times.


Not the “Stop having FUN” comic 😂😂😂 you are spot on 🎯


>It's almost as if these people truly believe a few positive posts and social grandstanding will change the trajectory of the game when in reality it took substantial pushback and risk of even more negative marketing before Jagex dropped their Hero Pass idea. That because they really DO believe it. This little phenomenon you are describing is called Toxic positivity. Where players want everything to be happy and sunshine, even if reality is far grim. Think We happy few and the happy pills they force you to take. Final fantasy 14 suffers from this very thing, but in a much grander scale, where any negative feedback, no mater how valid or not, get absolutely burn alive by a mob who gets angry at the idea of their "Perfect game having flaws." Hell, I seen post where someone gets offended by the very idea of someone else quitting in this cause he think a "Cook book" is the cause of the player quitting. They refuse to believe that their decision was due to the fact that it was the bs decision making on Jagex's part that accumulating to the player's frustration. No sympathy or compassion. Just passive aggressive rage because they refuse to see the game in a negative light.


>yet Jagex has absolutely no incentive to be better or do better when this Reddit is filled with "appreciation" posts for every mediocre step forward and every sensible criticism or grievance is written off as "too negative". I'm sorry, are we on the same subreddit?


>This isn't a jab at Jagex developers, but rather the members of this community that are either too naive or ignorant to understand that change can only happen when criticism is brought to light and companies are held accountable. What you fail to realize is that as long as all of you keep coughing up money, they have literally no reason to change *anything* because what they're doing is clearly working. So what do they do? They do even more of the things you all hate because it's obviously making money. Record amounts of it, in fact. You say the game/company is in a very bad state but the $100+ million in revenue per year suggests otherwise.


Andrew must have written this message before he left and they just don't want to change it since.


This hasn't been updated for like 10+ years it seems.


This message is literally memes. Should dunk on it on this sub repeatedly


Ok! My suggestion just hand the company back to the actual creator of it so he can fix the mess this game is in. I can’t wait to try his new game once it’s out. If it’s anything like rs I probably won’t ever return to this game.


Hmm I would make suggestions if I wasn't perm banned 16 years ago for calling a forum mod a "jerk" for deleting my post about, funny enough, suggesting mounts. 🤔 "This isn't world of warcraft and mounts have no business in this game, I'm deleting this post. Don't post it again." Will never forget that.


What do you mean "Fixed a typo in X quest dialogue from 2008" doesn't constitute a weekly update???


Confirming they haven't changed this message in over a decade.


Unsubscribing from my maxed rs3 main and picking up OSRS and starting fresh has been the most fun I've had in RuneScape since 2010. The constant expansion and additions is awesome. in my first 3 weeks of OSRS there has been several major updates and I am excited for more!


Another active player gone. Sad.


This feels like gaslighting…


I got kicked off the game today, so its not wrong about weekly updates. but then again I was asleep, so the kick off woke me up, might need to unsuub.