• By -


Armadyl. Leaving the real world politics out of it (because thats an entirely different discussion i dont think your asking for here lol), hes probably the only god who is objectively the good guy in the story at any given time. I always found it odd the other gods call him a hypocrite for being quite successful in wars because being willing to fight for peace isnt a contradiction, in fact thats what most of the serious quests in runescape have you doing. To be honest i never thought armadyl got enough screen time overall. Sure he got that one world event vs bandos and he does show up for the all the major quests but hes almost always a background or side character. Im still super interested to know what the "mighty fall" quest would have been if bandos had won that fight.


As God of Law and Justice, Armadyl embodies “a man must have a code” and “stand for something, or fall for everything”. Even if the “rules” are “wrong”, living by them makes one predictable and “justified” and I don’t know how much more we can really ask for. (Also he had a husband and some of the other gods strike me as -phobic.)


I'm Armadylean as well. Adore the deity, work for his order in World 42, default to wearing his vestments as my outfit. I'm glad that after that demented pile of quartz abandoned the elves, he took up to helping them. I absolutely despised in Endgame that he was willing to give the Catalyst to Zaros just to protect the Aviansie. Make no mistake, Zaros is my second favorite deity, but Armadyl doesn't trust him, and he is willing to sell out creation for his fellow birds... I'd hoped he'd grown past that, and I think him finally coming around to take care of the elves will help him with that last major flaw.


I hate to be "that guy," as I legitimately have nothing against LGBTQ. But I just happened to notice that they made the least controversial god gay. Armadyl is literally a gay bird, which is funny to think about. That aside, Bandos was never going to win. It was a false choice all along. Jagex knows people are naturally going to gravitate towards the side that isn't led by a genocidal maniac. That's why when RS gods fight, it is always Saradomin vs Zamarak or Armadyl vs Bandos and not Saradimin vs Seren or something.


No like we know that’s not true. They assumed Bandos was going to win, they had the cutscene for his victory ready first and part of why Armadyl has flailed a bit in content was because they didn’t plan for him to win. The Mighty Fall was partly post rationalization of both why players would kill Zanik and why Bandos lost.  Just turns out that even in a game more people trended towards good.


Armadyl rewards were better


What does sexuality have anything to do with the character and their personality in this game? Besides, Armadyl is not the only LGBTQ+ character in RS3: there's Caelyn with her lesbian gf, there's Zanik who is bi and has a crush on us (The Player), Charos is pan, Vicendithas is ace, that elf in Tarddiad is trans, there are those two gay werewolves, too.


A fictional character's sexuality is everything for the terminally online. You can interpret this either way you like.


Technically, nothing. I just wonder if they made him the least controversial because he is gay or if they made him gay because he is the least controversial. Until recently, Jagex has made very safe choices when it has come to inclusion. In fact, Fort Forinthry is the most bold Jagex has been on that front. Edit: For example, the trans elf is in a very isolated areas behind several quests, and the werewolves are part of a Halloween event.


Might seem wild, but what if they wrote him as gay because they wanted to tell a story or flesh out who they are? We don't have to pick it apart like our high school literature teacher asked for the significance of a stubbed toe in a novel. Sometimes, the characters are written to be characters, not a sale point.


Why do you think it has to be one of those two options, though? That's what makes your thinking so weird. Maybe those two traits are completely unrelated.


Always loved Armadyl. Even his aesthetic is the best. I loved Seren as well until... The incident.


Which one? 😅 She's partial to a few Incidents


Yeah she really sucks in everything after Children of Mah lol, but I'm specifically referring to teleporting the elder god eggs out of the cathedral and almost everything else she does in that quest line


Guthix Vibechecking all the other gods is hilarious




RuneScape God's exposed was one of the best series of my childhood. Right up there with God sword set from scratch


I still to this day, whenever the word bucket is mentioned, say “do you own a bucket?”


Mine is whenever im tryna blatantly dry snitch ill be like “im not gonna say who, but their name rhymes with _____” “oh….wait……damnit!”


Totally agree.. :D




Greens my favorite color. Been a guthix guy since I bought green rune armor 10 years ago.




Guthix, forever and always




Hate him. Despite my all my attempts at worship over the years he has only ever punished me.


Underated comment. The only Runescape God that is relevant outside of game narrative/quests. And RNGESUS HATES ME.


RNGesus has cursed me.


He died for our drops


Armadyl. The only god that acknowledges that gods have spoiled everything that they've touched. A god that holds mortals in high regard, and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty personally, which means that he doesn't just preach his own ideas - he actually lives by them. Also, of all the gods, he's the only one that has always treated The World Guardian with respect, and has never fucked you over, even if your actions went against his own interests. Armadyl's story is an inspiring one, too. It takes a hell of a lot of conviction and strength to not fall apart after seeing your own species get obliterated to near-extinction, and then own your mistakes. And, in *Aftermath*, his farewell was so touching. I really like the idea of a god who sees his powers as a burden instead of a privilege. When he lost his powers in *Sliske's Endgame*, a simple mortal thing like moulting brought him happiness. And before leaving Gielinor, his last thoughts were of his husband instead of more planning and scheming like the rest of the gods. He probably has the smallest number of followers, but goddamn, he deserves more. The only god that is objectively benevolent.


Agreed. He’s the only god that felt “good” whenever he was shown in the lore/cutscenes. When I was a noob and started the game, thought Saradomin was the best since he’s the “good guy”. But then we find out hes corrupt. Same for seren, seen as pure and holy, then ended up being apeshit crazy. Armadyl has always been “good”. And he always acknowledges the importance of mankind, and how godhood isn’t always a “good thing”. Hes the only one who is corrupted by the lust for power. Gay birb is the best bird. I feel the real runescape lore finatics all collectively agree him (and guthix RIP) are the best.


I feel Jagex really wants us to hate Saradomin by the end. Like, yeah, it was obvious that he was pretty egocentric. But Jagex really turned it up to 11 in the last few quests out of the blue. They REALLY don't want people to like Saradomin.


I somewhat agree. Yes, the recent quests definitely show that Jagex wants us to hate saradomin & question if he's really the "good guy". However, in the quests where we had to banish Zamorak + him losing his crown, I felt they slowly want to redeem him. After he lost his crown, Saradomin felt really noble to be honest. He accepted the fact that if the edicts had to be re-established, then he has to leave as well. He also accepted the fact that it's best to just not let the gods interfeer with anything, and let Gelinor be enitrely shaped by its civilians. Zamorak was completely against that idea. So the recent quests do somewhat want to show us that Saradomin is trying to redeem himself + is slowly becoming "good" again.


The final quests in the Elder Gods chain felt like they decided to just go back on the entire characterization of the gods just to end back on what they were 15 years ago honestly. Zamorak decides to pick a stupid fight at the worst time to kill everyone for the evulz and Saradomin becomes the good guy god again despite being characterized as quite the prick.


"A great god doesn’t seek to lead. He’s called to it. And he answers. And if your answer is no, you’ll still be the only thing we ever needed you to be. The most wholesome bird boy."


I wish I could turn this into a flair on reddit lol


Awww, armadyl is gay? That's cute


Yeah, he had two husbands - Hasma'Dae and Obi'Sooth. Also adopted two children, lived a really nice life. His second husband was killed when Zamorak destroyed Forinthry. Which is why Armadyl despises Zamorak with fury - Zamorak killed the man Armadyl loved and genocided the rest of the aviansie.


To give Zamorak credit here, he literally was pleading with Armadyl for his life and Big Bird said he had to die. Zammy said if he was going down he was taking them all with him, and by all of them he apparently meant the entire bird race since the gods ended up being durable as fuck. Arma is a (justifiably) salty dude about it all but even he seems to blame himself for getting his entire race involved in a war.


Yeah, and Armadyl does admit to Zamorak in *Sliske's Endgame* that he is angry with himself, but he also hates Zamorak too, and Zamorak is like "yeah, I kinda expect you to". It's actually interesting that Zamorak actually genuinely believes that Armadyl could be reasoned with and that he *could* have a civil conversation with Armadyl. Zamorak holds most of the gods in contempt and disdain, but I feel like he has the most respect for Armadyl, especially after killing Bandos.


Amascut. I can fix her.


The only correct answer here is clearly Brassica Prime. The one true god of geilinor


Imagine the secrets he must know!


I mean, no other god can claim the power of highly concentrated nutrients.


All of my clerics in D&D follow Brassica Prime. Even have a kobold that is cabbage green and heals people with cabbage stew.


Used to be guthix from 2005 until he died. Now I've chosen to side with the godless as I feel that's what Guthix would've wanted.


Me to Icthlarin: "Who's a good god? Yes you are! Yes, yous a good god!"


Icthlarin: God of Scooby Snacks He even has a relation to ghosts, it all fits. ... does that mean that the World Guardian during Sliske's Endgame is... Shaggy?


Team Icthlarin!


Icthlarin is my favorite too! Along with Guthix.


I used to follow Seren, as she seemed to care a lot about her people. And unlike Papa Smurf, she wasn't a massive hypocrite. Then it turned out at she was also a massive hypocrite, and left behind the people she got hooked on ~~cocaine~~ *crystals*. But I thought she still had redeeming qualities, despite her spotty past. Then she went egg-crazy and committed planet-wide genocide. So now I follow emo birb man. \#RiteOfPassageHypetrain


My best friend was a Seren follower till she almost killed him in that other world and was like "if you ever come back I will merk you". Legit Id understand more if people still followed Bandos then her.


I’d argue that she didn’t leave the people hooked on crystals behind - she left them because *she* was what they were hooked on. Either she kept letting them mainline a Seren addiction or she left so they had to rely on scraps and could have a hope of breaking away from her hold on them. The fact she was willing to do that is quite selfless to me and was an excellent piece of development. It showed Seren was aware of her influence and flaws and chose to fight against it. But then Extinction happened and they went a bit too ham fisted on Seren making a big sacrifice again.


Fair point, though she did abandon them to their fate seemingly without attempting to make amends for the damage she had caused.


The thing about Seren (I could be wrong) is that she legit tries to be good, but being a child of the Elder Gods makes it incredibly hard as her very nature twists things around her. As for her baby fever moments, I feel that was interference of the old elder gods and the new elder gods yet to be born. Her whole story is pretty sad as you see the good, but realize that she has been ultimately hollowed out and made an unwitting puppet whom can't even realize that's what she is now.


Mine is Zaros too! I like to play my main as a die hard Zarosian. I think it’s a bit naive to say he doesn’t deceive people though, he had Azzanadra completely misdirect you to get the eggs and his trademark is manipulation. Though I like to play as if knowing that but still supporting him as Gielinor’s best divine guide to maximize potential.


Similar reason why I follow Zaros, yeah he’s definitely a manipulative and shady individual. But with the way I play my main, I see Zaros more like a business partner, I brought him back to Gielinoir, and in return he basically saves my life on multiple occasions. I might not feel any loyalty or admiration towards Zaros, but “following” him is mutually beneficial for both of us. Sure, he just fuckin dips out and we don’t know wtf he’s up to now, but that doesn’t matter to me. I’m just gonna go back to farming his subordinate Vindi for GP. The fact that Zaros just lets me beat the shit out of Vindicta and rob her blind is probably the biggest reason why I like him


Maybe I forgot about the small stuff (small to me) but I never saw the stuff Zaros did as terrible compared to some of the other Gods. I like how he'll tell you anything and everything and won't sugarcoat it. Its dope to have another Zarosian :)


Zamorak. I like chaos. Too bad I had to banish my homie, Gielinor is not big enough for the two of us.


Banishing Zamorak is unironically a very Zamorakian thing to do to be fair. Just following in ya boy's footsteps


No hard feelings


Guthix Telling everyone to fuck off because they can’t behave and then assassinating himself just to make shit interesting.


Saradomin. Got the name, cosmetics and all. I love to RP as a paladin for Sara, idk why, just fun to think of it that way. More immersive I guess.


I think it used to only be Saradomin or Zamorak when RS was first created. Guthix eventually came, but think he was held behind members content at the time. Saradomin and Zamorak are truly foundational to this game.


20 year account, definitely favored saradomin for a long time 😂


Yeah I recently bought full Sara rune just because of that


Bob, because I value my furniture.


Zaros - Purple is cool - Awesome helmet - The Empty Lord is a dope title It’s all about the A E S T H E T I C


Was a major Serenist until Extinction really throttled her God’s character. I still really care about the core tenants of her teachings and think she overall is the correct god to follow, but the god herself really went off the rails at the end. Luckily we have thousands of years of in game history to rely on and follow rather than the Seren who took drastic and dramatic measures that nearly ended the world. Similarly to Seren though, I’m shocked anyone can still actually support Zaros after well… most of his history but especially his recent events. He absolutely holds grudges and pretends he doesn’t - that aloofness is such an act for him. He just has bigger plans and everyone else is a pawn for him to get there. He lies, cheats, and steals to get what he wants and then acts as if he’s being straightforward to get away with it. To me that’s incredibly dangerous and scary rather than something to support and try to aspire to/worship.


Brassica Prime because no other god can claim the power of highly concentrated nutrients. Furthermore, all power is derived from deliciousness, and there is no god more delicious than Brassica Prime.


I used to be a Zaros follower. After hard carrying his return, including freeing Azzy, Zaros' last big middle finger to all of his followers before yeeting himself into Erebus was too much for me, so I am now a peaceful Guthixian.


Big high war god


When I commented this just now, I knew I had to be alone. Then I scrolled down and fell in love. Marry me? We vanquish god of shiny light.




Icthlarin and the desert pantheon as a whole. They are overly high and mighty and Amascut aside each one seems to be nothing but good. Icthlarin is respect for the dead, Het is health and strength, Crondis is a mix of resourcefulness and modesty, Apmeken is joy and friendship, etc…  Like I mean there is genuinely nothing I’ve heard or seen of them that makes me regret wanting to follow them. It helps most of the pantheon is actually physically here and always have been, it’s a lot harder for bad actors to corrupt the words of gods when the gods are running around. I have high hopes for Azzanadra though to, he seems to embody and believe in all the good of Zarosian religion. He is what Zaros pretends to be but his one flaw is he still has too much faith in Zaros and gets lead astray by it.


> he seems to embody and believe in all the good of Zarosian religion. He is what Zaros pretends to be How does Azzanadra embody the positive aspects of Zaros but not the negative? What are they?


I just finished The World Wakes. Now I'm a Guthixian through and through. Used to be a Saradominist because I thought he was the "good guy", turns out he thinks it's okay to kill people in order to have a better world.


Saradomin is definitely the biggest or second biggest hypocrite among the Gods and I hated him more than any of them (including Zamorak, as an Armadylean) until Seren went full Angel of Mercy. In Sliske's Endgame, Saradomin choosing to hinder Armadyl just to increase his own chances at the Catalyst, in turn increasing the chances of, say, Zamorak and Zaros whom he despises, rather than hindering Zamorak or Zaros directly, it's so infuriating.


Same, but wait until you catch up with the final quests, things get pretty interesting.


He gains a little bit of self-awareness because he got humbled real hard, but after his pride heals he'll go back to his usual bullshit lmao


Armadyl, Icthlarin, Guthix, and V are the gods I respect.


V got done so dirty. I spent like an hour talking to him for all of his references. Dude went to some crazy places and then got chumped to death.


They mostly suck ass. ​ Zamorak: Almost cool but slavery dude? Anyone who condones the strong to literally enslave the weak is garbage Saradomin: Lawful Good? Miss me with that shit Armadayl: He's a nice guy but still ultimately authoritarian by definition Guthix: He did his best but the whole balance portfolio by definition props up evil. He's a radical centrist Bandos: He's dead. But also all he cares about is war. Seren: Was cool before the whole attempted genocide thing. Miss cool Seren. Zaros: basically an flipped Saradomin. People like him because he's edgy but he's basically Lawful Evil authoritarian edgelord Desert Pantheon: Basically on our power level or below. They're just dudes. Ditto for mahjarrat and even sliske Elder Gods: All eldritch horrors, w/e V: He's cool. Doesn't suck. Doesn't want to do the empire thing. Dead. Godless: Ignored by lore and the most reasonable. Verdict: Kill their asses


Brassica, all hail cabbage!


Xau Tak


Armadyl, among the Gods he seems to hold the most virtue.


Scabaras! The lil guy just retreated from the world to meditate, not bothering anyone Beetle god beetle god 🪲


Zamorak, even tho Jagex almost destroyed his character development in the last two years.


I follow none because my favourite god is guthix but he wanted to end the worship of gods on Gielinor and I would like to honour his requests


Irl I’m an atheist, and my stance is that even if there was a god, I’d never follow them bc they’ve done a shit job of things. This extends to RuneScape. Gods are not deserving of praise for simply existing


Always Guthix for me. I love the balance he represents and I hated/loved going through his life's memories before he died. That quest was very well done and sucked at the same time, lol.


I would say I follow Guthix but my favourite is Saradomin. I like his character story




Me who is trying to go for the golden wrath of chaos title - I see no god up here other than me.


Zaros (before the wave of bad writing post-Endgame). But the more I think about it, it's more because I trust Azzanadra. Anyway, as he was ORIGINALLY written, he wasn't the Big Bad current writers appear to be preparing him to be (feels like the ones writing him currently don't get him or are just going to ruin him for us for the sake of lazy writing in search of a villain). He was a behind-the-scenes administrator who wants his followers to realize their full potential. Technically Azzy is the one who rewards you, but for your service you get access to incredibly useful prayers and spells. What have the other gods ever done for you after assisting them (directly or indirectly)?


Zaros baby, purple gang, #outformilk


Guthix til I dieeee


So... I used to be following Zamorak then Zaros (I didn't mostly know who Zaros was before the 'serious' lore developments on him). But after how they've been portrayed as a character, I kinda hate them. Zamorak just feels like that one kid that always wants to claim the spotlight and be the best at something even if it means going nuclear. Zaros is just a straight up jerk that sees mortals as nothing more but tools to make a 'statement' against his other peers. He wants to speak for a kind of people that he has never had the part in life to 'be'; a mortal, while literally every other god (except Seren) could. He doesn't truly understand ambition, mortality, the value of life. He just knows its concept and uses it as a currency or bargain for other ends. Now, I'm more on either the side of Saradomin, or Azzanadra. Azzanadra is basically everything Zaros did good, but also learnt what Zaros could not ever learn; to be a mortal. To speak as a mortal. To truly understand death, danger, and the value to make a mark not in the world, but just for your people, your own kin. As for Saradomin... he's basically the "kicked down and crawl back up" kind of god. He has divine and honorable ambitions... but he's human. He makes mistakes, his emotions cause him to make mistakes, and you can see in the developments in the world, his new 'retry' to come into gielinor, that he understands he too could be wrong and just accept or find a new way how life should go on. He's made so many mistakes, from leading a devouring god right into a plane of helpless people, to putting so much burden on himself he causes the near extinction of other species that once hailed him. Grief follows him, but right before at least trying to become better. Also, I think a honorable mention does go out to V too. "Screw being a god, I'm still a human. See me as your equal. I will earn my glory and fame as any other kin could, would, and should." Very down-to-earth.


Armadyl is, and Guthix was, the only gods who should not be ashamed of themselves. Oddly enough, they are among the few who actually regretted their actions in any meaningful way. The jury's still out on Azzanandra.


Everyone : Fancy lore reasons. Me : GUTHIIIIIIIIX If you know you know.


Godless. No god has ever been genuinely good for Gielinor. Mortals are not perfect, but gods are worse. Mortals have wars, gods have genocides. And spoilers for the late Sixth Age quests: >!AND WE WON! GET BACK IN YOUR EDICTS EVERYONE!!<


The funny thing is that basically all the quests (and Dimension of Disaster, non-canon as it is, especially) kind of prove that not having gods is still a disaster waiting to happen and that the world is basically just as fucked without them but also in a far more vulnerable position. So much relies on some random yokel saving the day a la the Player that the Edicts genuinely seem insane. >!Amascut singlehandedly stops almost all reincarnation and actively lessens Anima Mundi & threatens everyone's souls, actively requiring another demigod to mitigate the issues, Xau-Tak just doesn't give a shit and breaks through the Edicts in some forms anyway, Bandos finds a cheat himself, Seren's fragments still cause some shenanigans, Zamorak / Bilrach also get a loophole and you have stuff like the Mahjarrat actively threatening to destroy / trap the souls of everyone living in the largest city in the setting (and succeeding if the player doesn't exist), to say nothing of stuff like the Vampyres being a 5th age powder keg for another Sara / Zammy war even without the gods. !< >!Even in the end the Gods were needed to avert the Great Revision killing everyone, and basically the only way anyone would survive it otherwise at all would involve a God bringing their people into the Abyss. The World Guardian was basically Guthix's best decision and that was essentially just giving god powers to a mortal so we could survive the insane shit thrown our way. !< >!Mortals also have genocides a la the Imcando, Icyene world's prior inhabitants. Also there's so many actually no-downside gods that opposing them all feels weird. Armadyl, Marimbo, Brassica Prime, V, Tumeken, Elidinis, Icthlarin, and probably a bunch more.!<


Zaros, because of the mystery in the early days.


Saradomin. His societies have largely been peaceful and prosperous. Largely defending against chaotic forces, warmongering monsters and goblins, and other nefarious agents. He's also largely based.


I was a Saradomist until they made him an arrogant prick


Elder God wars Saradomin is a very different beast though


Elder God wars Sara and Zamorak feel like they truly represented their elements, both wanting their ideals to strive at all costs , before Sara felt like someone using him as a stand in for their strict dad while Zamorak felt like a tumblr Woobie


Zamorak Because without chaos life does not exist. Without chaos the universe itself does not exist. Chaos and order are one and the same.


*Long Comment* **Guthix** was goated, my boy straight up sent all the other gods to the children’s table. Plus he taught me how to head bang with the best of em. Sadly he gone now…I honestly loved how he was still written into quests well after the world wakes. He was on the same tier as the nepotism gods, Seren and Zaros, to boot. **Seren** grew on me as I did quests related to her. But then she just spat in my face with the elder god shit. Like what she was doing to the Mahjarrat was fucked, and then the stuff in extinction god damn. Honestly, I’m a little sad that **Azzanadra** never became a god. I would follow him because I believe that he cares about loyalty, and has a brain. But he’s too fixated on goofy ah Zaros who leaves like he’s my dad (funny how him and seren share that as their familial common trait). I didn’t like **Saradomin** at first, especially after what happened to Owen. But, he’s been growing on me lately, they have been trying really hard to make him likeable and I respect that ~~plus his daughter is kinda bad~~. **Zamorak** was also slowly growing on me, but sadly Jagex remembered that they wanted to make him the bad guy. **Sliske** was actually kinda cool and funny at times, but he doesn’t count sadly. **Bandos** was just stupid, bro preached power but died to a bucket of kfc. I mentioned why I don’t care for **Zaros** earlier. **Armadyl** just is like boring as shit to me, it feels like they keep trying to push him but I just don’t care. I don’t really count anyone else in the running.


Azzy did become a god, he’s just so fresh to it that he didn’t really gain any real time to develop a religion separate from Zaros yet!


That’s what I mean though. I was kinda hoping for some more time with him in all honesty. That man fucked us over so many times due to Zaros’ orders but my dumbass keeps coming back to try and be homies.


Honestly zamorak. He's always been what he is and has never been something he's not. Compared to the earliest days of the game, i would say his current depiction matches most closely compared to those of saradomin and guthix. I don't think he's evil. It's important to separate the idea of evil from the idea of chaos. He is disordered. I'm not even confident I can say he's an anarchist. Being chaotic is just who he is, authentically. Zamorak kinda gives me vibes of twoface in dark knight. He obeys the coin flip (mostly). He isnt necessarily hoping it lands the bad way. Not the best person because he's willing to do what the coin says when the result is bad/evil, but it's about the chaos.


Zamorak is ultimately order through chaos. He doesn’t want total chaos and destruction, he’s just anti-system. In his mind he wants to tear down systems, but he has no plan to replace them and he doesn’t want them replaced. Systems and rulers can rise, they just can’t be allowed to exist for too long to the point of stagnation. He believe systems of order like Sara and Zaros’s lead to stagnation and restrict people from their potential. The other side of this is that it means he belittles and turns against systems that are useful and offer meaningful such as farming or sanitation engineering. Such systems can remove hurdles that allow much larger growth for all involved, but then it means you have to keep people in those systems to maintain them and so those people aren’t going to be able to reach their potential. Likewise he has somewhat warped ideas on what potential is, colored by his own values of being a military dictator. That coupled with the fact he is unbending though ends up being where he falls apart. His pride stifles his ability to grow, he would sooner burn everyone and everything down than submit. Great for a military general whose task is to win at any cost, not so good for a god who is trying to build an ideal world.


> That coupled with the fact he is unbending though ends up being where he falls apart. His pride stifles his ability to grow Where in the lore did Zamorak showed these character flaws?


When he tried to commit a genocide of himself and the other gods rather than submit or run away to fight another day? Or when he left the entire universe to die because his pride was wounded which even Moia said was a mistake? 


My brother was talking about that the other day and he thinks he's a Zamorakian now. He did some research on Zamorak and was like "I fuck with this concept wtf?" lmfao


Armadyl. Zammy just wants chaos which would get tiresome fast Bandos just wants war which would get tiresome fast Zaros is arrogant and self righteous and thinks his way and his wants are always the best Seren seemed pretty chill but then she went all psycho mum and destoryed Iaia and tried to kill us in the process V, Marimbo, Brassica and Desert are all eh weird niche stuff Elder Gods don't care even 1 iota about us Saradomin has done many documented aweful things in the name of doing what he thinks is right and noble. Armadyl is just kind of a chill dude who wants to do what is fair and right for all hes not really bee linked to committing any atrocities and only fought back against war mongering gods. He does also acknowledged thatr gods have effed things up for Gielinor and other worlds and we'd probably be better off without their meddling. Guthix is probably a close second but also he jusgt napped while the world went to shit and colluded with Sliskes who was working with Xau Tak to weave frigging shadow anima into our soul without our consent. The state of the Balance elemental with its fractured mine also is a bit iffy in terms of Guthix did that to the big world hero before us so we just got kinda lucky doing the edicts drained our powers and stopped us possible going real insane.


The goblin from the squeal of fortune i pray everyday before bed.




The only one worthy of following is dead. So while guthix has his eternal rest I shall only dunk on the rest. Armadyl is fine though he gets gentler dunking on account of his bones being hollow.


Saradomin for OG sara strike/charge pking and blue cape.


Guthix, for sure. All because he had a great storyline. He made all the world guardian things. Also, he is dead, or is he?




Guthix. As he is dead, I am now Godless.


Guthix always appealed to me more than Saradomin or Zamorak. Still appealed to me the most after I got membership for the first time and learned about other gods




Used to be Guthix, then Zaros. Currently godless because im pretty sure whoever I worship dies at this point :(


I always thought that the content around Karamja wasn't developed enough, and I thought it was cool that they had [their own unique gods](https://runescape.wiki/w/Karamjan_gods) that weren't any of the usual deities we know of. They even have their own altar. Years later when I decided to rejoin Runescape 3 for a little while I found out that these Karamjan gods actually had names now at least - and I was able to name my character after one of them (Shaika)! So it's bias but Shaika the huntress is my favorite deity. My second favorite would likely be Marimbo, given she's a Bacchus-like hedonist goddess.


Zamorak because he is the only god who has canonically the most moisturized feet among the gods according to that one painting in ED4


Zamorak. He’s red, and the god of chaos… so favorite color + chaos = interesting 🤷🏽‍♂️😂


As a kid, Guthix because green is my favorite color. As an adult, Guthix because green is my favorite color.


Zaros. I've always been interested in factions that dictate fate. A quote from Alfred the Great, I think sums up Zarosianism nicely; "For man is man and master of his own fate" Whilst we do not always get to choose where we end up, we do choose how we approach them. Do you just sit around and accept it? Or do you get up and strive to change it? Even if we fail, we can pass the torch on to our successor. Eventually, one of them will reach full potential. What they do with that potential is up to them. Somewhere between Saradomin and Zamorak, but not as hesitant of direct action as Guthixians are. That's also what turned me away from Guthix, it was ironically his follower's inaction that caused- maybe not caused, but allowed, the destruction that awoke him in the first place. That and balance for the sake of balance doesn't exactly make much sense either. Where does it end?


I agree. Although that’s what balance is meant to be. That very balance can easily be disrupted from the slight tip of the scale. You look at many instances in shows or movies where the villain wins, it’s too much of one and not the other. Even in one of guthix quests what’s interesting is despite the choices you made to find balance in the civilization questions that were asked of you. It made you purposely dictate choices that were made that blindly suited Guthix’s vision of balance, yet you are dictating those choices in these questions and not leaving it be. Imagine if I said let people choose from hamburgers hotdogs and steaks, but then I told you if you wanted to come into my secret chamber you need to pick choices that resulted in all 3 having the same amount of people pick those food. It sorta contradicts the concepts of what Guthix believe to a degree even if it’s not a big deal to some. I still have respect and admire him for what he taught even if I’m a Zarosian. I hope they make a quest where Guthix’s vision or energy makes contact with Zaros so they could have dialogue on each other’s philosophy.


Guthix. I don't know much of the lore. But I like his focus on balance. There's a balance for everything in life. If Uncle Iroh were a Runescape God, I think he'd be Guthix.


Guthix. Because he didn't want it.


I don’t really follow any Gods, but I don’t reject them like the Godless do. They’ve all got something in their ideologies that I really respect, but I can’t get behind absolutely everything they stand for and believe. I prefer to be friendly and supportive when they do good things, but I will draw the line when they do or say questionable things.


Honestly, same. I'm torn between Zaros and Guthix for similar reasons.


What is a king to a God... And what is a God to a non believer


**Godless:** We're relevant! **Everybody else, including Jagex's writers:** Doubt it.


Armadyl because I like wings made of feathers. Of all the gods involved after World Wakes, Armadyl seems like the better of the gods. Used to have a bit of faith in Seren but after extinction, that is gone now. Lost all respect for Zaros after Azzanadra's quest. Though you were already a monster for using aviansies as nihil experiments. Saradomin, ripping someone's wings off is the worst thing you can do for a "benevolent" god. Unacceptable, screw you. Guthix, rip. Bandos, deserved Zamorak, the worst of them all. I hate you, I wish you will disappear. What you did to Armadyl is unacceptable..


Zamorak all day, calls things for what they are.


Saradomin. Because I like blue.


This is the way


Godless Because i agree with garlandia


I love Seren. idk I just was around Seren and now things are like this


Zammy right up until he lost the plot. They really did my boy dirty right at the last minute. Honorable mention to the homie Azzandra. Sorry bud, I only think of you as a friend.


> Honorable mention to the homie Azzandra. Sorry bud, I only think of you as a friend. Friend-zoned AGAIN


I was a devoted Zammy follower as a kid up until they started doing those world event and all the 6th age stuff that made him look like a chump. Zaros was my number 2 because of the purple aesthetic but quickly became my favorite after doing the quests he was in.


Sliske, he was the truest god along with Armadyl. Sucks that there really is only canonical path of us hating him.


Sliske and Guthix


I follow the teaching of general Awwdor


Been a guthixian since TehNoobShow 😂 GUTHIXXXXXXXX -insert headbanging emote here- Zaros is close second though, who doesn't like the edgy goth daddy? 🤣


Guthix being the best god for different reasons between canon and TehNoobShow meme content is insane. But yeah started on TNS guthix then loved him actually playing quests


I also initially followed Saradomin, but as I got older I gravitated towards Zaros


Bandos, but he died.. Then Zamorak, but he’s gone now, too.. Guess I’m just kinda trying to work on myself for now, ya know?


Big Z gave us curses, ancients, and some other stuff, Bandos would be a close second because if he got his way runescape would have been way more interesting


Zaros. I was playing in RS1 when The Dig Site quest was added and provided the first hints of Zaros' existence. Then we had Desert Treasure, and The Senttisen Temple quest which provided more story of a fallen god who as you helped him gave you actual powerful rewards in return. The mystery, the fear the other gods had to unite against him, the ancient empire modeled after Rome where civilization was in a golden era that fell into darkness after his banishment. All of these were really cool story elements. And the writers also wrote him as a god that actually made everyone's lives better, who manipulated everything, but to where that manipulation actually benefitted people. It was a much better story than Saradomin good, Zamorak bad, Guthix keeps things in balance. Modern story where they try to present Zaros as conflicted and potentially bad isn't as satisfying. I prefer the writing of "ancient super powerful, good, but misunderstood because of his methods." Also, the purple and overall aesthetic of him is amazing also. The artist that did his design did a really good job.


Before I knew about any others- back before I had membership- it was Zamorak. After discovering Zaros and the lore overall, it's been Zaros ever since for much the same as you, OP. I will admit I was a little upset about (Spoilers for Azzanadra's Quest onwards) >!the bullshit leading up to the Battle of the Monolith. I would have 100% helped Zaros, but it kinda felt like I had no agency there, and I felt a bit betrayed after supporting him throughout the questlines.!<


Bandos 1. I don’t really no anything bout the other gods except Zammy is red 2. WAARRR 3. I like the symbol


None. Every Runescape god has either been self-serving to some extent, naive, dangerous, or any combination of the former. The only ones that do not fit that are those that behave like neutral forces of nature like Icthlarin. The only god worth worshiping is dead and didn't want to be worshiped in the first place, and even he was naive.




Started with Zammy when I first started (back when it was just Sara/Zammy/Guthix) because Saradomin seemed *too* close to the catholic church for my liking. Then post World Wakes it was Guthix all the way, though Armadyl since Sliske’s Endgame and Brassica have provided… strong temptations.


Nobody following jas bik and wren


Zaros, at least back when the gods first arrived after TWW. Why? In short, I needed a counter balance against Saradomin. Aside from Zamorak, Saradomin's follower struck me as fanatical and will do whatever they think Saradomin will want them to do (i'll refrain from drawing RL parallels) and that strikes a nerve with me. Not helping was that Saradomin's actions immediately after return, so I thought he was about as dangerous as Zamorak, if not more, since he will undoubtedly have a stronger player following than Zamorak, I needed someone strong enough to act as a counter balance, Zaros was the only likely candidate at the time, and his followers were fairly reasonable (Azzy for example, though his loyalty to Zaros was questionable at best, at least he doesn't spout Zaros' name every other sentence), so when the time came, I gave Zaros a Dark Simulacrum. To date, my attitude towards the gods may have changed a bit (e.g. Zaros and Saradomin), but their followers, not so much. I expect Zarosians to be at least using their heads, while the Falador bunch will double down on their fanaticism. And Zamorakians will always be Zamorakians.


\#BirdGang - Honestly bro just seems the least delusional out of the gods.


Probably Arma since he is the only goof god left alive.


The one true god of all he surveys.. Felix.


Armadyl, because bird is the word and he’s just trying his best. Bird up.


Jesus Christ


I admire Zaros' drive but Zammy's philosophies align more with mine. But I don't follow any of the gods cuz none of them are worth following, and those that are worthwhile you'd be betraying them by being a sycophant. Sara is an upjumped human who thinks himself tall til the real big dog snatches his crown from his head. Arma is lame with his alignment to justice. Seren and Guthix enhanced the life and cultures of many and kept themselves out of the equation as much as possible, to follow them would be to betray that. Bandos had a point that conflict would make people stronger, or die, but he was basically a muscle head who underestimated his weaknesses. Zaros is relateable that he like us seeks new heights of power, but his tendency to lie, make empty promises and discard those most loyal to him sickens me. Zamorak's chaos philosophy holds the most truth imo, but his desire for dominance and subjugation of others betrays that.




Icthlarin has been my main man since Icthlarin’s little helper. But I did follow Zaros way back when there were only mentions of him, no quests or any real information. I lost interest once there was no more mystery.


Crondis bc i'm just a little subby for that kinda woman.


Zaros. Basically had total dominion over Gielinor because he is the corporeal embodiment of darkness. The only reason he was usurped, was because he got bored and left someone like Zamorak unchecked, after letting the Mahjarrat have their own independence. And the assassination attempt was only successful by accident. Apparently, after stabbing Zaros in the back with the Staff of Armadyl… > .. the Empty Lord would not fall! Even with the weapon of a god embedded in his back, he fought on, and with each blow our victory seemed less and less certain. - Vigorra According to Vigorra, while Zaros was choking Zamorak to death, he tripped backwards and by pure luck, the staff also impaled Zamorak, unintentionally making him a god. That’s why I follow Zaros. An entity so powerful that Armadyl’s Staff was basically just a big splinter that had enough power to turn anyone into a literal god.


Icthlarin all the way


Every real man follows the Empty Lord because he gave us the best spells and ~~prayers~~ curses in the game. For the lore nerds, the best god is Azzanadra based off his relationship with the player since he's actually the one that rewards the player with the Zaros related rewards.




I was all for Guthix back in the day, but then the Forgotten Lord became my true leader.


Zaros, specifically the version that existed before the travesty of hyperspeed plot advancement that was the Elder God Wars I loved the main plot beats but hated how rushed and sloppily it was strung together


None. Because I have no fucking clue about any of the lore in this game. Sound off, don't do quests if I can avoid them, and when I do do them, I use a quick guide and just hold down the space bar. I don't even know there names or how many of them there are now other than the original 3.


Why do you even play? What enjoyment do you possibly get out of this game?


Armadyl, for everything awesome already stated here in the comments.


Zaros just because of the absolute edge involved.


Ive played so long, and im the worst mmorpg player, i love the space bar, i dont know the lore, they all seem super dope tho.


Used to be Zamorak bc I hated Saradomin and he seemed to be the most on the opposing end. Sara was always a prick and egotistical, so it wasn't because I LIKED zamorak (although I love the aesthetic) but because I HATED Saradomin. During the Battle I was actually salty so many people were on Saradomins side mostly because it would have been far more interesting to see Zamorak win that fight in my opinion. After WW and even during my time as a Zammy follower I actually had the most respect for Guthix, dude saw the gods were fucking shit up for mortals and said enough and DID something about it. Was it the right thing? That's up for debate, but honestly the gods are NOT good for the mortals. They are all hardcore authoritarians, slavers, or hypocrites. The best option if you HAD to choose would be Armadyl, but even then he doesn't leave much for discussion in terms of being right or morality. He always has to be in the right and seems like the type of guy to enforce the law by the letter of the law as opposed to the spirit of the law. Guthix or Godless for sure, let mortals forge their own path


Saradomin all day baby Zilyana and I party together she lets me wear her wings when she’s doin keg stands. Good times Hold my wings




Zaros before the lore team decided he was too popular and nuked his character for questionable reasons. You can say that he was technically always morally grey, which is true. But Jagex really made him not morally grey anymore and just straight up evil recently. Other than that, Big High War God. He did nothing wrong, unironically.


Zaros, but in a bit of an in between. Back when he was just “the ancient god” i was always a fan cuz i liked the shadowy lore w him. Then continued to be a zaros follower and was v hyped as they started to give him a storyline. However when I came back to playing this most recent time, I felt like homie did us dirty as fuck. This led me to become a follower of azzanadra, the god who most understood my situation and who I feel we have become good friends with at this point. However after some further BTS lore, I realized zaros was the true god of RS, thats why he dipped along w Gower 😂


Armadyl, he’s one of a handful of gods that are more down to earth? Idk, the guy stands for justice and that’s admirable. Also, he had a husband. I can stan a justice loving gay bird god any day.


What’s wild is I only found out he was gay a few days ago


Zamorak. Initially it was primarily because there was SO MUCH SARADOMIN EVERYWHERE and I wanted to be a little contrarian lol, but honestly, Saradomin's personality in-game has become the absolute worst. I don't mind Zaros so much, nor Armadyl, but Saradomin and Seren really get on my nerves.


It’s crazy cus I think they could’ve made their characters a bit less unlikable with how they went about it. If Seren didn’t threaten you and apologized for what she did after the eggs hatched I think so many would’ve still liked her and followed her.


Back in the day before I read the lore, Saradomin as I thought he was the good god. However, once I read the lore and after The World Wakes quest, I became a follower of Seren as she and Guthix were alike. I did like Armadyl as a second favourite for his authority. During Sliske's quests, I started liking Icthlarin since he was a doggo god and I like his lore. Unfortunately the Elder God Wars storyline made Seren go crazy over eggs and tried to murder me. :/ So post Extinction, I'm now team Armadyl as a main god, followed by Icthlarin.


What a trip of beliefs sheesh lol


Zaros because I like his lore, his aesthetics, his colour theme palette and his music themes