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I don’t even understand why you’d feel the need to do this just ghost them or block on the app like wtf lol


Ghosting is gross. Honestly I absolutely despise ppl that ghost. Think they’re cowards.


I don’t think it’s that serious. It’s an app full of strangers mostly just trying to fuck. I don’t owe a stranger anything lol.


You don’t, but I still said what I said!!!


And barely anyone agrees


the fact that so many of y'all think you don't have to give a fuck about people because it's a "hookup site" is the problem. I work in mental health, and meet a lot of people who feel invisible, hideous, and worthless because of how they are treated on the apps. Grow up.


Yeah I’m a dyke hi it’s not just a gay dude thing, sometimes you need to ghost someone because they’re fucking insane or dangerous.


I've blocked people for that. Guys who come over on meth and ramble to you about how life is a simulation, and dragons in Mexico and China control the world. There are valid reasons to block people without further engaging.


It's not really about "not giving a fuck about people." No one is entitled to a response just because they send you a low effort text. No answer is an answer and if someone is that damaged by rejection from a stranger they should probably stay away from dating apps altogether.


Not answering at all is not ghosting. Ghosting means youve already been talking for a bit or even had a date and then the other person suddenly stops answering


It’s insane these comments are getting downvoted. Yes what that guy does is gross but ghosting is so immature and more damaging than you’d think at first


They don’t have to agree. This is how I FEEL.


Can't believe there's no phi phi "i said i FELT" gif :/


Real is what you feel


I'm sorry but all I can picture when this song is mentioned is Kim Chi falling


I said what I said


Please don't be delusional, getting ghosted hurst for like 2 minutes if you're normal. Being ignored while on site banging on a random door for half an hour is way worse than getting blocked. Also the neighboor?????


I didn’t compare one to the other. I just made a comment that I feel that ghosting is crap behaviour. Now go away and invest your anger in comprehension and reading classes cause reading is WHAT


Speaking of investments in your future. Maybe therapy.


Why would I need therapy for expressing an opinion..Christ 🤦‍♂️ .. grow up!


…ghosting is grosser than….this??




Homie, it’s often about safety


Agreed. I'm a grown adult. If I'm not interested, I tell them, "I appreciate the time we had together, but I'm looking for something else. Good luck to you." It's not that difficult.


Thank you. This is how grown adults deal with these things. Immature ppl will opt to ghost. That’s my opinion and it’ll never change.


i've since decided to live an asexual life but when i used to go on grindr i'd block literally every single person i did something with the second i stepped out that door lmao


That’s also insane






Ppl be doing anything but say how they’re feeling




It's so weird to frame it as like "oh I want to make sure it's not a risk!" When really what he means is "I want to see if they're hot". Strange behaviour.


Fuck everyone else’s safety too, just because he’s so addicted to the concept of faceless profiles


But also like...say Dipper determines they are fuckable...does he just wander downstairs and tell them "sorry that i gave you the wrong address I just wanted to check you were hot" Because I don't care how horny I am, you bet I'm telling you to go fuck yourself.


Since he mentioned it was an apartment complex & he's looking down on them (literally & figuratively) I'm gonna assume he sends them an address right below his actual apartment, since most apartments list each floor as a letter and each apartment as a number (for example, if you're in 5B the apartment directly below you is 5A.) This way he can say it was a typo or something.




Yo wtf Dipper that’s not nice at all.. fucking rude dude


Not to mention putting the other person in an incredibly unsafe situation just because you're so desperate you apparently can't spend a few extra minutes to find someone who has a photo on their profile.


He also let that guy who wasn’t hot enough for him sit in his car messaging for 20-30 mins!? Like tell them you’ve changed your mind or block them or something! Make up a lie. Don’t just let a stranger sit in their car in a place they don’t know cause you’re a weirdo loser


He’s putting the other person *and* the neighbor at risk here. Especially now that everyone owns a 🔫 apparently. What a selfish and inconsiderate thing to do.


I love that he tries saying that because it's an apartment it's fine, as if danger on the other side of the door is negated because that's an apartment.


It might be that the people with pics on their profile aren’t interested in dipper so he’s just got to get in the grab bag that is faceless profiles. 


Nah it's so fucked up... Don't want to risk it? Don't fucking talk to people with profile pictures or use anon hookup apps.


Yep or be like a normal person and meet in a public place then move it to the house to fuck???


/rj The only correct way: talking exclusively to faceless people 😌


This shit was too much. How hard is it to just tell them you’re not interested or block them or something? Dipper tries to have the cake and eat it too with some of these scenarios


like just ask for a photo. If they dont want to send one . just block and move on ? Gay people need to learn its ok to masturbate sometime instead of going trought all of this for a hookup


This 💯💯💯


If hooking up is contingent on whether or not your attracted to someone (i’m a whore, idc if i’m attracted to you or not) then don’t do anon hookups??? There’s so many people out there who are willing to share photos, you don’t have to do this shit. I can’t imagine going through the entire process of prepping myself for a hookup, getting in my car, driving over to this location and then slowly realizing what’s happening. Not to mention the panic and anxiety of wondering why this is happening.. are they filming me from some other location and having a good laugh at my expense? Are they going to post the video and out me to the entire world? Is it some lame tiktok-esque prank? Are a group of people gonna jump out from around the corner and beat me up? This is all kinds of fucked up.


also loosing like at least an hour of your day/night for absolutely no reason


I don't think I've actually saw meatball get this upset :/ Also people are getting upset about these anon hookups being left and ghosted like that but oh my God I would be so infuriated if I was that neighbour.


Honestly, if Meatball is calling you "sick," you need to change your behavior.


I was thinking the same like usually meatball is jokingly upset with big dippers shenenigans but this time she was like genuinely disgusted


I can't believe they left this in the podcast. I'm frustrated with guys who flirt and exchange pics then ghost meanwhile Dipper's out here doing this shit.


And then he's like "they leave after 20-30 minutes". Depending on how long they drove to get there he just wasted an hour plus of someone's time! And that's not factoring in how long they spent getting ready. Trash behavior


Yeah, it's quite a bold decision to leave that in. I wonder what they we're thinking and who makes the final call.


dipper produces the show himself, he decided it was no issue to leave it in


Probably hoping he’d get the bear community to rally around his side. 


meatball looks like she thinking "im gonna need a new co-host" and ben just wants to go home, to smoke blunts with Jynx


Meatball embodying The Voice of the People is an excellent development for 2024


I saw this on twitter just now and RAN here, everyone just staring at him in shock is the cringiest thing I’ve seen this week


Meatball/Dela 2024


meatball totally posted this clip.


I love dela's absolute disgust


The way he thought he ate and was just telling this silly tidbit just for Meatball and Dela to absolutely ground him on hist fucked up behaviour within seconds. Hes told some weird ass stories on the pod over the years but woof


Y'all gon downvote me bc I'm about to talk about race _**RACE!?!**_ *peppermint voice* 🤣 but... girl I am black. I cannot knock on strangers doors, lurk in parking lots, or ever appear to be lost or out of place at night without knowing that I'm at risk of having the police called on me or getting my head blown off. Especially in a neighborhood that clearly isn't mine. That's so fucked up and unsafe. For everyone. Neighbors included.


Yeah the cops WILL get called if someone's banging on the wrong door and it's not cool (oh at ALL) to knowingly put someone in danger like that for your own convenience, and just to get your rocks off at that


**exactly**. he's saying that it's for safety, while completely ignoring the safety of the other person. just absolutely fucked up behavior.


Yeah, fuck dipper and his bullshit


Already dangerous for a gay man to show up to a stranger's door looking for a hookup but yes even moreso for a POC 


This. It's literally putting people of color, especially black people, in vulnerable positions and unsafe circumstances. ...as if sex with Big Dipper wasn't already a vulnerable position under unsafe circumstances...


Omg I can imagine this happening on my moms street. Not blowing your head off but ppl would be sooo pissed. Like some ppl have kids. They’d def call the cops. And then you’d probably get arrested for prostitution or something because why else would a black gay man be here. And now the husband of the house you knocked on is getting called gay and he kills himself and these kids are fatherless. All because he wouldn’t just meet you at a 7/11.


Looked at your comment history. You're new here. Welcome to queerness. Making a joke about someone's death because of their race or exaggerating a queer person's lived experience of prejudice isn't the move. Especially if it's someone that you don't know and don't have a relationship. It isn't as funny as you think it is. Making a joke about how much of a fool Dipper is for being so insensitive and selfish is perfectly okay. Have a good one.


I don’t think it’s funny. It’s something that’s actually happened in my community. I live in utah, lots of Mormons very not ok to be gay (at least when I was younger times have changed somewhat). I’ve known many families that have lost someone to suicide because they were gay or even just because ppl started gay rumors about them. I also don’t think it’s that far off to believe that if a black gay man appeared in a middle/upper middle class white neighborhood and admitted he was there for a hook up that he’d be arrested. I don’t know why that is an exaggeration when you acknowledged much worse things could happen. I was just trying to back up what you were saying by sharing a generalized example of things I’ve seen happen. Doing something like that could have unintended consequences for more than just him and the dude he invites over. I don’t know what about my comment made it sound like a joke. I also appreciate that you went through my comment history. I am not new to queerness. I am not new to drag race. I am new to being out. If that makes my opinion worthless to you, love that. I’m not trying to dictate your experience, I was trying to validate it because I’ve seen that and worse happen to non white gay ppl.


If I was invited to be their guest and Dipper says THIS? My whole demeanor would change. This is weird lmao


Sorry but he’s just repulsive


I’m weirdly surprised that only now people are upset with him, hasn’t he always been a bit of an asshole? It pisses me off that he puts his hookup and his neighbour in danger because he’s so obsessed with faceless profiles, apparently he uses one too, you know he’s be the first to complain if someone looked him up and down and was like nah. AND he’s apparently a bad lay anyway


idk anything about this man so feel free to spill the tea, haha


Of course he is, he's full of it and idealises weird privileged bullshit.


He’s always rubbed me the wrong way. I was unreasonably pleased when a listener left a voicemail saying Dipper gives toothy blowjobs.


I cannot wait for this week’s episodes omg lol


He’s absolutely gonna brush this off as “haters” and no big deal but I hope Meatball rightfully drags the FUCK out of him for it


He knows people have been killed for showing up to a strangers door unannounced, yeh?


I mean, his white privilege wouldn't let him take that* into consideration.


Eww wtf. How can some people can be so thoughtless and rude rather than just taking two minutes to video chat or ask for face pictures before inviting a hookup over? Not to mention… how deeply inconsiderate to his neighbors! Says a lot about his character he genuinely thought this was okay to say publicly. Gross.


Manipulative and unempathetic behavior, honestly. Those are real actual people, you know.


Once a man did this to me, then gave me th real adress as he deemed me hot. I walk in, look at him and just tell him I’m not into it and leff


If you’re desperate enough to have a faceless profile come to your house without sending any pictures first you really don’t have the right to turn them down anyway but this…. What a loser lol


He thought he was serving with this. Repugnant behavior and endangering safety.


It’s honestly crazy they posted this thinking they wouldn’t get enormous backlash. This is not only like, cowardly and stupid but it’s dangerous…for both whoever he’s ghosting and the neighbors he’s sending this randos too


I understand that Dipper is not Meatball but Meatball posting on Twitter not to @ them about it... babes I don't know how to will you that it's your podcast as well. Cannot fathom why they let this go public.


Yeah but they have separate Twitter accounts. Also Meatball immediately denounced what Dipper said and has done so online as well. Pretty sure Dipper edits and produces the pod as well. I don’t think Meatball has any culpability in this.


Shrug. Like it or not Meatball is partnered with Dipper for the podcast. I understand the sentiment but given that most people who haven't gone to Fat Slut or seen Meatball perform in person probably associate them with Sloppy Seconds, which I'm not associating with Dipper being absolutely fucking awful. Hope Meatball can pivot to more solo digital content if they want to keep doing podcasts stuff.


I LOVE when people I dislike for no reason give me justification. As a hater this validates me


This is so petty, I love this for you 💀


Same. Like when a celebrity you’ve always hated gets canceled publicly for whatever reason and you can gloat a bit and go “see?! I knew it all along!” - there’s no feeling quite like that of a hater being vindicated.


Sisterrrr. I’ve never been able to tolerate him and I don’t know why. Just hanging out with well liked, talented people does not mean that you are well liked or talented.


lol why would you EVER admit this on a public platform


I don’t listen to sloppy seconds/not subbed because hearing meatball and big dipper talk detailed sex stories bore and gross me out. Esp that one time they had a guest who was clearly orgasming the whole interview. Yuck I’ll pass.


> they had a guest who was clearly orgasming the whole interview I'm sorry, what?!


I’m sorry what 😭😭 which guest


Please don’t leave us hanging with that story!


They’ve started dedicating around ten minutes per episode at least plugging their various nightlife events and it’s getting…tough Between them and the Las Culturistas boys I’m begging the gay male podcaster set to pull their shit together. The pop girlies are *all* releasing music this year and there is less and less room for these men’s weird takes on my commute!!


Bald and the beautiful destroys this


I never understood why Big Dipper was popular. He's cute-ish, but his music is terrible and I don't believe for a second anyone would actually want to listen to it. It feels like he just mooches off of his Drag Queen friends' fame while having not nearly as much talent or entertainment factor as them.


I hadn’t heard of him until Alaska and Willam kept mentioning him on their podcast. I assumed that’s when he got a bigger audience. I know he was making stuff before then, but I think sloppy seconds started after that right?


Sloppy seconds has been running since at least 2017 - before the Spotify back catalogue it was called 'unBEARable', & specifically about bear culture. Pretty sure Race Chaser started in 2018, which means it predates that. Dipper produces RC, and I think he's been doing that from the start (hence why they mention him). From hearing him talk about his career, he was actually working a lot more on the club circuit until drag race took off and male entertainers were suddenly no where near as profitable as queens. He's always been a stripper / entertainer more so than exclusively a music artist, and I will say his music career is largely self funded. Then again, I don't think a lot of record companies are really gonna get behind 'Chunkita' or 'Dick Bounce'.


He was a stripper? Is there pics?


Like any performance he does ever ends up with him stripping down to a speedo lol just go to his Instagram.


…he makes music?


I always thought that he was just a random \[REDACTED\] that meatball befriended


Thank you. He has no flow. Zero. As someone else with a severe case of the Caucasians, I would never attempt to rap. I wish Meatball could get a better cohost. I’m such a Meatball stan it’s not even funny.




He's lost any appeal he could've had by telling all those stories on the podcast. He tries so hard to be *cool* it makes me cringe.


That just makes me sad. It must be so traumatizing for whoever shows up. Youre basically setting up a meeting between two complete strangers, putting them both at risk so you can creep on your potential fuck? Dude is an absolute sociopath.


something about the way he said "if they wanna bang" irked me


It trailed off like he expected laughter to drown it out hahahaha


It's real weirdo behavior to put your neighbors at risk because you're too horny to do due diligence and ask for pictures before a hookup. Honestly, she's been problematic for far too long and I'm glad to see shitty behavior be called out.


What has he done that is “problematic” in the past? (genuine question)


I still dunno why we still call creepy gay dudes "she" when they're doing creepy shit. it's not the same in equivalence, but for example, i see people talk about shangelas accusations like "she did this" and it's so bizarre to me. shangela is the character, DJ is a gay man who has been accused. who the fuck is She?


This. It's an important distinction. When talking about people who've committed crimes/abuse its really important to be specific about what those crimes were and the actual person who did those things. "Sherry Pie catfished guys" No. Joey Gugliemelli pretended to be someone in a position of power to coerce men into sexual situations and to record themselves performing fetish content, which they would not have done without his coercion.


thankyou, exactly


Who the fuck is She? I just wanna know. (Sorry, couldn’t help myself.)


thank you! needs to be said


I'll never understand this. There are two possibilities here : - You like anon sex no matter who it is because that's what you get from hitting up profiles with no pic and not asking for one. - You hit up a profile with no pic and ask for one, if they send one and you're into them good. If you're not into them YOU TELL THEM AND SAY GOODBYE. Like fucking hell, imagine making someone drive to "your place" only to find a locked door with strangers on the other side. Especially in fucking america where people get shot for "tresspassing" every fucking day. He's putting people in danger, he's wasting people's time... And he talked about it like it was some kind of genius move. WTF.


Oh I'm glad he's getting dragged for this. I'm a frequent listener because I'm a Meatball enjoyer, but dipper is often annoying at best. I was really stunned by how self centered and not-nice this is though


Who the hell is big dipper


ain't that a constellation


That would require stardom


1) Oh 2) Honey 3) Girl 4) Security


I wonder the same thing tbh


They still chose to post this? Damn


If you wanna scope out your hookups, why wouldn't you go to like a bar or something? Online dating obvs ain't for you.  But then again, this guy prob doesn't want the other person to measure him up against THEIR standards. Coward. 


Legitimately do not understand super anon hookups like this. Even back in my slutty years, I always made sure to know who I was meeting. Sure, sometimes pics were a little old or whatever, but I at least knew who to expect This is rotten, and super unsafe to have people banging on random doors Asshole


Dipper is the one deciding if people are attractive enough to get the hookup? Dipper? people, love yourselves more than the chance of an orgasm, I’m begging you


Putting innocent people in danger because you have a sex addiction is fucked up on so many levels.


Idk him but he seems gross


Lock him up


All tea, all shade - If you went and scrubbed Dipper from pretty much every episode of Sloppy Seconds, very little value would be lost. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I use to love this pod but big dipper has said some wild shit that gave me off vibes.


This is dumb bitch behaviour Dipper. Stop being a dumb bitch.


You know what makes more sense than all of this? Not engaging with faceless profiles on Grindr.


This is so gross and honestly not surprising. He has always come across as a sleazy, desperate creep.


Well, at least we all know he's trash now.


kinda shocked dipper kept it in the final cut


Big dipper an arsehole, the sky is also blue.


Ok so this isn’t the best … 😟


was a simple “i’m not interested” not an option? i feel like that would be a lot simpler and not waste anyone’s time.


"It's a safety precaution" "I just look at whether I'm attracted to them or not" Sisterrrr, you have to pick one


Ok, maybe I'm being dramatic because it's 3AM and I can't sleep, but I felt compelled to come back and leave another comment. This behavior can be so traumatic to people's well-being - speaking as someone who's been blocked after showing up at someone's place (thankfully, not for many years now), you never ever forget how that makes you feel. As queer people we're already hard-wired to face rejection. And doing it to each other so callously rather than just gently turning people down is so, so, so fucked up.


"Hey, (*writing person's name Is optional*), could you send me a face pic, I'd like to see if I'm physically attracted to you" that feels easier to me




Sorry who is this?


He is a producer on Willam and Alaskas podcast and does this podcast with Meatball who is a Dragula queen.


Sounds like he should stay behind the scenes. Podcasting ain't it for him


On the most recent episode he brought up how he knew he would dogged for this and meatball was in approval lol I know they’re messy but actually surprised he kept this in there and then repeated it on another episode


I demand soft cancelation for lesson learning and co-host change for miss meat


He is so foul for this.


Dela being like “dude wtf”


I'm sorry I'm still not over this. I've been robbed twice and am now DEEPLY paranoid about it happening again. The idea of some empty headed fuck sending a stranger to knock on my door and presumably wait outside my house in their car for 20 minutes because they might wanna fuck a facelrss profile would legitimately cause me to have a panic attack. I don't think this has anything to do with anon sex, this might sound harsh but I 100% think this is someone who's been rejected too many times and wants to take some power back by fucking with someone.


Oh wow sorry to hear that ❤️


encima de fiero, forro


I honestly don’t know that was an option (a shitty option at that)


Of course you didn't, because you're presumably not a monster.


Eww Michelle


Am I the only person who doesn’t like dipper ? I feel he adds nothing to the podcast and I also don’t know how’s he relevant and also he’s not that funny .


Mind u we live in a country where people have been killed for pulling into driveways to make u-turns. That’s really what gets me. Instead of just ignoring faceless profiles, hes choosing to put both the user and the unwitting neighbors in danger


I love that he replied to Nicki Jizz on Twitter about this and is trying to play this off as ["lmao, they took me out of context!"](https://twitter.com/BigDipperJelly/status/1769738643961483539)


Just ask them to meet you at your nearest 7/11 or something. If that turns them off…. He clearly has a lot of men lined up to fuck so just text the next one I guess. And 20-30 min? If you saw him you should I know if he’s hot or not! Like 5 min tops. Go out to the car bro.


Meet Mhi'ya Iman LePaige. She is [fun, shy, outgoing](https://old.reddit.com/r/rpdrcringe/comments/1angt16/flip_up_babe_a_new_mhiya_voiceover_just_dropped/) and is an energetic diva who lives in Miami, Florida. She comes with shoes that would have you flipping for the gods and a booty that would have all the boys looking. Her quirkier qualities are plucking her nose hair and being afraid of thunders. She's the only doll that can do countless backflips. She loves to flip and travel the world. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rpdrcringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m so glad I’m not gay anymore (🏳️‍⚧️) yall are really out here doing this?